Humcore spring - Lecture notes for Humanities Core 1C; attended all lectures. Concepts covered PDF

Title Humcore spring - Lecture notes for Humanities Core 1C; attended all lectures. Concepts covered
Course Humanities Core Lecture
Institution University of California Irvine
Pages 11
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Lecture notes for Humanities Core 1C; attended all lectures. Concepts covered include racecraft, manifest destiny, civilization in the US, Phillipines, and Vietnam, Killing Fields, etc....


4/1 (block) - Settler colonialism - One indigenous society is replaced with an invasive settler society - New society created is not the indigenous society - Europe was NOT because they were tryna get money, not replace a society - Pilgrims executed anyone who didnt follow their way - Race and racecraft - Race NOT biologic, not objective, not trans-historic - Race is an IDEOLOGY that DOES work in a society - Racecraft: the way its taught makes us believe its a biological thing - Sex - Historicizes - De-naturalizes - Michel foucault - Dense transfer point for relations of power 4/8 - How they till the soil and plant - Men are muscular - All primitive - THEY are doing the work, no animals - Indig dont farm in neat rows; its obv a european version of agricultrue - Sexuality - Was holy - Involved in recreation - Pishuni (water) enters as rain and nautsiti is fertilized - Corn mother - One of the deities - Corn planted deep within mother earth - Clouds would sprinkle down rain → corn - At birth boys sprinkled with water, girls put into seed-filled gourd - Europeans were like omfg dude is dyING WHY R U HAVING SEX - Diff views on what seems sexualized - Virginity in europ thinks that it represents purity for women - Concerns about legitimacy for power bc it ALL TURNS INTO PATRIARCHY - Columbus and crew - Has kinky sex with a woman - Flips his attitude, says it was like o sowwy → rape - Represents her perspective as a whore; she wanted it - Sex as a natural resource - Europeans subdue virgin land - “Unpeopled until men arrive” - Minerals made in the womb of the earth - Gendered language; mother earth


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- Meta language (used to describe other power hierarchies) - Way to enforce heteronormativity - Midwife “yard” = penis Sexuality central to conversion - Michael foucault: missionaries think theyre repressing sex but theyre actually creating a whole new discourse indig= serial monogamy, europ= perm monogamy White women not taxed - Meant to help husband; laborers belong to husband (laborer) - Economic laborers Treats black women as laborers instead of dependents ^ = economical 2nd law = racist, creating race - Segregates William byrd - Hogshead = trade barrel - Whist = game Fruit in portraits = represent fertility Women are “fruitful vines” - Be plump and fruitful like ur mama - Ben franklin :0 Status of children based on mother - Partus sequitor ventrem - All children follow the womb - Goes against patriarchy! - Hefty fine attached to white woman having black baby Stances show diff in power dynamic - Shift to patriarchy Rape in the period - Eeehh itll all work out! - Anal sex = both guilty ig - Rape back then = only man acting on woman - Depends on RACE - Depends on sexual experience as well - False rape charges instigated by men Carnal knowledge “by force and against her will” - Men tried to defend themselves by splitting the definition, should only be guilty if they were checked off for both parts Control of labor can turn into opportunities for sexual coercion Genesis Commonwealth used to be “The good of the people”





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Coverture - Legal status of a married woman that considers her to be under her husbands protection and authority Virginia Company started sending women to the settler society in order to compensate for the gap French - “Need useful women” (to reproduce) Matrilineal - By mother patrilineal/bilateral tendencies - Kings sisters son patrilineal/polgyny - Multiple wives - Multiple husbands = polyandry Natives married into euro as economic No man can serve two masters - Master or husband??? - Herefore, all slave marriages are illicit Whoever marries a negro and white person are charged 100pounds If negro and white live together - White: 30 pounds or 7 years indentured - Free negro: slave for life - Children: indentured until 30 years old Manifest destiny in the philippines Racial contact zones - Where domination and subordination clash - Relationship of power of domination of varying degrees of a complex hegemony (Said) Spanish colonized phili for over 300 years - Helped to modernize it - Kept tight rule → filipinos didnt want them to rule over them anymroe Spanish-american war 1898 - Treaty of paris - Got philippines, puerto rico, guam, and cuba - US doesnt know the territory - Tries to racially identify areas of the philippines uing experience with enslvaed african people racialization US in the philippines - Mckinley: we come not as invaders or conquerors, but as frineds to protect the natives in their homes; benevolent assimilation

- We are going to make them LIKE US Humanitarian project - When they got philippines, mckinley “i did not know what to do” - Didnt want to RETURN them - Didnt want to give them to rivals in business - Didnt want to leave them to rule themselves (unfit for selfgov; would lead to anarchy and misrule) - O shit i guEsS thEReS notHING ElSe 2 dO but educate and christianize them! Kipling’s “the white man’s burden” - “A trifle embarassed” Colonial uplift - See contact with US → final product - Sent thousands of teachers to educate them on democracy Senator albert beveridge - Argues that philippines are theirs 4ever Philippines = entryway into china filipino/filipinx resistance to imperialism - Anti-colonial nationalists - Mestizos - Ilustrados (enlightened) Struggle for independence - US did not recognize the philippines’ president/national constitutione - Emilio aguinaldo declares independence - Us called this insurrection - Americans would publicly execute them Anti-imperialist league - Mark twain big supporter - “We do not intend to free them, but to subjugate. We conquer, not redeem” -





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1527 first time in America area - Recruited to work on galleon ships SLO moro bay - Manilamen / filipino cajuns St. louis world fair - Showed filipino “we r civilizing them!” Dean worcester - Undergrad went to phillipines with professor during age of spanish colonization - Moved up to sec of interior in the phillipines (due to knowledge) - Wanted to represent idea that they were promitive; we should be there to colonize - Decided what to send as exhibits in the worlds fair Took mugshots of filipinos (wow representation)







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Gerhard sisters - Women photographers - Owned studio After fair - Indiv died due to cold - Majority sent back to phillipines - Some put on tour in urban sites across the states Colonial labor force - Considered US nationals - Could travel - Could NEVER become citizens - Wanted to be paid equally but were not - This way higher ups could stop and surpress any potential union organizations → antagonistic relationship Carlos bulosan - Is taught that amerca is all about equality! Wow! - Comes there and realizes its all a lie - “America is in the Heart” - “White chauvinism” World war 2 veterans - Promised citizenship, all benefits of US vets (healthcare, pension) - Shortly after this was won, they pass the Rescission Act of 1946 (took away ALL THOSE PROMISES) - US is a fucking asshole! - ACFV formed - tydings- mcduffie act of 1934 (phillipine independence act) - Immigration act of 1965 (treated them as immigrants now) - Professional options - Needed nurses in the US Kept antagonisms in place Filipino workers on cruises - Get money and send back to family - Called OFWs, overseas filipino workers - One of the largest diasporas Dinh Q. Le - Artist - “Persistence of Memory” series - Takes images from war and weaves them to represent the beauty and horror of the war - Ex. kids running and dying in the war w/ US candies to represent capitalism French colonialism in Vietnam - French Indochina (viet, cam, laos)






Formal colonization didnt occur until 1887 Divided the country into three: - Tonkin (N) - Annam © - Cochinchina (S) - Mission civilisatrice - Benevolent assimilation - We’re superior we will civilize you - Educated a certain class of Viets so they’d help them control and rule the nation - WW2 japan got vietnam, after, french came back for vietnam - Vietnamese did not want that - Led to first indochina war - Vietnamese actually won - Led to geneva agreement 1954 - Divide country into 2, reunify vietnam after an electrion after 2 years Vietnam war / american war - Americans scared of the domino effect, containment policy - Poll estimates show that the majority wouldve chosen communism - 1954 divided at DMZ - About 30 nations involved - North wanted to go through central area and get to Saigon - 6 presidents involved - Proxy war - Fought in another country - weapons: - Bombs with small bombs inside - Agent orange - Kills everything growing - Napalm - Burns like fire - Hard to tell who was friend and enemy - Sometimes would accidentally attack civilians The “uncensored” media - Photojournalism - Body counts - Walter Cron. A viet general took a suspected N dude come out, he pointblank shot him - Later marred - US was like bro… should we support him…. - Shot him right there to get respect from his underlings - The dude had killed MANY southern ppl - Later made his living in VN selling pizza Seual violence




- Gang raped Anti-war protests - Tear gas → bullets - Shot 4 students, some were just passerbys! Racial oppression protests - MECHA + Brown Berets → large contingent - Muhammad ali - “Why fight viet cong when they never did me wrong the way white people did? My fight is with them, my war is here at home” Racial logic of imperialism - Vets would say to call Viets ANYTHING except vietnamese - Gooks, dinks, slopes, slants, rice-eaters - Used to DEHUMANIZE them!

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Soldiers, any worker of the American gov took off and burned any clothes representing that Displacement (N → S), exodus (leaving vietnam), diaspora (already outside of US) - “Refugee” - Political status - Have to apply for it - asylum seeker - Have to be persecuted for eth/race/religion/polit.idelologies - Allowed bc it was a statement against the communist gov - Military refugee resettlement - This is why OC is largest Vietnamese outside of vietnam - Refugee camps - They really needed to congregate and be with each other (this is how westminster was formed) Do we have a moral obligation? We sorta CAUSED their displacement - Oi what if there are communists in here? Veterans of the Viet war were shunned, ostracized Larger group of refugees: 1970s - When viet cong won, they put them in re-education camps, actually hard labor prisons - Imprionsed about 1.2 mil people - Later moved them to the “New Economic Zone”, an unhabitable region of mountains in vietnam HO program - Humanitarian org program - Relate to US Cambodia mixes music with “genocide” - “Dont think i’ve forgotten’







- Wanted to say that the music will endure Famous singer - Posed as a banana seller to hide - Ppl would have killed her if they knew who she was French took over cambodia - Called it french indochina - Didn't put a lot of resources into this - Put more effort into colonizing vietnam than they did with cambodia Khmer (ka-mai) - Language of cambodia Impacted as the side of the vietnam war - Wow thats a lot of bombing on the right side of cambodia - North vietnam use cambodia to go downwards and invade southern vietnam Ppl start to join the khmer rouge to stop the bombing of their nation - US is a dumbass Democratic kampuchea - SUPER intense form of communism - Start with year zero - Destroyed everything that came BEFORE - Took away all inequalities - Mail service, factories, media, hospital, schools - Cleared out urban area - All electronics - All personal artifacts - Segregated by sex and workforce - Wanted to break ALL connections (esp family members) - Children soldiers - Was it voluntary?? - Threats The killing fields - Killed 10k ppl every single week - Didnt have enough bullets → started using weapons - Used chemicals so it wouldnt smell - All intellectuals - All thieves - Got confessions - Mugshots (french colonization) - Would also purge LOYALS to make sure everyone stayed in line - Killed figures WITH ALL THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS Rationale: killing figures → family will want revenge - “To stop the weeds you must also pull up their roots” World interaction - Didnt believe that something SO BAD could ACTUALLY be happening - US didnt know what to do bcit was a new communist gov SUPPORTED by south

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- Started documenting things in 1995 Music is the soul of a nation US uses “persia”, but iranians call it “Iran”. How did this even happen? - Persian empire Discovery of the Persepolis ruins became pivotal to iran’s selffashioning as a modern nation - Image of a longforgotten empire became the site onto which iran projected itself Trump tells iran to call them since their economy is dying - Iran takes the white house number and puts it on an ad for iranians to actually call him HAHHA Dude translated an inscription and assumed that this was the birthplace of the Aryans - “Greatness of the race and the civilization of Iranians” - Aryanam Khshathram - Iranians started to identify themselves as Aryans Past became a source of pride, a bridge to a future where iran would dominate the region again Young king Mohammad Reza Shah - Develops love for ancient history - Projects himself as a descendant of the legends Cyrus the great - ACTUALLY in the bible lol - Took over babylon - Allowed jews who were in captivity to return to jerusalem and build their temple The cyrus cylinder - On one side of the coin (given at the vv celebration?) Ruins of persepolis became site of huge celebration (2500 years of persian monarchy) - Supposed to be a worldclass celebration - Made tents (one for dinner, etc) - Catered and brought in from paris - Said that they needed “high cuisine” foods

Cyrus cylinder gave it to UN as a gift SHAH does not present it. His twin sister did. Celebration of iran’s pre-islamic past actually distanced iran and its islamic legacy Iran’s embrace of islam in the 7th century was singled ou as the reason for the nation lagging behind the west - Extrapolation made: islam came and iran lost - Super simpleminded First pahlavi monacrch, reza shah pahlavi - Tries to order that men can no longer wear what they used to wear - Men would need to wear the pahlavi hat - Women would hae to also dress diff



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Nothing could show. Only eyes. Chador- “tent” + rubandeh “face cover” - Chador flows - Shah BANNED THE CHADOR, but it was ok to wear european style hats Names of schools for girls - Namus = honor - Esmatiyeh = house of purity - Ehtejabiye = place of seclusion - Effatiyeh = house of chastity 1950s = revert to something that represented women’s own choice - Some wore chador, some didnt Prime minister mossadeq - Wanted to modernize iran Cia staged a coup and restored shah - Mosaddegh tried for treason, put in house arrest, died Older shah creating a ban of the veil → cultural imperialism (western culture seems into iran) “Ayatollah” title of religious distinction among shiites (dominant in Iran)

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Not many of them Ex. cardinals

Diaspora - “Scattering of seeds” Disconnection after not being home in home country for a long time - Alienation and fear - Ends up accidentlly replicating stereotypes of orientalism Chador - Jump off roof or call to prayer?? munis - How does she liberate herself from her brothers oppressive household Garden invaded - Woman is the OWNER of the orchard - But the police officer asks for her HUSBAND Self-orientalism Epistolary - Written in the form of letters 1001 nights - Dude pissed bc mom cheated - Daughter says shell tell a story


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- Stops right before story ends so that he keeps her alive Students took US hostage - Now ties are severed; no dilomatic ties bt iran and US 1953 - Cia APPARENTLY staged a coup to elect a prime minister Persepolis - Graphis nocel - Not a documentary abotu her life - Went on iran air - have to obey new law of iran ONCE YOU GET ON AIRPLANE - Transformation = ppl become weary - In color - Its the present - She has been indoctrinated...

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