Jessica.Canez Ticket In PNA 12 PDF

Title Jessica.Canez Ticket In PNA 12
Course Fundamentals
Institution Carrington College
Pages 6
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Ticket In

Jessica Canez Carrington College December 07, 2020

2 Ticket In Ticket -In for ATI – Real Life PN/PNA You will be required to turn in this completed “Ticket In” the day before your Simulation in order to participate in the simulation. Objectives: After completion of the lesson, the student will be able to: Use clinical reasoning to promote a positive outcome for the client hospitalized with pneumonia. Prioritize care of the newly admitted client. Reinforce client teaching for clients who have respiratory complications. Perform focused respiratory assessments. Use therapeutic communication techniques to develop rapport with a newly hospitalized adult client Using the Fundamentals of Nursing textbook, identify each of the terms below: give a definition and explain the implications for nursing. You may use other resources if needed. Provide APA referencing for all sources. Pneumonia infection of the air sacs of the lungs, ineffective airway clearance, inflammation of the lungs, may be bacterial. COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 3rd leading cause of death in pts 65+, airflow blockage, related to smoking Incentive spirometer exercise for lungs by making lungs expand Blood cultures check for the presences of a specific microorganism, to determine what antibiotic is necessary

3 Medications: Type out your med on-classification, action, dosage and route, side effects, adverse effects, toxicity, pharmacokinetics, interactions, and nursing considerations. (No Copy to Paste is accepted, if you cite be sure to acknowledge in APA format). Also include: a brief explanation as if you were educating the patient regarding the medication. Azithromycin Classification: anti-infective, macrolide Action: suppresses protein synthesis of bacteria, more effective against gram-neg organisms Dosage and route: PO Adult: LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT 500mg day 1, then 250mg x 4 days. Avail: IV, Powder for oral suspension, powder for injection, tablets, 250mg,500mg,600mg. Side effects: dizziness, seizures, drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, vertigo, chest pain, palpitations, vaginitis, abdominal pain, heartburn, flatulence, tongue discoloration, anemia, leukopenia, rash, photosensitivity Adverse effects: hepatotoxicity, angioedema, cholestatic jaundice, toxic epidermal necrolysis Toxicity: Pharmacokinetics: excreted in the urine, bile, feces PO peak 2-4 hr, duration 24 hr IV peak time is end of infusion, duration is 24 hours Interactions: magnesium-containing antiacids, quinidine, amiodarone, may increase risk of QT interval prolongation. Decreases nelfinavir levels. May increase the risk of toxicity of warfarin and zidovudine. Nursing considerations: Check vitals, asses I&Os, renal disease, hepatic studies: AST, ALT. CBC with differential, hx of jaundice, or hepatic dysfunction, severe renal impairment, myasthenia gravis, monitor for rash (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) monitor bowel patterns, respiratory rate, hypokalemia. Excreted in breast milk

4 Education: Take as directed until completed, report sore throat, fever, fatigue, pale stools, yellow discoloration of the eyes. do not take with food or antacids, may cause drowsiness and dizziness, caution when driving and other activities. Use sunscreen and protective clothing when outside. Albuterol Classification: bronchodilators, adrenergic Action: relaxes smooth muscles, produces bronchodilation Dosage and route: Adult and child >12 MDI 1 puff q4-6hr, PO 2-4 mg tid-qid, max 32 mg; NEB/IPPB 2.5 mg tid-qid, Geriatric PO 2 mg tid-qid, may increase gradually to 8 mg tid-qid Tablets: 2mg, 4mg Oral Syrup: 2mg/5mL Metered-dose aerosol; 90 mcg/inhalation in 6.7-g, 8-g,8.5g, and 18-g,100mcg/spray Powder for inhalation: 90mcg/inhalation, 200mcg Side effects: hallucinations, chest pain, palpitations, arrythmias, HTN, nausea, vomiting, tremor, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, heartburn, flushing, muscle cramps, Adverse effects: nervousness, restlessness, tremor, headache, insomnia, paradoxical bronchospasm, Toxicity: β1-adrenergic blocker, IV fluids Pharmacokinetics: metabolized in liver & tissues, crosses placenta, breast milk, bbb, half-life 2.7- 5 hours, inhalation 3.8 hours. PO onset 15-30 min, peak 2-3 hours, duration 4-6 hours, POER, 30 min onset, peak 2-3 hours, duration 12 hours. Inhalation onset 5-15 min, Peak 60-90 min, duration 3-6 hours. Interactions: other adrenergic agents, MAOI’s may lead to hypertensive crisis, may decrease serum digoxin levels, cardio effects, risk of hypokalemia, caffeine is a stimulate

5 Nursing considerations: use caution with cardiac disease, hypotension, hypothyroidism, diabetes, glaucoma, seizures, monitor vitals, pulse, heart rate, ABGs, lung sounds, Pts ability to selfmedicate Education: Use as directed, take missed dose as soon as remembered. Contact provider if shortness of breath is not relieved by medication. prime unit with 4 sprays before using. Rinse inhaler with warm water daily. Scenario overview: This scenario focuses on a 37-year-old female newly admitted with pneumonia and dehydration. It addresses client centered concepts related to fluid and electrolyte imbalance, respiratory treatments, oxygen therapy, and infection. Nursing-focused concepts include safe medication administration, SBAR report, preparing for a direct admission from a provider’s office, care of the client who has community-acquired pneumonia, and prioritizing nursing actions. During the clinical day we will complete the following tasks, please do not attempt to complete these prior to the clinical day: Complete the ATI Module: Apply – Real live PN Medical Surgical 3.0 Pneumonia ATI Module: Apply-Health Assess-Respiratory For your clinical assignment you will complete a clinical concept map on the PNA patient

6 References Albuterol Oral Inhalation: MedlinePlus Drug Information. (n.d.). BS, P.A.P.R.M.P.F.A.G.P.R.E.F.P.S. R. (2017). Fundamentals of Nursing. Jeff, S.L.&.S.R.D.&.M.H.&.L.B.&.M.M.H. &. (n.d.). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Mosby's 2020 Nursing Drug Reference E-Book. (2019).

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