Introduction to Networks v7.0 – ITNv7 Practice Final Exam Answers PDF

Title Introduction to Networks v7.0 – ITNv7 Practice Final Exam Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 19
File Size 777.2 KB
File Type PDF
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ITNv7 Practice Final Exam Answers V7.0...


Introduction to Networks (Version 7.0) – ITNv7 Practice Final Exam 1. A client packet is received by a server. The packet has a destination port number of 22. What service is the client requesting?  SSH  TFTP  DHCP  DNS 2. Refer to the exhibit. What does the value of the window size specify?

t heamountofdat at hatc anbes entatonet i me  the amount of data that can be sent before an acknowledgment is required t het ot al numberofbi t sr ec ei v eddur i ngt hi sTCPs es s i on  ar andom numbert hati sus edi nes t abl i s hi ngac onnec t i onwi t ht he3wa yhands hak e Explanation: Thewi ndows i z edet er mi nest henumberofby t est hatcanbes entbef or eex pect i ngan ac k nowl edgment .Theac knowl edgmentnumberi st henumberoft henex tex pec t edby t e. 3. To which TCP port group does the port 414 belong?  well-known  pr i v at eordy nami c  publ i c r egi s t er ed Explanation: Wel lKnownPor t s :0t hr ough1023. Regi s t er edPor t s :1024t hr ough49151. Dy nami c / Pr i v at e:49152t hr ough65535. 4. Refer to the exhibit. An administrator is trying to configure the switch but receives the error message that is displayed in the exhibit. What is the problem?

 Theent i r ec ommand,c onfigur et er mi nal ,mus tbeus ed.  Theadmi ni s t r at ori sal r eadyi ngl obalc onfi gur at i onmode.  The administrator must first enter privileged EXEC mode before issuing the command.  Theadmi ni s t r at ormus tconnectvi at hec ons ol epor tt oac ces sgl obalc onfi gur at i onmode. Explanation: I nor dert oent ergl obalc onfi gur at i onmode,t hec ommandc onfi gur et er mi nal ,ora s hor t enedv er s i ons uc hasc onfi gt ,mus tbeent er edf r om pr i v i l egedEXECmode.I nt hi ss cenar i ot he admi ni st r at ori si nus erEXECmode,asi ndi c at edbyt he>s y mbolaf t ert hehos t name.Theadmi ni s t r at or woul dneedt ous et heenabl ecommandt omov ei nt opr i v i l egedEXECmodebef or eent er i ngt hec onfi gur e t er mi nal c ommand.

5. What is a user trying to determine when issuing a ping command on a PC? i ft heTCP/ I Ps t ac ki sf unc t i oni ngont hePCwi t houtput t i ngt r afficont hewi r e  if there is connectivity with the destination device t hepat ht hatt r afficwi l lt ak et or eac ht hedes t i nat i on  whatt ypeofdev i cei satt hedes t i nat i on Explanation: Thepi ngdes t i nat i onc ommandc anbeusedt ot es tc onnec t i v i t y . 6. What is a characteristic of a switch virtual interface (SVI)?  An SVI is created in software and requires a configured IP address and a subnet mask in order to provide remote access to the switch.  Al t houghi ti sav i r t uali nt er f ace,i tneedst ohav ephy s i calhar dwar eont hedev i c eas s oc i at edwi t h i t .  SVI sdonotr equi r et henos hut downcommandt obec omeenabl ed.  SVI sc omepr econfi gur edonCi s c os wi t c hes . Explanation: Ci s c oI OSLay er2s wi t c heshav ephy s i c al por t sf ordev i c est oc onnec t .Thes epor t sdo nots uppor tLay er3I Paddr es s es .Ther ef or e,s wi t c heshav eoneormor es wi t chv i r t uali nt er f aces( SVI s ) . Thes ear ev i r t uali nt er f acesbec aus et her ei snophy s i c alhar dwar eont hedev i c eass oc i at edwi t hi t .An SVIi sc r eat edi ns of t war e. Thev i r t uali nt er f ac el et sy our emot el ymanageas wi t c hov eranet wor kus i ngI Pv 4andI Pv 6.Eac hs wi t ch c omeswi t honeSVIappear i ngi nt hedef aul tc onfi gur at i on“ out of t hebox . ”Thedef aul tSVIi si nt er f ac e VLAN1.

7. Match the descriptions to the terms. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: AGUI ,orgr aphi c alus eri nt er f ace,al l owst heus ert oi nt er ac twi t ht heoper at i ngs y s t em bypoi nt i ngandc l i ck i ngatel ement sont hes c r een.ACLI ,orc ommandl i nei nt er f ace,r equi r esus er st o t y pec ommandsatapr ompti nor dert oi nt er ac twi t ht heOS.Thes hel li st hepar toft heoper at i ngs y s t em t hati sc l os estt ot heus er .Thek er neli st hepar toft heoper at i ngs y s t em t hati nt er f ac eswi t ht hehar dwar e. 8. What happens when a switch receives a frame and the calculated CRC value is different than the value that is in the FCS field?  Thes wi t c hnot i fiest hes our c eoft hebadf r ame.  Thes wi t c hpl ac est henewCRCv al uei nt heFCSfi el dandf or war dst hef r ame.  The switch drops the frame.  Thes wi t c hfl oodst hef r amet oal lpor t sex c eptt hepor tt hr oughwhi c ht hef r amear r i v edt onot i f y t hehost soft heer r or . Explanation: Thepur pos eoft heCRCv al uei nt heFCSfi el di st odet er mi nei ft hef r amehaser r or s .I f t hef r amedoeshav eer r or s ,t hent hef r amei sdr oppedbyt hes wi t ch.

9. Two network engineers are discussing the methods used to forward frames through a switch. What is an important concept related to the cut-through method of switching?  Thef r agment f r ees wi t c hi ngoffer st hel owes tl ev elofl at enc y .  Fas t f or war ds wi t c hi ngc anbevi ewedasac ompr omi s ebet weens t or eandf or war ds wi t chi ngand f r agment f r ees wi t c hi ng.  Fr agment f r ees wi t c hi ngi st het y pi c alc ut t hr oughmet hodofs wi t c hi ng.  Packets can be relayed with errors when fast-forward switching is used. Explanation: Fas t f or war ds wi t c hi ngoffer st hel owes tl ev elofl at enc yandi ti st het y pi c alc ut t hr ough met hodofs wi t c hi ng.Fr agment f r ees wi t chi ngc anbev i ewedasacompr omi s ebet weens t or eandf or war d s wi t chi ngandf as t f or war ds wi t chi ng.Bec aus ef as t f or war ds wi t c hi ngst ar t sf or war di ngbef or et heent i r e pack ethasbeenr ec ei v ed,t her emaybet i meswhenpac k et sar er el ay edwi t her r or s . 10. Which two issues can cause both runts and giants in Ethernet networks? (Choose two.)  us i ngt hei nc or r ec tcabl et y pe  half-duplex operations  a malfunctioning NIC  el ec t r i c ali nt er f er enc eons er i ali nt er f ac es  CRCer r or s Explanation: Bec aus ec ol l i s i onsar eanor malas pec tofhal f dupl e xc ommuni c at i ons ,r untandgi ant f r amesar ec ommonby pr oduc t soft hos eoper at i ons .Amal f unct i oni ngNI Cc anal s opl ac ef r amesont he net wor kt hatar eei t hert oos hor torl ongert hant hemax i mum al l owedl engt h.CRCer r or sc anr es ul tf r om us i ngt hewr ongt y peofcabl eorf r om el ec t r i c ali nt er f er ence.Us i ngac abl et hati st ool ongc anr es ul ti n l at ec ol l i s i onsr at hert hanr unt sandgi ant s . 11.Whi cht wof unct i onsar eper f or medatt heLLC subl ayeroft heOSIDat aLi nkLayert of aci l i t at e Et her netcommuni cat i on?( Chooset wo. ) i mpl ement sCSMA/ CDov erl egac ys har edhal f dupl exmedi a  enables IPv4 and IPv6 to utilize the same physical medium i nt egr at esLay er2fl owsbet ween10Gi gabi tEt her netov erfi berand1Gi gabi tEt her netov er c opper i mpl ement sapr ocesst odel i mi tfi el dswi t hi nanEt her net2f r ame  places information in the Ethernet frame that identifies which network layer protocol is being encapsulated by the frame Other case r es pons i bl ef ori nt er nals t r uct ur eofEt her netf r ame  appl i ess our c eanddest i nat i onMACaddr ess est oEt her netf r ame i nt egr at esLay er2fl owsbet ween10Gi gabi tEt her netov erfi berand1Gi gabi tEt her netov er c opper  enables IPv4 and IPv6 to utilize the same physical medium  handles communication between upper layer networking software and Ethernet NIC hardware Other case  adds Ethernet control information to network protocol data r es pons i bl ef ori nt er nals t r uct ur eofEt her netf r ame i mpl ement st r ai l erwi t hf r amec hec ks equenc ef orer r ordet ec t i on  enables IPv4 and IPv6 to utilize the same physical medium  appl i ess our c eanddest i nat i onMACaddr ess est oEt her netf r ame Other case i mpl ement sCSMA/ CDov erl egac ys har edhal f dupl exmedi a  adds Ethernet control information to network protocol data  places information in the Ethernet frame that identifies which network layer protocol is being encapsulated by the frame

 appl i ess our c eanddest i nat i onMACaddr ess est oEt her netf r ame i nt egr at esLay er2fl owsbet ween10Gi gabi tEt her netov erfi berand1Gi gabi tEt her netov er c opper Explanation: Thedat al i nkl ay eri sact ual l ydi v i dedi nt ot wosubl ay er s : +Logi c alLi nkCont r ol( LLC) :Thi suppersubl ay erdefi nest hes of t war epr oces s est hatpr ov i des er v i c est o t henet wor kl ay erpr ot ocol s .I tpl acesi nf or mat i oni nt hef r amet hati dent i fi eswhi c hnet wor kl a y erpr ot oc ol i sbei ngusedf ort hef r ame.Thi si nf or mat i onal l owsmul t i pl eLay er3pr ot oc ol s ,s uc hasI Pv 4andI Pv 6,t o ut i l i z et hes amenet wor ki nt er f aceandmedi a. +Medi aAc c es sCont r ol( MAC) :Thi sl owers ubl a y erdefi nest hemedi aac c es spr oces s esper f or medby t hehar dwar e.I tpr ov i desdat al i nkl ay eraddr es s i nganddel i mi t i ngofdat aac c or di ngt ot hephy s i c al s i gnal i ngr equi r ement soft hemedi um andt het y peofdat al i nkl a y erpr ot oc oli nus e. 12. Which two commands could be used to check if DNS name resolution is working properly on a Windows PC? (Choose two.)  nslookup  ping i pc onfig/ fl us hdns  netc i s c o. com  nbt s t atc i s c o. c om Explanation: Thepi ngc ommandt est st heconnect i onbet weent wohos t s .Whenpi ngus esahos t domai nnamet ot es tt hec onnect i on,t her es ol v eront hePCwi l lfi r s tper f or mt henamer es ol ut i ont oquer y t heDNSs er v erf ort heI Paddr es soft hehos t .I ft hepi ngc ommandi sunabl et or es ol v et hedomai nname t oanI Paddr es s ,aner r orwi l lr es ul t . Ns l ook upi sat oolf ort es t i ngandt r oubl eshoot i ngDNSs er v er s . 13. A small advertising company has a web server that provides critical business service. The company connects to the Internet through a leased line service to an ISP. Which approach best provides cost effective redundancy for the Internet connection?  Addas ec ondNI Ct ot hewebs er v er .  Add a connection to the Internet via a DSL line to another ISP.  Addanot herwebs er v ert opr epar ef ai l ov ers uppor t .  Addmul t i pl econnect i onsbet weent hes wi t c hesandt heedger out er . Explanation: Wi t has epar at eDSLc onnec t i ont oanot herI SP,t hec ompanywi l l hav ear edundanc y s ol ut i onf ort heI nt er netc onnec t i on,i nc as et hel eas edl i neconnect i onf ai l s .Theot heropt i onspr ov i de ot heras pect sofr edundanc y ,butnott heI nt er netc onnec t i on.Theopt i onsofaddi ngas ec ondNI Cand addi ngmul t i pl ec onnec t i onsbet weent hes wi t c hesandt heedger out erwi l l pr ov i der edundanc yi nc as e oneNI Cf ai l soronec onnec t i onbet weent hes wi t c hesandt heedger out erf ai l s .Theopt i onofaddi ng anot herwebs er v erpr ov i desr edundanc yi ft hemai nwebs er v erf ai l s . 14. Only employees connected to IPv6 interfaces are having difficulty connecting to remote networks. The analyst wants to verify that IPv6 routing has been enabled. What is the best command to use to accomplish the task? c opyr unni ngc onfi gs t ar t upc onfi g s howi nt er f aces s howi pnatt r ans l at i ons  show running-config 15. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is connecting a new host to the Registrar LAN. The host needs to communicate with remote networks. What IP address would be configured as the default gateway on the new host? Floor(config)# interface gi0/1 Floor(config-if)# description Connects to the Registrar LAN

Floor(config-if)# ip address Floor(config-if)# no shutdown Floor(config-if)# interface gi0/0 Floor(config-if)# description Connects to the Manager LAN Floor(config-if)# ip address Floor(config-if)# no shutdown Floor(config-if)# interface s0/0/0 Floor(config-if)# description Connects to the ISP Floor(config-if)# ip address Floor(config-if)# no shutdown Floor(config-if)# interface s0/0/1 Floor(config-if)# description Connects to the Head Office WAN Floor(config-if)# ip address Floor(config-if)# no shutdown Floor(config-if)# end   203. 0. 113. 3  192. 168. 235. 1  10. 234. 235. 254  192. 168. 234. 114 16. Match the command with the device mode at which the command is entered. (Not all options are used.)

Explanation: Theenabl ec ommandi sent er edi nR1>mode.Thel ogi nc ommandi sent er edi n R1( c onfi gl i ne) #mode.Thecopyr unni ngc onfi gs t ar t upconfi gc ommandi sent er edi nR1#mode.Thei p addr es s192. 168. 4. 4255. 255. 255. 0c ommandi sent er edi nR1( confi gi f ) #mode.Thes er v i c epas s wor dencr ypt i onc ommandi sent er edi ngl obalc onfi gur at i onmode. 17. A router boots and enters setup mode. What is the reason for this?  TheI OSi magei sc or r upt .  Ci s c oI OSi smi s s i ngf r om flas hmemor y .  The configuration file is missing from NVRAM.  ThePOSTpr oces shasdet ect edhar dwar ef ai l ur e. Explanation: Thes t ar t upconfi gur at i onfi l ei ss t or edi nNVRAM andc ont ai nst hec ommandsneededt o i ni t i al l yc onfi gur ear out er .I tal s oc r eat est her unni ngc onfi gur at i onfi l et hati ss t or edi ni nRAM. 18.Whatser vi cei spr ovi dedbyPOP3?  Retrieves email from the server by downloading the email to the local mail application of the client.  Anappl i c at i ont hatal l owsr eal t i mec hat t i ngamongr emot eus er s .  Al l owsr emot eac c es st onet wor kdev i c esands er v er s .  Us esenc r ypt i ont opr ovi des ecur er emot eac c es st onet wor kdev i c esands er v er s . 19. Two students are working on a network design project. One student is doing the drawing, while the other student is writing the proposal. The drawing is finished and the student wants to share the folder that contains the drawing so that the other student can access the file and copy it to a USB drive. Which networking model is being used?  peer-to-peer c l i ent bas ed  mas t er s l av e  poi nt t opoi nt Explanation: I napeer t opeer( P2P)net wor k i ngmodel ,dat ai sex c hangedbet weent wonet wor k dev i c eswi t houtt heus eofadedi cat edser v er . 20.Whi chcommandi susedt omanual l yquer yaDNSser vert or esol veaspeci fichostname? t r ac er t i pc onfig/ di s pl a y dns  nslookup  net Explanation: Thensl ook upcommandwascr eat edt oal l owaus ert omanual l yquer yaDNSs er v ert o r es ol v eagi v enhos tname.Thei pc onfi g/ di s pl ay dnsc ommandonl ydi s pl a y spr ev i ous l yr es ol v edDNS ent r i es .Thet r ac er tc ommandwasc r eat edt oex ami net hepat ht hatpac k et st ak east heycr os sanet wor k andc anr es ol v eahos t namebyaut omat i c al l yquer y i ngaDNSs er v er .Thenetcommandi sus edt o managenet wor kcomput er s ,s er v er s ,pr i nt er s ,andnet wor kdr i v es . 21. Which PDU is processed when a host computer is de-encapsulating a message at the transport layer of the TCP/IP model?  bi t s f r ame  pack et  segment Explanation: Att het r ans por tl ay er ,ahos tcomput erwi l ldeenc apsul at eas egmentt or eas s embl edat a t oanac c ept abl ef or matbyt heappl i c at i onl a y erpr ot oc oloft heTCP/ I Pmodel . 22.Whi cht woOSImodell ayer shavet hesamef unct i onal i t yast wol ay er soft heTCP/ I Pmodel ? ( Chooset wo. )

 dat al i nk  network  phy s i c al s es s i on  transport Explanation: TheOSIt r ans por tl a y eri sf unc t i onal l yequi v al entt ot heTCP/ I Pt r ans por tl ay er ,andt he OSInet wor kl a y eri sequi v al entt ot heTCP/ I Pi nt er netl ay er .TheOSIdat al i nkandphy s i c all ay er st oget her ar eequi v al entt ot heTCP/ I Pnet wor kac ces sl ay er .TheOSIs es s i onl a y er( wi t ht hepr es ent at i onl a y er )i s i nc l udedwi t hi nt heTCP/ I Pappl i c at i onl ay er . 23.Whi cht hr eel ayer soft heOSImodelar ecompar abl ei nf unct i ont ot heappl i cat i onl ayeroft he TCP/ I Pmodel ?( Chooset hr ee. )  presentation  phy s i c al  net wor k  dat al i nk t r ans por t  application  session Explanation: TheTCP/ I Pmodelc ons i s t soff ourl a y er s :appl i c at i on,t r ans por t ,i nt er net ,andnet wor kac c es s .TheOSI modelc ons i s t sofs ev enl a y er s :appl i c at i on,pr es ent at i on,s es s i on,t r ans por t ,net wor k ,dat al i nk ,and phy s i c al .Thet opt hr eel a y er soft heOSImodel :appl i c at i on,pr es ent at i on,ands es s i onmapt ot he appl i c at i onl ay eroft heTCP/ I Pmodel . 24. Network information: * local router LAN interface: / fe80:65ab:dcc1::10 * local router WAN interface: / 2001:db8:FACE:39::10 * remote server: What task might a user be trying to accomplish by using the ping 2001:db8:FACE:39::10 command? v er i f y i ngt hatt her ei sc onnec t i v i t ywi t hi nt hel ocalnet wor k c r eat i nganet wor kper f or manc ebenc hmar kt oas er v eront hecompanyi nt r anet  det er mi ni ngt hepat ht or eac ht her emot es er v er  verifying that there is connectivity to the internet 25. Which two ICMP messages are used by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols? (Choose two.)  nei ghbors ol i ci t at i on r out eradv er t i sement r out ers ol i c i t at i on  protocol unreachable  route redirection Explanation: TheI CMPmess agescommont obot hI CMPv 4andI CMPv 6i nc l ude:hos tc onfi r mat i on, dest i nat i on( net ,hos t ,pr ot ocol ,por t )ors er v i c eunr eac habl e,t i meex ceeded,andr out er edi r ec t i on.Rout er s ol i c i t at i on,nei ghbors ol i c i t at i on,andr out eradv er t i s ementar enewpr ot oc ol si mpl ement edi nI CMPv 6. 26. A network technician types the command ping at the command prompt on a computer. What is the technician trying to accomplish?  pi ngi ngahos tc omput ert hathast heI Paddr es s127. 0. 0. 1ont henet wor k t r ac i ngt hepat ht oahos tcomput eront henet wor kandt henet wor khast heI Paddr es s127. 0. 0. 1 c hec k i ngt heI Paddr es sont henet wor kc ar d  testing the integrity of the TCP/IP stack on the local machine Explanation: 127. 0. 0. 1i sanaddr es sr es er v edbyTCP/ I Pt ot es tt heNI C,dr i v er sandTCP/ I P i mpl ement at i onoft hedev i c e.

27. Although CSMA/CD is still a feature of Ethernet, why is it no longer necessary? t hev i r t ual l yunl i mi t edav ai l abi l i t yofI Pv 6addr es s es t heus eofCSMA/ CA  the use of full-duplex capable Layer 2 switches t hedev el opmentofhal f dupl exs wi t c hoper at i on t heus eofGi gabi tEt her nets peeds Explanation: Theus eofLay er2s wi t c hesoper at i ngi nf ul l dupl exmodeel i mi nat esc ol l i s i ons ,t her eby el i mi nat i ngt heneedf orCSMA/ CD. 28.Whatdoesar out erdowheni tr ecei vesaLayer2f r ameovert henet wor kmedi um? r eenc aps ul at est hepac k eti nt oanewf r ame f or war dst henewf r ameappr opr i at et ot hemedi um oft hats egmentoft hephy s i calnet wor k  det er mi nest hebes tpat h  de-encapsulates the frame Explanation: Rout er sar er es pons i bl ef orenc aps ul at i ngaf r amewi t ht hepr operf or matf ort hephy s i c al net wor kmedi at heyconnect .Ateac hhopal ongt hepat h,ar out erdoest hef ol l owi ng: Acc ept saf r ame f r om amedi um Deenc aps ul at est hef r ame Det er mi nest hebes tpat ht of or war dt hepac k et Reenc aps ul at est hepack eti nt oanewf r ame For war dst henewf r ameappr opr i at et ot hemedi um oft hats egmentoft hephy s i c al net wor k 29. Which two acronyms represent the data link sublayers that Ethernet relies upon to operate? (Choose two.)  SFD  LLC  CSMA  MAC  FCS Explanation: ForLay er2f unc t i ons ,Et her netr el i esonl ogi c all i nkc ont r ol( LLC)andMACs ubl a y er st o oper at eatt hedat al i nkl a y er .FCS( Fr ameChec kSequenc e)andSFD( St ar tFr ameDel i mi t er )ar efiel dsof t heEt her netf r ame.CSMA( Car r i erSens eMul t i pl eAc ces s )i st het ec hnol ogyEt her netus est omanage s har edmedi aac c es s . 30. A network team is comparing topologies for connecting on a shared media. Which physical topology is an example of a hybrid topology for a LAN?  bus  extended star r i ng  par t i almes h Explanation: Anex t endeds t art opol ogyi sanex ampl eofahy br i dt opol ogyasaddi t i onals wi t c hesar e i nt er c onnec t edwi t hot herst art opol ogi es .Apar t i almes ht opol ogyi sac ommonhy br i dWANt opol ogy .The busandr i ngar enothy br i dt opol ogyt y pes . 31.Gi vennet wor k172. 18. 109. 0,whi...

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