Intellectual Fitness - The word seems is full of different connotations, among them: To say, to believe, PDF

Title Intellectual Fitness - The word seems is full of different connotations, among them: To say, to believe,
Course Psychology
Institution Ulster University
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The word seems is full of different connotations, among them: To say, to believe, to remember, to contemplate, to reflect that sanity or consciously. Programs to accelerate thinking, or thinking skills, based on intentional thinking, determined and targeted to a specific goal, are a thought of: Cons...


Intellectual Fitness Introduction The word seems is full of different connotations, among them: To say, to believe, to remember, to contemplate, to reflect that sanity or consciously. Programs to accelerate thinking, or thinking skills, based on intentional thinking, determined and targeted to a specific goal, are a thought of: Consider, Ponder, ponder, reason or willfully. A primary goal of education is learning to think. It is no longer functional to continue with rigid systems that teach to repeat information and preserve structures, social demand now requires an innovative education that can teach students to make changes and problems to address them effectively, for this it requires better teaching in thinking skills. First part: The challenge of learning to think I.-Aspects of intellectual competence What is intelligence? Among the capabilities contained in the intelligence we find: Ability to classify patterns: (a) This refers to the ability to classify or group non-identical concepts that belong to the same class. This ability is fundamental to thinking and communication. Ability to change Adaptativamente behavior: Learning the alignment is produced through experience, making the subject (if it is able to change patterns), more inclined to cope with the environment that surrounds it. Deductive reasoning: A deductive thinking is obtained by means of the conclusions obtained from the premises, but the information that has already been obtained was implicit in them. Inductive thinking Capacity: In this type of thought generalize, which is to go beyond what one receives from information, it has to do with the discovery of rules and principle. Generalizations are obtained from special. Ability to develop and use conceptual models: it refers to the ability to use concepts and on the basis of them to interpret the world (situations, emotions, etc.) Ability to understand: there are several ways in which one can know if nothing is understood, although each one has its limitations. One of them is rewrite, say, whats the same but in other words; Another explains the process by which it must have passed to reach the goal or point where there is a situation or a problem; And another

is Through intuition, where it reformulates its own conception and opens the horizon to see things from a new perspective. There are different levels of intelligence, since each one can use concepts, infer, induce, Intuit, paraphrase and classify. Without Embargo there are things that are easier to understand and more complex. 2.0-some performances of differential Intelligence. It is important to underline that intelligence is human beings as a species. There are several performances of intelligence, because many writers have been dedicated to their study. Some (Spenser and Galton) regard intelligence as a general capability that can manifest itself in a variety of contexts. Other authors consider it a set of special abilities that people can be intelligent (or not) in different ways. A third group of writers handles the idea that intelligence is both things, a general capacity and a number of special capabilities. Thurstone (1924) contrasts intelligence with impulsiveness, indicating that more impulsiveness less intelligence and vice versa, since if a subject stops thinking and can better plan his decisions in situations where he or she is, he will Or she be more able to provide an intelligent solution. Guilford (1967) differentiates three components of intelligence: operations, content and products. Neissser (1979) confirms that intelligence "is not only verbal fluency, logical capacity and broad general knowledge, but also common sense, ingenuity, creativity, lack of prejudice, sensitivity to one's own limitations, intellectual independence, openness To experience and other similar. Some of these properties... manifests itself only in unique and practical situations; Others cannot be assessed unless we consider the individual's life as a whole "(34). It seems to be an impossible task to define intelligence and find a way to evaluate it, so that at least a significantly large sub-group accepts it. With no Embargo in anything already agree, intelligence has many facets and tests to try to measure it Should have more elements to assess each of them, we can conclude that the creature of intelligence is a multi-factor. Another perspective for studying intelligence is to see it as a process, in this sense Stemberg and Feuersteing are the encabezadores of this power. On the other hand, the concept of intelligence has varied considerably, Stemberg (1985) es One of the authors who a contributed to such changes. At the beginning of the century, the traditional idea of intelligence was a number of fixed units susceptible to be quantitative measures, among which are primarily the verbal, understanding and logical-mathematical ability. Stemberg it makes a sharp critique of the problem of

intelligence by mentioning that It has made more effort to measure it than to define it, so there have been serious errors, among which are three points: To be more concerned with improving intelligence tests through existing technological refining, which through the understanding of the same. To consider intelligence as something inert, a permanent and unchanging characteristic of the individual. The most important question has been ignored, can intelligence be trained, and if so, how? Stemberg says: My "constituent" theory of intelligence seeks to understand intelligence in the form of the constituent process that completes the realization of intelligence (Stemberg 1979). The aforementioned implies intelligence with a number of components that make it up, these components are not firm and immutable, for both they are vulnerable to change and at the best of management. There are three components quoted by the author: metacomponentes, Executive components and Knowledge Acquisition components. The first ones are similar to those we use to plan what we are going to do, control what we do, and evaluate what we have done. The execution components perform what metacomponentes they plan, do, and evaluate. of last Knowledge Acquisition components are processes used in the learning of new material. For Stemberg intelligence is seen as "a set of thinking and learning skills that are used to solve academic and everyday problems that can be diagnosed and analyzed separately" (39). The following are representative examples of the types of skills involved: identification of the problem; choice of process; Representative selection; Strategic selection; processor allocation; Solution control; Feedback sensitivity; Translating feedback into an action plan; Implementation of the action plan. It is important to distinguish between intelligence and knowledge, the latter refers to the amount of information stored in memory of one about, while intelligence is the ability to use this information rightly. 3.0-Assessment of intelligence This aspect is as controversial as the definition of it. The appearance of the Los test of intelligence was due to several historical factors that demanded it, such as the opening of institutions aimed at children with physical and/or mental disabilities, Unveiling of outstanding children and the increasing need to determine faculties and students ' limitations on education.

The first test of intelligence was based on sensuous tasks such as perception, hearing and visual acuity (1869), so the engine and memory tasks were added (1891). For Gilbert, (1983) believes that in intelligence the highlighted combinatorial or synthesis capacity. Binet together with Stanford introduced the idea of an IQ (KT), a result of dividing the mental age of the subject (which was achieved by the use of a test) between the chronological age. They highlighted the importance of attention and adaptation in intelligence. A Los test to assess the intelligence and achieve as a result, a KT has made the following criticism: A restriction on the full assessment of an item. The misconception is that the intelligence study is an appropriate example of all intellectual functions. Too important for the diagnosis shown in the intelligence test to predict the current and future success or failure of the individual. Perceive intelligence as a fixed and unchanging thing. 4.0-Cognitive development Not only is it interesting to discover the thinking skills or levels of intelligence, but it is necessary to understand how certain people acquire these cognitive skills. Among the main exponents of cognitive theories are Piaget, which distinguishes between three development periods: Sensorimotor (0-2 years), operational (2-7) and operational (716 years), the latter being divided into formal and concrete operations. In the concrete, the individual cannot understand abstract concepts and have little transfer capacity. In the forms there is already the ability to understand abstract concepts and make generalizations. Piaget even says that some people may be in a certain period in some areas, while others already develop operations formal. This is related to Narverson (1980), with motivation, confidentiality and social Jean Piaget theory gives us the opportunity to reflect on the problem of students who are in specific operations and are asked in different areas to use formal operations. Piaget Central idea is the development of development through a number of periods, but not all theorists agree with this approach, one of them is Tanner " 5.0-attempts to increase intelligence through education

Because intelligence is not perceived as an intellectual potential based on genetic endowment, it can be deduced that it is possible to change and increase it. There are several tests performed by different authors. The ability to think is a reflection of intelligence, but they are not the same. II.-Some perspectives on thought The author manages that intelligence and ability to think is not synonymous. Thinking skills is a matter of strategy, while intelligence is "Brute Power". 1.0-Ability to think as skill or set of skills If we take thinking as a complex skill or a set of skills, it can be said that it is possible to think effectively or regrettably, and that there are ways to do better, which are susceptible to learning. The ability to think consists of general and specific skills, that is to say, a person can improve general thinking skills through frequent mental efforts, such as exercising attention, concentration and general cognitive strategies, but In order to develop specific cognitive strategies, you need to practice in that area. 2.0-the skills of thinking vs knowledge In the traditional school has put all the emphasis on teaching knowledge or curricular content and has neglected teaching skills in thinking, reasoning, creative thinking and problem solving. It cannot be admitted that now that the doctrine of thinking skills begins to be deployed, knowledge must be suppressed, they are independent, more not equal. Education should include both goals: teaching both knowledge and thinking. 3.0-Some Canyons "Many authors who have written about the idea have prominent two types of intellectual processes" (69). Not all divisions are equal but they have in common, dividing them into two types of thinking. A kind of thinking is "analytical, deductive, rigorous, constructive, converging, formal and critical; And the other form of thinking is synthetic, inductive, expansive, free, divergent, informal, diffuse and creative "(70). These types of thinking are not exclusive and more complete a Thinking Skills enhancement program, the more it includes both types of thinking. 4.0-What limits tanks? There is still no consensus on what makes a person a great thinker and what makes another a non-skilled thinker. Among the factors that limit the thought, if you find five, each one of them has two or more levels: 4.1. Coding, operation, targeting:

Tanks require a "coding of thought material and an operation with the coded representation to achieve some goals" (71). Of these three factors, some authors emphasize in one to say that a bad application of the same it is the main limiter of the good thinking. The limiting mindset is sometimes a codification (by not capturing the relevant traits of the situation), sometimes in the operation (when the thinker has correctly codified the information but it lacks the necessary operations to achieve the goal) and other Objectives (but it is well understood the goal to be achieved). These three variants answer the question of "where" restrictions may occur. 4.2. The style, the know how, load, capacity: This box refers to "what" are these limitations. The style refers to the cognitive style that the thinker has, the way he solves the problems. Characteristic features of a person's effective thinking, according to Baron, are precision, efficiency and originality. Knowing how it is about what kind of coding, operations or goals are able to apply a thinker in the different situations, the effectiveness is given when the individual knows what to do and when to do it. As for the cognitive burden, some authors claim what if you train the individual to increase his cognitive capacity, thinking becomes more effective, i.e. it extends the operative memory, and the thinker can assimilate more cognitive load, otherwise It becomes saturated and incapable of doing several things at once. Guilford makes an important notation, saying what if a person has an effective way the three previous points, but if he lacks the capacity needed to complete the required processes, will fail in the business. A program to develop the think skills must take account of these four limitations. 4.3. Rule-based vs. model-based behavior: According to various research, it has come to the conclusion that tanks are made more effective by using models or examples than the following rules. Inference is reached using models that can be manipulated. For example, the cognitive burden depends largely on an increase in capacity, but on a larger number of models to follow, making it possible to do more with the same capacity. In the models, the analogies are of vital importance, as is the analogy of the atom with the solar system. 4.4. Knowing as Implicit and knowledgeable as explicitly: There are two positions in this regard. One of them says that sometimes pretending that knowledge is explicitly restricting the effectiveness of the idea, because the answers are not being automated; While the second position that you learn to think more effectively, if you are going to explain the knowledge, the rules and models to

use and understand the nature of the same. The second position is dealt with in this book. 4.5. General context in terms of limiting the context: It is said that an effective thinking is given only in a context bounded, ie, if a thinker is effective in mathematics, it has because it be in geography and vice versa, so you have to concentrate on an area. There is another stream that postulates that thinking skills have general principles to develop that are useful in all contexts. The proposal set out taking into account all the written is to have a program that makes "attempts to learn the skills used on the three aspects: codification, operation and objectives. And also that these efforts exert influence on the knowledge of how and cognitive style; ... trying to teach believes should stimulate it, if possible, using model rules, insist more on explicit guidance than on implicitly. Finally, it should be provided that knowledge is presented for important specialised contexts "(79). 5Kan you teach thinking skills? Think skills are susceptible to improvement through education as they do not automatically occur as a result of development or maturation. The controversy continues in whether all individuals have all the skills in an innate way, or if there are some that are typical of certain virtuous, for example, we all learn to talk to be something quite complicated, without Embargo learn in a virtuous way of playing the piano , perhaps because of survival, education or innate potentials. III.-Problem solving, creativity and metacognition 1.0-Problem Solving What is problem solving?: They are "behavioural processes and tanks aimed at the performance of certain intellectually demanding tasks, characterised by the specific examples"; The discussion in this area is that the specific examples which the subject is intended to be activated are unusual problems in everyday life. Identify problem-solving strategies: There are two ways to solve this identification, one is to study the results of the experts and another allows the computers to solve problems. With regard To examine the results of the experts are to comply with the strategies that follow the experts who are qualitatively better than those used by the newbies, to exercise the latter and become experts. It is a way of finding the relevant strategies, but it is not the only one and can be supplemented with others.

Computer programming to run troubleshooting tasks is to design a program to perform a specific task by producing the desired results (for example, playing chess at the master level. Much depends on how problems are presented to make them easier to solve. An effective way of representing the problems is by ' representing the States '; It is to describe the states in which it is decided to solve a problem, it must be clear that the situation in the original state, it must be observed as this condition changes according to movements or measures taken, and the target is the final Mode. States are called ' solutions '. In many types of problems it is interesting to look for the shortest solution; As achieved by means of an "exhaustive search", analyze all possible ways to solution and choose the shortest. "The rules and measures used to reduce a search and to evaluate intermediary states are called Assessment functions" (94). Some heuristic Debugging tools: Heuristics means "serve to detect". This concept has recently been used to differentiate the procedures that can be implemented to solve a problem. There are two procedures, an algorithmic, where one follows step by step an achievement to achieve a specific goal, and the heuristic procedure is when it provides a reasonable option for solution to approach to it without any guarantee of obtaining it. Polya it proposes four phases for the heuristic analysis of the problems: Understand the problem. Draw up a plan for drawing up a general strategy. Perform this plan, the detail strategy, and use deductive thinking. Check the results. Heuristik to understand the problem Make sure that you know the unknown, the data and the conditions related to that data. Make sure you understand the nature of the final state, the initial condition and the allowed operations. Draw a chart and enter the appropriate notation (indicate the problem). If a way to represent a problem does not lead to the solution, try repeating or formulating the problem. Heuristics to draw up a plan:

Remember a known problem with the analog structure that you have in front of you and try to solve it. Think of a known problem that has the same type of unknown and makes it simpler. If you can't solve the problem you're in, try turning it into another solution you know. To simplify the problem mentioned in specific cases. Make the problem more general and notice if you can fix it. Divide the problem into parts. Heuristics to run a schedule Poyla not presented Heurístivos at this stage, except to check each step. Heuristics to verify the results. Try another way to fix the problem. Examine the implications of the solution. These heuristics are examples of general-purpose thinking, i.e. processes seemingly applicable to many areas. 2.0-Creativity Creativity is an important element in solving problems, even in some it becomes indispensable. is to see things in a new and unconventional way, breaking limiting approaches. 2.1. Definitions of creative and creativity. A creative product is a this adapted to its context and is original. "A solid criterion, an effective solution of the problems and an acute perception are always shown in the confection of the creative products... Creativity is the set of capabilities and regulation...

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