Title Impact OF Working PART TIME ON Student UITM SHAH ALAM
Author Haqim Ghazali
Course English for Report Writing
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 6
File Size 106.9 KB
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TABLE OF CONTENT NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

CONTENT Background of the study Problem statement Objective of the study Significance of the study Limitations Methodology References

PAGE 1-2 2 2 3 3 4 5

1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A life of being a student nowadays is very much different from years before. Previous students in the year of 70s to 90s were easy to secure scholarships as there were not many students and universities compared to now. At present the number of universities has increased tremendously as well as the number of the students. Thus, the possibility for the student nowadays to secure a scholarship is slim as there are countless applicants from numerous universities throughout the nation. It is extremely competitive nowadays to obtain a scholarship as many scholarship providers have their own requirements which are hard to meet. In addition, the economic scenario is different. The current economy is unstable, the currency plummeted hence it has affected every aspect of life. The living costs keep increasing as an impact of the volatile economy. As a result, the prices of food, transportation, education, and health care are on the rise. The raise in price makes it difficult for everyone, especially for students since they are struggling with the cost of living. Hence, some seek to work as part-timers without hesitation, to support their families, to pay for their student fees as well as other necessities. Part time work is defined by Hornby, McIntosh et al. (2005) as a part of the day or week in which people work. While Woodhouse (2007) defines part time work as a job which only involves working fewer hours in a week rather than a full-time job. Working as a part timer can be considered as a starting point towards reality in life. According to Barron and Anastasiadou (2009) working part time provides opportunities to develop an understanding to students of many aspects of life including work ethics, overcoming the fear of failure and get priorities straight. In addition, they gain new knowledge and help them to adapt with new environments. Working as a part timer also can build up their characters as it can help them to come out of their shell such as living independently, developing interpersonal skills, and become more confident. These advantages cannot be gained elsewhere except through working experiences. The Star (2018) reported findings on a survey that was carried out by Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) concerning students who work part time. The survey revealed that 9 out of 10 students work while studying. The reason for them to work as part timers is because they need extra money to help them bridge a


significant gap between the cost of studying and funding from their parents. The survey also revealed that while the extra money may be used for fees or cost of living, it also was used for splashing out on clothes, and make-up and entertainment. In addition, to contribute for family, many students are turning to part-time jobs to fund their degree, with 30% saying they will need to cover part of the costs associated with their degree through paid employment. In conclusion, it seems necessary for students to work part time to supplement their financial needs. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENTS

Many students take on part-time jobs to help pay for their living expenses as students in these difficult economic times. In Malaysia, 9 in 10 students work while studying (The Star Online, 2018). As we already know this happens because students might be very well aware of the expenses that higher education costs nowadays. So, students taking up a part-time job is very common. In additionally, for students, part-time jobs are very helpful, be it for paying tuition fee, academic fees, or as an extra allowance. Though working part-time along with studying has many disadvantages, you also have a set of advantages too which we will be discussed in this article. Experts, on the other hand, believe that students who work more than 15 to 20 hours a week are more likely to struggle in studies and eventually drop out (Students & Part-Time Work – The College Board, 2017). Working long hours can limit opportunities to form friendships and pursue interests that will help you grow intellectually and emotionally. When students think of working part-time while studying, the first thing that comes to mind is the salary (money), but the one disadvantage that comes to mind is the question of how students will be able to balance work and study. 3. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY

The purpose of this study to identify the impact or working part time on UiTM Shah Alam students. This study suggests several research objective to be attained as follows;

a) To determine the reasons of working part time among UiTM Shah Alam students. b) To investigate the effects of working part time on student’s academic achievement. c) To identify the advantage of working part time for the future while studying.



The findings will involve student at UiTM Shah Alam so that they are knowledgeable about the reasons, the effects and the advantages of UiTM Shah Alam students working part time while studying. The potential benefits are that students will be exposed to how they manage their time while working part-time while studying. This finding is important because respondents can learn or are aware of how to manage their time wisely while working part-time and studying. This finding is also necessary to determine whether their working part-time affects their academic performance because respondents must manage their time to complete all their assignments. Lastly, the finding will acknowledge students the advantages of working part-time for the future while studying so that they can learn how to enhance their skills and knowledge for the future. 5. LIMITATIONS

There are few limitations or obstacles faced in conducting this research. First of all is the sample size is too small. This refers to the difficulty of reaching the respondent for the study due to the way of contacting the respondent can only be done via online. Thus, the respondents’ samples are quite insufficient to generalize this matter to all UiTM students. Next is the time constraint due to different schedule and limited time to spare for this research. The other limitation in conducting this study is the lack of previous research about this topic. Only few studies conducted but not among the UiTM students. Last but not least, the limited access to data is one of the major limitation upon this study. Lack of devices to use and also internet interruption really cost the study to take more time to complete. This also makes this study quite difficult to connect with respondents and gathering more information on the study.


6. METHODOLOGY This study will be conducted among the students in UiTM Shah Alam. The subject of this study will be 50 students from any faculty in the UiTM Shah Alam. The instrument used to collect the data was a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be distributed via Google Form through social media. The questionnaire had 14 questions and elicited information such as personal details about the respondents, reasons they worked, any problems faced and how they overcame them. For the questionnaire, will be has a selected answer and some of the answer need to fill in the blanks. The source of questionnaire for this survey is from an article which is "Working and Studying at the Same Time” by Bun Chantrea, Hok Chansophy, and Hout Chantyta and some of the sample from Survey Monkey. Finally, the collected data from the questionnaire will be analysed from the frequency of the respondents into percentages and transfer to table and chart. This study will be conducted between May 2021 until June 2021.




Students & Part-Time Work – Preparing Students for College | Education Professionals – The College Board. (2017, February 21). Retrieved from


Zambas, J., & Zambas, J. (2021, March 8). 12 Benefits of Working a Part-Time Job as a Student. CareerAddict.


Woodhouse, A. (2021). What is a part-time job? - KashFlow. Retrieved 4 May 2021, from


Barron, P., & Anastasiadou, C. (2009). Student part‐time employment. International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(2), 140-153. doi: 10.1108/09596110910935642


Hornby, A., McIntosh, C., Turnbull, J. and Wehmeier, S., 2005. Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English. Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press.


Nine out of 10 Malaysian students work while studying: HSBC survey. (2021). Retrieved 4 May 2021, from


Working While Studying? Survey. (n.d.-b). Survey Monkey. Retrieved May 4, 2021, from


Bun Chantrea, Hok Chansophy, and Hout Chantyta Working and Studying at the Same Time, The University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Retrieved May


%20Studying%20at%20the%20Same%20Time.pdf ix.

Stoto, N. (2020, November 2). Challenges of Working While Studying | Distance Learning | Study With Us. Skills Academy.


Sani, R. (2018, October 10). When students work. NST Online. Retrieved from


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