HSBC Bank Statement - Template Lab PDF

Title HSBC Bank Statement - Template Lab
Author Anonymous User
Course PL-400 Exam Dumps - PDF Questions with Correct Answers
Institution University of London
Pages 1
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Your Statement Contact Tel +44 80000000 See reverse for call time Text phone +4470 0592 1249 Used by deaf or speech impaired customers

Cur r entAccountSt at ement AccountName AHMADMUSTAPHADAFER Accountnumber00990275 Sor tCode 400615 502 2/ / 3 4562 004562 00684 00506 200015

Openi ngBal ance Pay ment sI n Pay ment sOut Cl os i ngBal anc e Acc ountTy pe

07th February 2014

€3, 000, 000, 000. 00 €1, 995, 000, 000. 00 €1, 895, 000, 000. 00 €3, 100, 000, 000. 00 CURRENT/ EUROPEANCURRENCY

International Bank Account Number IDLGB225278/00990274

AHMAD MUSTAPHA DAFER 43 Great Sutton Street, London ECIV 2DB, United Kingdom


Transactions Dat e

11J an13 18J an13

Descr i pt i on Cont i nued

Det ai l s


Moneyi n

Bal anceB/ F Recei v edf r om I BM UK Jan.2010

Bal ance

3, 000, 000, 000. 00 Cr edi t

1, 000, 000, 000. 00

4, 000, 000, 000. 00

Pay mentt oNat wes tMt gePa yt


Ref :001587905

Debi t

300, 000, 000. 00

3, 700, 000, 000. 00


Pay mentt oUKpr ovi dentFundby Dr af t

Debi t

200, 000, 000. 00

3, 500, 000, 000. 00

Debi t

1, 000, 000, 000. 00

2, 500, 000, 000. 00


Di r ectDebi tHSBCUK Recei v edf r om Mi c r osof tUK



Cr edi t

300, 000, 000. 00

2, 800, 000, 000. 00


Tr ans f erf r om Sor tCode201053

Cr edi t

500, 000, 000. 00

3, 300, 000, 000. 00

08May 13

Paymentt oEx x onMobi lUnl i mi t ed

Debi t


Rec ei v edf r om Br i t i s hPet r ol eum

Cr edi t


Paymentt oBoar dofI nt er nal

Debi t

5, 000, 000. 00

3, 250, 000, 000. 00

02J ul y13

Di r ectDebi tHSBCChi na

Debi t

10, 000, 000. 00

3. 240, 000, 000. 00


Rec ei v edf r om Shel lBP

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13Sept13 Dr awnonChoNo.448960

Debi t


Tr ansf erf r om HSBCDubai

Cr edi t


Cl osi ngBal anc e

100, 000, 000. 00

3, 200, 000, 000. 00 55, 000, 000. 00

40, 000, 000. 00 280, 000, 000. 00

Cor r espondence:HSBCBankPLC

Ul t i mat eHol di ngCompany :8CanadaSquar eLondonEl45HQ Uni t edKi ngdom

3, 255, 000, 000. 00

3. 280, 000, 000. 00 3, 000, 000, 000. 00

100, 000, 000. 00

3, 100, 000, 000. 00 3, 100, 000, 000. 00

Sor tCode400515

St at ementpage1...

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