ICS 51 Syllabus PDF

Title ICS 51 Syllabus
Author Krislyn Martinez
Course Introductory Computer Organization
Institution University of California Irvine
Pages 5
File Size 131.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 96
Total Views 135




ICS 51:Computer Organization Note: lab/discussion does not meet until after the first lecture of the term. Your lab does meet the Wednesday of first week and you will complete the lab below linked under Lab 1. Remember, in general do not start on the lab assignment until you arrive at your assigned lab on Mondays. You can complet it and submit it by Wednesday of that same week if you need more time.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The TAs and I discussed how to handle the holiday and the larger Lab 9 and this is what we decided. There are no labs Monday of 9th week (that is a holiday), but labs will meet Wednesday of 9th week and Monday of 10th week (but not Wed of 10th week). All submission will be through EEE drop box. We will be using scripts to grade your lab program so no grading will occur during the lab time. Lab time is primarily for you to get help with your programming project. We will allow you to run the script yourself so you know how your program is performing. Grade will be proportional to how many of the test cases it handles correctly. We will check the code to make sure the implementation conforms to the spec. Read the lab assignment early. If you have any questions or difficulties, you can get TA/tutor help on Wednesday lab or the following Monday lab. You may drop in on any lab times during those days lab is held. When you are finished with your project, submit it via EEE dropbox. If you submit before 11:50pm Thursday of 9th week, you will earn 10 points extra credit on the 100 points for the lab. You may submit via EEE drop box until Tueday 11:59pm of 10th week for full credit. No submissions will be accepted after that time. You really should not submit any program unless it passes all the test cases. However, any submission must pass at least half of the test cases from the script to count as a valid submission and receive any credit or extra credit. Only one submission from each student will be counted. This course covers concepts and skills related to computer organization including Computer Architecture, Digital Logic Design, Assembly Language, and Programming in C. The textbook is Structured Computer Organization by Tannenbaum (online). Lecture notes, homework assignments, and a discussion forum will be provided on-line accessible through links on this page. Here is one reference for x86 symbolic assembly. Discussion Forum: Students should expect to spend significant time writing and debugging programs related to the lab and homework assignments. All students are

expected to read and post on the class on-line discussion forum here. If you have any general question please post it on the forum where anyone can answer, instructor, TAs, or other students. In a large class like this, 100 emails with the same question consumes too much time with no benefit. All work must be completed individually - in other words, there is NO GROUP WORK in this class. Helping other students learn is encouraged, but please do not give answers directly to any students as it robs them of the chance to learn through solving the problem themselves. Familiarize yourself with UCI Academic Integrity Policy h  ttp://honesty.uci.edu/ Anyone caught cheating in this class will be submitted to the University for prosecution and if found guilty, will receive a course grade of F. Here are some important examples of violations: ●

Cheating - Fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in an academic assignment, or using or attempting to use

materials, or assisting others in using materials that are prohibited or inappropriate in the context of the academic assignment in question.

Plagiarism - The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving

appropriate credit. This includes the copying of language, structure, or ideas of another and attributing (explicitly or implicitly) the work to one's own efforts. Plagiarism means using another's work without giving credit.

Unauthorized Collaboration - Working with others without the specific permission of the instructor on

assignments that will be submitted for a grade. This applies to in-class or take-home tests, papers, labs, or homework assignments. Students may not collaborate without faculty authorization.

Facilitating Academic Misconduct - Assisting another in violating the policy of Academic Integrity,

such as taking an exam for another student or providing coursework for another student to turn in as his or her own effort.

Schedule Week Reading 1 2 3

1 2.(1-4) 3.(1-2)



Intro, C  omputer Organization ANSI C Memory, CPU, IO ANSI C Boolean Algebra & Digital Circuits ANSI C




HW0 (practice)


HW 1

LAB 3 Tests

HW 2

Q0 (practice) Q1 Arch/Pipe

4 5 6 7

3.(3-4) 4.(1-2) 4.3 4.4 5.(1-4)






Digital Logic Level: Memory, Bus, CPU LAB 4 Tests Example MicroArchitecture LAB 5

HW 3 HW 4

Q2 TT/EQ/Circ Q3

HW 5


HW 6


HW 7


HW 8

Memorial Day Q7


Mic-1 Example MicroArchitecture Design

LAB 6 Template

Instruction Set Format LAB 7 Template Addressing Modes Assembly Language Intro & Macros LAB 8 Assembly Process, Linking, Loading Tests OS Overview & Virtual  Memory LAB 9 Tests Review Review Problems



Office Hours are posted here D  r Klefstad's Office Hours in DBH 3062 Homeworks (HW) are due on Thursdays as shown in the table above. You may submit in Thursday lecture at the end of lecture or you may submit to the Drop Box on the ground floor of DBH near the Bottle Refill Station labelled ICS 51. For example, HW1 is is due Thursday of Week 2, so you may submit it in Thursday lecture Week 2. It is up to you to be sure you solve the questions correctly and similar questions will be on the quizzes. If you come to office hours, I can help you understand concepts, but I will not validate if your answer is right or wrong before the due date. Quizzes (Q) will be given in discussion sections - as scheduled above. Quiz coverage is the material covered since the previous quiz and is shown in the parens above, e.g., W2-3 means the material from Weeks 2 and 3. Quiz A is a practice quiz that will be given, taken, and peer graded for practice only. Do not skip this quiz! Quiz will start on time and is over 15 minutes after the start of the quiz. If you started on time, the TA may allow you some more time to finish if there are more than 10% enrolled students still working on the quiz. If you show up too late, there is a good chance you will not get to take the quiz. Remember, one lowest quiz is dropped for each student. Viewing graded work and contesting grades: Both Homeworks and Quizzes will be graded and recorded in the gradebook within one week of submission. You will be allowed to see your scores. You may come to Dr Klefstad’s office hours to view your graded Homework and/or Quiz. You may contest the grading with Dr Klefstad, but it must be done within one week of posting of the grade on the gradebook.

Labs involve writing programs in C and/or x86 assembly language. You must attend your assigned lab. You may email request from your TA to attend another lab in advance which your TA may grant if there is room for you to switch that week. We post the Lab assignments before the lab, but you are not allowed to start solving the lab problem until the start of your lab on Monday. You may read and think about the lab beforehand, but do not start your lab with any code. You will work in your Monday lab to solve at least one lab problem. When you finish and submit your solution by showing it to your TA on Monday, ensure your TA records that you finished it. If you finish the entire lab on Monday and submit it to your TA and e-submit to the EEE dropbox, you can leave lab and you do not need to attend Wednesday. If you do not finish Monday, you may work on your solution at your convenience before your Wednesday lab, but your submission deadline for that week’s lab is end of your lab slot on Wednesday of that week. If you enrolled in a lab that is not convenient for your schedule, I suggest you also attend the lab you would like to switch into and ask if anyone would like to trade lab times with you. If you can find someone willing to trade, you can trade formally through your TA. The Final Quiz is a comprehensive exam and will be given as scheduled for the final exam. If you are seriously ill, go to your medical doctor and get an official, dated note clearly saying you are too ill to participate in course work and we will make arrangements for you to make up the missed work. You must make up missed work within a week of missing it. Routine appointments (e.g., dental checkup, physical) are not a valid excuse for missing course work. If in doubt, ask your instructor what qualifies as an excused absense. Course Grades What Quizzes Labs Homeworks

Number 7 (lowest dropped) 9 8

Percent Grade 30 30 20

Final Quiz





Course letter grades will be assigned using the default straight scale in the EEE gradebook.

IMPORTANT: There is no other extra credit in this course. The university only allows grade adjustments for grading errors on our part. Please do not ask us to allow you to do "anything" to improve your course grade after it is calcuated. By asking for such special accomodations, you are putting us in a very difficult position. All such requests will be ignored or pointed back to this note. The time to think about doing "anything" is during the course when you can make changes like ● attending lecture faithfully and on time, reading assigned reading before lecture, ● paying attention in lecture and taking notes on things you don't already know, ● ask questions when you don’t understand, ● studying more effectively before exams (like asking yourself hypothetical questions), ● reading exam questions very carefully and giving clear, correct answers, ● starting homework & other assignments early and ensuring they are completed on time or early....

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