Title IMET2
Course International macro-economic topics 2
Institution Thomas More
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Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................... Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. SW-analysis and personal targets .................................................... Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. Evidence by target ................................................................................................................................... 8 DLR9 International Business Awareness ........................................................................................ 10 DLR 10 International Marketing..................................................................................................... 11 DLR 11 International Supply Chain Management .......................................................................... 13 DLR 13 Intercultural Adaptability................................................................................................... 14 DLR 14 Commerce ..........................................................................................................................15 Global end evaluation ............................................................................................................................ 17




SW-analysis and personal targets – Only version KOLOM 1










Als je een Belgisch bedrijf bent en wilt uitbreiden naar het buitenland is Nederland de beste eerste stap.

1) Landendossier van Nederland van FIT lezen Ik ga ook nog extra informatie op zoeken.

(zie pdf bij cursusdocumenten op Toledo voor meer details)

DLR9 International Business Awareness

(Niveau = 1-2-3 uit pdf + argumentatie en concretisering van het niveau + eindconclusie: eerder een zwakte of eerder een sterkte?)

(5 in totaal)


Globaal niveau: 2 Dankzij het vak Emerging Markets ben ik al veel te weten gekomen over de Latijns-Amerikaanse en Oost-Europese markt. Asian Business Topics heeft er dan weer voor gezorgd dat ik een globaal beeld heb gekregen over zaken doen in Azië, en ik heb mij toen gefocust op Thailand. Via IMET 1 hebben we veel informatie gekregen dankzij gastprekers over meerdere landen zoals Ghana, Canada, Japan… (sterkte)

We bespreken altijd verre landen in onze richting maar ik wil mij nu is richten op de buurlanden en de kansen die zij bieden. Ik ga me verdiepen in de economie van Nederland en de opportuniteiten die daar te vinden zijn.

2) Naar de webshopvakbeurs gaan om een lezing gefocust op Nederland bij te wonen

Landendossier lezen en extra info verschaffen: voor 10/4/2017 Beurs bezoeken: voor 4/5/2017 Aantal uren= 7 uur (6 uur dossier + 1 uur beurs)


DLR 10 International Marketing

Globaal Niveau 2 Ik heb het eerste semester van mijn tweede jaar Digital Marketing en Social Media gehad. Daar heb ik marketingplanen moeten maken met de tools die social media te bieden hebben. Bij Internationale Marketing hebben we heel uitgebreid aan marktonderzoek gedaan. Het meest complete werk was bij Marketing in het eerste jaar. Toen hebben we een heel marketingplan moeten opstellen voor een nieuw fictief product van A tot Z. Dus eigenlijk heb ik alleen het meeste opgestoken van Marketing. De andere vakken waren eerder een inleiding. (zwakte)

Ik wil te weten komen wat de beste manieren zijn om awareness te verhogen de dag van vandaag en in de nabije toekomst.

Ik heb het dan over online marketing. Dat lijkt voor mij waar de focus moet liggen aangezien mensen enorm veel tijd online spenderen. Online marketing biedt ook de mogelijkheid om voor awareness te zorgen op plaatsen waar je fysiek niet bent.

1) “Facebook Marketing Tips voor meer bereik…” lezen van Youri Meuleman en mij abonneren op zijn gratis nieuwsbrief.

Facebook Marketing Tips lezen voor: 15/5/2017

2) Het boek “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” van Gary Vaynerchuk lezen en abonneren op zijn newslettter.

Certificaat behalen voor: 29/05/2017

3) Online MarketingCertificaat van Google behalen.

Boek lezen voor: 15/5/2017

Aantal uren= 15 uur (1 uur tips en nieuwsbrief + 6 uur boek en newsletter + 8 uur certificaat)


Globaal niveau: 1

DLR 11 International Supply Chain Management

Het eerste semester hebben we een inleiding tot de logistiek gekregen. Maar meer was het ook niet. Het was heel algemeen en van het moment dat er wat processen bij kwamen werd het al wat te veel voor ons. (zwakte) We hebben wel eindelijk een beeld gekregen van logistiek inhoudt en het belang ervan, vooral in de e-commerce. Maar zoals gezegd weet ik niet veel over het fijnere zoals de ICT-tools.

Ik wil mijn basiskennis uitbreiden zodat ik een efficiënte supply chain kan op stellen. Ook wil ik op de hoogte zijn van mogelijke trends in de logistiek.

Een goeie supply chain zorgt er voor dat alle andere aspecten in een bedrijf goed lopen. Het is ook meer en meer erkend dat er veel geld bespaard kan worden met een goede strategie. Het heeft ook invloed op de klantenrelaties

1) Boekje ‘Stroomlijn uw logistieke activiteiten…’ van FIT lezen. 2) Naar de webshopvakbeurs gaan om een lezing gefocust op logistiek bij te wonen

Boekje lezen: voor 15/5/2017 Beurs bezoeken: voor 4/5/2017 Aantal uren= 8 uur (5 uur boek + 3 uur beurs)


DLR 12 International Finance and Accounting

DLR 13 Intercultural Adaptability

1) Schoolbezoek Budapest 2) Landendossiers lezen van OostEuropese lan den FIT + research

Schoolbezoek: 11/11/2016

Globaal niveau: 1

Dit semester krijgen we Kostprijs en Budgettering. In het middelbaar heb ik Economie-talen gestudeerd dus heb ik boekhouden al gehad maar daar is niet veel van blijven hangen. Tijdens Economie en Business Fundamentals is dat wat teruggekomen maar niet genoeg om mij terug op een goed niveau te brengen.

Globaal niveau: 2

Voor International Project Ik wil mij verdiepen in verschillende hebben we in het eerste culturen. semester een schoolreis gemaakt naar Budapest. De focus lag op de culturele verschillen tussen de inwoners van onze landen. Het eerste semester had ik ook een keuzevak Intercultural Communication opgenomen. Dit heeft heel hard geholpen met cultuur

Europa heeft veel verschillende culturen maar er zijn ook veel vooroordelen zoals bv, over Oost-Europa Ik wil zien in hoeverre ze waar zijn of juist niet.

Landendossiers: 5/4/2017 Aantal uren= 6 uur (schoolbezoek 3uur + 3 uur landendossiers)


iets dat eerder vaag is wat tastbaarder te maken. Zelf heb ik het geluk dat mijn ouders Congolezen zijn dus die cultuur heb ik ook mee. (sterkte) Van een andere cultuur zijn in een land helpt met het open staan voor andere culturen.

DLR 14 Commerce

Globaal niveau: 1 Over verkoop heb ik wel wat bijgeleerd bij Sales 1. Daar heb ik vooral geleerd om te vragen wat de klant echt wilt. Bij logistiek hebben we het ook gehad over wat er na de verkoop komt. De verschillende koopkannalen zijn me ook bekend. Maar dat is het dan ook. (zwakte)

Ik wil mij verdiepen in het creëren en onderhouden van klantenrelaties en de huidige e-commerce.

Ik weet echt niet veel over verkopen maar klantenrelaties is het aspect dat mij het meeste interesseert.

1) Interview met Sales Engineer bij Northplains XXX 2) Naar de webshopvakbeurs gaan.

Interview: voor 30/4/2017 Beurs: voor 4/5/2017 Aantal uren= 2u30 (1u30 interview + 1 uur beurs)



Evidence by target Evidence of Google Certificate Evidence Webshop Vakbeurs


Evidence Interview with XXX


Reports of the activities DLR 9 International Business Awareness Landendossier van Nederland van FIT lezen Ik ga ook nog extra informatie op zoeken. Doing business abroad demands a lot of preparation and research on the markets and industries. After doing that you can set up an exportplan. But the research is the hardest and longest part. We have done it several times in Emerging Markets. There are so many factors to look at that is why there are so many tools to use. But luckily the differences between Belgium and the Netherlands are not monumental One big difference is that in the Netherlands the e-commerce is much more accepted. By reading the county profile from FIT and doing research, I can get an insight on things like that. The FIT profile shows how to get your products over there through several options. You can always just open a business there. That will help with visibility. The FIT profile covers a lot of interesting topics. It covers the topic of finding partners and clients. How payment will work and a lot of tips regarding doing business with the locals. I also looked at the best sectors in the Netherlands. You have: agri & food, chemistry, energy, water and a few more. They really focus on export and use their knowledge on these sectors as an advantage. When we take a closer look at the food industry. Sales in retail food products amounted to 47.370 billion euros in 2016 (compared with 47.230 billion euros in 2015). That's almost half of total retail sales. Especially supermarkets and gas stations (including fuels) are responsible for this share. Of course Albert Heijn is the market leader with 35,1 %. Reading this profile really gives you an idea on what to expect of the markets and consumer behavior. But you should not only look at that. Laws and regulations are equally as important because maybe your idea is not possible. Webshopvakbeurs: Meer verkopen over de grens en via online marktplaatsen door Jonathan Gillyns Throughout the presentation we received remarkable comparisons and differences. The first was that's Brand Awareness is 97% in the Netherlands and 85% in Belgium. The reason for that was revealed in the next slide, they only focused on Belgium since 2010. Another difference was in the communication time. In the Netherlands, “voormiddag” is from 12:00 to 14:00. In Belgium from 9 am to 12 pm The afternoon in the Netherlands is from 16h to 18h. In Belgium from 12 am to 6 pm It is strange that such a thing would be different. If you look at the December period, you have 2 peaks by Christmas and sinterklaas. With us only for Christmas. He also showed some payment options known in the Netherlands. This lecture really fit well with the target that I wanted to achieve.


DLR 10 International Marketing Facebook Marketing Tips voor meer bereik…” lezen van Youri Meuleman en abonneren op zijn gratis nieuwsbrief This was a free e-book provided by Youri Meuleman on his website. I landed on his website thanks to a Facebook ad. Why would I read something from him? Because when he was 14 he had 8 running webshops. Then at the age of 16 he was offered a job as the marketeer for It was there that he realised what his strength was, Facebook Marketing. Now he has his own website and services. He offers this e-book as a teaser. But even though it is a teaser he gave a lot of helpful information. Through tips he says that you should not always follow the norm regarding length and the look of your posts. There were a lot of tips but the most interesting ones were about the Facebook alghortim. One tip was to not share youtube video’s on Facebook because they will appear smaller to your audience than a video that is shared directly from your device. So this is just one helpful exam from the e-book. I also subscribed to his newsletter through e-mail. In his newsletter he gives you the link to a full article on one of the 31 tips. This activity was helpful but can not stand on it’s own you need more than this but it is a good starting point. Het boek “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” van Gary Vaynerchuk lezen en abonneren op zijn newslettter Gary Vaynerchuk is best known as a digital marketing and social-media pioneer at the helm of his own companies VaynerMedia and VaynerX. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right-Hook debuted at the top of the Wall Street Journal's business books list and at number four on the New York Times hardcover advice bestseller list. Basically, anything a man like him can teach me I will accept. He grew his family’s wine business from $3 million to $60 million using YouTube in its earliest stage. He is very good at predicting shifts and trends. In his book, he speaks on the fact that in today’s classic marketing when a company makes an ad they share the same ad on all the mediums . While we all use different mediums in other ways and for different purposes. The focus of the book is to show people how to stand out on social media with creative and powerful content. One of the things that stuck to me was the meaning of the title. In short, a right hook is content that is shared to sell and self-promote and a jab is content that aims to engage and trigger an emotional response. He says that people keep on giving right hooks but never jab. By jabbing frequently, you set up the customer. And when it’s the right time the right hook will land effortlessly which will result in conversions. This is a must-read for anyone that studies a business-related course. Reading this book helped me in a big in to reaching my target. His newsletter was also very good. It was connected with Messenger instead of mail. This shows how innovative he is. In his newsletter, he shared blogs he wrote, that is his way of giving “jabs”. 11

Online Marketing-Certificaat van Google behalen I stumbled upon this through a Facebook ad. I even wanted to acquire the certificate before IMET 2 but I lacked motivation. So, this was the perfect opportunity. The “Digitaal Atelier” Is made for improving the digital skills that you need to further develop uour business or career. Through the help of videos there are experts who will guide you in your journey for the certificate. The great thing about this course is that you can choose when you take the lessons. Google did a good job keeping the lessons shorts and the questions you have to answer after every course are challenging but still asked in a fun way. There are a total of 89 lessons and at the end you have one final test to acquire your certificate. This course was good because it implemented a lot of Google applications that are very useful. When you acquire this certificate you will have a basic understanding of marketing and online marketing. I saw a lot about the processes in online marketing and the thought processes. It really helped to understand the available tools the internet has to offer.


DLR 11 International Supply Chain Management Boekje ‘Stroomlijn uw logistieke activiteiten…’ van FIT lezen Because my knowledge of logistics is so limited, I certainly wanted an activity that would explain everything thoroughly. With this book, I have managed to refresh what I already knew and I have also learned new things. The book deals with all aspects of logistics, starting with the cost. The costs associated with logistics are explained and transport costs also. We have already seen that logistics is best for you, because you can save money. After that, the things that I already knew came back but they went further in detail. It was about the packaging of goods and their role, different modes of transport, types of insurance. We saw the insurance in the first year of international trade. That was maybe my favorite part because it was so tricky . Webshopvakbeurs: Geen internationale groei zonder de juiste logistieke strategie door Koen Verlanen DPD Koen Verlaenen says that growing abroad is impossible without understanding of the logistical needs of customers across the world. Local and cultural factors play an important role in the way consumers want to receive their packages. DPD operates in as much as 21 countries. That number will only grow because consumers keep looking for the cheapest or best deals they can find online. He did show us some reasons why someone would not look abroad. Like extra costs, everything can be found here, not trusting the process and so on. The top bestselling categories are electronics and gaming. The customer of today likes to have several options. Also, when it comes to delivery. So you should have at least 2. The standard one and a premium one that is more expensive but faster.

Webshopvakbeurs: Logistiek als belangrijke marketing element in e-commerce door Giuliano Guarraci bpost Giuliano Guarraci showed us that e-commerce has a lot of growing potential in Belgium. Right now we are trailing behind our neighboring countries, but not as much as we used to. He showed us that convenience is becoming a bigger factor in our decisions. For logistics you might think that that means quick delivery. But convenience means delivering where and when the consumer wants. Just like the other speaker he praises giving the customer options for delivery. And not to forget returning a product should be just as easy as ordering it. He believes that you should use your logistics in your marketing when it is efficient. From both speakers I will remember that giving options is very important. If you do not do that, customers will find another company. 13

DLR 13 Intercultural Adaptability Schoolbezoek Budapest For international project we visited the Budapest Business school. But even before that we could get glimpses of how the people live in Hungary. When you walk in the streets of Budapest you will see little to no foreigners. We talked to some students about the reasons for that. They said that the older generation is not very accepting towards refugees or foreigners. The young people didn’t have a problem with refugees and were more open. As a task, we had to give a presentation on what we could find on their culture. Then they had to do the same. The stereotypes that came up from both sides were mostly true. We even learned some facts about Belgium that we didn’t know. A big thing that shapes their culture is poverty. You can see it in the streets. There are a lot of homeless people. The older population do not want foreigners because they do not want to pay for them. This was a very valuable experience. It was my first time in Eastern-European country and it was not that much different from my expectations. Landendossiers lezen van FIT + research I wanted to see how much I could get to know on the culture of a few countries from behind my laptop on my own. I chose Eastern-Europe because I don’t know much about it. I read country profiles to see how the business culture was. I also went and did some research on the leading markets in those countries. There are a lot of similarities between the countries but of course certain habits differ. Hofstede was another tool that I used to analyze the countries. There you could see more differences. Which is very important when you would like to do business with one of these countries. You should be prepared because no country is the same. If you do treat it that way you will not be successful. I thought this was a good exercise because usually we have to do this in groups but now I was on my own so I went slower. But everything that I did find stuck with me.


DLR 14 Commerce Interview met Sales Engineer bij Northplains XXX Together with XXX we interviewed the father of one of our friends. Every time I asked my friend to explain what his father did for a living he couldn’t give...

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