HYDROGEN SULFIDE (H2S) AWARENESS Course outline Subject : Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness PDF

Title HYDROGEN SULFIDE (H2S) AWARENESS Course outline Subject : Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness
Author Esam Zubaydah
Pages 8
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HYDROGEN SULFIDE (H2S) AWARENESS AKAKUS Subject : Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness Date: August 19th, 2019 (Name) (Position) (Company) (Location) To Ashraf Dowa HSE Coordinator AOO Alsharara Field CC Kamel Osman Well testing Foreman PETECS Alsharara Field CC Mohand Shnaib Operation Manager PETECS Tr...



Date: August 19th, 2019

Subject : Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness To CC CC CC From

(Name) Ashraf Dowa Kamel Osman Mohand Shnaib Dr. Nargis Ilforgani Esam Zubaydah

(Position) HSE Coordinator Well testing Foreman Operation Manager Training Coordinator HSE Instructor


(Location) Alsharara Field Alsharara Field Tripoli H office Tripoli H office Alsharara Field

PETECS Recognizes that in order for it Business to survive it is essential that it has trained and competent personal at all levels in the organized

In order to achieve this, it is necessary to adopt a systematic approach to the issues of training and competence and thus address the requirements of the company

Course outline




Entry to H2S Risk Area


Course Objectives


Detection of H2S


What is Hydrogen Sulfide


Emergency Response and Contingency Plan


Properties and Toxicity of H2S


Course Duration


Threshold Limit Values & Toxicity Table


Validity of certificate


Physical Effects of H2S


Assessment – Quiz


Identification of H2S Hazard


attendance list


1. Introduction .

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is one of the most toxic gases handled in the oil and gas industry It is absolutely essential that all employees have a clear understanding of the very hazardous nature of H2S, the recognition of its presence, and the procedures to be followed in order to protect themselves from its lethal effect if H2S is released into the atmosphere. H2S may be released into the atmosphere during operations such as draining, venting, sampling and when process equipment or pipe work is opened for maintenance work. It can also be released to the atmosphere due to the leakage of crude oil or natural gas containing H 2S

2. Course Objectives The main purpose of the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) training is to create awareness on H2S hazards and give Trainees knowledge that will enable them respond appropriately during H2S emergencies.: At the end of the training, Trainee should be able to explain and demonstrate       

The common names of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) and where it is ordinarily found. The physical properties and characteristics of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), The acceptable workplace exposure limits (PEL/STEL) of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), The physiological effects of exposure to Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), How Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is detected and the use of onsite & personal detections, Actions to be taken in the event of a Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) alarm, The types of respiratory equipment for use in a Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) environment,

3. What is Hydrogen Sulfide Hydrogen sulfide is an extremely toxic and irritating gas. Early recognition and detection is crucial to protect employees from deadly exposures. H2S will affect the body if it is inhaled or contacts the eyes, skin, nose or throat. Our training on H2S will permit your workers to detect and

4. Properties and Toxicity of H2S    

H2S is a highly toxic gas. It is colorless and is heavier than air, having a vapor density of 1.2 it tends to settle in low-lying areas. However it is readily dispersed by wind movement. Soluble in water: 4 volumes of gas in 1 volume of water at 0 oC. It is flammable and, if ignited, will burn with a blue flame, producing Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2) an irritating and also very toxic gas with a pungent odour.

Lower Flammable Limit is 4.3% v/v Higher Flammable Limit is 46.0% v/v  

H2S has a characteristic ‘rotten eggs’ odour which can be smelled in concentrations as low as 0.1 part of gas per million parts of air by volume (ppm). The odour is very unreliable way of detecting this poisonous gas. At concentrations between 100-150 ppm, the sense of smell is rapidly deadened. This can be fatal to a person who thinks that a dangerous concentration can be detected by the offensive odour. DO NOT DEPEND ON SMELL TO DETECT H2S. It should be detected by the H2S gas detectors.

5. Threshold Limit Values & Toxicity Table 

The threshold Limit Value (TLV) is the time weighted average concentration for an 8 hour day or 40 hour week to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effect. The TLV for H 2 S is 10 ppm

STEL Short Term Exposure Limit: 15 ppm for a 15 -minute avg.

Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health: 100 ppm

6. Physical Effects of H2S

The effect of H2S on a person depends on the concentration the person is exposed to the length of time of exposure, and the individual’s body tolerance  The effects on exposed persons of various atmospheric concentrations of H 2S gives some indication of its dangers:

The following table below lists the health effects of exposure to H 2S 0.13 ppm

Minimal perceptible odour

27 ppm

Strong, unpleasant odour, but not intolerable

50 to 100 ppm

Eye and respiratory tract irritation after exposure of one hour.

200 to 300 ppm

Marked eye inflammation and respiratory tract irritation after exposure of one hour.

500 to 700 ppm

Dizziness, headache, nausea, … etc., within 15 minutes; loss of consciousness and possible death after 30 to 60 minutes exposure.

700 to 900 ppm

Rapidly produces unconsciousness and death occurs a few minutes later.

Over 1000 ppm

Apparent death is instantaneous.

No evidence has been found that repeated exposure to low levels of H 2S will accumulate in the body. After exposure to moderate concentrations, symptoms will disappear after removal from the exposed area.

7. Identification of H2S Hazard  

Equipment, pipelines or complete process areas containing hazardous concentrations of H2S should be clearly identified. Equipment or areas identified as a High Risk Area,

i.e. 500 ppm or more, shall be clearly identified and toxic hazard notices displayed at the boundary of the area.

8. Entry to H2S Risk Area Entry to these areas must be strictly controlled with access requiring written authorization from the client representatives. Precautions as mentioned in the authorization certificate (work permit) should always be strictly adhered to.

9. Detection of H2S your sense of smell is usually first in warning you of the presence of h 2s, but unfortunately may be last. do not rely on your sense of smell to tell you how much h2s gas is present when testing for the presence of h2s, it is prudent to be prepared for lethal concentrations. the equipment available will depend on the potential level of hazard.

10. Emergency Response and Contingency Plan 

Meticulous planning is necessary when work is to be carried out in an area where H 2S is a potential hazard. Problem situations should be eliminated beforehand, not when life is at stake. Entry and working procedures in H2S risk areas must be strictly controlled at all times. Safety precautions should include the following: 1. All personnel to know how to approach the work site taking into consideration wind direction, and movement of personnel. 2. Elimination of all sources of ignition because H2S is extremely flammable. 3. Use of breathing apparatus with a standby and if appropriate, use of life lines. 4. Availability of at least two escape routes. 5. Air monitoring or detection equipment with appropriate alarm system. 6. Observation of warning signs. 7. Use of reliable communications.

11. Course Duration 1 Day Following by certificate renewed according the Annual plan

12. Validity of certificate – 2 months, 3 Months and 6 Months 2 Months certificate - Draft

2 Months

The certificates will be sent to the AOO safety office in Tripoli

13. Assessment – Quiz


Short exposure to 100ppm hydrogen sulfide will cause immediate death.?

False 500 – 700 cause immediate death 2.

Hydrogen sulfide is invisible, flammable, explosive and deadly.

True 3. When a hydrogen sulfide emergency occurs, rescue any victims first, then protect yourself. False

protect yourself first


Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air, so it collects in low-lying areas.

True 5.

You do not need to worry about H2S unless you detect a rotten-egg odor.

False Never consider your nose !!! 6.

To avoid exposure to H2S, you should remain “wind conscious”.

True 7.

Your breathing apparatus should always be positive-pressure, never air-purifying.

True 8. After you’ve been trained to use respiratory protection, you won’t have to worry about additional training. False Training refreshing are always required


14. Attendance list




1 2

Abdu-Almanem Fantazi Ali Khalil

Corrosion Corrosion


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Ali Alhadi Nuri Alkrout Omar M Zaied Mohammud Hussen Abdu-Alhakim Ali Naiem Basha Ayman Zaied Bader Al-bghdadi Mahmmud Ben Issa Abubaker Zalloum Mohammed Ramadan Ehab M Aburawi Ashraf Dowa

Corrosion Corrosion Environment Environment Environment Environment Drilling HSE Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion Production HSE HSE admin


16 17 18 19

Mukthar Ramadan Alsharif Kamel Osman Sabri Kajaman Mahmod Idriss

Environment Well testing foreman Well testing Operator Well testing Ope't- Trainee

Regards Esam Zubaydah Health & Safety Coordinator



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