ICT375-A1Cover-34095187 PDF

Title ICT375-A1Cover-34095187
Course Advanced Web Programming
Institution Murdoch University
Pages 17
File Size 1.7 MB
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Assignment 1 Cover...



34095187 Surname Lau Given name Andreas Email [email protected]

Unit Code Unit name Enrollment mode Date Assignment number Assignment name Tutor

ICT375 Advanced Web Programming Internal / external 27/02/2021 40515 Assignment 1 Nathanael Ng

Student’s Declaration: 

Except where indicated, the work I am submitting in this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted for assessment in another unit.

This submission complies with Murdoch University's academic integrity commitments. I am aware that information about plagiarism and associated penalties can be found at http://www.murdoch.edu.au/teach/plagiarism/. If I have any doubts or queries about this, I am further aware that I can contact my Unit Coordinator prior to submitting the assignment.

I acknowledge that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment:  Reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another academic staff member; and/or  Submit a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism-checking service. This web-based service may retain a copy of this work for the sole purpose of subsequent plagiarism checking, but has a legal agreement with the University that it will not share or reproduce it in any form.

I have retained a copy of this assignment.

I am aware that in making this declaration, by submitting this document electronically and by using my Murdoch ID and password, it is deemed equivalent to executing this declaration with my written signature. Optional Comments to Tutor:

Please insert this completed form into the body of the assignment you submit. Follow the instructions in the Unit Guide about how to submit your file(s) and how to name them, so that the Unit Coordinator knows whose work it is.

Student Entry Form (index.html)

Validation (Examples) Age and Last Name are left blanks -


What is achieved: o This thorough testing allows me to check if the message will displayed when user leaves a blank o User is able to clear their inputs o What is unachievable: o Failed message will pop up in a second and re-directs back immediately which does not allow user to view what is the missing blank he missed out.

First Name and ID are left blanks

Degree is left blank

Once successfully submitted

If pathname is incorrect - What is achieved: o Message will show “404 Not Found” if file path is invalid


In this case, fs.readFile(‘../cc.html’, ….) has read the wrong file and therefore displays 404 Not Found from res.write(‘404 Not Found’);

validate.js - Wha t is


achieved: o Once user clicks on the button, ‘Submit Form’, it will add data into Student.csv o Button will validate the inputs and if the user does not input any of the text, it will prompt a failed message (examples shown above on Validation examples) What is not achieved: o Once user submit another new form with different inputs, it will print out new Student.csv(1) file and not adding into the existing .csv file.

requestHandlers (Student Entry Form) - What is achieved: o Client will request from the server and index.html will be displayed o Server will display client’s request and it’s routing. o CSS and Javascripts for functions is also requested to allow Student Entry Form to print csv file. (When we node index.js, it will display index.html shown on Student Entry Form example)


requestHandler.js (Upload and display Student record)

Upload Image Form (html/upload.html)


Request Handler (Upload)

Upload selected file - What is achieved o When user chooses a picture to upload, it will be displayed

(After image is shown)

requestHandler.js (Upload Image)

requestHandler.js (Display Image)

Retrieve Students Form (html/retrieve.html)


Request Handlers (Retrieve)

Before clicking ‘Load Data’ button - What is achieved: o Running by node index.js o When user click on the ‘Retrieve’ on the navigation bar, client will request from server. This will eventually display on the server (reflected on PuTTy)


After clicking on ‘Load Data’ button


What is achieved: o When user clicks on ‘Load Data’ button, it will request student.csv (in this case, I created a csv file with a collection of data) and display in tabular form

Searching examples - This function allows user to filter other data like student id, first name and etc. - Just by entering input will automatically search and this would be userfriendly to use instead of clicking buttons. - This function is running through searchTable.js (shown below) (Testing examples for 3 degrees)


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