Kiffe Kiffe Demain Chapter Summaries PDF

Title Kiffe Kiffe Demain Chapter Summaries
Course French 1b
Institution University of Strathclyde
Pages 9
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Chapter 1 - Monday, appointment with psychologist Mme Burlaud - Doria’s dad left for Morocco, he wanted a son and her mum couldn’t fall pregnant again - Mme Burlaud can spot when Doria lies that she doesn’t miss her father - Her mother isn’t all there mentally Chapter 2 - Ramadan - M. Loiseau (the head teacher) believes that Doria forged the note from her mother excusing her from eating at school - Her mother Yasmina is illiterate - M. Schihont is her mother’s boss, he is alsatian and very racist Chapter 3 - Since her father left, there has been a parade of social workers at the house - Currently Mme Dumachin/Dutruc/Duquelquechose, smiley, makes an effort with Doria - Before, un monsieur qui resemble Laurent Cabrol, not nice Chapter 4 - Her mother had imagined France to be far greater than it was from movies - The last time Doria was in Morocco, there were old women at social gatherings speaking about marrying her off to Rachid who she finds replusing - She says in Morocco if you have bulges on your chest, know how to stay quiet and can cook bread then you can be married - She contemplates death, saying why worry about the future when it’s not a certainty, she had a dream about her burial and there was barely anyone there (not even her dad) - She speaks of what she imagines the life of her dad’s new son to be like - She would love to be in a glamorous job but only scrapes an average in fine arts, which isn’t very useful, she doesn;t want to end up in a dead end job behind a cash register Chapter 5 - Doria and Yasmina received their benefits just in time - She tells us of Nacera (the ‘witch’) who her mum had to borrow money from and she always reminds them of this when there are lots of people about - She speaks of M. Werbert (civic education teacher) and that she has to write an assignment about respect and goes on to say that teachers probably don;t care about the work they set, they don’t even give it a second glance before going back to their perfect privileged lives - She says there are two people in the city she can speak to for real, Hamoudi and Mme Burlaud - She explains that Hamoudi smokes a lot and has a love for poetry, the police look down on him but if he was a bit older she wouldn’t mind him being her father Chapter 6




Doria takes a trip on the metro just for a bit of amusement and people watching She observes a romanian guy playing the accordion She follows him (i think or the gypsy, i need to check) around the carriages, he goes to approach her with a paper cup of loose change but she doesn’t have anything to give him so looks away She speaks about what she’d do if she won the lottery, buying the guy a swanky caravan, getting new mittens to replace her holy ones and getting a manicure for her mum as she has spoiled nails compared to Mme Dutruc who ‘shows hers off’ After she gets off the metro she hears two Pakinstani guys selling chestnuts and peanuts and their self-advertising gets stuck in her head

Chapter 7 - Friday, Doria & Yasmina go to Tante Zohra’s for some couscous, not actually her real auntie but Zohra and Yasmina have known each other for a very long time - Zohra moved to Mantes-la-Jolie (North central France) - Yasmina enrolled herself in a sewing class as a lot of the women are also Maghrebis and the classes reminded her of ‘the bled’ - Tante Zohra was born on 5th of July 1962, the independence day of Algeria, she was seen as a lucky charm in her village and hence Zohra means luck in arabic - Zohra’s husband is retired and has two wives, he spends six months with Zohra and six months with his wife over in Africa - Zohra’s sons Reda, Hamza, & Youssef, Doria doesn’t speak to them much any more - Yasmina and Zohra spoke briefly of her father, said he won’t go to heaven - Aunt Zohra has been living in France for over twenty years but her French is still rubbish - Youssef drove them back - Doria says Youssef is tall and v good looking, he used to protect her from bullying at school, she took the phrase ‘ a grain of rice saves lives’ seriously - The caretaker does not take care of the apartment blocks, also supposedly racist and fought in wars, Carla the portuguese cleaner does a good job when she’s about Chapter 8 - Mme Burlaud suggests a skiing trip, Doria doesn’t want to go because she doesn’t want to leave her mum and proceeds to slate the idea - Psy… expect you to tell them everything when they don’t - Social worker is very open, she’s getting married - Doria reflects on her jealousy: cutting off barbie’s hair & boobs - As a child, she fantasised about marrying a guy that made everyone else look like a loser, like the action hero MacGyve and the big fancy wedding, she’d have her dad won’t be there to walk her down the aisle, everything cancelled - Our generation is lucky because you can choose who you love, definite inspo from TV show ‘The Young and the Restless’, all the mums are obsessed, worse than boyband stage Chapter 9 - Doria gets her school report - Nabil now comes to Doria’s house to help her with her homework from time to time


Nabil thinks he knows everything, comes across as arrogant & overbearing, he’s a loser Nabil’s mum thinks he’s Einstein and babies him, he couldn’t have a private life if he wanted to, everyone says she wears the trousers in her relationship Doria doesn’t know if she’ll want to have kids, watched a birthing video in 3rd year Mme Burlaud seems preoccupied Doria started her period, (late starter)

Chapter 10 - Local festival of Livry-Gargan, lots of food and music - Yasmina encouraged Doria to have a go at the fishing stall - They listened to Cheb Momo perform - Doria meets Hamoudi’s girl Karine in an awkward encounter - They stay to the end for the first time, her dad used to make them return Chapter 11 - It makes Doria said that Karine ‘la blondesse’ has changed Hamoudi - Her mum tells her scary stories from her time in Morocco, she was cursed to be bald a month before her wedding and it had to be cancelled - Doria used to collect the leaflets of marabouts - She reads a romantic novel Chapter 12 - The caretaker’s wife told Doria of a babysitting opportunity - Lila is looking for a babysitter for her 4 year old daughter Sarah, she is 30, a cashier, southern accent because she grew up in Marseille, recently split from Sarah’s dad - Doria gets the job & is offered 3 euros an hour which she is over the moon about - Her mum wasn’t happy as she wanted to be the one to provide for them, but she did agree to it in the end Chapter 13 - At Formula 1 Motel, loads of Yasmina’s colleagues are on strike, Fatouma Konare is leading it, has always complained about women workers being exploited - Yasmina can’t go on strike because she is their only source of income, donc she has more hours - Doria rants about Mr Schihont - School is on strike too because the headteacher Mr Loiseau was tear gassed, Mrs Benbarchiche has been very enthusiastic, MMr Lefevre is the only teacher not on strike Chapter 14 - Last week Madame Dutruc came to the house, Doria’s description criticises her for being on her high horse etc. - Mme Dutruc suggests that Yasmina could go to a literary course for illiterate people for free - She gives Doria a voucher for free books, Doria resents her for this - Tanta Zohra phoned, distraught, police had broken in & arrested Youssef for drug trafficking and stolen cars, he has been taken to the police station for questioning

Chapter 15 - Doria has been having a repeated dream, flies out her window and bangs into a wall - Told this to Mme Burlaud who thought it was like the ‘atlas episode’ - Atlas episode = found an atlas in a storage room and drew her escape plan - She says she could never leave her mum alone, or Lila, they depend on her - Sometimes she was someone else, maybe part of the Ingalls family in the Little House on the Prairie - In this series, they have better clothes than her, she tells the story of Yasmina buying her a sweatshirt she got for a euro at the second-hand clothes shop, turns out it was a pyjama top and she was never made to forget it at school Chapter 16 - Hamoudi gave Doria a lift home from school, ‘you’re still my favourite’ - Hamoudi & Doria have a special relationship where she is protected and not involved in Hamoudi’s stories - She says she’s not jealous of Karine, she’s happy Hamoudi has something going on in his life, for her it’s just Kiffe Kiffe Demain - Aziz is the grocer but he always sells things that are expired, he is a bit in love with Yasmina, he buys their food on his account sometimes and gives them a box of food on Eid Chapter 17 - Yasmina quit her job at the hotel, Mr Schihont refused to give her her resignation bonus, she is starting the literacy course that Mme Dutruc suggested and is a little anxious about it - Doria hopes she’ll get to spend more time with her mum because she gets off at the same time as school does Chapter 18 - Aziz is friendly but sometimes you have to go to Malistar because everything is out of date - Doria goes to Malistar to buy sanitary towels, she slates the cashier Monique in her head, the towels won’t go through so she has to announce it over the loudspeaker - Doria didn’t have enough money and it had to be put on the account for her - Yasmina and Tante Zohra have been on the phone a lot, anxious about Youssef Chapter 19 - Yousseff is going to prison for a year, Tante Zohra is above all scared for her husband coming back next month, Reda and Hamza are in freefall at school & keep getting into fights as they get called bastards (their dad is never there) - Hamoudi never truly regained his life after prison - Yasmina tells her of a time where she went to a clairvoyant who predicted what her husband would be like, she wasn’t wrong but leaves out the bad details (e.g. how it ends) - Sherif (arrived from Tunisia 6 years ago), he’s the type of guy to a clairvoyant who tells him he’s rich and he bases his fate upon this information - Life is a stroke of luck, a blonde kid at her school was the epitome of bad luck



Yasmina has started her new training & has made friends, Doria notes her mother is more sociable than her, Doria was often excluded by other kids and recalls an event where they thought she was dirty because of her henna after Eid There’s a big divide between the Paradise Estate and the houses on the Rousseau estate. On the Paradise estate side, there’s loads of patriotic graffiti supporting the North African culture.

Chapter 20 - Samra (a girl on the 11th floor) has escaped her controlling brother & father and has been missing for three weeks, her dad has filed a police report and many efforts have been made to find her - Rumours about her being pregnant in Paris have already suffered, Doria is angered at the fact that no one cared when she was confined but now that she’s free they have something to say - The situation reminds her of a programme with Jacques Pradel 'Perdu de vue’ where they find family members that have been lost for years - Tante Zohra is coping a little better with Youssef’s imprisonment, she discusses with Yasmina the return of her husband and how she will tell him - Doria tells her mum that she has to ‘redoubler’, her mum doesn’t really understand - She converses with Hamoudi about the concept of teenage angst, he then tells her that he’s broken up with Karine but doesn’t say why Chapter 21 - Nabil is at Doria’s house to help her with her civic education work about abstention - After they finished doing work, Nabil stayed a bit longer, he ate all of her crackers and kissed her as he left (Doria’s first kiss) - Doria tries to think of excuses that she can use to cover up the fact that they kissed, but she isn’t actually as mad as she thought she would be Chapter 22 - Mme Burlaud is doing a new exercise where she shows Doria pictures and she has to say ‘j’aime’ or ‘j’aime pas’, she says ‘j’aime pas’ to a baby and Mme Burlaud associated this with her supposed half baby brother (they know for sure it is a boy now as a neighbour in Morocco sent a letter to them) - Doria claims she just hates babies and that’s it & denies him being her brother - Doria dwells on the childhood perks Sarah has from Lila, and her lack thereof - Hamoudi finds it refreshing that kids have no filter, he likes Sarah - Hamoudi regrets that he’s spent his life doing nothing, Doria supports and encourages him Chapter 23 - It’s the summer holidays, Doria watches the Ali family leave for ‘le bled’, she reckons that they’re going to settle down there - Doria imagines what her life would be like if she was Russian/Polish - Everyone’s jetting off and Doria is still at home, she isn’t ‘redoubler’ because there aren’t enough spaces and the school has found her a place in a school where she can get a diploma in hairdressing, there’s a girl in the estate who does mobile hairdressing


Aziz is getting married to a Moroccan girl, Doria contemplates marriage & if her mother was to interrupt his wedding and admit love for him, she then says she doesn’t even know if they’ll be invited because they’re still due him money

Chapter 24 - Sunday morning, Doria & Yasmina go to a car boot sale to get Yasmina a new pair of shoes - Two nasty girls start muttering about them, Doria doesn’t think her mum heard so she pretends like nothing happened, she really wants to cry but doesn’t want to tell her about it because she knows she’d feel guilty - Aziz had a big fancy wedding, Doria and Yasmina weren’t invited - Mme Dutruc is on maternity leave so they don’t see her anymore, she said she’d be back after the baby is born, while she’s away they have a bad replacement who treats them like numbers in a file - She’s not looking after Sarah because she’s away with Lila to stay at her sister’s house in Toulouse - Tante Zohra told her husband about Yousseff, he got violent and started hitting her, she told Yasmina & Doria everything and that she prays for him to go back to ‘le bled’ - Yasmina seems better, her literacy is improving and she’s more active - Hamoudi got a night job as security Chapter 25 - Monday, thing with Mme Burlaud were different: she smelt of alcohol and was wearing a suspender belt, she asked Doria if she could imagine her mum with another man - She had watched a programme about being single & new ways to meet people and discovered speed dating but discards it for Yasmina - She says her mum is barely ever at the house now & she’d have to put up a note with requirements - She then goes on to contemplate life with an alcoholic father Chapter 26 - Hamoudi liked his job but was fired as things went missing from the warehouse and they thought it was him, Doria thinks he’s handsome - On the way back from the market, Doria overheard two girls (twins) and a guy talking about a character in a series, Jarod, saying that he was gay, Doria was shocked, she thinks he’s hot - Doria can;t stop thinking about Nabil, says he has some explaining to do when he’s back Chapter 27 - As Yasmina is still on holiday, she and Doria go to the Eiffel Tower which is half an hour from their flat but Yasmina’s never been even though she’s lived there for twenty years, they couldn’t afford anything in the gift shop, a pigeon shat on Doria and she couldn’t get it off - She speaks about being poor and that when she’s older she’ll join an organisation to help people, if someone needed blood or a kidney she would give it to them


Lila and Sarah get back from Toulouse, they give Doria some cake and Lila tells Doria her life story before the Paradise estate She talks about an article that says sometimes the man of your life is someone you overlook, she realises this could be Nabil for her and contemplates this further

Chapter 28 - It’s rumoured that Samra has been sighted, apparently she ran away with a boy, Doria just hopes that the boy doesn’t break up with her and leave her with nothing - Doria’s wisdom teeth are coming through, she needs to go to the dentist & tells us all about Mme Atlan and her brutal nature Chapter 29 - Sarah told Doria that Lila has a crush on Hamoudi, Hamoudi and Lila are sleeping together and Hamoudi hasn’t said anything to her - She contemplates the disappointment of her life and believes Hamoudi still thinks of her as a little kid Chapter 30 - Yasmina has a new job working as a canteen lady, she has to serve pork and admits to Doria that it actually seems quite nice - Yasmina is doing a lot better, her reading has improved too - The lady from the Cyborg services came round the other day unexpectedly, asks Doria about her mum and her plans for the future - Doria goes on to fantasise about being a famous actress - The Cyborg lady arrives out of breath a quarter of an hour later because her car was stolen after being parked just outside the building Chapter 31 - Hamoudi told Doria all about Lila, he couldn’t stop talking about her - He brings up fate and Doria contemplates her bad fate - She started preparing herself psychologically for when Nabil got back, but when he did he has grown up a lot and is ignoring her - Doria tells Mme Burlaud about the entire Nabil situation, she suggests that he may be gay Chapter 32 - Rachida (gossip neighbour) came round to their flat the other night and brought them thirty euros and shopping for the week, she informs them that Samra has married her beau & her dad has fallen ill - word is part of his body is paralysed - Doria decides there’s no such thing as coincidence & contemplates this - Her mum is now knitting again, Jacqueline comes round and meanwhile asks a lot of questions, Doria likes her - Hamoudi is on a much better path thanks to Lila, he now has a job as a security guard at Malistar Chapter 33 - La rentree, Doria has had diarrhoea three days before as she is nervous, she looks up the person who her new school is named after ‘Louis Blanc’


Her mum tries her best to make Doria pretty for her first day She took the bus where she saw Nabil and he barely managed a ‘ca va’, Doria was pissed off

Chapter 34 - Doria’s first day at her new school, she feels really out of place & breaks down as soon as she gets home - She’s stopped babysitting Sarah because Hamoudi does it instead, she expresses her resentment regarding Hamoudi and says that everyone leaves you eventually Chapter 35 - The Sherif International won the lottery - Yasmina fancies Bertrand Delanoe (2001-14 mayor of Paris) and Doria thinks about setting them up - Doria sees Hamoudi at the bins and they have a brief conversation, she is still spiteful that he has this new life without her, thought hm i could grass him up but tells the story of a girl who was punished by her family for tarnishing their name Chapter 36 - It’s Doria’s birthday, no one remembered and no one got her anything & she says she understands because she isn’t anyone special - She then contemplates how much better her life would’ve been had she been a boy Chapter 37 - Yasmina & Doria go to a payphone to call Zohra who tells them Youssef is getting out in May, prison has changed him a lot and they can’t wait for him to get out so that he can get back to being his old self - Doria saw Fatouma of the trade union on the news saying that the demands of the trade union strike are being heard & donc Yasmina might get compensation for being fired, she is so proud of her mum’s progress - Doria thinks about how different events can change her opinion on the fairness of life - She is getting on well at her new school Chapter 38 - Doria’s therapy with Mme Burlaud is finished, Doria says she’s happy about that - Doria is confused by Mme Burlaud saying ‘courage’ as she leaves, this reminds her of Youssef helping her learn to ride a bike - She says it feels like the end of a movie except she doesn’t have her life sorted Chapter 39 - Nabil unexpectedly visited when Yasmina was out, he had failed his bac & his mum told him he was helping Doria too much so couldn’t see her - They caught up, kissed, chilled - They’re going to the cinema on wednesday and she says she likes him Chapter 40



As Doria was walking to the shopping centre she met Lila, Sarah & Hamoudi and got in the car with them, they seem l...

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