Course Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS)
Institution ACLC College
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HUMSS 2126WEEK 1 TO 9100% LEGITBy: MaryGenkieThe word community in its literal form is defined by two characteristics: location and social identification. TRUEA community is a living social entity and goes beyond the old categorized of space as its primary definition. TRUEThrough local government pa...


HUMSS 2126 WEEK 1 TO 9 100% LEGIT By: MaryGenkie The word community in its literal form is defined by two characteristics: location and social identification. TRUE A community is a living social entity and goes beyond the old categorized of space as its primary definition. TRUE Through local government participation, individuals can provide their own contributions through acts of volunteerism in projects and other communal initiatives. FALSE Formations are created with the organic networking of actors that later on find commonalities and avenues for cooperation and partnerships. Underpinning these effort is the spirit of collaboration where groups and individuals from various walks of life come together to form linkages that are important for mobilization and value creation. TRUE Community on the foundation of advocacies and networking is the hope for social action. FALSE What is un umbrella term for the various fields of study which examine social relations and human society. Social science In this field examines various aspects of humans, such as their biology, behavior, culture and social interactions. Anthropology

It is also called Middle Stone Age, ancient cultural stage that existed between the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), with its chipped stone tools. Mesolithic It is the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between social strata in a society. It is a change in social status relative to one's current social location within a given society. Social mobility It is also called class, a group of people within a society who possess the same socioeconomic status. Besides being important in social theory, the concept of class as a collection of individuals sharing similar economic circumstances has been widely used in censuses and in studies of social mobility. Social Class Thi is the institutions are rules, enforcement characteristics of rules, and norms of behaviour that structure repeated human interaction.’ Economic Institutions The origin of the family goes back to prehistory and is the factor that bound early settlements Family Institutions These are the visible and organized manifestations of practices and beliefs in particular social and historical contexts. Like human emotions and attitudes, religious beliefs and practices project outward onto the social and historical plan. Religious institutions This is taken up a quarter of our whole lives our whole lives development from infancy to adulthood incubates within the ivory towers of the educational institution. Educational Institutions A social contract is simply an agreement between a master and a subirdinate under prescribed rules of conduct and rights. It stem from the assumption that humans are born it a state of nature which is a condition devoid of social orpolotical links. Government Institutions Social movements represent the collective disdain of individuals and groups against a prevailing system or idea and are considered by many as more radical than other civil society groups. True

Comparing social organization with nongovernmental organizations, we can see glaring differences as well as similarities in their roles. Nongovernment organizations are more formal, whereas social movements on the flipside are informal. False Civil Society is broadly understood as the combination of organizations, establishments, and individuals that operate outside the influence of the governmental institutions. True The role of the civil society organization (CSO) is a very essential part of our liberal society. CSOs are composed of various actors, such as other groups, organizations, of institutions that come together to attain a particular goal that is vitally for the greater good of society True LGUs are formed by individuals who are willing to contribute to the cause of the group. People who volunteer in these organizations may come from different backgrounds, classes, and cultures. With their varied backgrounds, civil society groups tap into these networks to further expand their reach and support from the populace. False Through community participation, individuals can provide their own contributions through acts of volunteerism in projects and other communal initiatives. True A community is more than just a collective. It acts much like a living entity that takes on life. Living within the imaginations of its members, a community also embodies a perspective, identity, strand, and, much like a social movement. True Formations are created with the organic social media of actors that later on find commonalities and avenues for cooperation and partnerships. False Standing on the foundation of advocacies and networking is the hope for networking. False Through issues and concerns that are shared among its members, advocacies are formed by the community and its leaders. To improve and garner support , communities try to garner support from other individuals or groups which are

aligned with their worldview True Anthropology this field examines various aspects of humans, such as their biology, behavior, culture and social interactions. True The Paleolithic (,also known as the "New Stone Age"), the final division of the Stone Age, began about 12,000 years ago when the first developments of farming appeared in the Epipalaeolithic Near East, and later in other parts of the world False Social Strafication is a kind of social differentiation whereby members of society are grouped into socioeconomic strata, based upon their occupation and income, wealth and social status, or derived power (social and political). True Deviance a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements. False Sexuality studying people also demands a more personal approach in identifying subjects. Sexuality is one of the topics that identify people and groups through their sexual norms, orientation , interest, and behavior. True Institutions are grand social structures that are made up by individuals which, when viewed as a whole , exhibit pattern of behaviour that create conventions and norms in our society. True Economic institutions are the visible and organized manifestations of practices and beliefs in particular social and historical contexts. Like human emotions and attitudes, religious beliefs and practices project outward onto the social and historical plan. False Education takes up a quarter of our whole lives our whole lives development from infancy to adulthood incubates within the ivory towers of the educational institution. True Our own families are considered as the building blocks of our society. The origin of

the family goes back to prehistory and is the factor that bound early settlements. The formation of an organic union among kin perpetuated the emergence of tribes and communities. True A social networking is simply an agreement between a master and a subirdinate under prescribed rules of conduct and rights. It stem from the assumption that humans are born it a state of nature which is a condition devoid of social orpolotical links. False Civil Society is broadly understood as the combination of organizations, establishments, and individuals that operate outside the influence of the governmental institutions. True The role of the civil society organization (CSO) is a very essential part of our liberal society. CSOs are composed of various actors, such as other groups, organizations, of institutions that come together to attain a particular goal that is vitally for the greater good of society True LGUs are formed by individuals who are willing to contribute to the cause of the group. People who volunteer in these organizations may come from different backgrounds, classes, and cultures. False Community are, by definition, groups that exist for a sole purpose or issue and tend to fizzle out once it is attained. False Social movements represent the collective disdain of individuals and groups against a prevailing system or idea and are considered by many as more radical than other civil society groups. True An oligopoly, fundamentally, is a market where only a few are able to produce certain goods or services. True According to French sociologist Emile Durkheim, there is a glaring difference how we look at individuals and collectives. There is also conceptual difference between looking into individuals and studying groups of people or communities. True

Society is composed of various intermingling structures that continually make interactions, thus creating meanings that center on people. The structures created make up a set of values that stem from the collective consciousness of individuals. True Economics has already been established as one of the main cogs that have influence over institutions. False A free market economy also exists based on the idea of competition. Much like the survival of the fittest proposed in evolutionary biology, only those that are determined important and of value are the ones that can be given the chance to grow, make a profit, and expand, as consumers choose which one to buy through the act of buying. True Society cannot exist without interaction among its members. People, by nature, are social beings that are interdependent with each other. Individuals seek to exchange ideas and socialize with their kin or members of the community. True Incompleteness is choices are not equal in terms of value to the individual, therefore, these options can be sorted depending on relative value or importance. False Functionalist Theory explains that the set roles and statuses hold social balance and therefore, any change in the scheme will have repercussions on the functions of other roles and statuses True Community structure is represented by the social hierarchies that are inherent to each collective. The various social statuses and roles all are part of the social system we are all in. All members of the community, from doctors, lawyers, firemen to the students, live by these statuses and roles. True Conflict is more deliberate, and more violent coercive tactics may be employed by the actor. True Urban communities are settlements that are highly congested because of the dense population that can reach, million within a limited space. True

Suburban areas are mostly filled with houses, subdivisions, and private estates rather than factories and shops. True Urban communities are located in the countryside. The houses are far from each other and the density of people living here is the least from the three. False Access to schools and markets are farther than in urban areas. The buildings are low- to mid-rise and people live in houses with large living spaces and usually with yards True Some people are living in high- rise buildings because of the limited available space in the area. True It refers to the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity; special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well being of those people. Community Engagement It refers to the idea of unity or feeling of agreement among individuals with common interest. Solidarity It characterizes the relationship between a citizen and a political community. This is indicated by citizen’s involvement in state affairs, with respect to its economic and social processes, institutions, laws, rights, and responsibilities Citizenship It is the objective and reasonable to have a clearer picture of their existence. Accountable communities It is the next step in realizing ideas from a blueprint. It needs not only the people who are directly affected but also experts, industry leaders, and scholars who can contribute their knowledge and experience to the planning. Planning


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