Immuno-3 - Immuno-3 PDF

Title Immuno-3 - Immuno-3
Author Aishah Trahan
Course Immunobiology
Institution University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Pages 1
File Size 19.4 KB
File Type PDF
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1&2.Whenant i genbi ndswi t hBCRonBcel l s ur f ac e,s i gnal 1i spr oducedf ort hepr oduc t i onof MHCmol ecul eandCD40mol ec ul esonBcel l s ur f ac e. WhenMHCmol ecul epr esentt heant i genonBcel l s ur f ace,Tcel l r ecogni z et hi sant i gen t hr oughi t sTCRandt henCD40Li nt er act swi t hCD40mol ecul eandt hensi gnal 2i spr oducedf or t hepr oduct i onofdi ffer entc yt oki ner ec ept or sonBcel l s ur f ace. WhenTcel l i sact i v at edbyt hei nt er act i onwi t hBcel l t henTc el l sec r et esomedi ffer ent c yt oki nes.Thes ec yt oki nesbi ndt ospec i ficr ecept oronBcel l andt hensi gnal 3i spr oducedt hat hel psi nBcel ldi ffer ent i at i oni nt opl asmacel l sandmemor ycel l s.Andt hi spl asmac el l st hen pr oduces peci ficant i bodyf ort hatpar t i cul arant i gen. 3.Whenwer epl aceBc el lwi t hDCcel l ormac r ophaget heni nt hefigur eonl yMHCmol ecul ei s expr ess edont hesur f aceofDCormacr ophage.BCRl i k emol ecul eswi l l notpr esentont he s ur f ace. 4.I ft heThc el li sact i v at edt hr ought heant i genpr es ent i ngc el lt hati sei t herDC,Mac r ophageor t heBc el l t hent heant i genwhi chi tdet ect sdi ffer sandnott hemechani s m oft heant i gen r epr es ent at i on.Asf ort hefi r s tcas e,t heDConl yhast woMHCcompl ex esIandI Iwhi l et hatof t heot hert woi shav i ngt heonl yoneMHCI If ort hepr es ent at i onoft heant i gent ot heThcel l s. Thusofwer epl acet heBc el l wi t ht hedendr i t i cc el lt hensi gnal sf r om wi t ht hedet ec t i onoccur c hangesal i t t l et hatmeansi ft hedendr i t i ccel l i sconsi der edt hent heTcel l r ecept orwi l l i nt er act wi t hei t herMHCI IorMHCIbas edont heThort henai v eTc el l r espect i v el y .Hencet hepr i mi ng andt heant i gendet ect i onwi l lt ak epl ac es i mul t aneous l y .Whenev ert heDCcomesi nt ot he pi ct ur et hent heot hersi gnal i ngort hest abi l i t ypr ov i di ngbi ndi ngwi l l di fferi nsuchawayt hatt he CD80/ 86andCTLA4bi ndi ngwi l l bet ak enpl aceandanot hersi gnal f ort heact i v at i onoft heTh cel l i sI CAM/ LFAwi t hCD28bi ndi ngwi l l bedone.Thust hepr ocessoft hesi gnal t r ans duct i on c hangesbasedont hesur f acer ecept or spr es entont heant i genpr es ent i ngcel l .al s o,t heTc el l i shav i ngt hebi ndi ngsi t esf oral lt hr eeant i genpr es ent i ngcel l s.Thusev eni ft hemac r ophage hasbeenchangedi nst eadoft heBc el l t heant i genr ecogni t i onpr ocedur ewi l l bet hesamebut t hesi gnal sf oreac hcasewi l ldi ffer . 5.Thepr of es si onant i genr epr es ent i ngcel l i scompr i si ngoft hef ol l owi ngsi gnal sandbas edon t hepr of es si onalAgpr esent i ngcel l i smos t l yt heDCasi thel psi nt hepr i mi ngoft heTc el l sas wel last heant i gendet ect i on....

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