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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH CAKE – LEARN ENGLISH FOR FREE APP Rizka Maulina Ananda – 170102031344 [email protected] Abstract Technology has been part of education, since technology can gives a lot of information and knowledge many educators that prefer using technology as medi...


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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH CAKE – LEARN ENGLISH FOR FREE APP Rizka Maulina Ananda – 170102031344 [email protected] Abstract Technology has been part of education, since technology can gives a lot of information and knowledge many educators that prefer using technology as media in their teaching learning process. Using technology in education is expected to help students faced this globalization era. In this globalization era English has become an international language that Indonesian students have to learn about English. Technology also can improve students’ English skills. There are so many APP that can help students to improve their skill. This paper is explaining about using Cake – Learn English for Free APP to improve students’ English speaking skill. This APP has three domain features: 1) Repeat each expression, 2) pop quiz and review expressions, 3) tips and tricks. The information that you will get from this paper are: 1) definition and procedure of teaching speaking, 2) Cake – Learn English for Free APP features, 3) the implementation cake APP to the speaking skill, 4) sample of material and teaching procedure speaking skill using Cake –Learn English for Free APP. Keywords: Speaking, course, Cake – Learn English for Free APP, teacher, students

A. Introduction The technological uplift of today's globalized age that we can apply to the world of education as a more and more sophisticated tool in order to accelerate the learning process that is presented. It's important for technology to be followed at all times. Progress will be accompanied by change. As the age progresses, so many changes occur in all aspects of society. Technology is one of the things that accelerate with time. Technology has an important role in many things. Everything that remained untouched is said to not go with the flow of time. Education, social, agriculture, culture, if technology hit it will make the quality higher and the product produced more quality. Ronghuai, Michal, and Junfeng (2019) state that Technologies change what people can do. As new technologies emerged, I tbecame possible to represent information and knowledge in many forms, including pictures, graphics, animations, and movies (p.12). Technology is also exploited in education. Education technology will help all aspects of education in an effort to improve the quality of service and quality of products produced. The product in the realm of education is that students are qualified and competitive. Use of technology has been shown to enhance a child's interest in learning by more appealing visuals that prevent burnout from frustration during the study. As in Indonesia most schools still do not use technology in education.

The meaning of the learning technology is an application or media that has been modernized and used as a theory and practice in learning, as a learning resource. Now, technologies that are used to a lot of education are information technologies. Having information used for learning media can have a positive effect on students, that they can be easier to search for the information that is needed during the learning process. A medium that can be used is providing computers and the Internet at each school.

B. Literature Review 1. Speaking Skill a. Definition If you have learned a language other than your own, which of the four skillslistening, spcaking, reading, or writing-did you find to be the hardest? Many people feel that speaking in a new language is harder than reading, writing, or listening for two reasons. First, unlike reading or writing, speaking happens in real time: usually the person you are talking to is waiting for you to speak right then. Second, when you speak, you cannot edit and revise what you wish to say, as you can if you are writing. In language teaching, the four skills are described in terms of their direc-tion. Language generated by the learner (in speech or writing) is referred to as productive. Language directed at the learner (in reading or listening) is called receptive. Another important idea is the channel, which refers to the medium of the message (aural/oral or written). Thus, speaking is the productive aural/oral skills. It consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. (David Nunan, 2003, P. 48) Jeremy Hammer (2001) states that Speaking is the ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language feature, but also the ability to process information and language on the spot (p. 269). states speaking is the productive aural/ oral skill, it consist of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning ( David Nunan 2003, p. 44). Based on definition above conclusion can be drawn that Speaking skill is ability to express oneself in a situation and have a good communication with other people fluently. Teaching speaking is sometimes considered a simple process.Commercial language schools around the world hire people with no training to teach conversation. Although speaking is totally natural, speaking in a lan-guage other than our own ianything but simple. b. The Procedure of Teaching Speaking Skill

TYPES OF CLASSROOM SPEAKING PERFORMANCE Douglas (2007) states that The obvious connection between listening and speaking six similar categories apply to the kinds of oral production that students are expected to carry out in the classroom (p. 327).

1. Imitative A very limited portion of classroom speaking time may legitimately be spent generating "human tape recorder" speech, where, for example, learners practice an intonation contour or try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound. Imitation of this kind is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form. New teachers in the field always want the answer to this question: Is drilling a legitimate part of the communicative language classroom? The answer is a qualified yes. Drills offer students an opportunity to listen and to orally repeat certain strings of language that may pose some linguistic difficulty-either phonological or grammatical. Drills are to language teaching what the pitching machine is to baseball. They often limited practice through repetition. They allow one to focus on one element of language in a controlled activity. They can help to establish certain psychomotor patterns (to "loosen the tongue") and to associate selected grammatical forms with their appropriate context. Here are some useful guidelines for successful drills: ● Keep them short (a few minutes of a class hour only). ● Keep them simple (preferably just one point at a time). ● Keep them "snappy" ● Make sure students know why they are doing the drill. ● Limit them to phonology or grammar points. ● Make sure they ultimately lead to communicative goals. ● Don't overuthem.

2. Intensive Intensive speaking goes one step beyond imitative to include any speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language. Intensive speaking can be self-initiated, or it can even form part of some pair work activity, where learners are ''going over '' certain forms of language. 3. Responsive

A good deal of student speech in the classroom is responsive: short replies to teacher or student-initiated questions or comments. These replies are usually sufficient and do not extend into dialogues (#4 and #5). Such speech can be meaningful and authentic: T: How are you today? S: petry good, thanks, and you?

T: What is the main idea in this essay? S: The United Nations should have more authority.

S1: So, what did you write for question number one? S2: Well, I wasn't sure, so I left it blank.

4. Transactional (dialogue) Transactional language, carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information, is an extended form of responsive language. Conversations, for example, may have more of a negotiative nature to them than does responsive speech: T: What is the main idea in this essay? S: The United Nations should have more authority. T: More authority than what? S: Than it does right now. T: What do you mean? S: Well, for example, the UN should have the power to force certain countries todestroy its nuclear weapons. T: You don't think the UN has that power now? S: Obviously not. Several countries are currently manufacturing nuclear bombs. Such conversations could readily be part of group work activity as well.

5. Interpersonal (dialogue) The other form of conversation mentioned in the previous chapter was interpersonal dialogue, carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationships than for the transmission of tacts and information. These conversations are a little trickier for learners because they can involve some or all of the following tractors: ● a casual register

● colloquial language ● emotionally charged language slang ● ellipsis ● sarcasma covert "agenda"

For example: Amy: Hi, Bob, how's it going? Bob: Oh, so-so. Amy: Not a great weekend, huh? Bob: Well, far be it from me to criticize, but I'm pretty miffed aboutastwec.Amy: What are you talking about? Bob: I think you know perfectly well what I'm talking about Amy: Oh, that... How come you get so bent out of shape over something like that?Bob: Well, whose fault was it, huh? Amy: Oh, wow, this is great. Wonderful. Back to square one. For Crying out loud, Bob, I thought we'd settled this before. Well, what more can I say

Learners would need to learn how such features as the relationship between interlocutors, casual style, and Sarcasm are coded linguistically in this conversation.

6. Extensive (monologue) Finally, students at intermediate to advanced levels are called on to give extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches. Here the register is more formal and deliberative. These monologues can be planned or impromptu. 2. Cake – Learn English for Free APP

a. Understanding Cake – Learn English for Free APP Cake is application that be used for learning English. Cake - Learn English for Free is developed by Playlist Corporation and the latest version of Cake - Learn English for Free 2.4.1 was updated on Dec 17, 2019. Cake - Learn English for Free is in the category of Education. You can check all apps from the developer of Cake - Learn English for Free and find 96 alternative apps to Cake - Learn English for Free on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 4.4+ from APKFab or Google Play. All APK / XAPK files on are original and 100% safe with fast download. In this APP people also can learn real English from videos. Fun, short English conversation videos updated every day! Learn English fast, completely free. 

Learn real English expressions curated from YouTube. See similar phrases in one place and spend just a few minutes a day to improve your English!

If you want to improve your English speaking skills, look no further. Our “Cake” app offers speaking practices that simulate conversations with native speakers!

Check your pronunciation with our AI speech recognition. Simply record your voice and get immediate feedback. Soon you will learn to sound like a native speaker.

100% free!

“Cake” app is completely free and there are no annoying ads. We are committed to helping you improve your English. Learn English with “Cake” today.

b. Basic Features of Cake – Learn English for Free AAP Based on explanation above this APP can be downloaded on google Playstore. To access this APP you have to sign in first. you can sign in using your Facebook account or using your google account, you can also use guest mode which is you do not need to sign in but, when you use guest mode, only free episodes (material for speaking practice) are available. To start speaking course in this application touch the microphone symbol on the bottom and decide what level you want to learn then choose the episode or topic that you need to learn, each episode costs 10 coins. When you sign in you will get 30 coins to open the episodes of speaking course, Notice: -

Coins are used to buy individual episodes in speak


Coins are not for sale. They were given when you use speak while logged in.


The number of coins you are given will depend on how many coins you spend, the more you spent, the more you get.


You can save up to 50 coins, and cannot receive more coins beyond that In the speaking course you need listening to the conversation first then, you

are asked to speak based on the conversation that you have listened. This APP will automatically correct your pronunciation, if your pronunciation is wrong, the word will be striped and red. You can repeat the conversation until you have the right pronunciation. 3. The implementation of the Cake – Learn English for Free APP to the Speaking skill This APP is really suitable to improve the speaking skill because the main feature of this APP is speaking course, this APP also provide you some videos from many channel that you can watch and speak practice with its keyword. You can use this APP as your media in teaching Speaking skill because with this APP can check your students pronunciation then you will know whether your students have a good pronunciation or not. You can also choose students level from this APP and match your students level, the level are from basic to advanced. C. Discussion 1. Sample of Material Topic Material: Shopping Level of Students: Intermediate SHOPPING EXPRESSIONS Clerk’s / Assistant’s Questions:

Customer’s Responses:

Can / May I help you? Can I help you find something? What colour would you like? What size would you like? Is there anything else I can help you with? Would you like to try it on? Is that any good? What can I do for you? How does it fit? How about this one? Anything else? Would you like anything else?

I don’t need any help. I’m just browsing, thanks. No, I’m just looking, thanks. Wow, that’s cheap! That’s good value. Oh, that’s expensive. That’s quite reasonable. That’s a little over my budget. That’s not exactly what I’m looking for. I’ll take it. I’ll take this, please. It’s too long / too short. It’s too tight / too loose.

Customer’s Questions:

Clerk’s / Assistant’s Responses:

Could you help me please? I’m looking for a …. I’m trying to find a …. Could you tell me where the …. is, please? How much is this? How much are these? How much does this cost? How much is that …. in the window? Where can I find the …. ? Do you sell …. ? Do you have any … ? Would you have this in another colour? Have you got anything cheaper? Do you have a smaller/bigger/larger size? Do you know where else I could try? Does it come with a guarantee/warranty? Where is the changing/fitting room? Is there somewhere I can try it/this/them on, please? Do/Can you deliver? Do you have a refund policy? Is this in the sale?

I’m afraid that’s the only colour we have. Sorry, we don’t have any more in stock. Sorry, we don’t sell those / them here. I’m afraid we don’t have any more left. I have exactly what you’re looking for. This one is on sale right now! It comes with a manufacturer’s warranty. It comes with a 1-year guarantee. The changing / fitting rooms are that way. The scales are by the counter over there. That’s where you can weigh your groceries. That one is ….(price). They’re ….(price) each. You can get a refund if you keep the receipt safe, and bring it back within 2 weeks.

2. Teaching Procedure a. Pre-activity Teacher show the sample of material to the students and asks them to guest what they are going to learn b. While activity 1. The teacher explains the sample of material to the students 2. Students are asked to repeat after the teacher until they remember the shopping expressions. 3. Students are asked to work in pairs and do the real conversation with their friend using the shopping expressions. 4. Students learn speaking through Cake App 1) Every student are asked to use their earphone. 2) Students open Cake APP on their own phone. 3) Students are asked to touch the microphone symbol on the bottom and choose intermediate level.

4) Students are asked to choose Culips Real Talk (episode 9), and choose “Shoe Shopping”

5) Students start listening to the conversation then speak the conversation until they get the right pronunciation.

6) Teacher helps students to pronounce the word correctly 7) Students are asked to screenshoot their result and send it to the teacher. c. Post- activity Question and answer between teacher and students, to make sure whether students have a good understanding about the lesson or not.

D. Conclusion and Recommendation speaking is the productive aural/ oral skill, it consist of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Based on definition above conclusion can be drawn that Speaking skill is ability to express oneself in a situation and have a good communication with other people fluently. Cake – Learn English for Free APP is really suitable to improve the speaking skill because the main feature of this APP is speaking course, this APP also provide you some videos from many channel that you can watch and speak practice with its keyword. You can use this APP as your media in teaching Speaking skill because with this APP can check your students pronunciation then you will know whether your students have a good pronunciation or not. There are so many application that you can use to improve your students’ speaking skill such as English conversation practice APP, Learn to Speak English APP, English Speaking Practice APP, etc. you can find and download these APP on google Playstore.

E. References Brown, H. Doughlas. 2007. Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to language pedagogy (3rd edn), America: Longman Harmer , Jeremy. 2001 The Practice of English Language Teaching, London: Longman. Nunan , David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching, New York: Mc. Grown-Hill Companies Inc. Huang, Ronghuai. Dkk. 2019. Educational Technology: A Primer for the 21st Century,Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd....

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