Infection Control Worksheet PDF

Title Infection Control Worksheet
Course Health Assessment
Institution Creighton University
Pages 3
File Size 77.2 KB
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infection control worksheet...


Infection Control Worksheet **Please bring this worksheet to class (fully completed)**

1.) Identify the 6 components in the Chain of Infection: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

An infectious agent or pathogen A reservoir or source for pathogen growth A port of exit from the reservoir A mode of transmission A port of entry to a host A susceptible host

2.) Identify at least 4 elements that pathogens need to survive: 1. Food – nourishment for the pathogen 2. Water – most pathogens require water or moisture for survival 3. Oxygen a. Aerobic pathogens – pathogens require oxygen for survival and for multiplication sufficient to cause disease. b. Anaerobic pathogens – pathogens thrive where little or no free oxygen is available 4. Appropriate temperature – most pathogens can live only in certain temperature ranges; each species of bacteria has a specific temperature at which it grows best. 3.) List 4 patient risk factors that increase the chance to acquire an infection: 1. Disease process – patients and people with diseases of the immune system are at particular risk for infection 2. Age – infants and the elderly have an increased chance of acquiring infection 3. Stress - if stress continues for a long time or becomes intense, elevated cortisone levels result in decreased resistance to infection; continued stress leads to exhaustion, which causes depletion in energy stores, and the body has no resistance to invading organisms. 4. Nutritional status - a patient’s nutritional health directly influences susceptibility to infection; a reduction in the intake of protein and other nutrients such as carbohydrates and fats reduces body defenses against infection and impairs wound healing 4.) Explain the difference between standard precautions and transmission-based precautions:

Standard precautions are the minimum infection prevention and control practices that must be used at all times for all patients in all situations. Transmission-based precautions are used when standard precautions alone are not sufficient to prevent the spread of an infectious agent to patients who are known or suspected to be infected or colonized with microorganisms transmitted by droplet, airborne, or contact routes. 5.) List the different types of transmission-based precautions and what PPE is required for each type: -




Contact Precautions: Used for direct and indirect contact with patients and their environment. Direct contact refers to the care and handling of contaminated body fluids. Contact Precautions require a gown and gloves. Droplet Precautions: Focus on diseases that are transmitted by large droplets (greater than 5 microns) expelled into the air and by being within 3 feet of a patient. Droplet Precautions require the wearing of a surgical mask when within 3 feet of the patient, proper hand hygiene, and some dedicated-care equipment. Airborne Precautions: Focus on diseases that are transmitted by smaller droplets, which remain in the air for longer periods of time. Airborne Precautions require a specially equipped room with a negative airflow referred to as an airborne infection isolation room. Protective environment: Focuses on a very limited patient population, all of whom are highly susceptible to infection. This form of isolation requires a specialized room with positive airflow. The airflow rate is set at greater than 12 air exchanges per hour, and all air is filtered through a HEPA filter.

6.) What variances would you assess on a patient who had an active infection? A patient with an active infection might show the following variances: -

Tachycardia Fever Hypotension Pain Redness Inflammation Edema Exudate drainage

7.) List 3 primary prevention methods for infection:

1. Adequate rest and regular exercise help prevent infection. Physical exercise increases lung capacity, circulation, energy, and endurance. It also decreases stress and improves appetite, sleeping, and elimination. 2. Proper hand hygiene reduces microorganisms on the skin and maintains the integrity of mucous membranes 3. Obtaining the recommended immunizations is one of the main ways that patients can protect themselves against infection 8.) List 3 elements that place patients at risk for acquiring healthcare associated infections: 1. The number of health care employees having direct contact with a patient 2. The type and number of invasive procedures the patient receives 3. The length of hospitalization for the patient...

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