KBT2 Task 1 - Pass PDF

Title KBT2 Task 1 - Pass
Course Assessment for Learning
Institution Western Governors University
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Differentiated Instruction Tiffany Fox Western Governors University



A. Aspect 1: In the lesson plan, the students are learning new vocabulary during a PowerPoint presentation and will be assessed on that new vocabulary that day. Vicente is not able to fully learn the words themselves, and the meaning of the word in that short period of time. In Vicente's ELLSEP it states that vocabulary should be pre-taught. This gives him extended time to learn and understand the new vocabulary that goes along with the content of the lesson. The way this lesson is set up right now, Vicente will not have an adequate amount of time to learn this material in time to be fairly assessed on it. The students are learning the words “personification, oxymoron, and onomatopoeia.” 1. A modification I would make to the lesson plan for Vicente is to give him flashcards with the words on them ahead of time. On the cards, I would also give a simple definition of the words and some examples. For example, on one card would be “Onomatopoeia” and on the back “a word from a sound, sizzle, bang, pop” I would do this for each of the words taught and give them to him a few days before the words will be taught as all at once may be overwhelming to him.

2. This modification to the lesson plan will allow him the extra time and that preteaching of vocabulary his ELLSEP states he gets in the classroom. By giving these cards to him ahead of time, and allowing him to keep them out during the lesson and activities, allows him to participate in the class activities and conversations with more ability and confidence. By engaging in these activities there is a better chance that he will learn the material and be able to use it in his language learning and the classroom. For example, if he has his cards with him



during the Graffiti Walk, he will be able to look at the word on the paper, find the card that matches see the definition and one example and be able to come up with more on his own and engage in the walk with his group of peers. This will help him to meet all of the objectives. After using the cards so many times, he will likely be able to know the information without relying on the cards.

Aspect 2: In the lesson plan, there is a class activity where the students are to read some poetry with their elbow buddy and highlight examples of figurative language. This is a timed and collected activity. According to Vicente’s ELLSEP, he should be given assignments at a lower reading level. The poems listed are from their literature book, which is probably at gradelevel texts. Vicente’s profile says that he is at an English Proficiency Level of 2 (emergent) meaning these texts would more than likely be too hard for him to read, identify, and decipher the figurative language in the poem. Vicente will have a hard time reading the poems and unable to do the assignment. A modification I would make for this aspect would be to give him a poem at a lower reading level that is more appropriate for him. This way, he would not spend all of the work time trying to read the poem and will be working to identify the figurative language used in the poem. The focus of this task is to be able to identify figurative language within the poem. This is an elbow buddy task, so we do not want to embarrass the student in front of his peers because he is unable to read the same poems. There are other students in this class that are on IEPs and the lesson plan says they all sit in the front of the room. There may be another student that needs the



lower reading level poem that they could work together on. The teacher would be around for support and may need to give this group a little extra support in their reading and highlighting.

This modification would meet his learning needs because the focus of the lesson didn’t get lost in trying to just read the poem or look up word definitions. Because he was able to read the poem with ease, he was able to spend more time meeting the objectives in the lesson plan. When readings are too hard the students often get discouraged and feel like they can’t learn. Giving him a poem that he can read gives him the chance to participate in the activity with an elbow buddy that he can talk to about the poem because he understands it. He is also better able to highlight the figurative language because the words are not too hard for him to read.

B. Aspect 1: In the lesson plan the students are to learn about seven different types of figurative language. One of the activities the students have to do is to look at several cartoons and identify the figurative language meaning in the cartoon and write that the deeper meaning of the cartoon. Grace’s IEP says that she struggles with written expression and may have trouble getting her thoughts onto paper. This activity doesn’t take into consideration her needs. Grace will probably have a good idea of what she would like to say or what she thinks the meaning is but the part she will struggle with is writing these thoughts about the cartoon down. Because of this struggle her IEP suggests that content or resource modifications be made to adapt the lesson to allow her to achieve.



1. The modification I would make for this activity would be to just give her one cartoon to focus on. I would also just have her focus on one type of figurative language. Because she is going to be working hard to get her thoughts on the paper, removing unnecessary content, as many different cartoons, will help her not feel so stressed by the pile of work in front of her. She will be able to use all of her focus on one single cartoon. Her IEP says that content may be removed and I feel that she doesn’t need to prove her knowledge in this written way more than necessary to meet the objectives. 2. This modification will help meet the learner's needs by still practicing the application of figurative language in writing, but not an overwhelming amount for her. Only having her doing a small piece can still allow the teacher to know if she is understanding the content and meeting objectives for the lesson, and it will help her reach her IEP goal of writing an essay with 80% accuracy. While this assignment is not an essay, practicing writing in small chunks allows her to become more confident and comfortable in her writing. If we eliminated writing altogether she would not meet her IEP goal for the year. With this modification, you follow her IEP modifications, reach her IEP goal, and hit the learning objectives for the lesson.

Aspect 2. Much like aspect one, Grace has trouble with written expression and is unable to perform on grade level. The homework assignment for this class is to write a paragraph about an event and use figurative language to describe the event. Grace will probably not perform well on this assignment based on her IEP information. The whole task is writing and that is exactly what she struggles with. Her IEP states that accommodations for content and assessment may be



modified or even removed to help her show her knowledge. The IEP also says that Grace likes to verbally respond. 1. A modification I would make for this aspect would be to allow Grace to verbally tell me her paragraph about an event she has attended and still use figurative language. The teacher could grade it using the same scale, but she would get to tell you instead of turning in a paper the next day in class. 2. This modification will help meet Grace’s learning needs because it involves something she enjoys, conversing with teachers and peers, and gets rid of something she is unable to do. She is still doing the assignment as she will most likely prepare it by practicing the night before and the teacher will still be able to see if the objectives and standards are met. Using this type of assessment may encourage her because this is something she is good at instead of discouraging her by making her do something that we know is too hard of a task for her.


7 References

LasGrant, C., & Gillette, M. (2006). Learning to teach everyone’s children: Equity, empowerment, and education that is multicultural. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing...

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