Job search PDF

Title Job search
Course English
Institution Florida College
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Job Search Essay...


Job Search of Physical Therapist and Athletic Trainer Two professions that I have a great deal of interest in are Physical Therapy and Athletic Training. These two professions have few similarities and many differences. Having recovered from a knee injury while in high school, I have had interaction with both of these professions as a patient. I believe the skills that both of these occupations have is a tremendous help to a patients recovery. Some similarities of these two occupations are working with people that have a sports injury and working with physically active people, but other than that, the professions are different. Differences would be education, licenses or certification in the fields of study, and also the work place environment. Physical Therapist is a profession that help a patient recover from injuries or illnesses and can help patients manage pain and mobility. Doctors will refer patients with physical injuries or illness to a Physical Therapist. At that time, the physical therapist will help the patients manage pain and can help with patient’s mobility. The environment in which a physical therapist will work can be in private offices, in a nursing homes, clinics or hospitals. A physical therapist will have to obtain a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree and all states in the United States require physical therapist to have a license to practice. These physical therapy degree programs are most commonly three years, and require proof that you have received a bachelor's degree before admittance. The salary of a therapist can range from the highest $113,340 which was only ten percent of PT’s to the lowest of $56,280. ("Summary." 2015.)

The American Physical Therapy

Association say that there are more than were 200 accredited physical therapy programs in 2013. Research shows that the demand for this job is increasing and employment of physical therapists is projected to grow thirty six percent from 2012 to 2022, much faster than the average for all occupations. ("Summary." 2015.)

One reason the demand for physical therapy care is at an

increase could be from the aging baby boomers. Physical therapists will be needed to treat these people with issues of poor mobility from chronic conditions, such as obesity or diabetes. Tasks that a physical therapist may perform in a day’s work could range from teaching a patient how to use stretching maneuvers to special exercises to treat an injury. Also they will review patient’s medical history and can educate patients and their families on how to manage with recovery process. ("Summary." 2015.)

Types of injuries and illnesses that a physical

therapist may treat will be sprains, fractures, arthritis, back injuries, strokes and amputations. Physical therapist will provide care to all ages and will use a variety of techniques for treatment to patients. Some of the techniques can be apply heat and cold or using electrodes to help with pain.

Physical Therapist can specialize in a variety of areas from pediatric, burns, geriatrics, or

wellness and fitness. I’m not certain which area of physical therapy I would like to specialize in, but the broad range of all the treatments that they can provide to help with management of pain and injuries is of a great interest to me The second profession that has grabbed my interest is an athletic trainer. An athletic trainer is a certified health care professional who practices in the field of sports medicine. Also, they are qualified trainers who specialize in preventing, recognizing, managing and rehabilitating injuries. Athletic trainers will develop exercises or fitness routines that can help patients improve strength, flexibility and athletic readiness.

Many athletic trainers work in an

educational setting, such as universities or junior colleges. Some work in a doctor’s office and a small percentage are skilled enough to work for professional sports team. To work in these areas an athletic trainer will have to obtain a bachelor’s degree and depending on the state, may require a license or certification. The salary for the Athletic Trainer occupation averages around a salary of $42,000 per year and the highest wages go to ten percent earning $64,140. ("Summary."


An increase of employment is projected to grow by nineteen percent from 2012 to

2022. ("Summary." 2015.)

This may due to the growing concern and people becoming more

aware of sports-related injuries at a young age. Several of the responsibilities that an athletic trainer will provide are first aid, apply protective tape and injury preventive devices such as braces or wraps. Also, they will plan programs to aid athletes in preventing injuries. Athletic trainers are generally onsite with athletes and are frequently the first responders when injuries occur. Work schedule for an athletic trainer can be much different than the average work day. An athletic trainer may be required to work late evenings and weekends and travel with teams and be away from home for several days at a time. ( Athletic Training Vs. Physical Therapy, 2015) Each of the professions has information about them that I find intriguing, interesting and challenging, that make me want to continue to pursue and one day be actively working in the occupation. The most interesting about physical therapy to me is showing a person how to use exercises to strengthen their muscles after an injury or surgery. The most interesting thing about athletic trainer is absolutely being part of an athletic team and applying first aid on the sideline if an injury occurs. Whichever profession I choose, I know that it will take dedication, determination but will be rewarding in the end.

References "Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. Athletic Training Vs. Physical Therapy." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 27 Oct. 2015...

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