Author Marcus Davis
Course Media Advertising And Sales
Institution Jacksonville State University
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Notes about what is advertising? the key concepts of advertising, the roles and functions of advertising, the role of communication, the economic role, the functions of advertising, the key participants and the advertiser....



WHAT IS ADVERTISING? Advertising is read, watched, listened to and watched since you are a child. So it might seem a little silly to ask what publicity is. However, a conscientious observer sees advertising as more than just a sales message that occupies a space in and around news, magazines and TV shows. In fact, it is a complex form of communication that operates with objectives and strategies that lead to various types of consequences on consumer thoughts, feelings and actions. In a way advertising is simple. It's about creating a message and sending it to someone waiting for them to react in a certain way. This is seen throughout life in the thousands of commercials seen on television and in advertisements that are read in magazines, billboards, the Internet and other places. Advertising becomes controversial when questions arise about how it influences people and whether this is a good thing. Some say it's hateful and drives you to do things you don't really want to do. Others see it as a fashion or entertainment with good jokes, good music and fascinating images. But there is no doubt that advertising can be effective in influencing people; has evolved as society changed and has had an effect on it, at the same time that society has had an effect on advertising. Modern definition of advertising The standard definition of advertising has five basic components: 

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Advertising is a paid form of communication, although some forms of advertising, such as public service announcements (PSAs), use donated space and time. Not only is the message paid, but the sponsor is identified. Most advertising tries to persuade or influence the consumer to do something, although in some cases the point of the message is simply to inform the consumer and bring them to the point of the product or company. In other words, it's strategic communication driven by goals that can be measured to determine whether advertising was effective. Advertising reaches a large audience of potential consumers. The message is transmitted through different types of mass media that are largely impersonal. That means that advertising is not targeted at a particular person, although this is changing with the introduction of the Internet and the most interactive media.

So a modern definition would be: advertising is paid persuasive communication that uses mass and impersonal media, as well as other forms of interactive

communication, to reach a wide audience and connect an identified sponsor with the target audience. Key advertising concepts Describing advertising highlights four major factors: strategy, creative idea, creative execution and creative use of themedia. All demand a creative thinking from advertising professionals responsible for their development and implementation. These dimensions are often cited and will soon be understood as valuable concepts that serve as the basis for the practice of advertising. These are also the fundamental elements that professionals use to analyze the effectiveness of their advertising efforts. In other words, professionals criticize the strategy, creative idea, execution of their advertising ideas, and how the message is conveyed by the appropriate media. Below, you will see more specifically what these four elements are. •

Advertising strategy. Strategy is the logic and planning behind the advertising that gives direction and focus. Every effective announcement implements a sound strategy. The advertiser develops the ad to meet specific goals, carefully targets a certain audience, creates its message to refer to the issues most important to it, and places it in the media that will most effectively reach that audience (e.g. printed, broadcast, or on the Internet). Creative idea. The creative concept is the central idea of an ad that captures attention and stays in memory. For example, the "Pods Unite" campaign for VW links two innovative products in a way that relates to the emotional connection that Volkswagen owners have with their cars. The creative word describes a critical aspect of advertising that drives your entire field. Planning the strategy requires an imaginative solution to problems: Research efforts have to be creative and buying and placing ads in the media requires creative thinking. Creative execution. Effective ads are well executed. This means that the details, photography, writing, performance, environment, printing and the way the product is presented reflect the highest production values available to the industry. Advertising often sets the standard or sets the vanguard for Internet printing, transmission and design as customers demand the best production their budgets can buy. Creative use of the media. Each message must be transmitted in some way, for which most advertisers use the media (communication channels that reach a large audience, such as television, magazines or the Internet). Deciding how to give this message can sometimes be as creative as having the great idea to realizeit.

Good advertisers know that the way something is said and where it's said is just as important as what they say. What is said and where it is said come from the strategy, while the how it is said is a product of creativity and execution. The strategy, creative idea, execution, and media used determine the effectiveness of an ad. ROLES AND ROLES OF ADVERTISING Over time, as the practice of advertising has evolved, it has had many different functions. It began as a way to identify the manufacturer of goods, which is still an important function. As technology, such as printing, made it possible to reach a wider audience, advertising focused more on providing commercial information along with product manufacturer identification. Due to advances in industrialization, which made it possible to produce more goods than the local market could absorb, advertising took on the role of creating demand for a product, which was done through two techniques: aggressive sales approaches that use reasons to persuade consumers, and peaceful sales approaches that create an image for the brand and reach consumer emotions. An ad that proclaims a special tire price reduction is an example of the aggressive sales approach; Michelin's long-running advertising campaign showing a baby inside a tire is a peaceful sale. (Sells the durability and reliability of the tires without saying specifically; rather symbolizes their reliability with an image that touches emotions.) Indeed, these two approaches represent the art and science of advertising. But as the proliferation of the media made it harder for a message to attract people's attention, more creative techniques were needed to have an impact, such as ads for Virgin Megastore. Creativity remains the key factor in assessing the impact of an advertising idea and is an important feature of successful advertising. Earlier this millennium, as the economy slowed, advertisers were concerned about the responsibility and performance they got from the money they invested in advertising. As a result, advertising professionals found themselves in need of verifying that their work was effective, i.e. giving the results that advertisers specified for advertising. This huge emphasis on responsibility is why effectiveness is a key issue in this book. Finally, with an analysis of the results of the work (in other words, how the advertising professionals determined or verified that the work was actually effective). To better understand how advertising works, you should consider the four roles you have in business and society: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Marketing Communication Economic Social

The role of marketing The process a business uses to meet consumer needs and requirements when offering goods and services is called marketing. The department or marketing manager is responsible for selling a company's products, ranging from goods (computers, refrigerators, soft drinks) and services (restaurants, insurance, real estate) to ideas (supporting an organization, believing in a candidate). Products are also identified in terms of their product category. Category means the classification assigned to the product (i.e. if Levi's is in the category of jeans or denim pants, Harley-Davidson is on motorcycle status). The particular group of consumers considered as potential customers of goods and services constitutes the target market. The tools available for marketing include the product (its design and packaging, as well as how it works), its price, and the means used to distribute or deliver the product to the place where the customer can buy it. Marketing also includes a method of communicating this information to the consumer called marketing or promotion communication. These four tools (product, price, square [distribution] and promotion) are collectively referred to as a marketing mix orquadri or. Of course, advertising is one of the most important marketing communication tools. Marketing professionals are also part of brand development, which is the distinctive identity of a particular product that distinguishes it from its competitors. For example, Colgate is a brand of toothpaste and Crest is another. They are products of different companies and compete directly against each other. The role of communication Advertising is a form of mass communication. It transmits different types of market information to connect buyers and sellers there. It informs the product (and transforms it) by creating an image that goes beyond simple facts. The broad term of marketing communication includes advertising, but also includes a number of related communication techniques that are used in marketing such as sales promotion, public relations, direct response, events and sponsorships, packaging and personal sales. The economic role Advertising tends to flourish in societies that enjoy a certain level of economic abundance where supply exceeds demand. In these companies, advertising goes from being primarily informative to creating a demand for a particular brand. There are two views on how advertising has an economic impact. In the first, advertising is considered as a vehicle to help consumers calculate value by price or other information (such as quality, location, and reputation). Instead of diminishing the importance of price as a basis for comparison, supporters of this

school see the role of advertising as a means of providing objective information about value for money, thereby creating a more rational economy. In the second perspective, advertising is seen as persuasive that it decreases the likelihood that a consumer may switch to an alternative product, no matter what price is charged. In other words, by focusing on other positive attributes, the consumer makes a decision based on benefits other than price (such as the psychological resource). This is supposedly the way images and emotions are used to influence consumer decisions. None of these perspectives on the role of advertising have been verified. Advertising is likely to play both roles. The social role Advertising also has several social roles. It reports on new and improved products, helps compare products and features, and typically keeps an up to date on innovations and topics. It reflects fashion and design trends and brings to our sense of aesthetics. It has an educational role in which it teaches about new products and how to use them. It helps to form an image of each individual by establishing role models with which each person can identify, and provides a form of expression in terms of personality and sense of style through the things that people dress and use. The functions of advertising Looking at the roles of advertising in society has provided an overview, but now you have to focus more on what an advertiser would expect from advertising (in other words, why they decide to use advertising). From the advertiser's perspective, advertising generally performs seven basic functions: • • • • • • •

Raise product and brand awareness Create a brand image Provides product and brand information Persuade people Provides incentives to launch some action Provides brand reminders Strengthen past brand purchases and experiences

KEY PARTICIPANTS The advertising industry is complex because it has different organizations involved in decision-making and the execution of advertising plans. Principles about the best TV commercial ever shown in the story introduces several of these key participants and illustrates how they all make different contributions to final advertising. Participants include the advertiser or customer, agency, media, provider, and audience. Everyone has different perspectives and goals and a big ad occurs only when they come together as a team with a common vision. Now each of them will be analyzed.

The advertiser Advertising starts with the advertiser, the person or organization that uses advertising to send a message about their products. TheApple company was the advertiser and Steve Jobs (the company's CEO) made the final decision to convey the controversial commercial. The advertiser initiates the advertising effort by identifying a marketing issue that advertising must resolve. VW's story is an example of how an advertiser struggles to keep their place in a changing market and also how their agency helps as a partner in developing a communication strategy to address the problem. To better understand how this works, consider how VW advertising evolved. Ask anyone who has grown up in the 1960s and hear a litany of the legendary ads created by the doyle Dane Bernbach advertising agency for the original VW Beetle that was affectionately known as "the horn or beetle." They also fondly remember lines like Think Small, Lemon, Ugly Is Only Deep, "Mass Transit"* (a group of nuns on a bus) and on television, How does the snow plow driver get to his snow plow? (How does the snowplow driver get to this snowplow?). With such a tradition as a leader in advertising, how do VW and its agency continue this legacy of success? In fact, VW had a tough time and nearly left the US market. That's why the "Drivers Are Requested" campaign was so important. The advertiser also makes final decisions about the target audience and the size of the advertising budget. This person or organization also approves the advertising plan, which contains the details that underscore the message and media strategies. Finally, the advertiser hires an advertising agency; in other words, the advertiser becomes the agency's client. As a customer, the advertiser is responsible for monitoring work and paying bills for the agency's work on their account. The use of the word account is the reason why the people in the agency refer to the advertiser as "the account" and the person in the agency in charge of that advertiser's business as "the account manager". The advertising agency The second participant in the advertising world is the agency or advertising department that creates the ad. Advertisers hire independent agencies to plan and implement some (or all) of their advertising efforts as Chiat/Day did for Apple and Arnold for Volkswagen in the first story. This work arrangement is known as the agency-client company. The 1984 story shows how important it is to cultivate a strong sense of trust between these two partners. In 2002-2003, gross revenue from advertising agencies was $10.6 billion globally, according to the Advertising Age annual agency report. The three main U.S. advertising agencies were J. Walter Thompson, Leo Burnett and McCann-Erickson Worldwide. Headquartered in Japan, Dentsu, Inc., is the most important in the

world. Arnold Worldwide of Boston is the agency that produced EFFIE's most recent winning campaign for VW; it ranks number fourteen among U.S. agencies and had turnovers of $1.2 billion in 2003. An advertiser uses an external agency because they believe it will be more effective in creating an ad or a full campaign than the advertiser would be on their own. Successful agencies like Arnold Worldwide really have strategic and creative experience, media knowledge, talented workforce and the ability to negotiate good deals with customers. Advertising people who work for an agency are experts in their areas of expertise and are passionate about advertising, as History illustrates from within. There are several ways advertisers organize to handle their advertising. Large advertisers (whether companies or organizations) participate in the advertising process through their internal agencies or advertisingdepartments. The advertising department Most large companies have an advertising department. Your primary responsibility is to act as a liaison between the marketing department and the advertising agency (or agencies) and other providers. Depending on the business, the marketing department's involvement usually varies from company to company. The individual in charge of the advertising department may hold a title such as advertising director or advertising manager. Generally, that person has great experience in all facets of advertising. In fact, many have had jobs on the agency side, so they may have worked with advertisers in various roles and are familiar with their operations. As noted, the task of the advertising manager and his staff is to facilitate the interaction between the company's marketing department and the agencies. Many companies may have hundreds of agencies working for them, although they typically have an of-record agency, which performs most of their businesses and even runs the other agencies. The tasks that the advertising department performs include the following: select the agencies coordinates the activities with the advertisers (such as media, production, photography, compliance), ensures that the work is done as scheduled and determines whether the work has achieved the prescribed goals. The internal agency Companies that need greater control over their advertising have their own internal agencies. For example, large retailers realize that by doing their own advertising they save on cost and meet their delivery deadlines. Some fashion companies, such as Ralph Lauren, also create their own in-house agencies to retain full control over the brand's image and fashion imposition that makes.

An internal agency performs most of the functions of an external advertising agency and sometimes performs them all. The media The third participant in the world of advertising are the media (which from now on will be named as media). The media is composed of the communication channels that bring the advertiser's message to the audience and in the case of the Internet brings the audience's response back to the advertiser. Mass media development has been a central factor in advertising development because they offer a way to reach a wider audience. These media are called communication channels or media vehicles, but they are also companies, such as a local newspaper or radio station. Some of these media conglomerates are huge, like Time Warner andViacom. All media vehicles (newspaper, radio or television station, billboard company, etc.) have a department responsible for selling the advertising space or time. Each media tries to help advertisers compare the effectiveness of multiple media when those advertisers try to choose the best option to use. Many media organizations help advertisers design and produce ads. This is particularly true of local advertisers using local media, such as the retailer preparing an ad for a local newspaper. The main advantage of the use of media for advertising is that the cost of time in the media, space in the print media and for time and space in interactive and support media, is distributed among the huge number of people that these media reach. For example, two million dollars may seem like a lot of money for an ad in the Super Bowl, but when advertisers are considered to reach more than 500 million people the cost is not so extreme. So one of the great advantages of mass media advertising is that it reaches many people with a single message in a very profitable way. A media sales representative usually meets with th...

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