Jeremy anderson Neo aristotelian criticism PDF

Title Jeremy anderson Neo aristotelian criticism
Author Mélanie Pierrot
Course Anglais
Institution Université de Toulon
Pages 6
File Size 154.3 KB
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Mrs Gros Mélanie Pierrot Communication et redaction LV2 Anglais 28th October

NEO ARISTOTELIAN CRITICISM – Jeremy Anderson’s speech

1) Reconstruct the context around it.

First I’m going to elucidate the context of this speech.

About the Rhetor, is Jeremy Anderson, one of the top youth motivational speakers, he can be seen as a credible person because he is a leading expert in educational arena. That is not his first action for students, and he knows what he’s talking about because when he was young he also pass for failure in school, diagnosis of ADHD, drug and alcohol abuse but also low self-worth. It’s the best example for students because despite these problems he finally managed to graduate, he obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree. It’s a best example for students to illustrate that anything is POSSIBLE. That’s why today he gave himself the mission to help and resonate students. He wants to show at students that this is still possible to succeed and that’s why he is there to help them. Today for a lot of student and teachers, he is seen as the perfect advocate of education. One of his initiatives for students is the next level student. The purpose of the Next Level Students Curriculum is to help students to become the best versions of themselves. There are weekly videos dedicated to helping students Finally, he has gained credibility year after year thanks to its involvement in several universities. More and more teacher booked him to help their students. Here are some of the universities that Jeremy has spoken at. All of these elements permit to build his ethos.

About the Audience, this speech can reach a big part of the population because troubles like depression, suicide and abandon are more frequently nowadays and almost everyone was once a student or knows someone who is suffering. So this campaign can affect everyone.

The video is particularly directed at students, students who recognize themselves through the words of Jeremy, students who need help but also teacher and Manager University who want to help their students. Finally, of course that can reach parents too who are worried about their children.

Finally about the occasion, Jeremy Anderson delivered this speech on July 2018, I think he did that to prepare the year 2018/2019, his purpose was to reach 1 Million students before 2019 so he want to have a maximum of donations. He did this campaign at a time when more and more students in our society are abandoned, depressed or injured students.

2) Apply the five classical canons to the artefact

a. Invention

This artefact is based on the combination of the ethos, pathos and logos, which is why for me it is very well built because we find the 3 instrument of rhetoric in this campaign. His argumentation is more efficient with the association of these 3 elements. One cannot go without the other. Jeremy want to reach 1 million of students focus on ethos like we saw before to appear credible, he looks good, he seems to know the subject and he talks about it with interest. It makes you want to trust him more; he seems legitimate on this subject. Moreover, the structure of the artefact is based on his experience and that’s works because that’s bring credibility, he is building his credibility and because he has good intention, good character, good moral, people want to trust on him. Logos (statistics, give figures and number): Jeremy Anderson defends the cause by showing figures, figures which are very telling to describe this important situation and the need for action. By saying figures, he points out the reality and justifies his point of view with logical reasoning. Pathos: first of all the music has a real importance here because it brings pathos, it creates emotion because it is an emotive music and this emotion is amplified with Jeremy’s speech. Indeed he is telling HIS STORY with students, his experience. The video shows us real situations, real students who are suffering. How can we remain stunned in the face of such a problem? He used this to arouse the compassion of the audience. The double purpose is

inciter people to unite with him and that’s why he interacts with the audience and says “I nead your help”, he arouses compassion.

There are as many ethos as there are pathos and logos so we have a good use of these instruments of rhetoric according to me.

b. The arrangement:

He talks about his first experience as a student helper, he remembers a particular girl who wanted to commit suicide but didn’t do it thanks to him then he talks about his international reach, the fact that his actions are spreading all over the world and then he gets to the goal of this campaign: he wants to reach 1 million students, he explains why he wants to achieve this goal and illustrates his argumentation by using figures. He gives some example of situations in which students need help. He ends up soliciting his audience to achieve this goal together; it’s a call to action for men and women to join. According to me it’s an INDUCTIVE REASONING because first he talks about a particular case to get to the general situation.

c. What about the Delivery?

The message it’s well transmitted: Jeremy Anderson is wearing a casual Looks, he is wearing a look like a normal person or like a student because his target is students, we observe a proximity between Jeremy and the audience, I think it is strategic to be near to the audience that he wants to reach. By this way, people may trust on him easier.

Non-verbal attitude: 

He is smiling  it makes you more interested in listening to it. He looks friendly, so it’s easier to believe him.

He always keeps Eyes contact to captive the audience and uses his eyebrows to emphasize some parts of his speech. He makes his speech dynamic so it’s MORE PERSUASIVE

He accompanies his speech with gestures to encourage on this or that point, such as at the end of the video to invite people to join his cause. MAINTAINS HIS AUDIENCE


He uses a simple but clear language, that’s mean that everyone can understand him, articulation  Even if you put automatic translation on YouTube, every words are well traduced because his pronunciation is clear  SIMPLE PERSON WHO WANT TO HELP THEM LIKE IF HE WAS A FRIEND, A BROTHER A FATHER ERTC. Use of I And We

He uses short sentences, there have best impact and it’s easier to remember and to assimilate

To convince, he uses powerful sentence often used in rhetoric : 1M40 = “I believe that” , “I know “= sure of himself like we said before ONE MORE TIME = easier to believe him

TONE The TONE IS IMPORTANT = even if you don’t understand English you can feel the emotion, you can feel the feeling that he wants to evoke and you can understand what point are important. His tone and approach allow him to retain the audience’s attention

AS INSTANCE: 1M02: We felt indignation when he told important figures. He want to insist on that because he felt indignation and because it’s important -> enumeration to show the necessity of doing something in front of such statistics  the more he says figure, the more indignant his tone gets.

Slow the rhythm when he announced that that is the reality. (1M33), he uses a digressive tone saying that in spite of him this is the unfortunate reality,

1.40 = he accelerates the rhythm because he evokes real situation and wants to make it clear that he wants a changment; he shows that that have to change. Change his tone when he puts himself in the shoes of a student and the music follows him= he accelerates the cadence to show the importance of this problem, to show the necessity to do something and to show his frustration with such situations. ACCUMULATION OF A STUDENT'S PROBLEMS ON THE FINGERS

2.0 = he returns to a normal tone to ask for help in this situation  INTERACTION WITH THE AUDIENCE, he did a hand gesture to invite them to federate with him, always in touch with his audience.


 Persuasive tone with vocal variation d. The style

Familiar terms = the I “I need your help” and we, “together”  One more time he sets up a proximity with his audience, he includes himself.


Anaphora REPETITION = 2.M Some of you can help  insists on the importance of helping students in his own way, at his own level. He accompanies this sentence with his gesture to encourage the audience to join him

Figures enumeration = insist on the reality

Over + figure anaphora

e. Memory: do you keep the message in to your head?

I think it’s a speech that I will always remember because I feel concerned by this; as a student, I understand the importance of the message and I know that it could be a friend or me. Moreover Jeremy Anderson is clear in his words, I love the fluidity of his speech; I was caught up in his speech and that is due to the fact that he is the right person to talk about it (HAS EXPERIENCE)

It’s clear and efficient because well before this video, I was ignorant andI didn't think there were so many students in such situations.

Jeremy Anderson is persuasive and efficient and the video format too because the video is conceived in such a way that you don't get bored and you still captivated. Indeed his speech is illustrated by his experience and his experience is illustrated by images so it’s very telling, I mean even a deaf person can understand his purpose only by looking at the video. when we are listening the speech, images and videos come to illustrate it, the alternation between shot of him and videos is dynamic , so IT KEEPS THE AUDIENCE'S ATTENTION. Moreover the music follows the rhythm of the speech and one more time it makes the speech dynamic We remain captivated by the video,

Possible effect on the audience?

In general for everyone who listened this speech that will permit to become aware of this problem and help student by supporting this cause and making donation. I believe that over the long term together we would solve the problem.

Recognition of the powerful speech  Jeremy Anderson succeed his goal, the #1Millionstudents become viral and he reach more than 1 million students thanks to his campaign on December 2018.

LIMITS: To conclude, even if according to me it’s a good campaign persuasive, I’m going to say some limits: First, he gives figures but does not put on the video the sources. Then, Jeremy Anderson is getting famous but he is not yet as influential as he seems, his videos are on his website; people who don't know him might have trouble finding this video = short range. Finally, A campaign have to be short, he must choose these words correctly to be understand and to be persuasive...

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