HUN2000-Module 1 Quiz Answers Guide PDF

Title HUN2000-Module 1 Quiz Answers Guide
Course Human Nutrition
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 3
File Size 79.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Human Nutrition

Module 01 1. W ha hatt are e example xample xamples s of a person making a ffood ood c choice hoice based on values? - Food choices may reflect people’s religious beliefs, political views, or environmental concerns. 2. T he motiv motive e ffor or people who pr pref ef efer er fo foods ods they gr grew ew up ea eating ting is most lik likely ely related to their ________. - Ethnic heritage and regional cuisines. 3. W hic hich h foods are gr grea ea eatt e examples xamples of ultr ultra-processed a-processed fo foods? ods? - Soft drinks, chips, chocolate, candy, ice-cream, sweetened breakfast cereals, packaged soups, chicken nuggets, hotdogs, fries and more. 4. W ha hatt are the six c classes lasses of nutrients? - Carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water. 5. An apple is composed primarily of w whic hic hich h nutrient? - Water / Vitamin C 6. W ha hatt is the best source of nutrition infor information mation mation? ? - Registered Dietitian - RDA (Recommended Daily Average) or Estimated Average Requirement or EAR. 7. A pers person on who eats a granola bar fr from om a v vending ending machine is most lik likely ely making a food c choice hoice based on ________. - Availability 8. W hat hat is the simplest nutrient? - Minerals 9. W hy are vitamins and minerals sometimes called micr micronutrien onutrien onutrients? ts? - Because they are needed in smaller amounts than other nutrients 10. -

Calories or kcalories are a measure of ________ ener energy gy gy.. A measure of heat energy. Energy provided by foods and beverages. One kcalorie (kcal) is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius.

11. -

W hic hich h nutrient has the gr grea ea eatest test ener energ gy density? Fat

Human Nutrition 12. W hic hich h energ energy-yielding y-yielding nutrients are found in par partt of the structur structural al component of musc muscles les and help reg regula ula ulatt e digestion digestion? ? - Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats/Lipids 13. -

Vitamins ar are e accurately described as ha havin vin ving g what c char har haracteristics? acteristics? Micronutrients; organic, essential nutrients required in small amounts by the body for health. Vitamins regulate body processes that support growth and maintain life.

14. -

T here ar are e ________ vitamins and each has its own specia speciall dietar dietary y role to play play.. 13

15. Susan is a mo movie vie fan and alw alwa ays ea eatt s a big buc buck ket of butter buttery y popcor popcorn n at the theate theaterr. Her food c choice hoice is most lik likely ely based on ________. - Positive association 16. -

17. -

Essential nutrients are accurately described as having what c char har haracteristics? acteristics? Nutrients the body cannot make and are needed from outside the body and foods must supply. When used to refer to nutrients, the word essential means more than just “necessary”; it means “needed from outside the body”—normally, from foods. Minerals ar are e accurately described as ha having ving w wha ha hatt characteristics? Inorganic elements are needed in smaller amounts as compared to macronutrients. Minerals regulate body processes like vitamins.

18. W ha hatt essential nutrient pro provid vid vides es the en environment vironment in w whic hic hich h near nearly ly all the body’ body’s s activities tak take e place? - Water 19. -

W ha hatt is nutritional genomics? The science studying the relationship between human genome, nutrition and health

20. -

W ha hatt are the ca cate te tegories gories of the Dietar Dietary y Ref Refer er erence ence Intak Intake e (DRI)? Dietary Reference Intakes – A set of nutrient intake values for healthy people in the United States and Canada. These values are used for planning and assessing diets and include: Estimated Average Requirements – EAR Recommended Dietary Allowance – RDA Adequate Intakes – AI Tolerable Upper Limits - UL


21. T he lo lowest west continuing intak intake e of a nutrient tha thatt will maintain a sp specified ecified criterion of adequacy is called a nutrient ________ ________.. - Requirement

Human Nutrition 22. 23. -

W ha hatt is meant by the Re Recommended commended Dietar Dietary y Allow Allowance ance (RD (RDA) A) for a nutrient? RDA – the average daily amount of a nutrient considered adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy people; a goal for dietary intake by individuals. Ex: Vitamin D deficiency and Rickets W ha hatt is the definition of UL? Tolerable Upper Intake Level: the maximum daily amount of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people and beyond which there is an increased risk of adverse health effects....

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