ITECH7409 Tutorial 06 - week 6 work PDF

Title ITECH7409 Tutorial 06 - week 6 work
Author Creative Minds
Course Software Testing
Institution Federation University Australia
Pages 6
File Size 291.2 KB
File Type PDF
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week 6 work...


ITECH 7409 Tutorial 6 1. What is a module and why should it be tested? Modules are system components that provide one or more services to other modules and they are generally not considered to be independent in themselves Every module needs a unit test plan, which tells the test engineer and test manager what test cases or what kind of test cases they need to generate in their unit testing in order to verify module functionality. Module testing verifies that individual software unit performs as expected according to the requirements using a small subset of possible input parameters

2. What is integration testing? Once all units are tested, it is necessary to integrate all units and check interactions amongst them. This is called integration testing.

3. Is ‘big bang’ integration a legitimate integration strategy? Why or why not? It’s legitimate but not enough can implement easily but less error will be found

4. What are the three main incremental standard approaches for integration testing? Bottom up Top down Sandwich 5. What type of software scaffolding does the bottom-up integration method require to work? This integration continues till all the modules are integrated and the entire application is tested as a single unit.

6. What is a stub program? A stub is a dummy program that is substituted to allow the set of programs to be compiled and linked without error.

7. What is a driver program? In simple words, drivers are the dummy programs which are used to call the functions of the lowest module in case when the calling function does not exists.

8. What is a smoke testing and when is it done? Smoke testing is a series of tests designed to expose errors that will keep the build from performing its functions are created.

Further exercises 9. For the following diagram of modules, describe the order of modules when the integration is a) a) top-down strategy M11—M9—M10 M9--M8,M9-M3M4M5 M8—M1,M2 M10—M6,M7 b) bottom-up strategy M1,M2—M8 M8—M9 M3,M4,M5—m9 M6,M7—M10 M9,M10—M11 c) big bang strategy M3,M4,M5—M9 M9—M11 10. For the following diagram of modules, describe the order of modules when the integration is a) a) top-down strategy M1—M2,M3,M4 M2—M5,M6 M3—M7 M5—M8 b) bottom-up strategy M8—M5 M5,M6—M2 M7—M3 M2,M3,M4—M1 c) big bang strategy M8-M5—M2—M1

11. In the following diagram of modules, the have been numbered.


a) Describe what you believe would be the best way to do integration testing of these modules. Give reasons for your answer. The best way is bottom-up strategy. Integration testing is the test of basic functional modules that can coordinate operations and combine into a function. Bottom-up easily finds errors in the underlying function modules While the up-bottom will ignore some mistakes, because from test, may function can run, but the basic function of the parts are wrong, the mistake is easily overlooked

b) Shown here is a sample Integration test case Int1 for the illustrated system Test Case Identifier



Module 1: Login


Application running and Module 1: Login loaded

Data inputs

Legitimate login input

Postfix values

Module 2: View catalogue

Expected results

Login succeeds and Module 1: Login → Module 2:View catalogue

Name of tester

Student Tester

Complete a sample Integration test case Int2 for the illustrated system when the login attempt is unsuccessful.

Test Case Identifier



Module 2: Login unsuccessful


Application running and Module 1: Login loaded

Data inputs

Legitimate login input

Postfix values

Error information

Expected results

Login succeeds and Module 1: Login →System remind

Name of tester

Student Tester

Complete a sample Integration test case Int3 for the illustrated system when a user successful selects an item from the catalogue.

Test Case Identifier



Module 2: selects an item


Application running and Module 1: Login loaded

Data inputs

Do operation: selects an item

Postfix values

Display of select

Expected results

Login succeeds and Module 1: Login →successful selects an item

Name of tester

Student Tester

Complete a sample Integration test case Int4 for the illustrated system when a user unsuccessfully tries to select an item from the catalogue.

Test Case Identifier



Module 2: selects an item unsuccessfully


Application running and Module 1: Login loaded

Data inputs

Do operation: selects an item

Postfix values

Error message

Expected results

Login succeeds and Module 1: Login →error message

Name of tester

Student Tester

12. The following diagram shows a small login application for Federation University. There are three modules needed for the application to work. They are: •

DisplayLogin: builds components for the application to display and

• •

LoginListener: is a listener module responsible for detecting inputs in the text field ValidateLogin: receives a message that data has been put into the text field data checks it is valid entry data and sends a request to the University’s database for confirmation that the entry is a genuine student or not. The module sends a message to DisplayLogin on the outcome.

All student IDs must commence with the number 3 and be of exactly eight numbers in length. a) Give at least 10 instances of input to test the functionality of module DisplayLogin. 123 123a 30324444 303241rr R0319521 303456t1 Student1 304432578 3#321456 30319191 b) How would you go about integration testing for this application? Describe in detail.? The three modules Display login, Login listener and Validate login are tested individually and then the integration testing is carried out combining the modules. The third module is to authorize the user is a valid user of the university. The first two modules are related to the text field format in which the numbers should be entered.

c) What are some errors that are likely to arise in integration testing of this login application..

There may be various errors that may be encountered while we run the system. The error may be the following:  The text field may be started with other number instead of 3 then that’s an error.  If more than or less than 8 digits are given.  Invalid login due to unauthorized user....

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