How to Outline - Draft of how to speech PDF

Title How to Outline - Draft of how to speech
Author Manu Nair
Course Intro To Public Speaking- Oc
Institution University of Louisville
Pages 3
File Size 91.7 KB
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Topic: How to Start and Maintain a Keto Diet Specific Purpose: To inform my class of the benefits of a keto diet and how they can easily make the transition by employing the proper strategies. Thesis: While it is difficult to manage both a budget and our physiques as college students, a keto diet is a great way to stay healthy and lose weight while maintaining a college student budget. Introduction I. Attention Getter: The National College Health Risk Behavior Survey suggests that as many as 35% of college students may be overweight or obese. II. Thesis/Main Point Preview: While it is difficult to manage both a budget and our physiques as college students, a keto diet is a great way to stay healthy and lose weight while maintaining a college student budget. A keto diet is maintainable and affordable if one counts macromolecules, creates weekly meal plans, and avoids unnecessary spending. III. Credibility Statement: As someone who gained his Freshman 15, I started a keto diet at the beginning of my sophomore year of college and lost a decent amount of weight. I found it was a lot easier than most people believe, and if I can do it, anyone can as well. Body I. Count your macromolecules. i. Macromolecules are the major biomolecules that our bodies use to conduct the processes involved with metabolism. ii. From a food standpoint, they are the major molecules that we digest when we eat food. iii. The main macromolecules that we should monitor are carbohydrates, protein, and fats. b. A keto diet is one high in fat and low in carbohydrates. i. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in your body that you use to conduct cellular respiration, which is essential to your energy level. ii. A keto diet employs the body’s ability to switch to ketosis. iii. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which fat provides most of the fuel for the body. It occurs when there is limited access to glucose, which is the preferred fuel source for many cells in the body. Ketosis is most often associated with ketogenic and very low-carb diets. c. The goal for a ketogenic diet is to eat around 20 carbs a day. i. When you first begin, start at 50 carbs a day and work your way down for the first couple of weeks. ii. It is important to record the carbs in every meal that you eat and to know your total each and every day. Transition: While going on a diet may sound mundane and tedious, the next step in starting a keto diet allows you to access your full creative potential!

II. Make your meal plans weekly.

a. The first step is to identify what foods you can eat. i. All forms of grains and sugars are not recommended on keto. These usually have high carb counts and can kick you out of ketosis quickly. Unfortunately, this includes most fruits, but there are a few exceptions. Foods that are used often in ketogenic diets include. 1. All types of meat. 2. Fibrous vegetables (greens) and low-carb fruits – kiwis, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries 3. Eggs b. The next step is to find some great recipes using the foods you are planning on eating throughout the week. i. You could look online and find keto diet recipes involving any of your ingredients. ii. Using websites like allows you to find recipes with everything you have already in your kitchen. This is a great way to try something new! iii. Be ready to sacrifice the foods you may like a lot. This includes any sweets, chocolate, soda, candy, chips, and most junk food in general. You will find that a well-made home cooked meal hits the spot a lot nicer than a bag of Doritos! c. Make time in your weekly schedule to cook your meals. i. This was especially difficult for me as a college student. I found that by waking up one hour earlier each day, I had plenty of time to cook three meals. 1. I began waking up at 9 am instead of 10 am and made myself breakfast and prepared my lunch before my first few classes. For dinner, I simply took a study break and made a delicious dish. 2. Everybody needs to eat three meals a day and it is dangerous to skip any meals purely because you don’t have time. Make a schedule of your day and figure out when meal prep can best fit into your schedule. The average time it takes me to cook a meal is only around 10-15 minutes, which is an amount of time most people can spare during the day. 3. Finally, NO CHEAT DAYS. The concept of a ketogenic diet entails abstaining from one fuel source and switching to another. If you were to take a cheat day, your body would use the carbohydrates you have given it for energy instead of burning fat. This would essentially kick you out of ketosis and make you start the process all over again. Ketosis generally takes 48 hours to begin and an intake of carbs gives the body its preferred energy fuel. Cheat days make you begin the process all over, and in the long haul, it is not worth it. Transition: Finally, we can discuss the issue that’s on everyone’s mind. How are you going to afford this? Isn’t eating healthier more expensive?

III. The answer is, “No, not at all!” if you form a weekly budget based on your preferences and shop smart. a. According to Healthline “A ketogenic diet is a great lifestyle change to make – not only because of the many health benefits but also the financial benefits!”

i. On a keto diet, you are purchasing mostly natural foods, which are much cheaper than processed foods. I ended up saving money on groceries after I began my keto diet. Buying lean meats and fibrous veggies takes up most of your grocery list, and they are not expensive whatsoever. The most expensive foods are ones that are from top brands of snacks and junk foods. These aren’t present in a keto dieter’s shopping cart, and this makes your wallet feel much thicker. ii. Make a list of your weekly groceries and remember their prices. Try and set an overall goal for how much money you want to spend and prioritize the items that you may need most. b. A keto diet will also save you money in the doctor’s office. i. There are so many health benefits to keto, it is hard to list all of them. ii. The high protein intake helps build muscle in the gym and stay lean. There are also studies that prove a positive relationship between a keto diet and reducing cancer growth and Alzheimer’s symptoms. A keto diet can also reduce cholesterol, high blood sugar, and reduce acne due to the lower amount of sugary processed foods. Transition: Let’s summarize Conclusion I. Central Idea/Review Statement: While it is difficult to manage both a budget and our physiques as college students, a keto diet is a great way to stay healthy and lose weight while maintaining a college student budget. A keto diet is maintainable and affordable if one counts macromolecules, creates weekly meal plans, and avoids unnecessary spending. II. Clincher: You’ll be pleasantly surprised how easy weight loss can be with a keto diet. Works Cited

Mawer, Rudy. “The Ketogenic Diet: A Detailed Beginner's Guide to Keto.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 30 July 2018, Marcelo Campos, MD. “Ketogenic Diet: Is the Ultimate Low-Carb Diet Good for You?” Harvard Health Blog, 27 Apr. 2020, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, MD. “A Ketogenic Diet for Beginners: The #1 Keto Guide.” Diet Doctor, Diet Doctor, 27 June 2016,

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