Internship Report On Human Resource Mana PDF

Title Internship Report On Human Resource Mana
Author aqash jayan
Course Human Resource Management
Institution North South University
Pages 61
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Internship ReportOnHuman Resource Management PracticesofPacific Jeans GroupSubmitted To Professor Dr. Md. Fashiul Alam Dean, Faculty of Business Studies Port City International UniversitySubmitted By Md Sarwar Alam, Major HRM ID:BBA 007 05517 Department of Business Administration Port City Internati...


Internship Report On Human Resource Management Practices of Pacific Jeans Group

Submitted To Professor Dr. Md. Fashiul Alam Dean, Faculty of Business Studies Port City International University

Submitted By Md Sarwar Alam, Major HRM ID:BBA 007 05517 Department of Business Administration Port City International University

Date Of Submission: 29-06-2019

Letter of Submission 29th June, 2019 Professor Dr. Md. Fashiul Alam Dean, Faculty of Business Studies Port City International University Subject: Submission of Internship Report on Human Resource Management Practices of Pacific Jeans Group

Dear Sir, I have the pleasure to inform you that, I have accomplished my internship report on Pacific Jeans Group. I tried to know about the implication of Human resource practices in Pacific Jeans Group. I have tried to give my best efforts and concentration during preparing the report. I would like to thank you for your prolonged support and guidance during my internship and preparing the report and I hope that you would be kind enough to see inconveniences or mistakes that may have appeared beyond my knowledge. Sincerely Yours,

-------------------------------Md Sarwar Alam Major HRM BBA 007 05517 Department of BBA Port City International University

Declaration of the Student I hereby declare that this report titled “Human Resource Management Practices of Pacific Jeans Group” is prepared by me for BBA program major in HRM. Whatever I have written here are of my own efforts. I also declare that the contents of my report which have been given are not copied, not borrowed from other sources. I would also like to declare that, this report has not been submitted to any other university or institution for any other degree.

-------------------------------Md Sarwar Alam Major HRM BBA 007 05517 Department of BBA Port City International University


Supervisor’s Declaration This is to certify that the internship report on “Human Resource Management Practices of Pacific Jeans Group” is submitted for the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA),Major in HRM from Port City International University carried out by Md Sarwar Alam, ID: BBA 007 05517 under my supervision. No part of the report has been submitted for any degree, diploma, title or recognition before.

I wish him, every success in his life.

-------------------------------Professor Dr. Md. Fashiul Alam Dean, Faculty of Business Studies Port City International University

Acknowledgement This report is basically a presentation of my knowledge that I have got during my internship about HRM practices. I was assisted by a number of employees with kind co-operation and valuable information in this regard. So I should thank them. I pay gratitude to the Supervisor of my report, Professor Dr. Md. Fashiul Alam Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, Port City International University. I pay honor to the teachers for their contribution. I specially thank to all of the faculty members of BBA. I acknowledge with deep gratitude to the Department of Business Administration of Port City International University and Pacific Jeans Group, for giving me the opportunity to study in this topic in Chittagong EPZ. I am especially grateful to Major Sadin Tayyeb (Retd), GM (Group HR & Admin) and Nasrin Sultana,Manager (Sustainability Dept) of Pacific Jeans Group and a number of officers of Pacific Jeans, Chittagong EPZ, for considering it worthwhile to permit me. I am also grateful to high officials and all the officials and staffs and officers, for their friendly behavior, heartiest cooperation and other services during my studies.

-------------------------------Md Sarwar Alam Major HRM BBA 007 05517 Department of BBA Port City International University

Executive Summary As I have mentioned earlier that this is an internship report, which is a partial requirement of graduation program. Preparing report on “HRM practices” is very common and for some extent trouble-free, but this report is prepared on real practices on the field. Readymade Garments demand is second demand in five fundamental demand of the human being. For enrollment in civilizations garments is fundamental requirement to social members. So, garments demand and style are changing in nature. This demand is comparatively rising than other demands except food. Readymade garments have demand in global markets from the first stage of civilization. Global or International market demand of readymade garments has made challenges to the International vendors in different nature included micro, macro and foreign elements. This indicates the vendors to practicess regarding recruitment and selection and the proper compliance management to capture international market. Ready Made Garments Industries in Bangladesh contain the lion contribution of our national income. Ready Made Garments sectors prospect means the prospects of our economy also. In the year 2018 Ready Made Garments export was 30 billion this is 76% share of our total national exports. In Garments Industry near about 5 million workers are working in 4500 Garments. This employment helps our economy to boost. In total containers handling in sea, air and land ports with 85% of containers are relates to Garments industry. After implementation of Uruguay Round Negotiations envisaged the phasing out of MFA by the end of 2004, this provides opportunity to the Bangladeshi vendors for covering the new and maximum export to the target market. But our RMG sector faces some internal and external problems.

Pacific Jeans Limited basically export the international market in categories of Garments does not export under Garments. Also this group export major share in USA, EU, Sweden and Canada. Pacific Jeans Limited is very much conscious about the buyer requirements as well as the employee rights so workers unrest is minimum in the Pacific Jeans Group factories. HR department takes a great role to improve the productivity and employee satisfaction in the factory because this department looks after the employee rights. The focus of this report is to provide information about usage of HR policy in practical life. And have shown the usage of those terms in Pacific Jeans Limited also how the recruitment and selection process and other activities go on in a Pacific Jeans.

Internship Report On

Human Resource Management Practices of Pacific Jeans Group

Table of Contents SL


Page Chapter- 01 Introduction

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Introduction Objectives Methodology Limitations

12 12-13 13-14 15 Chapter-02 Profile of Pacific Jeans Limited

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.1 0 2.11

Pacific Jeans-At a glance Vision, Mission Historical Background of Pacific Organogram Objectives of Pacific Policies & Procedures Special Equipments of Pacific Major Buyers, Products of Pacific General Information Code of Conducts

17-20 20 20 21 22 22 22-23 23-24 24-25 25-26

Social Program & Responsibility


Chapter-03 Literature Review 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

Introduction of HR Recruitment Compensation Employee Management System Punch System Responsibilities of HR

28-30 30-35 35-38 38-39 39-41 42

Chapter- 04 Presentation & Analysis of Findings 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

Recruitment Policy & Process Compensation of Pacific Jeans Ltd. Grievance Handling Disciplinary Procedures SWOT analysis Business Challenges for Pacific Findings

44-47 48-49 50 50 51-53 53 54

Chapter-05 Recommendations & Conclusion 5.1 5.2

Recommendations Conclusion

56-57 57-58 References Abbreviations

Chapter – 01 Introduction

Chapter – 01 Introduction 1.1 Introduction Garments sector is one of the most important export sectors of our country. Today readymade garments sector not only earn maximum foreign currency but also engage many unemployed people in productive industry. Labor are the key of this industry. So we have to give them sufficient salary and other benefit for their well living. Backward linkage industry, bonded warehouse facility, garments village must be established for smooth export. 76% of Bangladesh’s total export income earn through RMG. Bangladesh remains the second largest apparel exporter in the world, after China, according to the World Trade Organization (WTO) data. The data said that Bangladesh held on to its status in the world in FY 2017-18, accounting for 6.5 percent share of the market. The following internship report is prepared on “Pacific Jeans Ltd.”, which is the largest among locally invested garments. Moreover, it is the second largest among all garments in Bangladesh. Pacific jeans Ltd is a 100% export oriented garments manufacturing industry. It has started commercial production in 1994. It’s a private limited company and it is a “C” category company that means there are 100% local investors. It is located in Chittagong Export Processing Zone known as CEPZ, Bangladesh. The main objective of the study is ‘Human resource management practices of pacific Jeans Ltd.’. The Garments manufacturing companies highly contribute to GDP (Gross Domestic product) in the Bangladesh. So, all concerned as well as the government of Bangladesh is highly conscious about this sector.

1.2 Objectives General Objective Leading objective of the report is to analyze the “HR policies & Practicess of Pacific Jeans Limited.”

Specific Objectives 

To understand the functions done HR department, Pacific Jeans LTD

To determine how Pacific Jeans maintain recruitment & selection process

To highlight the compensation & benefits provided by Pacific Jeans LTD

To identify strengths & weakness of Pacific Jeans LTD

To know code of conduct & policy & employee welfare

To recommend necessary steps for overcoming problem


1.3 Methodology

Advice from Honorable Supervisor.

Primary Data (Interview, visit, Enquiry)

Secondary Data (Different Publications, documents etc.)

Data Processing, analysis and presentation.

Study Design This report have been preparing based on the experience gaining during the period of internship. The significant feature of the report is the use of both primary and secondary data. Primary data has been collected from the sample units by direct interview method and focus group method. The secondary data or the sources of secondary data were as manuals, papers, reports, periodicals, documents and records of the organization. This report is based on primary and secondary information. Both primary and secondary information have been utilized in designing and preparing this report.

Primary Data

For collecting primary data, a structured questionnaire was developed to interview persons directly involved in the organization. In order to collect primary data, the following methods have been applied:

1. Interview – Direct interview method was used to collect information for preparing this report. 2. Observation- Surveyor while taking interview will use his own observation to collect information. 3. Discussion with various officers and workers.

Secondary Data To collect secondary data had to depend on various source of information-the internet, articles related to the topic and documents provided by the company.

Data Processing, analysis and presentation In order to analyze, processing of raw data is very much significant. In this stage, mainly data is being processed and analyzed for the study. Without processing raw data, It is hard to analyze the raw data. After processing, it is needed to present data for analysis in an appropriate way. All the collected data (primary and secondary) will be processed and analyzed chronologically. After conducting the research work, the findings will be processed with the help of some latest computer such as MS. Word, MS Excel has been used to present and analyze the data.

1.4 Limitations

Pacific Jeans Limited is an export-oriented company. There business is related with export activities. Therefore, Pacific Jeans Limited employees are too much busy with their official activities. That is why all the time they could not help properly to me. However, they tried their best to help me to learn about something their activities. The report is not free from its limitation. The main limitations of the report are given below

Period of this study was very limited.

The website of this company does not provide a good deal of information.

Major constraint of the study is inadequate access to information that hampered the scope of the analysis required for the study.

Confidential information of high importance was not allowed to provide.

As the organization work as a unit of the main company some information remained unknown to Manager and executives. As a result this information was kept out of the study.

Though all the employees were cooperative to me, but sometime due to excessive workload they were unable to provide sufficient time. So sufficient analysis could not be made.

Inexperience of mine was one of the main constraints of the study.

Chapter- 02 Profile of Pacific Jeans Limited

Chapter- 02

Profile of Pacific Jeans Limited 2.1 Pacific Jeans Limited – At a glance Pacific Jeans Limited is a world class casual wear manufacturing company known for its state of the art production facility, extensive and unique research and development center and high skilled human resources. At present Pacific Jeans Limited is one of the premium jeans manufacturers exporting to over 50 countries. With continuous focus on quality improvement and value addition, adoption of updated denim processing technology, commitment towards maintaining safe and healthy workplace for the workers and strict adherence to customers compliance requirements, this group has become one of the most preferred suppliers of the leading global fashion retailers.




Plot # 16-19, Sector # 5, Chittagong Export Processing Zone( CEPZ) Chittagong.

Web Adress

Date of Establishment

5th August, 1994.

Date of Commercial Production

26th November, 1994

Category of the Company

‘C’ type (100% Bangladeshi ownership)

Name of the Owner

Md. Nasir uddin

Directors of the Company

 Md. Nasir Uddin.  Mrs. Syeda Umme Habiba Begum.  Mr. Sayed Mohammed Tanvir.

Sister Concerns

 Jeans 2000 Ltd.  NZN Fashion Wears Limited.  NZN Garments Limited.

 Diamond Fashion Weat (Pvt.) Limited.  Pacific Accessories Limited. &  Pacific Jeans Limited.

Vision of the Company

Be a global lifeware solution company

Product of the Company

Branded fashion jeans and casual wear

Floor Area

6,80,000 Sq.Ft

Number of Machines


Export Destinations

Europe and USA

 Male- (49.12%)  Female- (50.87%)

Total Manpower

Total number of Workers (Without Washing)

 Male- (30.49%)  Female- (69.51%)

Production Capacity

80,000 PCs Per day.

Total Production

25 Million Per annum

Tax Exemption Period

25 Years. (1994 to 2019)

Bank Name

 HSBC  Citi Bank NA  Agrani Bank


Cambodia, China, Vietnam, India and all other local Competitors.


GAP, Lee, Wranger, MASH, H&M, Charies Vogele, V.F Asia, Henric and Laurence, C&A, Carrefour, Wilson, Tom Tailor etc.

Various Process Involved In Production

   

Cutting Sewing Wet Processing or Washing Finishing

Working Hours

8 am to 4 pm. (Normal)

   

Department of the Company

Workers’ Absenteeism and Labour turnover (Percentage)

        

Human Resource Department Commercial Department Accounts & Finance Department Industrial Engineering, Work-study & planning. Production Department Production Accounting Department Information Technology (IT) Dept. CAD & Sampling Department Merchandising Department Engineering Department Supply Chain Management Dept. Compliance Department Quality Assurance Dept. (Q.A.D)

 Monthly Absenteeism- 9.68%(March)  Labour Turnover- 10.80% (average)

Workers’ Insurance Scheme

BEPZA Insurance Scheme

Workers’ Council

Workers’ Representative Welfare Council (WRWC) No Labor Union

Expenditure on Training (as a percentage of total expenditure)


Expenditure on Human Resource Development (as a Percentage of total expenditure)


Expenditure on Management Information system or IT (as a percentage of total expenditure)


Fabric Warehouse Area

10,000 sq. ft within the premises, there are 4 other warehouses in the EPZ area.

    

Security Measures adopted by the Organization:

Fire extinguishers Tow-way entry Evaluation plan Preventive Masks & hand gloves Fire-fighting demonstratious every two months.

Pacific Jeans Limited- at a glance.

2.2Vision & Mission Vision Be a global life ware solution company

Mission Hit the billion by 2028

2.3 Historical background of Pacific Jeans Ltd. Pacific jeans Ltd is a 100% export oriented garments manufacturing industry. It has started commercial production in 1994. Itis a private limited company and it is a “C” category company that means there are 100% local investors. It is located in Chittagong Export Processing Zone known as CEPZ, Bangladesh. Md. Nasir Uddin is the managing Director of the company. He is a well-experienced business personal and industrialist. He has the vast marketing experience and for exploring the export business. Pacific jeans Limited Is one of the foremost manufactures of the garments industry in this country. Pacific jeans Ltd. Is a 100% export oriented garments manufacturer. To maintain world-class quality Pacific jeans concentrates on the following factors: 1. Quality of the input. 2. Quality of sewing. 3. Quality of sewing thread. 4. Quality of washing. 5. Quality of packing. 6. Quality of Finishing.

2.5 Objectives of Pacific Jeans Ltd. 1. Ensure 100% security. 2. Ensure 100% on-time delivery. 3. Ensure 100% quality right from the commencement to the finish of production. 4. Ensure 100% efficiency of resources. 5. Ensure 100% transparency in all activities. 6. Ensure 100% honesty, discipline and punctuality. 7. Best use of potentiality of garments industries of Bangladesh. 8. Use of most modern technology in Business Field to the best possible extends, which matches with the socio-economic condition of Bangladesh. 9. Give opening to the new jobs. 10. Developing a set of human resources with the most modern business philosophy, practice and technology. 11. Maintaining at least 80% efficiency.

2.6 Policies and procedures 1. Maintain cordial relations with all stakeholders, namely- customers or buyers, suppliers and employees 2. Fight against dishonesty, fraud and corruption as and when it occurs. 3. Recognize th...

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