Iceberg Model in principles of sustainability SUS 101 PDF

Title Iceberg Model in principles of sustainability SUS 101
Author Ryan Moody
Course Principles Of Sustainability
Institution University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Pages 3
File Size 100.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 98
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Levels of thinking when it comes to approaching situations in sustainability, and finding ways to think about things differently...


As y s t emst hi nki ng model : TheI c eber g Sy s t emst hi nk i ngi sawayofappr oac hi ngpr obl emst hatas kshow v ar i ousel ement swi t hi nas y st em — whi chcoul dbean ec os y s t em,anor gani z at i on,orsomet hi ngmor edi sper seds uc h asasuppl yc hai n— i nfluenc eoneanot her .Rat hert hanr eact i ng t oi ndi v i dualpr obl emst hatar i se,as y s t emst hi nk erwi l las kabout r el at i ons hi pst oot herac t i vi t i eswi t hi nt hes y st em,l ookf orpat t er ns ov ert i me,andseekr ootcaus es . Ones y st emst hi nki ngmodel t hati shel pf ul f orunder s t andi ng gl obali ssuesi st hei ceber gmodel .Weknowt hatani ceber ghas onl y10per centofi t st ot al mas sabov et hewat erwhi l e90per cent i sunder wat er .Butt hat90per centi swhatt heoc eancur r ent sact on,andwhatcr eat est hei ceber g’ sbehavi orati t st i p.Gl obal i ssuescanbev i ewedi nt hi ssameway .

LEVELSOFTHI NKI NG 1.TheEventLevel Theev entl ev el i st hel ev el atwhi chwet ypi cal l yper cei v et he wor l d—f ori nst anc e,waki nguponemor ni ngt ofindwehav e caughtacol d.Whi l epr obl emsobs er v edatt heev entl ev elcan of t enbeaddr es s edwi t has i mpl er eadj us t ment ,t hei ceber gmodel pus hesusnott oas sumet hatev er yi s suecanbes ol v edbysi mpl y t r eat i ngt hes y mpt om oradj us t i ngatt heev entl ev el . 2.ThePat t er nLevel

I fwel ookj us tbel owt heev entl ev el ,weof t ennot i c epat t er ns . Si mi l arev ent shav ebeent aki ngpl ac eov ert i me— wemayhav e beencat chi ngmor ecol dswhenwehav en’ tbeenr es t i ngenough. Obs er v i ngpat t er nsal l owsust of or ec astandf or est al lev ent s . 3.TheSt r uct ur eLevel Bel owt hepat t er nl ev el l i est hest r uct ur el ev el .Whenweas k , “ Whati scaus i ngt hepat t er nwear eobs er v i ng?”t heans weri s us ual l ysomeki ndofs t r uct ur e.I ncr eas edst r es satwor kduet ot he newpr omot i onpol i c y ,t hehabi tofeat i ngpoor l ywhenunder s t r ess ,ort hei nconv eni entl ocat i onofheal t hyf oods our cescoul d al lbest r uct ur esatpl ayi nourcat c hi ngacol d.Accor di ngt o Pr of es sorJohnGer ber ,st r uct ur escani ncl udet hef ol l owi ng: 1Phy si c alt hi ngs— l i k ev endi ngmachi nes ,r oads ,t r afficl i ght sor t er r ai n. 2Or gani zat i ons— l i k ecor por at i ons ,gov er nment s ,ands chool s . 3Pol i c i es— l i k el aws ,r egul at i ons ,andt axst r uct ur es . 4Ri t ual — habi t ual behav i or ssoi ngr ai nedt hatt heyar enot cons c i ous . 4.TheMent alModelLevel Ment almodel sar et heat t i t udes ,bel i ef s ,mor al s,ex pect at i ons ,and v al uest hatal l ows t r uct ur est ocont i nuef unc t i oni ngast heyar e. Thes ear et hebel i ef st hatweof t enl ear nsubcons c i ousl yf r om our s oci et yorf ami l yandar el i k el yunawar eof .Ment al model st hat coul dbei nv ol v edi nuscat c hi ngacol dcoul di nc l ude:abel i eft hat car eeri sdeepl yi mpor t antt oouri dent i t y ,t hatheal t hyf oodi st oo ex pens i v e,ort hatr es ti sf ort heunmot i v at ed.

PUTTI NG THELEVELSTOGETHER Tak eal ookatt hedi agr am bel owt oseet heI c eber gModel appl i edt oani ns t anc eofcat chi ngacol d....

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