Jurisprudence Exam Questions and Answers Review PDF

Title Jurisprudence Exam Questions and Answers Review
Author Rachelle Joyce Manuel
Course Jurisprudence
Institution Athabasca University
Pages 25
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Jurisprudence Exam Questions and Answers Review - Alberta Practice questionnaires 1. The Complaints Director can only act on a written complaint: ALSE  Even if written complaint is not received, but the Complaints Director has reasonable grounds to believe the conduct of a regulated or former member constitutes unprofessional conduct, he/she may treat the matter as a complaint and act on it 2. The legislated obligations for the CLPNA in dealing with complaints are stated in:  HPA 3. The Complaints Director may request an expert to review and assess the issues surrounding a complaint. This would involve:  Opinion as to whether service was acceptable practice, Review of client files, a written report 4. LPNs wishing to set fracture and/or apply a cast are required to have:  Advanced authorization restricted activities 5. LPNs wishing to insert or remove instruments, devices, fingers or hands beyond the urethra, anal verge or artificial opening into the body must have:  Entry-level restricted activities 6. What level of authorization is required for a LPN to “administer anything by an invasive procedure on body tissue below the dermis for the purpose of administering subcutaneous injections”?  Entry-level restricted activities 7. The roles, responsibilities and scope of practice of health care aides is defined by the HPA  The ultimate deciding factor in what health care aides can or cannot do is determined by the employer’s policy 8. A random group of LPNs is selected each year to participate in the Continuing Competence Program audit: TRUE  Validation is an annual event of providing proof of. Participation in CCP, and a formal means of evaluating learning completed in the previous two years 9. The Complaints Director can direct the investigated person to submit to specified physical or mental examinations if the Complaints Director has ground to believe the investigated person in incapacitated: TRUE 10. LPNs are encouraged to use electronic and social media to communicate and develop relationships with Clients: FALSE  Code of Ethics requires that professional boundaries and strict confidentiality be maintained when using electronic or social media 11. Only regulated RNs, RPNs, and LPNs are permitted to use the term “nurse”: TRUE  Other rems protected by the HPA are “college”, “registered”, and “specialist” 12. Clients are much less likely to file a complaint if they perceive that their service provider cared for, and communicated with them: TRUE  Poor communication is the root of many unprofessional conduct complaints

13. A regulated member must provide certain demographic and employment information when there is a change to the information or at the request of the registrar: TRUE  The information includes such things as current contact information, full names, years of registration, birth and gender, employer’s name and other related information 14. A regulated LPN on the temporary register may only practice under supervision: TRUE 15. Individuals without a valid practice permit are transferred to the temporary register and are allowed to work only under supervision: FALSE  According to the HPA (section 43), individuals without a valid practice permit are NOT authorized to work as an LPN nor use the title “LPN” 16. What constitutes a quorum of all meetings of the CLPNA  15 regulated members present 17. A quorum at all meetings of the CLPNA consists of 10% of regulated members present: FALSE  A quorum consists of 15 regulated members present 18. Why do LPNs need to be familiar with their regulatory requirements?  Client safety and well-being, Requirement to register with CLPNA, Affects their daily practice decisions, avoid being subject of complaints 19. All LPNs applying for registration in Alberta must be proficient in: English 20. The HPA provides the overall framework and authority for CLPNA to regulate its members: TRUE 21. Failure to adequately document or chart is a common element in unprofessional conduct complaints: TRUE  Good documentation practices are the best defense in terms of providing an objective account of what happened 22. Personal difficulties affecting work performance are NOT grounds for unprofessional conduct: FALSE  Individuals should seek help or counselling before they become at risk or unprofessional conduct 23. Which governance document states that CLPNA must establish, maintain and enforce standards for registration and continuing competence  HPA 24. Under what authority does CLPNA have legislated responsibility to establish, maintain and enforce standards of registrations?  HPA 25. Schedule 10 of the HPA applies to the LPN profession: TRUE  This section describes the services generally provided by regulated members of the LPN profession 26. Under the HPA a college may set and negotiate professional fees: FALSE  HPA prohibits a college from setting or negotiating professional fees, or from being a certified bargaining agent 27. When a regulated member encounters a difficult situation for which they may not have to necessary skills, they should do the best they can: FALSE

It is important to recognize their limitations and when necessary, to seek assistance from a colleague or to refer the client to someone with the appropriate skills 28. The LPN scope of practice is defined only in one document- the HPA: FALSE  It is defined in multiple documents: HPA, Regulation, Standards of practice, code of ethics, and the competency profile 29. For how many years should Continuing Competence program CCP learning records by kept by members:  Four years 30. The college’s registration year is January 1 to December 31: TRUE 31. A practice permit must be on display or made available for inspection upon the request of employers or the public: TRUE 32. CLPNA is governed by council consisting of regulated members and at least 25% public members: TRUE  HPA states that at least 25% of the voting members of a governing council must be members of the public 33. The Complaints Director may appoint an investigator to obtain further information regarding a complaint: TRUE  Investigator may be a qualified, unbiased LPN, or an independent professional investigator hired by CLPNA 34. All applicants for registration as regulated members of CLPNA must provide evidence of having good character and reputation: TRUE  This can be done via written references from colleagues; a declaration stating that the applicant has no history of unprofessional conduct or disciplinary actions; and the results of a criminal check 35. Both LPN code of ethics and standards of practice must be available to the public: TRUE 36. Regulated members of CLPNA have a legal responsibility to report offences and instances of professional negligence; such reporting is not considered a breach of confidentiality: TRUE  HPA and the Protection for persons in care Act state circumstances where there is a duty to report information to the proper authority 37. Individual who resigns from the College and wishes to reapply for registration at a future date can simply submit a status change form: FALSE  Individual must meet ALL the registration requirement in place at the time of their application 38. A temporary Registration with CLPNA can be held for three years: FALSE  Temporary registration is for persons who have not yet successfully passed the registration examination. It is only valid for a Maximum of ONE year 39. Bylaws can be created and/or amended by simple majority vote of council: FALSE  A two-thirds majority vote is needed to create or amend a bylaw 40. Matters such as member registers and registration, restricted activities, continuing competences and practice permits are all defined by the College’s Bylaws: FALSE  These are defined by the LPN regulation 41. The standards of practice for the LPNs are unique to Alberta: FALSE 

Standards are part of a national framework that was developed and implemented 42. CLPNA regulates LPNs in Alberta as authorized by the HPA: TRUE  The HPA states that the key regulatory responsibilities of a College, which relate to registration and practice permits, professional practice standards, continuing competence and professional conduct. 43. Complaints against regulated members can be made anonymously: FALSE  Complaints must be made in writing with the name, signature and contact information of the person filing the complaint 44. An investigated person may have their practice permit suspended pending the outcome of a professional conduct hearing: TRUE 45. Self-regulation means that a profession governs and manages itself: TRUE  Although self-regulation is constrained by the legislation and regulation 46. Self-regulation means that a health profession, such as LPN, governs and manages itself without outside assistance or influence: TRUE  The government of Alberta, through legislation, grants self-regulating status to recognize professions 47. Under what conditions is registration with CLPNA mandatory for educationally-qualified LPNs?  Teaches practice of regulated profession, Meets registration requirements, intends to provide professional services, and supervises regulated members 48. The registrar has the power to establish and manage college comities such as the competence committee: FALSE  This is the responsibility of Council 49. The LPN Code of ethics provides ethical guidelines to practical nurses in dealing only with their clients and colleagues: FALSE  The Code of Ethics provides guidelines for dealing with the public, clients, the profession, colleagues and one’s self 50. The Code of Ethics requires LPNs to disclose any personal or legal conflict that makes it difficult to participate in an intervention or provide service: TRUE  Any potential or existing personal or legal conflict should be disclosed to the supervisor and/or employer 51. A regulated member has the responsibility to inform a college if employment has been terminated, suspended or the member resigned for reasons related to professional conduct: FALSE  The Employers have a legal obligation to inform the College 

52. Code of Ethics is one of the mandatory requirements of all regulated health profession in Alberta: TRUE  Code of Ethics is required by the HPA, must be reviewed and approved by the government, and must be made available to the public 53. In which registration category can a member practice only under supervision?  Provisional register

54. If a CLPNA regulated member is found to be guilty of unprofessional conduct by a Hearing Tribunal, they may be having their practice permit suspended or cancelled: TRUE  Other penalties are caution or reprimand, counselling or treatment, remedial training and/or a fine 55. If the Complaints Director of the College has grounds to believe that a regulated member is incapacitated, he may direct the individual to seek treatment and to cease practice: TRUE  These condition shall prevail until such time that the Complaints Director is satisfied that the member is no longer incapacitated 56. When a complaint is filed, a formal process is always followed where the regulated member of the profession is charges with unprofessional conduct and a hearing is held: FALSE  The Complaints Director can attempt to have the concerned parties settle the dispute informally by communicating with each other, or through assistance by the Complaints Director or a neutral third-party mediator 57. Health Care Aides are permitted certain restricted activities provided they are done under supervision of an LPN: TRUE  HCA are also permitted to perform ADLs. The employers policies determines what HCAs can and cannot do 58. CLPNA must first receive a formal complaint before it can investigate the conduct or competence of a regulated member: FALSE  If the Complaints Director has grounds to believe that a regulated member is incapacitated, they may direct that person to submit to a specified physical and/or mental examination. Failure by the member to do so would constitute unprofessional conduct 59. Council is bound by any resolution passed by a majority of regulated members at an annual general meeting: FALSE  Council is NOT bound by theses solutions. Council does have to provide report on the deposition of any resolutions. 60. The contact information of each LPN is available on the CLPNA’s Public registry: FALSE  Thein formation provided on the registry includes data on each member’s registration and practice permit status and any condition or restriction. NO contact information is included. 61. The LPN Code of Ethics requires regulated members to report unethical behaviour, incompetence, impairment or misconduct of one’s colleagues and oneself: TRUE  Reporting others and self is part of the Code of Ethics 62. Informed consents mean that the client must have knowledge and be able to understand the options and risks associated with proposed treatment or intervention: TRUE 63. Health professions in Alberta are organized into regulatory bodies called:  Colleges 64. An example of unprofessional conduct is behaviour that harms the integrity of the regulated profession: TRUE

This includes any type of member action that might harm the integrity or reputation of a profession 65. CLPNA Council may make, amend, or delete bylaws: TRUE 66. LPN who are registered in one province are permitted to work and use protected titles in another province: FALSE  Healthcare professionals must be registered in the province where they want to practice in order to have the right to use the protected titles of their profession 67. Which of the following is federal (Canada-wide) legislation?  Controlled Drugs and substances act 68. Health professions in Canada are regulated by the federal government: FALSE 69. Practicing in breach of the standards of practice, code of ethics or any other professional practice documents may constitute “unprofessional conduct” as defined by the HPA: TRUE  If a regulated member is found guilty of unprofessional conduct, a range of penalties, including loss of practice permit may be applied 70. Restricted activities are defined in the HPA: FALSE  Restricted activities are defined in Schedule 7.2 of the Government Organization Act. Restricted activities are those activities that are considered high risk to the public and therefore are restricted to perform such activities 71. The Complaints Director may hire an expert to determine whether the regulated member subject to a complaint is competent to continue to practice: FALSE  The expert is hired to report on whether the services in question constituted acceptable practice 72. Employers are prohibited by law from knowingly employing any individual who is required to be registered with the College but is not: TRUE  The employer may be guilty of an offence and may be subject to a fine 73. The individual making a complaint against a regulated CLPNA member has the right to appeal a decision of the Hearing Tribunal: FALSE  Under the HPA, only the member being investigated, and the Complaints Director have the right to appeal the decision of a Hearing Tribunal 74. A complaint against a regulated member:  Must be in writing 75. The term of registration for an LPN on a courtesy register is 3 months: TRUE 76. The registrar may require an applicant want to register with the CLPNA to demonstrate English language proficiency: TRUE 77. If a quorum at the AGM is not present, the College is obliged to call for another meeting: FALSE  Council shall be authorized to proceed with the business that was to have been done at such a meeting. Council is NOT required to call a further meeting during that calendar year 78. Individuals volunteering their nursing professional services are exempt from mandatory registration: FALSE 

Mandatory registration requirements apply regardless of whether an individual engages in paid employment or volunteer, or practices full-time, part-time or on a casual basis 79. What Defines the information that must be on a practice permit  HPA 80. CLPNA is required to notify an employer when a practice permit is suspended, or condition are applied: TRUE  The HPA requires a college to notify an employer when a practice permit is suspended, or conditions are applied 81. Which jurisprudence document states how the College will operate on a day-to-day basis?  CLPNA Bylaws 82. The document that states how the College will operate on a day-to-day basis is the College Bylaws: TRUE  Also, policies state the principles or rules developed and approved by the College to support achievement of its legislated mandate and strategic goals 83. The LPN Code of Ethics are only suggested guidelines for conduct and behaviour; regulated members are free to use their discretion in following them: FALSE  Unethical practice can lead to a charge of unprofessional conduct. This may lead to the suspension or loss of their practice permit 84. The LPN Standards of practice represent the level of professional performance expected of all practical nurses to demonstrate competent, safe and ethical practice: TRUE  Each health profession is required to have standards of practice; these are reviewed and approved by the government 85. Which level of authorization are restricted activities acquired through experience, onthe-job education or post-basic education?  Additional-restricted activities 86. Jurisprudence is about the legislation, standards and regulatory requirements that affect the nursing practice of LPNs: TRUE 87. Mandatory registration requirements are only applicable to those LPNs in clinical practice: FALSE  A LPN who teaches or conducts research (as well as other roles) related to their profession in Alberta must be registered, even if they are not involved in clinical practice 88. A regulated member has the legal right to refuse to participate in the complaints process, alternative complaint resolution, investigations, hearing, decisions and appeals: FALSE  In doing so, they can be charged with unprofessional conduct 89. If a regulated member fails or refuse to comply with CLPNA Continuing Competence Program, it is considered unprofessional conduct: TRUE  According to HPA, unprofessional conduct is failure or refusal to comply with the requirements of the Continuing Competence program, or to cooperate with the Competence Committee, or with the person make a practice visit 

90. Any decision by the Hearing Tribunal may be appealed by the investigated person, the complaints director or the complainant: FALSE  Under current legislation, the complainant does NOT have the right to appeal a decision made by a hearing tribunal 91. What enables employers, LPNs and the public to check on the status of any regulated member?  Public LPN registry 92. Specialty competencies are acquired through completion of approved programs and advanced certification: TRUE 93. Practice permit expires on December 31 of each year: TRUE  LPNs are not authorized to work without a valid practice permit 94. All regulated members on the general or specialized practice register are eligible to run for Council and cast a vote: TRUE 95. CLPNA bylaws must be approved by the government and made available to the public: FALSE  Only the Standards of Practice and code of ethic have to be approved by the government and made available to the public 96. A regulated LPN on the temporary register may only practice under supervision: TRUE 97. Regulated members may change their annual learning plan if circumstances or needs change during the year: TRUE 98. CLPNA may approve programs of study and education courses for the purposes of registration requirements: TRUE  This is one of the powers of the College has under the HPA 99. Which of the following are part of CLPNA’s mandate  Establish and enforce code of ethics, Set standards for registration, Approve educational programs, Govern its regulated members 100. The Mandate of the Hearing Tribunal is to determine on the basis of the evidence, whether the LPN is competent enough to continue to practice: TRUE 101. The CLPNA Council appoints the registrar, president, complaints director and hearing director and college Committees: TRUE 102. The president and vice-president are elected by the Council from the elected members for one-year term: FALSE 103. Regulated members must meet requ...

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