Human Trafficking Essay PDF

Title Human Trafficking Essay
Author Brian Wagah
Course Technical Writing
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 8
File Size 102.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Introduction Human Trafficking has become a subject of major concern in the world. The practice has affected all world nations in different ways. The widespread misuse of women, men and children is not acceptable in the universe where humanity is important in every aspect of life. Traditional approaches to stop the practice, assist the affected persona and find justice for them have not borne fruits because of the endless challenges that come with the same. The victims of the practice often undergo suffering in different ways including humiliation through sexual exploitation as well as forced to do manual labor at no fee. Organizations such as UN have come up with initiatives to ensure that the trafficking of persons to different world nations is a thing of the past. The plans of these organizations are commendable even as the world continues to witness horrific incidents taking place day and night. Civil society, governments, business community, media houses and concerned have come forth to condemn these acts while calling for legal action against those found guilty of spearheading or running organizations that participate in the practice. Human traffickers use different tactics to lure their victims before transporting them to different destinations. The most common methods used to capture their victims include lies, charm, deception as well as promise for better jobs and opportunities in the new destinations. In the recent past, we have witnessed families from different parts of the world calling for justice for their loved ones after they have been trafficked by unknown. Most of the victims go without trace and their families cannot find ways of rescuing them. This essay seeks to describe human trafficking and its consequences. Economic impacts



Human trafficking leads to the loss of several opportunities at both the local and international level. The effect includes the loss of human resources in different sectors. The affected nations’ productivity also reduces because of the same. The Trafficking In Persons (TIP) report released by the US Department of State in 2011 showed that human trafficking causes a massive loss of remittance to a high number of the developing nations because they are the most affected in this case. The victims of trafficking normally pay of the debt for the process. The annual remittance to the developing countries was estimated at US$ 325 billion. The reduction of remittance because of human trafficking directly leads to the loss of development in the specific nations. It is estimated that US$ 60 billion is lost annually because of the process. The costs incurred during exploitation and coercion of victims cannot be accounted for in most of the nations across the world. The losses directly represent the capacity of production of individuals at different levels. The countries where the victims come from would have, otherwise, benefited from improved wealth and increased education of the victims. The funds used in the fighting against the practice would also be used in to create more opportunities or projects in the specific nations (M'Cormack, 2015). Societal impacts Besides the foregone remittance such as human capital and terms of remittance, the practice comes with social costs to the community and nation at large. The effect on the family and communities of the victims cannot be quantified. In most cases, the costs are often ignored by the affected communities and nation at large. Trafficking tends to undermine the extended family ties. The absence of women often leads to the neglect of children and breakdown of the entire family in most cases. The victims of the practice who managed to be rescued by the police or other organizations are often shunned because of the stigma. In certain cases, the victims turn to



criminal activities or drugs and substance abuse to find happiness in life. Children are often sexually abused and exploited by the traffickers thereby affecting their development into adulthood. The survivors from the act suffer psychological problems and multiple forms of trauma as a result of the same. Some of them have come forth to ask the government and other organizations to help them as they try to rebuild their lives in different ways (M'Cormack, 2015). Health impacts The impact of human trafficking on health cannot be ignored. The victims’ health is affected during transportation and after reaching their destination. The victims are exposed to injuries and even death during their perilous journey to their destinations. The overcrowding and unsanitary conditions during the transportation of the victims pose a great threat to their lives in different ways. Shortage of water and food during the same period also increases the risk of the spread of infectious diseases to the victims of the practice. During transportations, the victims suffer from emotional violence, sexual abuse and physical molestations at the hands of the strangers. The risk of contracting HIV/AIDS increases for the victims trafficked to work in the sex industry over time. They are also more likely to contract other types of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) when they engaged in the heinous acts with the men and women who prey on them. The victims are often denied the option of using condoms hence they end up in unprotected sex to please their masters and mistresses at different levels. Studies have shown that majority of the trafficked population has the virus. The trucking routes, which are normally operated by the traffickers, tend to have a high level of HIV/AIDs and other diseases. The health effects go beyond the sexual exploitation since they victims reside in overcrowded, unsanitary and unsafe places. The listed problems do not just affect individuals but they can also find their way into the lives of the other people around them. The wider population is also at risk if the



conditions where the victims are living are deplorable and unsafe for them. The spread of different diseases increases in the areas where the traffickers operate regularly (M'Cormack, 2015). Gender equity and human rights Human rights and the equity in terms of gender are also affected by the practice in the long run. The women and children are the most affected under these circumstances. The two groups are commonly trafficked to different parts of the world for commercial sexual exploitation. The growth of the industry into a billion dollar sector is an indication of how the gender equity as well as human rights has been denied to the victims. The practice has also dealt the effort to ensure women have the same rights as men a huge blow in the long run. It is essential to note that the trafficked persons are often stripped of their rights as other human beings. The victims are often subjected to different forms of human rights exploitation from time to time. The common rights they are denied include freedom from slavery, life and liberty under all circumstances (M'Cormack, 2015). National security and rule of law Human trafficking often attract at other syndicates including smuggling. Unlike other practices that can be controlled by small enterprises, trafficking requires coordination from different groups to be successful. Research findings show that the trafficking of human is approximated to be among the largest international enterprises of crime. It is estimated that the syndicate has been minting US$9.5 billion annually. The faces behind the practice often combine the same with other types of crime and the proceeds from the incident fuel other forms of activities. The security of the nation is at a risk with increased threats. The trafficking operations



often undermine the national and federal governments’ efforts to ensure the nation is safe. The operations of traffickers often make it hard for the government to protect the rights of children and women kidnapped by them. The battle of the government to create a corruption free nation is also dealt a major blow when the traffickers demand for bribes in the name of promising better job opportunities to persons who end up as their victims (M'Cormack, 2015). Impacts on destination countries Government fund different organizations in the fight to end trafficking. The government of the US incurred around US$ 447 million to help foreign organizations as well as governments to try and end the practice. The government has also been funding different groups in conducting investigations for persons affected by trafficking. The government could have used the same amount to support different projects had the nations been free from trafficking. The unregulated immigration of persons from other nation affects the country economically and in terms of security. The government is not able to plan for the trafficked population since the details of the same remain scanty. The fact that the practice leads to other forms of crimes make it perilous to the security of the destination nation. It is common for the government to spend more money on security to ensure that the population is safe from the effects of the human trafficking activities (M'Cormack, 2015). In conclusion, human trafficking has adverse effects on the victims and nation. The practice affects economic, social, health and security of the nation. Countries suffer economic loss because of the reduction in human resources. The social structure of the family is affected after the trafficking takes place. It is also essential to note that the national security of the areas prone to trafficking is affected since more crimes accompany the practices. The victims of the



practice are also more likely to contract different diseases along the trafficking routes. The children who end up as victims of trafficking are often denied the rights of being raised in a proactive environment. They are also never free from abuse and sexual exploitation from the old. The other rights that are rarely considered in this case are the rights to a decent work environment, education, health care and freedom from discrimination among others.



Reference M'Cormack, F. (2015). The impact of human trafficking on people and countries. Retrieved on 24th February, 2021 from

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