I Killed Her [ A Poem ] - a poem inspired by the declamation piece with the same title. PDF

Title I Killed Her [ A Poem ] - a poem inspired by the declamation piece with the same title.
Author elle estrevillo
Course Literary Appreciation
Institution Bataan Peninsula State University
Pages 1
File Size 21.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 2
Total Views 159


a poem inspired by the declamation piece with the same title....


I KILLED HER I killed her. I killed her because I do love her. She told me that she was a mess And killing her would be the best. I killed her for her to be happy. I killed her to end her agony. So please don’t blame me, I just did what she asked me. I never felt guilt towards what I did For she was smiling, genuinely indeed, Before I ended her suffering And giving her life’s ending. Before dying, she told me one thing. She told me that what she’s asking Is a way to escape you’re judgements and cruel opinions. She told me that killing her was the last option. And because I love her so dearly, I finished her misery. I ended her pain and melancholy. I granted her last plea. I killed her… and now she’s happy, She’s happy because she’s now free. She’s happy because she’s now me. And I’m happy because I have killed the old me— the girl that I used to be....

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