International Business Plan Final template PDF

Title International Business Plan Final template
Author Claire Le Gal
Course Business plan
Institution Kedge Business School
Pages 8
File Size 154.9 KB
File Type PDF
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International Business Plan Final Template to structure all projects

Import / Sourcing / Export / Off shoring

1. Executive Summary (= PPT final verbal presentation) Nature of the opportunity Scope of the opportunity Why this opportunity? Why this country? Financing requirement Risk assessment Return on investment Request for action

2. Company - Nature of business Summary description Corporate mission statement Corporate history: (0 if it is a Start up) • Founders • When it was established • Key milestones  Experience on the international target market? Core competencies: • Product • Process • Technology • Service • Operations • Other

3. Supplier Profile (in case of import-sourcing) Characteristics of supplier : • History, experience • Mission • Activity  Assets, strengths • Other distinguishing features  Who is the main negotiation contact for the purchasing decision  Purchasing patterns of country, sector, supplier  Place of this purchasing in supplier’s activity 1


Factors influencing purchase: • Price • Quality • Features • Time to market • Reliability of supply  Currency, exchange rate • Other

OR 3. Customer profile (in case of Export, offshoring) Characteristics of customers : • History, experience • Mission • Activity  Assets, strengths • Other distinguishing features  Who is the main negotiation contact for the sales closing decision?  Sales and distribution patterns of country, sector, supplier Factors influencing sales: • Price • Quality • Features • Time to market • Delivery • After-sales service • Demand, fads and trends  Currency, exchange rate • Other

4. International Market overview Total addressable potential (export, import, product sourcing, service outsourcing): • Value • Volume • Current trends and projected trends: growth? • Geographical distribution  Global players present on the market Company’s international target market: • Value 2


 Volume

• Market share percentage • Current trends

5. Description of product or service Product or Service is responding to a need Technical description (brief. details in annex) Distinguishing features differentiating product or service from its competition. Expected life cycle of current offering:  Life cycle • Quality improvements • Enhanced features  Renewal strategy • Replacement offerings

6. General Business & Marketing Strategy (Purchasing or Sales) Significant trends in the marketplace Emerging opportunities for the company Marketing objectives: By volume By market share By characteristics of target market Marketplace positioning (competitive mapping) Market priority targets Mix Marketing: 4 P’s

7. Purchasing activities (in case of local purchasing, sourcing) Available resources: • Internal purchasing staff • External purchasing force (purchasing office, specialised middlemen…) • Purchasing budget Purchasing tactics: • Negotiation techniques • Special requests • Unique features of purchasing approach: multiple or single, partnership or tenders Quality in purchasing:  Company’s quality procedures  Quality process applied to this purchasing Purchasing results: 3


• Performance guaranteed (Service Level Agreement ), expected results, performance indicators • Measurement & evaluation Supplier network Key inputs required: • By type of product • By value of product Current other partner suppliers – co developers: • Name & location (domestic or foreign) • Inputs supplied • Value of orders  Bound by contracts ( type, if any ) Purchasing strategy: • Supplier qualification • Method of ordering • Special techniques (e.g. Just-in-Time ordering) • Controls OR 7. Sales activities (Offshoring, Export) Available resources: • Internal purchasing staff • External purchasing force (sales office, specialised middlemen…) • Purchasing budget Sales tactics: • Negotiation techniques • Special requests • Unique features of purchasing approach: multiple or single, partnership or tenders Quality in sales:  Company’s quality procedures  Quality process applied to this purchasing Sales results: • Performance guaranteed (Service Level Agreement ), expected results, performance indicators • Measurement & evaluation Sales network Key inputs required: • By type of product • By value of product Current other sales partners – co developers - distributors: 4


• Name & location (domestic or foreign) • Value of orders  Sales distribution contracts (contracts type?) Sales strategy: • Customer qualification • Method of ordering • Adapted sales techniques • Sales results: performance control

8. Legal-Intellectual property Legal ownership and structure  Share structure and owners  Senior management  Directors Proprietary technologies embedded in the product or service Proprietary production processes Patents held Trademarks, trade names, copyrights, etc. R&D capabilities Current R&D activities R&D objectives

9. Technical operations Plant or premises: • Size • Location • Features • Ownership • Applicable leases Equipment: • Description • Age • Applicable leases Capacity: • Maximum capacity • Current utilization Cost of overheads: • Materials • Labour • Administration • Rents, leases and utilities • Marketing and sales 5


Inventory: • Current levels (by number) • Estimated value Physical handling / Imports Transportation & Logistics requirements: • Nature of product or service • Order processing • Handling and shipping techniques used • Special requirements Internal capabilities: • Storage and warehousing • Preparation and handling • Shipping External service suppliers: • Shipping and handling • Carriers • Insurance • Name of supplier • Average annual business volume 10. Management - Human resources Management organization chart Number of employees Functional areas: • Number in each area • Skill requirements by area Educational levels Gaps in available skills Recruitment and training strategy 11. Financial performance: 3 year projection Year +1 +2 +3 Gross purchases Cost of goods Gross profit Cost of purchases Administration costs Pre-tax profit Taxes Net operating profit Assumptions Financial requirements of existing business 6


Scenario Cash flow projection Case requirement High Medium Low Key Assumptions Possible financing sources Operations Commercial lenders Investors Government sources Other situations Proposed application of funds R&D Capacity expansion Marketing initiatives Training 12. Risk Analysis Overview or multi risks on the target market Country risk Financial risks analysis Management risks Project management risks Risks coverage & Insurance 13. Time scale / planning 14. Conclusion and recommendations 15. Exhibits: Additional supporting information Management profiles Product/Service literature Letters of reference, awards Patents Major contracts Asset valuations Descriptions of assets Relevant studies Financial data: • Cash flow projection • Profit and loss statement • Balance sheet 7


• Auditor’s report


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