Jcryptool Ciphers - Lecture of the Information Assurance and Security course (CSEC102) PDF

Title Jcryptool Ciphers - Lecture of the Information Assurance and Security course (CSEC102)
Course Network Security
Institution Rochester Institute of Technology
Pages 6
File Size 405 KB
File Type PDF
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Lecture of the Information Assurance and Security course (CSEC102)...


RIT DUBAI CSEC 102- FALL 2020 JCrypTool JCrypTool enables students, teachers, developers, and anyone else interested in cryptography to apply and analyze cryptographic algorithms in a modern, easy-to-use application. The JCT plaform creates a new way of e-learning by not just encouraging users to learn about cryptography and apply the algorithms themselves, but also to develop their own cryptographic plug-ins and extend the JCrypTool platform in new directions. In this lab, you will be studying about enterprise key management techniques for handling encryption of data. The tool that you will be using is called JCrypTool, and it is open source and free. It can be downloaded from http://www.cryptool.org The Java CrypTool (JCT) program that works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X and CrypTool Online (CTO) versions at the same site. INSTALLATION The JCrypTool installation is very simple: download and extract the zip-archive, launch the main program and get started. JCrypTool installation is kept simple: Download the zip (Windows) or tar.gz archive (Linux and macOS) for your platform with x64 architecture and extract it into a folder (e.g. C:\Program Files on Windows, /Applications on macOS), your user directory on Linux). Double click the main program (JCrypTool.exe on Windows, JCrypTool on macOS) to start the program. For macOS only JCrypTool is not signed for macOS, therefore the first start is a little bit different. After extracting JCrypTool switch into the extracted directory and run sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ./jcryptool.app

in the terminal. This is only required once. Without this command the JCT will not start. After this run it as usual by double clicking the main program. This signature will be added in the release version.


JCrypTool Guide This section will be a selective breakdown of the tools and functions within the JCrypTool and will give an explanation as to how to use each. This should be used as a reference when undergoing the exercises. For simplicity, this section will look at each of the menu headings in turn. It is worth noting that the JCrypTool contains an extensive online help file.

Source: JCrypTool


Lab: The Caesar Cipher One of the more simple ciphers to understand using the JCrypTool is the Caesar cipher. This is a form of the substitution cipher and is explained in greater detail in the lab. Step-by-Step Instructions 1. To begin with, open JCrypTool 2 and select Algorithm tab from the top menu. 2. Click File tab and then New Sample file

Source: Cryptool 2.1

3. Then an empty .txt file is ready to write your text.

4. In the .txt file you can write, or copy paste existing text


5. Next, we select Default and then Algorithms tab ->Classic->Caesar

Source: JCryptool

6. Select the Caesar algorithm and then the Encrypt button from the Operation Selection window. Select for example key=2 (two shifts for the alphabet) in the key window. Click Next.


Source: JCryptool

7. Now, in the Pre-operation transformation you can various text options. Then Click Finish.

Source: JCryptool


8. After press Finish, you select again Algorithm and you the new output ciphertext produced using the Caesar.

Source: JCryptool

9. Now, return back the screen select decrypt, click Finish and produce a new .txt with the original text.

Source: JCryptool


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