How to structure the IA Report - Physics PDF

Title How to structure the IA Report - Physics
Course Physics
Institution International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
Pages 2
File Size 106.2 KB
File Type PDF
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IA structure...


How to structure the IA Report? Front page (1 page) -

IA Report Physics Title (pointing at the topic you are covering) Inviting picture The RQ (phrased as a question!) Candidate session no.

Introduction (½ page) -

How did you get interested and involved in this topic? Why is this worth an investigation? All this leading up to RQ in bold

Background theory (1-2 pages) -

Relevant theory is explained and sources are correctly referenced How is the RQ going to be answered? How is it possible to determine this and that??? Explain/present using general terms and formulae (no calculations!) Incl. discussion involving independent and dependent variable In what way did you design your own experiment? (*) (showing independently thinking, initiative and creativity), controlled variabels!

Method -

Equipment/apparatus list specifying size and numbers (including notes on safety aspects!) Set up (digital photo and/or sketch) Procedure (detailed enough for others to repeat your experiment!)

Raw data -

Qualitative data (relevant observations) Quantitative data (numbers, units, absolute uncertainties) presented in tables

Data processing -


One example of each type of calculations (systematic write up: Text, general formula, numbers/units, result including units, rounding to correct number of significant digits/number of decimal places according to calculations made!) Table summing up the most important calculated values for all trials One example of the uncertainty calculations Table presenting the calculated results including the matching propagated uncertainty for all trials

Conclusion -

Brief and concise conclusion answering the RQ and commenting on accuracy and precision through comparison with the table value (if possible!)

Evaluation -

Weaknesses spotted during the experiment including a qualified guess on how that weakness will affect the final result


Suggestions for relevant/possible improvements regarding the weaknesses spotted

* Regarding design – see reverse page!

How to explain experiment design? 1. Defining the problem and identifying the variables In this experiment I will investigate ……….. I have identified the following variables (logical/qualified guesses!) a) b) c) ……. My focused RQ will be: How does the ……..affect the…….? Identification of variables: Independent variable (the one we manipulate): Dependent variable (the one we measure): Controlled variables (the ones we keep constant): My hypothesis is ……….(including arguments based on theory): 2. Controlling variables In this experiment I plan control the controlled variables in the following way (explain how! If it is not possible to control a variable fully, then state in what way you will monitor it during the experiment.) 3. Collecting raw data Make sure that the quantity and quality of the raw data is satisfactory (at least 5 readings per variable and at least 3 trials to be able to evaluate the precision)....

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