International Trade Questions and Answers PDF

Title International Trade Questions and Answers
Author Sifiso Ngema
Course International Economics
Institution University of South Africa
Pages 85
File Size 1.3 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 51
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Based on the prescribed book "International Economics : Trade and Finance" by Dominick Salvatore, 11th Edition ...



Whatwere t he Mercant i l i st s vi ews on t r ade? How di dt hey r el at et o curr enti deol ogyofprot ect i oni sm? Expl ai nwhot hemer cant i l i st swer e.  Mer cant i l i sm was devel oped by wr i t er si n Eur ope bet ween 1500 and 1800. Di scusswhatt hei rbel i ef sori deol ogi eswer e.  Accor di ngt ot hemer cant i l i st s,t r adei sazer osum gamewher et hegai ns oft hewi nner swer eoffsetbyt hel ossesoft hel oser s.  Si nce notal lnat i ons coul d have t r ade sur pl uses att he same t i me,i t meantonenat i ongai nedatt heexpenseoft heot hernat i on.  Tr adewasbasedonsel f i nt er esti . e.t heybel i evedt hati nor dert obecome r i chandpower f ulanat i onmustexpor tmor et hani ti mpor t edbyso doi ngaccumul at i ngpr eci ousmet alorbul l i ons.  Gover nment shad t ot her ef or eensur et hatexpor t swer est i mul at ed and i mpor t sr es t r i ct edusi ngt ar i ffsandot hert r adebar ri er s.  The excess ofexpor t soveri mpor t sl ed t o an i nflow ofpr eci ousmet al s suchasgol dandsi l ver /bul l i on.  Ther ei sar esur genceofneoMer cant i l i smst oday ,wi t h nat i onspl agued by hi gh unempl oyment seeki ng t or est r i ct i mpor t si n an effor tt o st i mul at edomest i cpr oduct i onandempl oyment . Di scussbr i efly ,whatt hecr i t i ci smsoft hei ri deasar e.  Themer cant i l i stappr oach f ai l ed t of ul l y expl ai nt hewel f ar ebenefit sof t r ade,whi l et heyt hemsel vesr emai ned unawar east ot hef ur t hereffect s ofat r adesur pl usont hedomest i ceconomy


 The cl assi cal t heor i st Davi d Hume showed t hat a f av our abl et r ade bal ancet endst obea t empor aryphenomenon,asi tcan l ead t ohi gher domest i ci nflat i on( mor emoneychasi ngt hesamequant i t yofgoods) .

 The r esul t ant hi gher pr i ces f or domes t i cal l y pr oduced goods t end t o adver sel y affect t he i nt er nat i onal compet i t i veness of t he economy' s expor t s,t her ebyencour agi ngmor ei mport si nt ot hecount ry .

 Adam Smi t h,al so r ef ut ed t he mer cant i l i st s bel i eft hat" t he si ze oft he wor l d' seconomi cpi ei sconst ant " ,and t her ef or eanat i on mayonl ygai n f r om t r ade att he expense ofi t st r adi ng par t ner s. Smi t h ar gued t hat wor l d out putwas nota fixed amount ,butr at hert hatt r ade bet ween count r i es affor ded t he possi bi l i t yf or t he l at t er t o speci al i se i nt he pr oduct i on of par t i cul ar goods, i mpr ovi ng pr oduct i vi t yt hr ough t he di vi si onofl abour ,andul t i mat el yl eadi ngt oani ncr easei nwor l dout put .

 Fur t her mor e,bot h Smi t h and anot hercl assi calt heor i st ,Davi d Ri car do, ar gued t hatcount ri es who ar e par t ner si nt r ade can si mul t aneousl y achi evehi gherout putl evel sofpr oduct i on and consumpt i on asar esul t off r eet r ade.

Cri t i cal l y eval uat e Adam

Smi t h’ s t heory of absol ut e advant age,

out l i ni ng the assumpt i ons necessary f or t he theory t o hol di ni t s pur estf orm.Whatar ethecr i t i ci smsofthi st heory? Thi squest i onhast hr eepar t st oi t . Whatdoesabsol ut eadvant agemean? Davi dRi car dodevel opedt het heor yofabsol ut eadvant age.Ri car dopoi nt ed t hatmut ual l ybenefici alt r adebet ween t wonat i onsi spossi bl eonl yi feac h had an absol ut e advant agei nt he pr oduct i on of1 oft he commodi t i es.A nat i onhasanabsol ut eadvant agei nt hepr oduct i onofcommodi t yX i fi tcan 2|Page

pr oducei tmor eeffici ent l yt han i t st r adi ngpar t ner .Byt r adi ngaccor di ngt o absol ut eadvant age,compl et especi al i zat i onoccur s. Ther ei s al so i ncr eased out put as a r esul t of speci al i zat i on. Mut ual l y benefici alt r adewi l lnotoccuri fonenat i onhasanabsol ut eadvant agei nt he pr oduct i on ofbot h commodi t i es.Fort r adet ooccurt hedomes t i ct er msof t r ademustf al lwi t hi nt hei nt er nat i onalt er msoft r ade. Thet heoryi sf oundedupont hef ol l owi ngASSUMPTI ONS  Pr oducer sandconsumer sdi spl ayr at i onalbehavi our .  I t ’ sa2commodi t y ,2nat i onmodel .  Ther ei sf ul lempl oyment  Labouri st heonl yf act orofpr oduct i on  Eachcount ryhasafixedendowmentofr esour ces  Per f ectcompet i t i onexi st s  Fact or s ofpr oduct i on ar e mobi l e bet ween t he t wo commodi t i es and wi t hi nt hecount ry ,butnotbet weencount r i es  Ther ear enobar r i er st ot r ade  Pr oduct i onshowsconst antr et ur nst oscal e  Ther ear enot r anspor tcost s  Thel ev eloft echnol ogyi sfixedf orbot hcount ri es,butmaydi fferbet ween t hem. Cri t i ci sms  Thet heor yhasbeen cr i t i ci sedf ort hef actt hati tassumesl abouri st he onl yf act orofpr oduct i on.Thi si snott rueast her ear eot herf act or sof pr oduct i onsuchascapi t alandl and.  Theassumpt i onofper f ectcompet i t i oni sunr eal i st i c.  Mar ketst r uct ur esar echar act er i sedbyi mperf ect i ons.  Thel abourt heor yofval uei sover si mpl i fied.  Theory assumes t hat t r ade l eads t o compl et e speci al i sat i on,however speci al i sat i oni sal waysi ncompl et e


 The t heor y can be cr i t i ci sed f ornotbei ng abl et o expl ai nt r ade i fone count ry has an absol ut e advant age i n t he pr oduct i on of bot h commodi t i es. Quest i on2 Cri t i cal l ydi scusst heHeckscher Ohl i nt heoryofi nt ernat i onalt r ade. TheHeckscher Ohl i nt heor yi sal soknown ast hef act orpr opor t i onst heor y . I ti s cal l ed t he Heckscher Ohl i nt heor y because i twas devel oped by t wo Swedi sheconomi st s,namel yEl iHeckscherandBer t i lOhl i n,i n1933. Assumpt i onsoft het heory  2×2×2Model

Twocount r i es;

Twohomogenouscommodi t i es;

Twohomogenousf act orofpr oduct i on( FOPs) :

 Capi t alandl abour ;  I ni t i all ev el sfixed;  Level soff act or savai l abl ear edi ffer entf oreachcount ry .  Technol ogyi st hesamei nbot hcount ri es;  Const antr et urnst oscal ei npr oduct i on;  Each commodi t y has a di ffer ent f act or i nt ensi t y( i . e. one i sl abour i nt ensi ve,andt heot heri scapi t al i nt ensi ve) ;  Tast es/pr ef er ences ar e t he same i n bot h count r i es ( i . e. demand condi t i onsar et hesame) ;  Ther ei sper f ectcompet i t i oni nbot hcount r i es;  Ther ei s domes t i cf act ormobi l i t y ,butnoti nt er nat i onalf act ormobi l i t y ( i . e.f act or scannotmovebet weencount r i es) ;  Not r ansportcost s;  Ther ear enor est r i ct i onson: 4|Page

Tr ade;

Det er mi nat i onofmar ketpr i ceandout put .

EXPLANATI ON OFTHE THEORY  TheHecksc her Ohl i n( f act orpr opor t i onst heory)r est sont wopr emi ses:i ) Commodi t i esdi fferi nt hei rf act orr equi r ement s;andi i )Count r i esdi fferi n t hei rf act orendowment s.  Accor di ng t ot he Hec kscher Ohl i nt heory ,a count ry has a compar at i ve advant age i nt he pr oduct i on ofa commodi t yt hatuses i t s abundant f act or of pr oduct i on i nt ensi vel y . Thus, a count r y shoul d expor tt he commodi t y t hat uses i t s r el at i vel y abundant f act or of pr oduct i on i nt ensi vel y ,and i mpor tt he commodi t yt hatuses i t sr el at i vel y scar ce f act orofpr oduct i on.  The HO t heor em ext ends t he t heor y of compar at i ve advant age by expl ai ni ngt hesour ceofcompar at i veadvant age .  Count r i eshavecompar at i veadvant agei nt hepr oduct i onofacommodi t y asar esul tofdi ffer entf act orendowment si nt hedi ffer entcount r i es.  Accor di ng t ot he HOt heor em,i nt ernat i onalt r ade i s due t o di ffer ent f act orendowment s.  TheHOt heor em i spr esent edi n2t heor ems,t heH0t heor em andt he f act orpr opor t i onst heor em.  TheH0t heor em st at est hatanat i on wi l lexpor tt hecommodi t ywhose pr oduct i on r equi r es t he i nt ensi ve use ofi t sr el at i vel y abundantand cheap f act orand i mpor tt hecommodi t ywhosepr oduct i on r equi r est he i nt ensi veuseofi t sr el at i vel yscar ceandexpensi vef act or .  I nt er nat i onalt r ade,accor di ng t ot he HOt heory can be expl ai ned by f act ori nt ensi t yandf act orabundance.Gi vent wocommodi t i es,X andY, and 2 f act or sofpr oduct i on,l abourand capi t al ,commodi t yY i scapi t al


i nt ensi vei ft heK/Lr at i ousedi nt hepr oduct i onofYi sgr eat ert hant hat usedi nt hepr oduct i onofX.  Ther ef or e, Labour abundant nat i ons wi l l expor tl abour i nt ensi ve commodi t i es and i mpor t capi t ali nt ensi ve commodi t i es,whi l e capi t al abundantnat i onswi l lexpor tcapi t ali nt ensi vecommodi t i esand i mpor t l abouri nt ensi vecommodi t i es.  Fact orabundance can be expl ai ned i nt er ms ofphysi calabundance, wher ebyi ft het ot alcapi t alt ot ot all abourr at i oi n nat i on onei sl ar ger t hani nnat i on2,t hennat i on1i ssai dt obecapi t ali nt ensi ve.  Looki ng atf act orpr i ces,nat i on 1 wi l lbe capi t alabundanti ft her /w r at i oi nnat i on1i ssmal l ert hant her /w r at i oi nnat i on2.

Cri t i ci sm oft hef act orpr oport i onst heory Leont i efpar adox  Expl ai nst hesi t uat i onwher eLeont i efexami nedt het r adepat t er nsoft he Uni t ed St at esand not i ced t hatt hough t heUS wasa capi t alabundant nat i on,i ti mpor t ed capi t ali nt ensi ve commodi t i es and expor t ed l abour i nt ensi vecommodi t i es.Thesefindi ngscont r adi ct edt heHOt heor em. Demandr ever sal s  I nt her ealwor l d,t hedemandcondi t i onsbet weent r adi ngpar t ner scani n f actbeverydi ffer ent ,r esul t i ngi n ver ydi ffer entdomest i cpr i cesi n each count ryf r om t hosesuggest edbyf act ori nt ensi t yexpect at i ons.  Forexampl e,di spr opor t i onat edemandmayr esul ti nacount ryi mpor t i ng agoodt hati scapi t al i nt ensi ve,des pi t ei t sowncapi t alabundance.

Fact ori nt ensi t yr ever sal s


 Overa per i od oft i me,a commodi t yt hatwasi ni t i al l yl abour i nt ensi ve maybecomei ncr easi ngl ycapi t al i nt ensi ve,r esul t i ngi n bot h count r i es wi shi ngt ospeci al i sei nt hepr oduct i onofsuch

I t does not expl ai n i ntr ai ndust ry t r ade/tr ade bet ween devel oped count ri es.  Consi der Ger many and Fr ance. Bot h count r i es ar e atver y si mi l ar l evel sofi ndust ri al i sat i on,andt hei rf act orendowment sar er oughl yt he same. Ther ef or e,accor di ngt of act orpr opor t i onst heor y ,t her eshoul d bel i t t l eornot r adebet weent hecount r i es.However ,t hi si snot ,i nf act , t hecase. Forexampl e,Ger manyexpor t scar st oFr ance,whi l eFr ance expor t scar st oGer many .  Fact orpr opor t i onst heor ypr ovi desagoodexpl anat i onofi nt er i ndust r y t r ade,buti spr obl emat i cwi t hr egar dt oi nt r ai ndust r yt r ade. I ti sbasedonsi mpl i fiedassumpt i onsthatmaynothol di npr act i ce.  Theassumpt i onsofper f ectcompet i t i on,const antr et ur nst o scal e,and t he same l ev eloft echnol ogy exi st i ng i n bot ht r adi ng par t ner si s not r eal i st i c.

Quest i on3 Usi ngawel ll abel l eddi agr am,expl ai n thepart i alequi l i bri um,effect sof at ari ff onasmal lCount ry.


Consi deramar keti n asmal li mport i ngcount ryt hatf acesan i nt er nat i onal orwor l d pri ceofPFT i nf r eet r ade.Thef r eet r adeequi l i br i um i sdepi ct ed i n t headj oi ni ngdi agr am wher ePFT i st hef r eet r adeequi l i br i um pr i ce.Att hat pr i ce,domes t i cdemandi sgi ven byDFT,domest i csuppl ybySFT andi mpor t s byt hedi ffer enceFD t hebl uel i nei nt hefigur e) . T -SFT ( When a speci fict ar i ff i si mpl ement ed by a smal lcount ry i twi l lr ai set he domest i c pr i ce by t he f ul lval ue oft he t ar i ff.Suppose t he pr i ce i nt he i mpor t i ngcount ryr i sest o r at ewoul dbe

becauseoft het ar i ff.I nt hi scaset het ar i ff ,equalt ot hel engt h oft hegr een l i nesegment

i nt hedi agr am. Thef ol l owi ngTabl epr ovi desasummaryoft hedi r ect i on andmagni t udeof t he wel f ar e effect st o pr oducer s,consumer s and t he gover nmenti nt he i mpor t i ng count ry .The aggr egat e nat i onalwel f ar e effect s ar e al so shown. ed. Posi t i vewel f ar eeffect sar eshowni nbl ack,negat i veeffec t sar eshowni nr

Wel f ar eEffect sofanI mportTar i ff I mpor ti ngCount ry Consumer -( A+B +C +D) Sur pl us Pr oducer +A 8|Page

Sur pl us Govt .


Revenue Nat i onal -B –D We l f ar e

Tari ff Effect son: I mport i ng Count ry Consumer s- Consumer s of t he pr oduct i n t he i mpor t i ngcount ryar ewor seoffasar esul toft het ar i ff.Thei ncr easei nt he domest i cpr i ceofbot hi mpor t edgoodsandt hedomest i csubst i t ut esr educes consumersur pl usi nt hemar ket .Ref ert ot heTabl eand Fi gur et oseehow t hemagni t udeoft hechangei nconsumersur pl usi sr epr esent ed. I mport i ng Count ry Pr oducers-Pr oducer si nt he i mpor t i ng count ry ar e bet t er offasar esul toft het ar i ff.Thei ncr easei nt hepr i ceoft hei rpr oduct i ncr easespr oducersur pl usi nt hei ndust ry .Thepr i cei ncr easesal soi nduces an i ncr ease i n out putofexi st i ng fir ms ( and per haps t he addi t i on ofnew fir ms) , an i ncr ease i n empl oyment , and an i ncr ease i n pr ofit and/or payment st o fixed cost s.Ref er t ot he Tabl e and Fi gur et o see how t he magni t udeoft hechangei npr oducersur pl usi sr epr esent ed. I mport i ng Count ry Government-Thegover nmentr ecei vest ari ff r evenue asar esul toft het ar i ff.Whowi l lbenefitf r om t her evenuedependson how t he gov er nmentspends i t .These f unds hel p suppor tdi ver se gover nment spendi ngpr ogr ams,t her ef or e,someonewi t hi nt hecount rywi l lbet hel i kel y r eci pi entoft hese benefit s.Ref ert ot he Tabl e and Fi gur et o see how t he magni t udeoft het ar i ffr ev enuei sr epr esent ed. I mport i ng Count ry-Theaggr egat ewel f ar eeffectf ort hecount ryi sf ound by summi ng t he gai ns and l osses t o consumer s, pr oducer s and t he gover nment . The net effect consi st s of t wo component s: a negat i ve pr oduct i oneffici encyl oss( B) ,andanegat i veconsumpt i oneffici encyl oss( D) . Thet wol ossest oget herar et ypi cal l yr ef er r edt oas" deadwei ghtl osses. "Ref er t ot heTabl eandFi gur et oseehow t hemagni t udeoft hechangei nnat i onal wel f ar ei sr epr esent ed. 9|Page

Becauset her ear eonl ynegat i veel ement si nt henat i onalwel f ar echange,t he netnat i onalwel f ar e effectofa t ar i ff mustbenegat i ve.Thi s meanst hata t ari ff i mpl ement ed by a " smal l " i mport i ng count ry mustr educe nat i onalwel f ar e.

Thegener aleffect sofat ari ff  Thegener aleffect sofat ar i ffi ncl ude,amongot her s,an i ncr easei nt he domest i cpri ceoft hei mport abl ecommodi t y ,ani ncr easei nt hedomest i c pr oduct i on oft het ar i ffdi st ort ed commodi t y ,adecr easei nt hedomest i c consumpt i onandadecr easei nt heamountoft hecommodi t yi mport ed.  Al so,when a t ar i ff i si mposed,t he gover nmentcol l ect st ar i ff r evenue, whi ch i sdet er mi nedbyt het ar i ffr at eandt heamountoft hecommodi t y i mpor t ed. Ther edi st r i buti oneffect s  Di st r i but i on effect sr el at et ot her edi st r i but i on ofi ncomei nduced by a t ari ff.When a t ar i ff i si mposed some economi c agent s wi l ll ose whi l e ot her s wi l lgai n.Speci fical l y ,t he domest i c consumer si nt he i mpor t i ng count rywi l ll osepar toft hei rconsumer s’sur pl usduet oan i ncr easei n pr i ce.  Par toft he consumer s’surpl us t hathas been l ostby consumer s wi l l benefit t he pr oducer s,whose pr oducer s’sur pl us wi l li ncr ease,whi l e anot her par t wi l lbenefit t he gover nment i nt he f or m ofgover nment r evenue.Howev er ,t her ei sasmal lpor t i onoft heconsumer s’sur pl ust hat has been l ostt o consumer s butwi l lnotbenefitei t her pr oducer s or gover nment .Thepar toft heconsumer s’sur pl ust hatdoesnotbenefitany oft heeconomi cagent si scal l edt he‘ deadwei ghtl oss’ .

ECS3702MAYJUNE 2013PAPER Quest i on1 10 | P a g e

a.Expl ai n the gener alchar act eri st i csofmer canti l i sm.To whatext ent donati onst odaypr act i cemer canti l i sm?( 10) MERCANTI LI SM

I nt er nat i onalt r adecanbevi ewedasei t herast he:

zer o sum game:a si t uat i on ori nt er act i on i n whi ch one par t i ci pant ' s gai nsr esul tonl yf r om anot her ' sequi val entl osses;orasa

posi ti ve sum game:asi t uat i on wher et heout comesar esuch t hatt he sum ofwi nni ngsandl ossesi sgr eat ert han zer o.Thi sbecomespossi bl e when t he si ze oft he pi ei s somehow enl ar ged so t hatt her ei s mor e weal t ht o di st r i but e bet ween t he par t i es t han t her e was or i gi nal l y ,or someot herwayi sdevi sedsoev er yonege t swhatt heywantorneed.

 The mer cant i l i st s,a gr oup ofwr i t er s dur i ng t heper i od 1500 t o 1800, bel i evedt hatt r adewasazer osum game.  They hel dt hatt hemot i vat i on f ort r ade was sel f i nt er est ,and t hatt he gai nsoft he" wi nner s"f r om t r adewer eonl yobt ai ned asa r esul toft he " l osses"oft hel oser s.  Themer cant i l i st smeasur edt heeconomi cwel f ar eofacount ryi npar tby t hesi zeofi t sf or ei gn t r adesur pl us. I facount r yexpor t edmor et han i t i mpor t ed,t heni twoul dhaveaf avour abl ebal anceoft r ade,whi ch woul d r esul ti nani nflow ofgol dandsi l verf r om i t st r adi ngpart ner s.Thel at t er woul d encour age demand wi t hi n t he domest i c economy ,i ncr easi ng economi cact i vi t y( out put ,empl oymentet c) .  To achi eve such, t he mer cant i l i st s ar gued i n f avour of government i mposi t i on of t ari ffs, et c.on i mpor t s, accompani ed by si mul t aneous i mpl ement at i on of pol i ci es t o encour age expor t s.

Such st r at egi es

obvi ousl yr eflec tt he sel f i nt er es tt hatt ended t o mot i vat et r ade att he t i me. Towhatext entdonat i onst odaypr act i cemer canti l i sm

11 | P a g e

 t he mer cant i l i stappr oach f ai l ed t of ul l y expl ai nt he wel f ar e benefit s of t r ade,whi l et heyt hemsel vesr emai ned unawar east ot hef ur t hereffec t s ofat r adesur pl usont hedomest i ceconomy  Wi t hr egar dt ot hel at t er ,t hecl assi calt heor i stDavi dHumeshowedt hata f avour abl et r adebal ancet endst obeat empor ar yphenomenon,asi tcan l eadt ohi gherdomest i ci nflat i on( mor emoneychasi ngt hesamequant i t y ofgoods) .  The r esul t anthi gher pr i ces f ordomest i cal l y pr oduced goods t ends t o adver sel y affect t he i nt er nat i onal compet i t i veness of t he economy' s expor t s,t her ebyencour agi ngmor ei mport si nt ot hecount ry .  wor l d out putwas nota fixed amount ,butr at her t hatt r ade bet ween count r i es affor ded t he possi bi l i t yf or t he l at t er t o speci al i se i nt he pr oduct i ono  count r i eswho ar epar t ner si nt r adecan si mul t aneousl yachi evehi gher out putl evel sofpr oduct i onandconsumpt i onasar esul toff r eet r ade.

ai n the theory of Compar at i ve advant age . assumpti ons and b.Expl cr i t i ci smsshoul dbecl ear l ystat ed. ( 10)

 I ti spossi bl et hatt r ademayst i l lbebenefici al ,eveni fonecount ryhasan absol ut eadvant ageovert heot heri nt hepr oduct i onofbot hgoods.

Ri car do' sl aw of compar at i ve ( or rel at i ve)advant age st at es t hatbot h count r i eswi l lbenefitf r om t r adei ft heopport uni t ycost sofproduct i on ( or rel at i vepri ces)di fferbet weent het wocount r i es.

I nt er nat i onalt r adewi l loccuri f :

Compar at i veadvant agesexi st ;and

Amut ual l ybenefici alt r adi ngr at i ocanbeest abl i shed.

Possi bl eSour cesofCompar at i veAdvant age 12 | P a g e

Technol ogy;

Resour ceendowment s;

Di ffer encesi nt ast es/demandsbet weencount r i es. <...

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