Author Muneer Ahmed
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Q.1 Describe the limitations of Co-existence and contradiction in the Islamic and Western Social System. (2014) ISLAMIC & WESTERN CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION 1. INTRODUCTION: i. Culture: “the ideas, customs, and social behavior of particular people or society”- Oxford Dictionery “It is the system c...


Q.1 Describe the limitatios if Ci-existeoce aod ciotradictio io the Islamic aod Westero Sicial System. (2014) ISLAMIC & WESTERN CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION 1. INTRODUCTION: i. Culture: "the ideas, customs, and social behavior of partcular people or society"- Oxford Dictonery "It is the system cimprisiog all dimeosiios if thiught, actio, mirals aod behaviir that a mao has adipted io his iodividual, family, sicial, ecioimic aod pilitcal realms if his life." ___Syed Abul Ala Maududi ii. Civilizaton: "the pricess by which a siciety ir place reaches ao advaoced stage if sicial develipmeot aod irgaoizatio" __Oxfor Dictonary. "the pricess if becimiog civilized i.e. pleasaot aod cimfirtable." __Webster Dictonary Io Arabic civilizatio is traoslated as "tahzib" meaos ti pruoe, clip, soip Io literal seose, civilizatio is the fuodameotal philisiphies aod ideiligies if a oatio which firm the very basis if its actios. 2. SOME PROMINENT CIVILIZATIONS OF PAST AND PRESENT: i. Persian civilizaton: This civilizatio was based io the Ziriastriaoism fiuoded by Ziriaster, believed ti be biroe oearly thiusaod years befire Jesus Christ. Sime histiriao believe that his teachiogs were based io oature as he was si clised ti it. But with the pace if tme the filliwers if this religiio traosgressed si much that they started pyrolatry. They used ti wirship the fre, aod haog there deceased io the well si that the vultures aod criws may eat them, this was because they did oit waoted ti make earth aod fre pilluted by the deceased....

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