IR 210 Chart PDF

Title IR 210 Chart
Author Alexia Nutting
Course International Relations: Introductory Analysis
Institution University of Southern California
Pages 3
File Size 158.4 KB
File Type PDF
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ir 210 chart style study guide :)...



Mater Chart of Politicsl Lenses

Big Thinkers

Relies heavily on the assumption that all people are selfish, looks past morality in IR and focuses on the structures in place (anarchy). Very afraid, will only enter conflict if it will win- self presenrvation. Rationalists aren’t necessarily pessemistic - it is in our intrest to cooperate [less inclined to defect] -emphasizes power (stucture is going to affect the agents, states fear for their own sexurity)

Human nature can be either good or bad. Looks at republican/demoratic governments, economic interdependance (globalization) and international organizations to move the world forward.

Constructivism defined, “an approach to social analysis that A. emphasises ideational factors, and not just material ones, in explaining social action and interaction B. asserts that the most relevant ideational factors are shared, “intersubjective” beliefs not reductuble to particular individuals, and C. contends that such ideational factors construct the interests and indentitied of actors”

Presume that individuals aren’t tied together by comon interest, but by interest cooperation mutual self-interest Game theory is a subset which lays out the untrustworthy and parania of actors, and the ways thry can act in response

An attempt to understand foreign policy and behaviours in international politics through the study of psychology and politics to (a) individuals or small groups, and (b) cognitive psychological processes and approaches.

CARR → diverce yourself from the world you want to see LEVIATHON: Egoist theory WALTZ: structural realism (anarchy and self-help): classic realism is too reductionist

KANT: Kantian Tripod and Democratic Peace Theory (everyone has inherent worth and dignity)

HADLEY BULL: Anarchical Society

KOHANE: our acts are reccurent It is self interest that can sustain cooperation, because interactions are repeated

TAGFEL and TURNER: people favor other preople in their group (in-group favoritism)

ALEXANDER WENDT : Process If power politics and self-help are social

2 intersubjectivity (Neorealists), the (fixed) system is fundamentally characterized by the absence of centralized order.

constructions they can be deconstructed

MERCER: if you favor your group, you dislike the other groups ROSE MCDERMOTTE: You protectwhat you have vs trying to get more/risking to get more

John Mearsheimer→ offensive realism HANS MORGNETHAU: CLASSIC REALISM Ontology (nature of reality)

human nature is bad Uncertanty = fear known for not believing MORALITY is a force in Global Politics Philosophers → its ok to hurt someone to save yourself (realists think this happens)

Human nature can be good or bad The world is always getting better - can be seen as idealists/ utopians you don’t want to fight each other because of economic stability

social in nature → looks a lot at group mentality, everything is upto societies.

Approaches to conflict

Don’t attack unless you know you can win, everything is power Security Dilema The ends justify the means you never know: so you prepare for the wost

Democracies won’t Rationalist: updating→ fight each other gathering info to complete Democratic Peace informatio Theory Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello (reason to go to war and ways to act in war)

Everyone is egoistic Everyone has a hidden agende agnostic about the nature of IR

Game theory: makimize gain with minimum effort There is an emphasis on strategy that is roooted in distrust and assumed lack of complete information.

Psycologist→ nation states are just people Individuals matter a lot (why do they want to join groups?) not just part of theur collectivity

3 On Structure

Structure of Arnarchy is Everything

Admits there is structure, but is more optimistic

We create the structure and remake it

Levels of Analysis

INDIVIDUAL→ human nature is inherently selfish. DOMESTIC→ Leaders represent the nation. More concervstive on foriegn policy, will only attack if it knows its going to win In conflict, the ends justify the means SYSTEM → believe the global system in a structure that constrins us. People act in self interest, to protect themselves Believes there is a Unilateral world order Hard Power

INDIVIDUAL→ believes people can be either good or bad DOMESTIC → states should be cooperative in order to be strong Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello for conflict, ok to go to war if done for the right reason and ethically SYSTEM → The world is getting better, globalization (economic interdependance) and IGOs are legitimat, more eutopic in that they believe the world is getting better rather than focusing on were it is now (undertand and omit concept of structure)

Social constructivist perspective puts little focus on individuals → product of environment INDIVIDUALl → not that relevant (leaders? Nope, those are individuals ating on behalf of a larger group of people) DOMESTIC → countries take on things that separate them from other countries (culture) - Germany : disposition against military force (wwii, force leads to violence) SYSTEM → certain norms that are accepted in the international community (sovereingty, clear lines of authoity)

(maybe) structure is a result of groups forming and creating assumptions about other groups INDIVIDUAL→ people aleas have hidden agendas, they are selfish actors who want to come out on top DOMESTIC→ focuses on showing leaders and elites as people, with different levels of rationality SYSTEM → looks at credible and costly signals to work in conflict, believe everything can be simplified to a game in which you can’t trust anyone.

INDIVIDUAL → in IR is mainly focused on group mentality: werelate to other people and exclude other people in order to feel safe. Looks at the biology of conservatism as being a result of a heightened fear of threat. DOMESTIC → Looks at CONFIRMATION BIAS in IR: this idea that states will believe something about a state and not change their mind. Social psycology: we believe countries are doing soethingbad because we think they’re bad (can’y be unbiased) In essence, psycology tells us that people aren’t rational and that states aren’t rational....

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