Title HSE111
Course Physical Activity and Exercise for Health
Institution Deakin University
Pages 12
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Deakin College


This unit guide is applicable for the year and teaching period specified above only

Contents A Note from your Unit Coordinator ...................................................................................................................3 Contact Details ...................................................................................................................................................3 Unit Overview.....................................................................................................................................................3 Unit Description ..............................................................................................................................................3 Learning Objectives ........................................................................................................................................3 Learning Outcomes .........................................................................................................................................4 Deakin College Transitional Attributes ........................................................................................................... 4 Prescribed Texts .................................................................................................................................................4 There is no prescribed text book for this unit. ...................................................................................................4 Assessment.........................................................................................................................................................5 Assignment submission ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Late submission of assignments......................................................................................................................... 7 Learning support ................................................................................................................................................8 Grading system................................................................................................................................................... 8 Student evaluation of this unit ........................................................................................................................... 9 Trimester Timetable .........................................................................................................................................10 Portal Opens for T2 Re-Enrolment: Friday 15th October, 2021 .........................................................10

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A Note from your Unit Coordinator Welcome to HSE111 Physical Activity and Exercise for Health! This unit guide explains the aims of the unit and describes the assessment requirements. You should always read this unit guide first and check it frequently when preparing to study or embarking on assignment work. We will assume you have read this before the unit commences, and we expect you to refer to it throughout the trimester. I hope that you will find this unit challenging, professionally and personally relevant to you, and enjoyable. The classes are interactive, and you will be required to participate in weekly classroom activities. We are very much looking forward to working with you this trimester! From Bridget Morrissey, On behalf of the unit teaching team

Contact Details Unit Coordinator & Lecturer: Email:

Bridget Morrissey [email protected]

Unit Lecturer: Email:

Candice Thomas [email protected]

Unit Overview Unit: Unit Title: Prerequisites: Teaching Method:

HSE111 Physical Activity and Exercise for Health Nil 2 x 2 hr classes

Unit Description This unit introduces students to the field of physical activity and exercise for health. Students will explore the benefits of physical activity and risks of sedentary behaviour, and will gain an understanding of why people participate in physical activity and exercise. Common theories of behaviour change and key correlates of physical activity participate are explored and an introduction to physical activity interventions is provided. Throughout the unit, students are required to source and reflect on high quality evidence to advise a client on their current physical activity patterns and offer evidence-based suggestions for increasing their physical activity. The assessment for this unit involves several pieces of work and includes a written assignment (with two components), two online quizzes and an examination. Please read the Assessment section of this unit outline carefully so you are familiar with all pieces of assessment in this unit.

Learning Objectives • •

Discuss, explain and apply behaviour change theories and concepts related to the field of physical activity and exercise Design safe physical activity programs that address known barriers to participation and foster adoption and maintenance of safe practises

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• • •

Communicate information advocating for physical activity and exercise participation to a nonscientific audience Locate, interpret and appraise findings from epidemiological research in physical activity and exercise for health Demonstrate the ability to work and learn independently, taking responsibility to reflect upon the contributions of others to improve practise

Learning Outcomes Knowledge and understanding  Acquisition of, and ability to work with, a systematic body of knowledge, based on the highest standards of scholarship and research.  Understanding of the professional, social, economic and cultural contexts of the discipline area.  Understanding of the principles and applications of sustainable development. Skills  Identifying, gathering, retrieving and working with textual, graphic and numerical information.  Communication, orally and in written form, across a range of contexts.  Personal organisation and management.  Collaborative and team working.  Harnessing information and communication technology.  Critical analysis, problem solving and creative thinking. Attitudes  Commitment to independent and lifelong learning.  Awareness of ethics, social responsibility and cultural diversity.  Appreciation of international perspectives in a global environment. Deakin College Transitional Attributes All Deakin College Diploma units contribute to the following graduate attributes:  Independent learner  Knowledge base  Research skills  Time management skills  Report writing skills  Awareness of ethics of tertiary education  Use of appropriate technologies  Ability to work alone and as part of a team

Prescribed Texts There is no prescribed text book for this unit.

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Assessment % Marks Assessment Task 1 Part A: Plan – designing a physical activity report Students will provide a written plan of the final report (Part B) including findings from the survey, references and search strategies used to identify relevant literature

10% Due Week 4

Written report (no more than 500 words) Assessment Task 2 Part B Final Report: Designing a physical activity report Students will design an evidence-based physical activity report for one person from your family or social circle who is insufficiently active according to national recommendations. Written report (no more than 2000 words) Assessment Task 3 2 x Online Quizzes Student will individually complete two online quizzes based on content covered in class. Assessment Task 4 Written Exam Students will complete an examination held during the formal exam period. The exam will consist of multiple choice and short answer questions. The location of the exam will be dependent on COVID19 restrictions (i.e., it may be either in person or online).

40% Due Week 10

20% (10% each quiz) Weeks 6 & 11

30% Examination Period

Determination of Final Grade This unit does not have a hurdle requirement. Students must achieve at least 50% in the unit overall, to obtain a passing grade.

Flexible Learning Delivery Project For the 2021 academic year, every unit at Deakin College will be available for online study. Students who wish to remain online for their studies during the 2021 academic year will be able to, however, one of the very best things about Deakin College is its on-campus environment and student experience. Deakin College is committed to resuming as many of its on-campus activities as soon as possible. When on-campus study is possible, in addition to all units having an online option, on-campus activities will be available for the majority of Deakin College units. Unit Coordinators will communicate in advance when a particular unit is permitted to return to on-campus learning. Of course, safety is a priority, therefore a return to campus will adhere to recommendations and restrictions as set out by the government and Deakin University so as to maintain COVID safe facilities.

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For online study, classes will require students to join via a video link (Zoom) during scheduled class times. Some classes will allow students to watch recorded lectures and tutorials in their own time, allowing for greater flexibility.

In-Trimester Assessments It is the responsibility of a student to sit for a test/assessment on the scheduled date, according to the class they are enrolled in.

Assessment Reviews Review of Assessment during a Trimester During the course of a trimester, students will be provided with feedback on their performance in all assessment tasks. It is expected that students will discuss any issues directly with their lecturer. Limited grounds for a review of assessment are available and students are referred to the Assessment Policy for further information (available from the Deakin College website). A Review of Assessment during a Trimester form must be completed and submitted within 5 working days of publication of the result for the particular piece of assessment.

Review of Assessment at the End of a Trimester If a student reasonably believes that a final grade has not been added or processed correctly, he or she may apply for a review of final grade by completing the Review of Final Grade Application. Applications must be submitted using the online form within 5 working days of the publication of the final results. A review of final grade involves review and checking of marks - it does NOT involve a review or remarking of individual pieces of assessment.

Special Consideration Special Consideration may be provided to students who are prevented from performing to the best of their ability in a particular piece of assessment, including a scheduled examination, due to serious and exceptional circumstances beyond their control. Examples of such circumstances are provided in the Assessment Policy (available from the Deakin College website) and include serious illness or injury, hardship or trauma. Students are required to complete a Special Consideration Application (available from the Student Portal under Documents/Forms) and submit the online form, together with supporting documentation before the assessment due date, or within 3 working days after the submission/timetabled date of the relevant piece of assessment. The ‘Health Practitioner Certificate’ of the Special Consideration Application must be completed by a health practitioner for applications on medical, health or psychological grounds. Please refer to the Assessment Policy for further information. Students who require an assignment extension should not apply for special consideration but must complete a Request for Extension of Assignment Dues Date form (available from the Student Portal under Documents/Forms).

Academic Misconduct Students should familiarise themselves with the Academic Integrity Policy (available from the Deakin College website).

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This document is current at 13/05/2021. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. K:\Academic Services\Unit Outlines\2021-T2\Physical Activity and Exercise for Health\HSE111 V15-02/21 Page 6

Academic misconduct is a serious offence in academia. These include plagiarism, collusion, cheating and ‘misrepresentations’ (which includes falsification of documents). Penalties will be applied consistently with the Academic Integrity Policy. Plagiarism The act of presenting the work of another person(s) as though it is one’s own original work, whether intentionally or by accident, without proper reference of the original source or sources. Collusion Work that is produced in part or in whole by unauthorised collaboration with other person(s) which is then presented by any of the parties as their own work. Cheating Any dishonest conduct whether in an assessment or in any representation. For example, communication with another student during an examination, having unauthorised notes during an examination - the notes may be on or in an object, a data storage device or on any part of the body, or ‘contract cheating’, which is the purchasing work or commissioning another person or website to produce a work which is then passed off as your own. Misrepresentation As assertion by words, conduct or non-disclosure of information which creates a false status or is not consistent with the facts. Whenever you refer to another person’s research or ideas (whether by directly quoting or by paraphrasing them) you MUST acknowledge that source. Copying paragraphs from the internet and presenting them as your own work is plagiarism. If you download and copy paragraphs from the internet, you must identify the source. You MUST acknowledge the sources that you have drawn on. This is a necessary courtesy to the original authors, and also allows the readers of your work to follow up on any points that you have raised. If you directly copy another writer's phrase, sentence or paragraph, then you should use quotation marks and note the source of the quote. If you use another writer's ideas, but not his or her exact words, you should again note the source. There are a number of ways by which you can refer to other people's work. The main referencing method used at Deakin College is the Harvard referencing method, which involves noting the author's name, the title of the article and journal, or book, the year of publication, the journal's volume number, the book publisher's name and location, and the relevant page numbers. A copy of Guide to Assignment Writing and Referencing is available on the Deakin University website: http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/referencing/harvard

Assignment submission Assignments must be submitted by the due date. The Assignment Cover Sheet (available from the Student Portal under Documents/Forms), must be submitted and signed when submitting a hard copy assignment. It should be attached it to their assignment and then submitted with the completed assignment as outlined in the assignment details. (Assignments will not be accepted at Deakin College Reception). Students must keep a copy of each assignment submitted and must be able to produce the copy in the unlikely event that the original assignment is misplaced. Students must maintain backup copies of all their assignment work. Electronic loss of data is common, but is NOT a satisfactory excuse for an extension of a submission date. Any work that you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism. It is Deakin College policy that the period between submission and marking of assignments should not normally exceed fifteen (15) working days to allow for timely feedback to students on their progress.

Late submission of assignments Extension of an assignment submission date ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This document is current at 13/05/2021. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. K:\Academic Services\Unit Outlines\2021-T2\Physical Activity and Exercise for Health\HSE111 V15-02/21 Page 7

If there is a compelling reason why you are unable to complete your assignment before the due date you should complete a Request for Extension of Assignment Due Date form, available from the Student Portal under Documents/Forms and submit it to your unit coordinator. This must be done at least 48 hours before the assignment due date. Penalties for late submissions Assignments received late and without prior approval will be penalised. A penalty of 5% of the total available marks will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. Assignments submitted more than 5 working days after the due date will be awarded a mark of zero.

Learning support Students have access to group-oriented and individual learning support at Deakin College. During each trimester, students can attend a series of study skills workshops conducted both at Deakin College and Deakin University on topics such as time management, avoiding plagiarism, referencing, academic writing, critical thinking and exam preparation. Students can book individual consultations with the Deakin College Academic Skills Advisor. They can also access the Deakin University Language and Learning Drop-in Centre. All students have access to the Academic Skills Moodle site which contains a number of resources to improve students’ study skills and language proficiency.

Grading system All students enrolled in any unit will be graded according to Deakin College’s standard grading system as follows: GRADE




High Distinction

80 - 100



70 - 79



60 - 69



50 - 59



0 – 49


Deferred Examination


Exemption Granted


Results Not Finalised


Recognition of Prior Learning


Results Withheld


Ungraded Pass (Safety Units)


Withdrawn without academic penalty


Withdrawn Failure


Enrolled Assessment Incomplete<...

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