Ideal Gas Law - Labster Lab PDF

Title Ideal Gas Law - Labster Lab
Course Introduction To General, Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab
Institution Chamberlain University
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Labster Lab...


CHEM120 OL, Week 4 Lab

OL Lab 7: Ideal Gas Law Learning Objectives   

Explain the physical concepts of temperature and absolute zero Define the relationship between pressure, volume and temperature in gases using gas thermometry Apply the Ideal Gas Law

Introduction Just because Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin defined their own temperature scales and named them after themselves, it doesn’t mean that you can’t create your own! In the Ideal Gas Law simulation, you will define the physical concept of temperature and absolute zero. You will observe how ideal gas molecules behave according to the Ideal Gas Law, and you’ll learn about the relationship between pressure, volume and temperature in gases using gas thermometry. Define your temperature scale Your first mission in the Ideal Gas Law simulation will be to define a unique temperature scale. In order to complete this task, you will assign the correct temperature to various reference points. You will discover at which temperature water freezes and nitrogen boils. At the end of this mission, you will be able to calculate a new value for the Boltzmann’s constant. Formulate the Ideal Gas Law Imagine how easy it would be to understand the behavior of an ideal gas if the gas molecules were so big that they could be seen with the naked eye. Well, in this simulation they can! The gas molecules are magnified, so you can see what is otherwise invisible. Your next mission is to define the relationship between the pressure, temperature and volume of an ideal gas sealed in a glass jar. Experiment with gas thermometry Handling extreme temperatures is not a hazard as long as you’re a part of this simulation! Observe the changes in the pressure of an ideal gas as you cool it down from the temperature of boiling water to the temperature of boiling nitrogen. You will have complete freedom to repeat the experiment with any amount of gas and to define the absolute zero temperature. Are you ready to apply the Ideal Gas Law and everything you learned in gas thermometry in order to assist in the transport of an organ for a transplant surgery? Part 1: Complete Labster lab: Ideal Gas Law

CHEM120 OL, Week 4 Lab

Part 2: Report and Reflection Purpose: Describe in complete sentences and in your own words, the purpose of this experiment. The purpose of this experiment was to track the temperature for the paramedic. Without a thermometer, I identify the pressure at three different temperatures for a random amount of gas molecules held in a tank. Also defined the absolute zero temperature.

Observations: Record three observations from the simulation.    

These labs drain my laptop. Volume is portioned to temperature Gas particles behave in a random and straight line for a given amount of gas, the temperature goes up as the gas is compressed into a smaller volume, and the temperature goes down as the gas is allowed to expand into a larger volume.

Answer the questions below: 1. If the pressure of a fixed volume of gas decreased in a sealed container, what variable would you think changed? Did this variable increase or decrease? Vol ume( V)i sfixed.Andpr essur ei sdecr eased.Usi ngi dealgasequat i on; PV=nRT Pi spr essur e,Vi svol ume,ni smol esofgas,Ri sgasconst antandTi s t emper at ur ei nKel vi n. Vi sconst ant ,mol esofgas( n)const antsi nce cyl i nderi sseal ed.So,onl yt emper at ur ewi l lvar ywi t hpr essur e.I fpr essur e i sdecr eased,t emper at ur ewi l lal sodecr ease.Temper at ur eandDecr ease

2. Why is it important to convert into units of Kelvin before using the Ideal gas law? TheKel vi nscal ei susedi ngasl aw becauset hepr essur eandvol umeofa gasdependont heki net i cener gyorr andom mot i onoft hepar t i cl es. TheKel vi nscal ei spr opor t i onalt ot heKEoft he par t i cl ei . e.0K( absol ut ezer o)means0ki net i c ener gy

CHEM120 OL, Week 4 Lab

3. Using what you learned in this simulation, explain why compressed gas cylinders, such as those found in the hospital, typically contain a warning to not leave in sunlight or expose to heat. Don’ tt ol eavei nsunl i ghtorexposet oheatbecauset het emper at ur e ofcyl i nderwi l li ncr ease,andt hepr essur eofgaswi l li ncr easei nt he cyl i nderwhi chmayl eadt ot hecyl i ndert opop/expl ode.

4. Reflection: Consider what you learned from this simulation. Reflect on three to four key concepts that you learned in this lab exercise. How could the lessons learned in this virtual lab related to a real world situation in the community/world or your future career? Be specific in your answer (this should require 5-10 sentences). The ideal gas equation, is PV=nRT Ideal gas laws are used for the working of airbags in vehicles. When airbags are deployed, they are quickly filled with different gases that inflate them. The airbags are filled with nitrogen gases as they inflate. Through a reaction with a substance known as sodium aside, the nitrogen gas is produced. I would probably have to say evaporation, you need the information about the density as well though. I think it is the best example out there. Imagine you leave a bottle of something toxic to humans open over night in a sealed laboratory. The levels of solution drastically drop and you don’t know if it is harmful or not. Well if you use the gas law you can easily calculate how much moles of the substance is now in the air and whether or not it is above the safe limit.

CHEM120 OL, Week 4 Lab

Grading Rubric:




Part I

Complete simulation and answer all questions


Part II

Complete lab report and answer questions


   


Purpose (1 point) Observation (3 points) Questions (3 points) Reflection (2 points)

Complete all lab activities


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