Jedi Business - Grade: A PDF

Title Jedi Business - Grade: A
Course Core: Metaphysics
Institution St. John's University
Pages 5
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Extra Credit Paper on Jedi Business...


Metaphysics Professor Foldes 12 December 2016 Jedi Business Extra Credit Paper “Unlearn what you have learned, learn about the force.” Once you have entered the amazing Jedi Order, there is a new way to look at everything, for the benefit of others, and to spread knowledge about the force, we have Jedi Politics, Jedi Health, Jedi Religion, Jedi Education and yes, even Jedi Business. These all have something in common, they are all important institutions that have major impacts on our daily lives and how we live, another thing in common is that these institutions are not yet teaching the truth, and this is leading to an imbalance in our planet. Business and money are driving forces of our current world, they have the ability to affect emotions, cause people to make decisions and ultimately control their lives. These two factors, business and money play a major role in lifting all nations into the Jedi Order, with this the business world can unite everyone and learn the true meaning of globalization. Jedi Light Side Business will need to replace our current system, in which we will refer to as “ego-dark side business” as seen in the Jedi Handbook. Once we convert this institution into the Jedi Order we are one step closer to healing our world. Corporations, defined as “a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.” These corporations have ruled our country, and been the cause of major dilemmas and inequalities in our world. Throughout history, when they were first trying to exist, even our founding fathers smelt trouble. When corporate

business first came to the newly born United States, they were looked at with suspicion and mistrust. Economically, people could see that they would be a somewhat safe bet for profit, yet it was clear that those profits would be limited to a few people. It was not in anyway beneficial for society as a whole, and it caused that small chunk of people to hold immense sway over industries. As stated, our founding fathers were wary of this idea, as they should have been, and allowed corporations to move forward only under strict guidelines concerning when they could sell, who they could sell to, and how much they could sell of what. The main goal in the beginning was to prevent monopoly, where one business controlled everything. Although the founding fathers had the intention to protect people, the application proved difficult since we have a free market economy in which survival of the fittest is inevitable. (History of Business). As per the Jedi Handbook, the concept of business was grounded on a person’s need for “survival and the continued maintenance of one’s self, one’s family and one’s tribe and in the dependence of society members on one another for basic needs and wants .” The true and higher meaning of business was to keep people continually busy. So how did we get from this definition to today’s definition of a for-profit entity? The primary goal of business is not to make money, it is to use these daily interactions to heal, and to advance the Jedi Order, and fixing the education of our nations.The goal of business as the goals of all institutions needs to be for human-kind and all to realize the glorious Jedi Order, and the highest good. Furthermore, business can no longer be focused simply on the profits of one, or a few or “isolated-ego’s” Instead, we must unite and realize we are one force, and our #1 goals should benefit our whole race, the absolute I rather than just ourselves. After we come to terms with the ultimate purpose of business, we can see that making a profit, and acquiring things is a secondary purpose of a business. If we quickly dig deeper into the difference of the two ways of doing business we notice

that people regard themselves, and another as two totally separate entities. We are selfish, and “naturally” view a person’s worth as whether or not they can satisfy my wants and needs. This is an egotistic, and materialistic view, which reinforces the dark side, such as the example within Plato’s cave. This type of business can not lead to the health and healing of our world through the force. If we look at the Jedi Business mode, it is like seeing a whole new world. There are three essential steps of a Jedi Business transaction and they are as follows: the first, you must understand that you and the other person share the same absolute I, hence when dealing with them you are essentially dealing with yourself. Once this connection is understood, the foundation is set with love, total appreciation and respect. Secondly, you can not treat a person as anything but an equal, since they are your equal. This gets rid of the tendency of people to treat others as objects. The final step is to value that person and think “I want your happiness and welfare above everything else.” To cheat them, or hurt them in anyway would become inconceivable. Although these are the key steps, the lessons learned are endless. The time we spend with others is sacred, and should be treated as such, since we are focusing on the truth of our unties and our common goals. No longer focusing on money, or acquisition, we know according to Jedi Law, that if we follow the Jedi Order, these things will naturally come. If we had followed the Jedi Order, we could have totally surpassed, and prevented the 2008 financial crisis. Many economists believe that the crisis was the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in the 1930’s, which also could have been prevented with the Jedi Order. Corporations were knowingly, signing people up for mortgages and other loans that they knew in the long run they would be unable to pay back. This is unacceptable Jedi behavior, a Jedi would never put another (themselves) at risk of failure. Another instance in which Jedi Business methods would prevent failure is the Enron Scandal. Enron Corp. is a company that reached

dramatic heights, only to face a dizzying collapse. The story ends with the bankruptcy of one of America's largest corporations. Enron's collapse affected the lives of thousands of employees and shareholders, people lost everything. At Enron's peak, its shares were worth $90.75, but after the company declared bankruptcy on December 2, 2001, they plummeted to $0.67 by January 2002. To this day, many wonder how such a powerful business disintegrated almost overnight and how it managed to fool the regulators with fake, off-the-books corporations for so long (Investopedia). All of Enron’s tactics were against Jedi Practices, they were totally egoistic. Next, let us view the role of money, the major business component, in a Jedi society. Money has two definitions, the first: a medium of exchange, the means in which people can acquire good and services. The second meaning is that money is a true deceiver, a destroyer of the greater good and is often seen as a substitute for the true good, which is simply not the case. Far too often we hear people say that “Money is the key to happiness.” or “Wow, if only I could win the lottery right now, all of my problems would be solved.” In reality, the opposite is true, money is the root of all evil. The truth is whether you have money or not, you still are surrounded by its presence. If you do not have enough money,concerns of obtaining money can fill up your entire day. Many people focus on money problems their entire life, from the day they are born. If they live a great life, but do not achieve vast wealth they feel as though they are a failure. People should not be consumed with money, their minds should be free to explore and develop their Jedi Talents, and be true members of the Jedi Order and spread the word. Even those who do have acquired wealth have false security about money. They feel as though their “number one” problems in life are solved or that they are successful. Furthermore, they use wealth to determine the value of a person. All of this combined gives false sense, and egoistic non Jedi values. So does money even have a role in a Jedi society? The answer is not really, once

a Jedi understand the number one good, they will be free to develop themselves, and will no longer worry about money. Eventually, after all institutions are Jedi’d, we will see Jedi governments give allowances to all citizens, so that people can develop unbothered or plagued with the thought and or worry of money. Money will be seen as a number two, and even in that number two position, its definition will be different. It will be seen as a means to help others.

Conclusion: The most imprtant lesson of all: Yes, you can change the world.

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