Https:::moodle.concordia PDF

Title Https:::moodle.concordia
Author Keyvan Hajjarizadeh
Course Introductory Biophysics
Institution Concordia University
Pages 14
File Size 723.8 KB
File Type PDF
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PHYS 260 4. Kinetic theory of ideal gases Ideal gas law decoded

Kinetic theory of ideal gases • Provides molecular interpretation for macroscopic properties (P, V, T); • Establishes quantitative relationships between kinetic energy and pressure and kinetic energy and temperature; • Allows to determine collision parameters; Assumptions: • • • • •

The gas is assumed to be composed of individual particles; The dimensions of the particles are small compared to the distances between them; The particles are in constant motion, therefore they have kinetic energy; The collisions between the particles are considered perfectly elastic; Neither attractive, nor repulsive forces act between the particles;


Kinetic Energy– molecular interpretation 3 & ( 2 ' ) ) ) According to the equipartition principle each degree of freedom contributes equally: !" = * +,-* + * +,.* + * +,/* Translational kinetic energy of a monoatomic particle:

!" =

Diatomic (linear) molecule has not only translational but also rotational kinetic energy: !" = !12345 + !271 + !89: ≠0 ≈0

1 1 1 & ( & ( & ( 2 ' 2 ' 2 '

3 5 2 !" = !12345 + !271 = &' ( + &' ( = &' ( 2 2 2

(3 translational and 2 rotational degrees of freedom) 1 & ( 2 ' 1 & ( 2 ' Polyatomic nonlinear molecule has 3 translational and 3 rotational degrees of freedom: 3 3 !" = !12345 + !271 = &' ( + &' ( = 3&' ( 2 2

1 & ( 2 '

1 & ( 2 '

1 & ( 2 ' 3

Kinetic theory of ideal gases The particle with m mass collides with the wall in the yz plane of the unit cell.


its speed: v = (vx2+ vy2+ vz2)1/2 v m x y

At the moment of the collision the particle exerts Fw force on the wall. This force is balanced according to Newton’s third law by −"w force exerted by the wall on the particle: "# =

%& %+ %((+) =( = () = %' %' %'

The particle travels 2x distance (round trip) before colliding with the same wall ./ Select x direction only for now: Number of collisions in unit time: 01 Velocity before the collision: −vx. ; Change of linear momentum in unit time (force): velocity after the collision: vx. ; . 5.6 2. 23/ = "1 = ( 24/ =(2mvx)(01/ )= / 24 1 change of velocity: 2vx change of linear momentum: Δpx = 2mvx Pressure: (+10 (+10 " " = = 71 = = < 8 9: ;9:


Pressure of a gas derived from Kinetic Theory

m m

m m

m m

Fraction of particles

Now we consider N particles instead of only one. Still consider movement along the x direction only. The particles have different velocities due to collisions (Maxwell distribution).





Most probable speed (vmp) Average speed (vavg ) Root-mean-square speed (vrms) Area under the curve = total number of particles (N)

speed speed We have to introduce a parameter that is describing the speed of the entire population of N particles → vrms N number of particles at vrms will have the same kinetic energy as the N number of particles with their individual speeds. We established on the previous slide that Px ∝ vx2 for one particle. ( "#$%,' =

( ( ( ( + "(,' + ",,' +. . +".,' "*,' /



. "1,' ∑12*

For N particles:

4' =

( /5"#$%,' 6

Pressure of one dimensional gas

/ 5

Pressure of a gas in terms of root-mean-square speed In reality particles can move to any direction. All directions have equal probabilities:


) ) ) ) = %&'(,+ %&'(,/ + %&'(,0 %&'(

The pressure then: x y


1 3

) ) ) ) = %&'(,/ = %&'(,0 = %&'( thus, %&'(,-

) #$%&'( 3+


!+ =

1 ) #$%&'( 3

Note that it is a form of Boyle’s law: PV = constant ) If $%&'( ∝ T the above equation is consistent with Gay-Lussac’s law


Pressure of a gas in terms of root-mean-square speed In reality particles can move to any direction. All directions have equal probabilities: 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) = %&'(,+ %&'(,/ + %&'(,0 = %&'(,/ = %&'(,0 %&'( = %&'( thus, %&'(,-


The pressure then:



!+ =

1 ) #$%&'( 3


Note that it is a form of Boyle’s law: PV = constant

x y

) #$%&'( 3+

) If $%&'( ∝ T the above equation is consistent with Gay-Lussac’s law

1 ) 345 = #$%&'( 3

Equation of the state for ideal gas: !+ = 345


# =6 3

1 ) 6$%&'( 3 M 345 = 7

45 = ) %&'(

%&'( =

345 7


Pressure of ideal gas mixtures ,

Dalton’s law (1801):

!"#"$% = !' + !) + !* + ⋯ + !, = - !.

where, P1 , P2 , …Pn are the partial pressures of component 1, 2,…n


Partial pressure is the pressure exerted by the individual component as if they would alone occupy the same container at the same temperature. Dalton’s discovery:

!. = 0. !"#"$% mole fraction of the ith component: 0. =

1. 1' + 1) + ⋯ + 1,

!"#"$% = 0' !"#"$% + 0) !"#"$% + ⋯ + 0, !"#"$% !"#"$% =


1, 23 1' 23 1) 23 23 +⋯+ + = - 1. 4 4 4 4 ./'

Temperature dependence of kinetic energy 1 2

/ Average kinetic energy per one particle: !",$%& = *+,-.

We also determined: Combining these two equations: If P= const then V ∝ N, Ek,avg


01 =

2 5! 3 "


1 / 3*+,-. 3 2 1 01 = 32!",$%& = 3!",$%& 3 3 01 =

01 =

2 56!",$%& 3

Total kinetic energy per mole gas: Ek

01 = 578

2 5! = 578 3 " 3 !" = 78 for 1 mole 2

Boltzmann constant: 1.38 x 10-23 J/K Universal gas constant: 8.314 J/molK 7 9: = 6 Avogadro’s number: 6.022 x 1023 mol-1 3 !" = 9: 8 for 1 particle 9 2

Particle collisions We are interested in: • Collision numbers • Collisions per unit of time (collision frequency) • Collision density • Distance traveled by the particle between collisions (mean free path) Assumptions: • Particles behave as rigid spheres; • Collisions between them are perfectly elastic; • Assume particle A and B and allow first only A to move. 10

Particle collisions – the collision cylinder Average distance traveled by particle A at unit time = vA,avg collision B x dA

Volume swept out by the imaginary sphere: & '($,*+, ! = #



Notations: dA : diameter of particle A dB : diameter of particle B dAB: collision diameter dAB = (dA +dB )/2


B x

B x

B x collision

limit of collision

no collision

Collision will occur if the center-to-center distance between A and any B becomes smaller than dAB or collision will occur if the center of B is within V volume. 11

Collision frequency, collision density Let us have NB number of stationary particle B in the system besides the one moving A Their number in the unit volume: NB/V The number of centers of B swept out by the cylinder: !" =

' (",*+,-& $%"& .

[s-1] This is the number of collisions per unit time or collision frequency.

Let us have NA number of moving particle A (not one as above) besides the NB number of particle B Their number in the unit volume: NA/V The total number of A-B collisions (if only As are allowed to move): !"& =

' (",*+,- " -& $%"& .'

[m-3 s-1]

This is collision density.

If only A type of particles are present in the system then the total number of A-A collisions: !""

1 ' $%" (",*+,- "' =2 .'

[m-3 s-1]

factor of ½ is needed to avoid double count: A1–A2 collision is the same as A2–A1 12

Collision frequency, collision density cont. Finally, we allow B to move as well. The average speeds of A and B are different since

0" ≠ 0&


' ' + (&,*+, For collisions we need the average relative speed: ("&,*+, = (",*+, collision frequency:

' ' ' (",*+, $%"& + (&,*+, .&

!" =

for A-B collisions and


!" =

2$%"' (",*+,. /

collision density :

("",*+, = 2(",*+,

for A-A collisions if only As present


' ' ' (",*+, + (&,*+, $%"&

!"& =


." .& ",*+,


for A-B collisions and !"" =

0" = 0"

345 and 6


." 78

' 2$%"& (",*+,."' 2/ ' for A-A collisions if only As present 13

Mean free path (!) The average distance particles travel between two collisions !=

#$%&'()* &+',*-*# $( .($& &$/* (./0*+ 12 )1--$%$1(% $( .($& &$/*

for pure A: !=



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