ISP 334 Final Play - Grade: b PDF

Title ISP 334 Final Play - Grade: b
Course Race Cls & Gend Cor
Institution John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Pages 10
File Size 80.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 110
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Night out at the cabin Eric Sandoval, Aijha Panther, Methelda Gomes ISP 334 Prof. Cassidy and Prof. Trinch

Character list

David: Alex’s boyfriend, and high school soccer team star. Kris: David’s best friend. Meghan: Teenage girl that plays on a varsity high school team called the wolves. A mellow girl and very dedicated to her school work.

Alex: Teenage girl that plays for the wolves. Very high-energy girl and loud. Meghan’s best friend.


The Wolves a high school varsity girls’ soccer team, that go through a lot throughout the season. But before games talk and gossip about things going on in school and through life. Meghan and Alex is on the team and while on Christmas break, Meghan and Alex choose to go away at Alex’s father cabin for the weekend with her boyfriend and his best friend.

Scene 1

(winter break just started. After school, Alex and Meghan head home and begin packing.)

(Meghan talking to herself about the weekend) Meghan: Lying to my parent is the worst feeling in the world. I have never lied to them before today, but Alex insist I go with her and just have fun this weekend. She says I’m very boring and dull, but I don’t understand what she means just because I worry about soccer and getting a scholarship for college, doesn’t mean I’m uptight. But I’m going to show her this weekend! Prove I’m not that person she thinks I am. UGHH! I don’t know what to pack and Alex would be here in any moment.

(Alex is introduced in her car while driving to go pick up Meghan for the weekend. Alex plays loud exciting music to get ready for trip.) (Alex’s talking to herself.)

Alex: I can’t wait for this weekend! Super excited. My boyfriend will be there and open cabin and lots of drinks. Really hope Meghan isn’t so uptight about everything and this guy I have planned for her to meet and hangout with this cutie for the weekend. I already gave her a talk though, so she shouldn’t be that bad but I have a bottle in the back just incase of a code red and she has second guesses about things.

End Scene

Scene 2

(A few hours go by and they finally reach the cabin. And as they approach the cabins, they can see from far, the two guys that Alex invited. Meghan is in complete disbelief that she actually went through with this. They both then come out of the car and introduce themselves.)

David: (giving Alex a hug) Hey beautiful! I missed you, haven’t seen you all week.

Alex: I missed you so much baby.

David: Hi, Meghan. How are you doing? This is my best friend Kris. Kris, this is Meghan. Meghan: Hi. Alex: Hey Kris, she is my best friend. Now take your time with her. She’s the shy type so don’t get crazy.

Kris: Nice to meet you Meghan. I came to a few games, you’re really good. You really have a future in this. I am in our college’s soccer team too.

Meghan: Thanks. Never really came to the games but I’m sure your good. Well that’s what Alex’s says.

David: So, you guys ready to go in? Getting sort of cold outside. Alex, can we go in.

Alex: Lets go, let’s have fun but don’t break anything please because my dad would kill me if he comes back from his business trip and finds everything broken. We wouldn’t be able to ever come back here ever again.

(They all go in and make themselves comfortable)

Kris: It’s going to be fine. David, can you get the music going? And I will make the drinks.

(Meghan takes Alex to the side)

Meghan: Alex, I am not sure about this.

Alex: Come on, Meghan. Why you being so uptight. He’s really cute. Give the guy a chance.

Meghan: You’re my best friend! You know after I was raped last summer, I am… just nervous to be around guys.

Alex: oh… that incident still bothers you? Damn, I’m sorry Meg. But you can’t let that bastard win though. You deserve to be happy!

Meghan: You don’t have to say the word “incident”. I was raped. Why is everyone so scared to say raped? I can still smell the alcohol from his breathe and hear his whispers near my ear. Alex, I just don’t think I am ready for tonight.

Alex: I promise if you feel uncomfortable at all, we will leave. I will call you a cab myself.

Meghan: Promise?

Alex: Promise Meg.

(the girls return to the boys)

David: You girls are okay?

Meghan: yeah, we are okay David. Thanks for asking.

Alex: Excuse us a little, guys. I need to show David something.

(Alex winks at Meghan and goes to the bedroom holding David’s hand)

Kris: This place is beautiful, isn’t?

Meghan: Uh yeah sure. It’s really nice.

Kris: Meghan, why are you so scared?

Meghan: I’m not, just a first time for me being here without my parents knowing.

Kris: O.K. I have something for that. Have this drink.

Meghan: Are you sure this seems very strong?

Kris: Yes. I usually drink this when I’m feeling stressed from the week.

Meghan: Sure, why not, Alex said to have fun. (After he starts pouring the drink, he tries to kiss Meghan.)

Meghan: Wait, what do you think you are doing?

Kris: C’mon loosen up a little. Relax! I’m trying to just have a little fun and get to know you a little better.

Meghan: (pushes Kris back) no no no reminds of… sorry I have to go now. Where is Alex?

Kris: Reminds you of what? A Good Time?! C’mon, I’m getting blue balls over here.

Meghan: No… of being raped! So, back up. (runs for Alex)

Kris: (screams for David) C’MON man I’m out of here! This crazy bitch ain’t about to get a case on me. End Scene

Scene 4

(Meghan goes in the bedroom where Alex is)

Meghan: I’m leaving! I don’t know what I drank but we have to go and my dad is calling me. I don’t know if he knows.

Alex: Calm down. We are okay and you’re okay. Your father is on a business trip away.

Meghan: NO NO!! He knows! I have to head home. Where are the keys? I need to leave.

(the boys enter the bedroom)

Alex: Kris! What did you give her to drink? I told you she was a beginner. Told you to take it easy on her.

Kris: I gave her a little drink. I thought she would be okay.

Meghan: I’m leaving. I found the keys, I have to go home.

Alex: You are not driving in this weather. Its terrible outside, it’s the middle of night and it looks like we are in a blizzard. Can you think about this tonight? In the morning when you sober up, we can go.

Meghan: I’m leaving now! I don’t care. I got the keys, I’m leaving!

(Meghan leaves the cabin)

Alex: David, I will be back. I’m just going to calm her down and then we are going to come back.

David: Be careful please and call me when you’re heading back so I know you’re okay.

Alex: Ok. Meghan wait for me!

(Alex goes in the car that Meghan already started)

Meghan: I got to go home. Don’t want to be here no more! The weather is so bad!

Alex: This car isn’t meant for this blizzard! STOP!

Meghan: NOOO. This car sucks, we keep swerving!

Alex: We must talk about this. Can you pull over? We are swerving too much!

Meghan: We can’t. My parents! (Car swerves and hits another car)

End Scene....

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