Kami Export - Merina Cooke - Gossamer Condor Design Brief PDF

Title Kami Export - Merina Cooke - Gossamer Condor Design Brief
Author merina wessner
Course history
Institution University of South Carolina Beaufort
Pages 4
File Size 172.5 KB
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Activity 1.5.a Gossamer Condor Design Brief (Optional) INTRODUCTION


What would you do if you had a teacher who expected you to complete an assignment, but refused to tell you what the assignment was? Imagine, too, that the result of this assignment was expected to be submitted in a specific format, which was also not explained to you� Oh, yes, and there was a due date� But you were not told what that was either� How could a person be expected to accomplish anything under such conditions?

A person who is trained in and uses technological and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems�

Engineers need to know what problems they are addressing� They must have an idea about the degree to which the solution should be carried out, along with what the solution should do to solve the problem� The engineer must also work within constraints, such as time and budget� A design brief is a tool that is used to concisely identify the problem, solution expectations, and project constraints� The engineer will often return to the design brief throughout a design process to assess the progress and validity of his or her creative work� Design briefs will be used throughout the Introduction to Engineering Design course� Long-term projects will be initiated with design briefs, and as you become a more proficient designer, you will be required to write your own� This activity is designed to guide you through the development of a design brief by observing a design project from start to finish� The information gained in this lesson will not only help you understand how to create a design brief, but it will also allow you to observe the design process in action�


Constraint 1� A limit to a design process� Constraints may be such things as appearance, funding, space, materials, and human capabilities� 2� A limitation or restriction� design brief A written plan that identifies a problem to be solved, its criteria, and its constraints� The design brief is used to encourage thinking of all aspects of a problem before attempting a solution� Design Process A systematic problem-solving strategy, with criteria and constraints, used to develop many possible solutions to solve a problem or satisfy human needs and wants and to winnow (narrow) down the possible solutions to one final choice� Assess To thoroughly and methodically analyze accomplishment against specific goals and criteria� Valid Well-founded on evidence and corresponds accurately to the real world� Designer


A person who designs any of a variety of things� This usually implies the task of creating drawings or in some ways uses visual cues to organize his or her work

PLTW ENGINEERING Introduction to Engineering Design 31

RESOURCE Writing a Design Brief Resources available online

Procedure In this activity, you will witness the development of the first controlled, sustainable humanpowered aircraft as chronicled in the Academy Award-winning documentary, The Flight of the Gossamer Condor. Imagine that you have traveled back to the mid-1970s� You are part of a design team that is attempting to build a human-powered aircraft� The project leader has given you the responsibility of defining the problem, stating the expectations that the solution must meet, and identifying the project constraints� Your design brief will serve as a guide to the team as they work through the design process� If you have not done so already, review Writing a Design Brief� Read the following questions prior to viewing the film� From your observations of the film, answer the questions and record the information in the design brief on this page or in your engineering notebook, as instructed by your teacher� If you record information in the design brief on this page, you can capture an image of your responses, print it, and paste it into your notebook� 1

Who was responsible for the design of the Gossamer Condor? Write your answer next to the word Designer in the design brief�


What was the problem that the designer and his team were trying to solve? Be advised, the problem was not to design an aircraft� The design of an aircraft was part of the solution to the problem� Write your answer as a complete sentence(s) next to the words Problem Statement in the design brief�


To what degree was the solution to be realized? Was the designer’s intention to merely sketch an idea and be done? Was the intention to come up with an idea, build it, and stop there? Or, was it the designer’s intention to design, build, and test an idea? What expectations did the design have to meet before it would be considered a successful solution to the problem? In other words, what did the solution have to do? Combine your answers to each of the questions and in complete sentence(s) write the response next to the words Design Statement in the design brief�

Engineering Notebook A book in which an engineer will formally document, in chronological order, all of his/her work that is associated with a specific design project� Design 1� An iterative decisionmaking process that produces plans by which resources are converted into products or systems that meet human needs and wants or solve problems� 2� A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of something before it is built or made� 3� A decorative pattern� design statement The part of a design brief that challenges the designer, describes what a design solution should do without describing how to solve the problem, and identifies the degree to which the solution must be executed�

PLTW ENGINEERING Introduction to Engineering Design 32


What limitations did the design team have to work within? What criteria did the solution have to meet? Was there a time constraint to get the project finished? Write your response as a list next to the words Criteria and Constraints in the design brief�

Criteria A means of judging� A standard, rule, or test by which something can be judged�

Gossamer Condor Design Brief Designer Paul McCready

Problem Statement Human engines are generally not strong enough to fly a plane for very long, and they are easily manipulated by the wind.

Design Statement

The Gossamer Condor was designed, built, and tested in order to improve human powered flight.

Criteria and Constraints It must be lightweight, stable, and turn easily.


Revisit Writing a Design Brief� Then review your design brief and improve it based on the guidance provided� Pay particular attention to improving your problem statement and list of criteria and constraints�

PLTW ENGINEERING Introduction to Engineering Design 33

CONCLUSION 1. Aside from being the first to solve the problem, what was the major motivating factor for the designer of the Gossamer Condor? 2. Where did the idea for the Gossamer Condor come from, and what did it have to do with the power output of a bicyclist? 3. What was the major natural element that caused the most problems to the Gossamer Condor? 4. What were three major differences between the first generation design and the final generation design of the Gossamer Condor? 5. How long did it take the design team to accomplish their goal? Was this the amount of time that the design team expected?

1. He wanted to beat the Japanese team. 2. The idea for the Cossamer Condor came from the Wright Brothers, but the bicyclist cannot produce the same amount of po as an engine. 3. The wind cause the most problems for the Gossamer Condor. 4. The new version could lift off of the ground and had more control. 5. It took a year; the expected to finish in half a year.

PLTW ENGINEERING Introduction to Engineering Design 34...

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