Inquiry 3B - Hope with Cancer Paper PDF

Title Inquiry 3B - Hope with Cancer Paper
Author McKenzie Murphy
Course College Composition
Institution Miami University
Pages 6
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Hope with Cancer Lance Armstrong once asked, “What is stronger, fear or hope?” Most cancer doctor’s would probably reply with hope. Mainly because they don’t want their patients to just give up on life. Then again, as long as they get their pay stubs and bonus checks, why should they care? How can they expect the entire world’s population to have hope when our very own government continuously tries to hide the cure from us? That’s right! The cure for cancer exists, or has existed for close to 80 years, give or take. Some claim that the man responsible for the cure was a man named Albert Abrams while others claim that it was Royal Raymond Rife. Out of all the articles I read and all the research I had done, not once did I find someone that could willingly admit that they both contributed to the cure. This was an intense topic that scientists were confident enough to pick a side. As I was reading “The Hidden Cancer Cure” by Steven Novella posted on Science Based Medicine, I saw that Novella claimed that Rife copied the frequency machine made by a man named Albert Abrams, who said he had come up with a cure for almost any disease. With a little research, I found that Abrams claims were found to be “false and intentionally deceptive” according to Cram 101: Frequency Specific Micro current in Pain Management, an e-Study Guide online. Jeff Rense wrote about Royal Raymond Rife on No Guf, where he explained the story behind Rife’s frequency device. Long story short, Royal Raymond Rife was born in 1888. He was a scientist who basically developed the cure for cancer, herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza, and a plethora of other deadly diseases. It is said that Rife is the prime inventor of

bioelectric medicine because his methods are commonly used today in many fields of technology. His procedure was simple, painless, and cheap to use. It cured 100% of cancer patients. The University of Southern California selected a Special Medical Research Committee to determine the effectiveness of his technique. They determined that approximately 87% of the patients that were treated using Rife’s technology had been cured. They then adjusted the treatment and the remaining patients reacted positively within the following four weeks. Like I said earlier, the cost was cheap. Because it wasn’t bringing in money, they decided to hide it. They offered Rife a settlement but he refused so they made his life miserable; any doctor who tried to help him would lose his license to practice medicine in hospitals. Records began “disappearing” from his lab. His virus microscopes were vandalized. An arsonous fire destroyed a lab where scientists were preparing to declare the authorization of Rife's work to be used in hospitals. Police illegally seized all 50 years of Rife’s research. Doctors received payouts to ensure that they would forget about Rife’s therapy and to top it all off, medical journals refused to publish any paper regarding his therapy. Consequently, generations of students would study medicine without ever even knowing about Rife or his breakthroughs. Rife died in 1971 and there are only a few of his frequency devices left in the world. An oncologist named David Gorski on Science Based Medicine asked, “Why haven’t we cured cancer yet? If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we cure cancer? If we can harness the atom, why can’t we cure cancer?” (Gorski 1) He then goes on to answer his own question. There has probably been a countless number of scientists who have already discovered the cure multiple times. They don’t use it because they would lose money. Institutions would lose grant money, pharmacies would never sell chemotherapy drugs,

surgeons would never perform another tumor removal, and radiologists would be out of jobs because radiation devices would no longer be needed. If we still had Rife’s Technology available to us today, MRI and CT scans would become obsolete. Because we don’t have that, our only restriction is that there is such a variety of cancers, that one cure will not suffice. During an interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, Dr. Leonard Coldwell claimed that every cancer is curable within 2-16 weeks. One of the major sources of cancer is stress and it is most likely to occur when your body is excessively acidic. Dr. Coldwell went on to explain that surgery, chemotherapy and radiation can actually worsen the disease. He states that the reason why most doctors use those practices is to make it worse on purpose. Cancer is a money maker. Cancer patients spend anywhere from $400,000 to $1.8 million on treatments. When I was a child, my father was diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal stomach cancer. The doctors told us they would do everything they can to make him comfortable. My dad’s doctor told my mom that a surgery was pointless and that he was too far gone. Isn’t it nice how they didn’t even give us a choice? My grandmother told us not to tell him he had cancer because if he knew, he would have given up. Like Frank Herbert said, “Fear is the mind-killer…” Even though my grandmother told us that, I’m sure that it wasn’t hard for him to figure it out. I think it was safe to say that my mom was scared. I was so little and I wasn’t really sure what was going on. The doctor told us to have hope and they would continue to give him chemotherapy. After a while my mom saw how expensive it was getting and my grandparents began helping us with the bills. I think my mom even got to a point where she lost all hope and feared that I would grow up without my dad. My grandmother, however, had a drive that no one else in my family had. If anyone knows my grandmother like I do, she was not going to keep paying for no

results and just sit and watch my dad (her son) die. She pushed so hard to the point that the doctor finally refered us to a surgeon. When my dad went in for surgery, they ended up cutting the majority of his esophagus out and a large portion of his upper stomach. After all we went through, my dad is completely cured and alive to this day. I truly believe that surgeons and doctors can cure a majority of cancerous diseases. However, I think they chose chemotherapy over anything else because they know its expensive and that there is a chance that it will make the cancer worse. If you have a good surgeon who is more about saving lives than making money, then I think you have a high chance of beating cancer. It might be more expensive than a Rife device but it will be a heck of a lot cheaper than paying for endless amounts of chemotherapy that goes nowhere; the doctors and surgeons know that. That’s why they kept Rife’s device a secret. That’s why they want you to keep paying for chemo and other treatments. Like I said earlier, Lance Armstrong once asked, “What is stronger, fear or hope?” I strongly believe that fear is stronger than hope. It’s hard to have hope when death is just around the corner. When my dad was dying of cancer, my family members were afraid that he could die at any time; hope isn’t exactly something you can just pull off the shelf and give it to the nearest most fearful person. Even though all hope was lost, fear didn’t keep my dad from living on and having a life well worth while.

Bibliography Barrett, Stephen. “Rife Machine Operator Sued.” Quack Watch. 15 Oct 2013. Coldwell, Leonard. Interviewed by George Noory. “Cancer Cures.” Coast to Coast AM. 23 Aug. 2010. 15 Oct. 2013. Gorski, David. “Why haven’t we cured cancer yet?” Science Based Medicine. 14 Feb. 2011. 15 Oct. 2013. Novella, Steven. “The Hidden Cancer Cure.” Science Based Medicine. 23 Feb. 2011. 15 Oct. 2013. Rense, Jeff. “Royal Raymond Rife” No Guf. 7 Feb. 2011. 15 Oct. 2013. Armstrong, Lance. “What is stronger, fear or hope?” GoodReads. 2 Nov. 2013. McMakin, Carolyn. “Frequency Specific Micro current in Pain Management.” Cram 101. 2 Nov. 2013. Herbert, Frank. “Fear is the mind killer.” GoodReads. 2 Nov. 2013.

Writer’s Letter Prof. Royer, I chose this topic because it has to do with my major and I find it very interesting. I think that I intended my audience to be somewhat shocked that our own government would keep this type of secret from us. I can only imagine what kind of chaos this would cause if the general public found out there has been a cheap, easy and effective cure for 80 years. Especially people who have lost family members to cancer. I think my most convincing evidence is the interview with Dr. Leonard Coldwell because his information seems more believable in a sense. When he says every cancer is curable within 2-16 weeks and that a major source of cancer is stress and it is most likely to occur when your body is excessively acidic. The most obvious information is the part about cancer being a big money maker. I think that a weak part of my paper is the fact that my dad lived and didn’t need Rife’s device, yet I’m arguing in favor of it. Other than that, I actually enjoy my paper and this topic. McKenzie...

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