Krissy Cela - 8 Week Tone & Sculpt Workout Plan PDF

Title Krissy Cela - 8 Week Tone & Sculpt Workout Plan
Course Philosophical Issues in Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Institution York University
Pages 46
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Practical studies for kinesiology studies. This program helps you teach future clients about different exercise methods...


Workout Plan by Krissy Cela

Contents. Welcome How to Track Progress Setting Goals Organisation and Tips Different Types of Workouts Training Dictionary Active Rest Day Supplement Requirement Stretches Workout Plan Weeks 1- 4 Workout plan Weeks 5-8 Glossary Thank you

Welcome. Hi There! Get ready to start a new journey leading to the body you want! I know you may be feeling a little down about your body at the moment and you haven’t found the right programme that seems to work for you, but do not worry I'm here to help you the best way I can. The first and most important thing I want you to do is love yourself and your body, regardless of whether you're where you want to be right now or not. You have one body so treat it right and show it love. This plan will help you not only achieve this, but will inform you about different types of workouts and which ones best fit you.

What will be included? 1-8 Week Workout Guide Illustrations of different exercises Information about the different types of workouts Staying hydrated Active rest days Tips on organisation Remember you’re not in this alone, you have me. I will push you every step of the way, even if I'm not there right beside you. If you find it difficult at first, don't panic. Ask a friend or family member to join in. Make it fun and exciting to work out, not a dreaded task!

So let’s get to it.

Please Hashtag #KCSG or #Krissycelaplans Follow @kcsg_community on any of your social media so I can get to know you! Always feel free to email me with ANY questions at [email protected]

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How do I track my progress? In my opinion, I have found the best method of tracking progress is by taking photos. Scales, counting body fat percentage and girth measurements can be inaccurate. I do not want you to focus on numbers, but rather on how you physically and mentally feel. Taking pictures is a fantastic way to contrast your progress from the beginning to the end. I understand that you may find stepping on the scales part of your day routine, however your body fluctuates throughout the day. Progress pictures tell the truth!

How do I take progress pics? Wear minimal clothing. Sounds naughty right, but in order to track your body, you will need to capture your body as it comes and as it will change. Recommended clothing would be a sports bra and shorts. Take your progress pictures hands free. Keep your phone/camera in a stable place and set a timer on it or get someone to take the pics for you. Make sure the lighting is clear and bright. Do not pose, keep your body relaxed in your very first picture. After a couple of weeks, you can pose/flex to show off your results! Take pictures every 2 weeks in the same lighting, room, and time.

Setting Goals. This I would say is the most important part of the whole programme. Your long term and short term goals should be personal to you and only for you. If you want to lose weight, you need to establish how you are going to do it. What are the first hurdles you have to pass in order to get to the finish line? Your goals should NOT be somebody else’s, they should be your own personal target to achieve the best results you possibly can. As you can see, I have assembled a example asking you what your short term and your long-term goals are. I want you to fill this in and place it somewhere that you can see it every day, to remind you of them. You need to make sure your goals are SMART, ask yourself: what is it you want to achieve, and why you want to achieve it? Is it measurable and achievable for you and your life? It must be realistic - I encourage you all to make your goals realistic. The reason I stress this is because if you make a goal unrealistic you will be disappointed; focus on small achievable goals. Finally, set yourself a goal in a certain time frame so you can work extra hard to make it possible.

1 Specific You need to make your goals very clear. 2 Measurable Make sure that you can track your progress 3 Achievable You must set yourself a goal that you will be able to achieve and you will make sure you achieve.

4 Realistic There is no point setting yourself a goal that is not going to happen. As brutal as this may sound if you hate cardio with a passion and you’ve set yourself a goal to run every day for an hour, then the goal is very unrealistic. You need to find something you love and will realistically be working towards that you enjoy. 5 Time-Bound Set a timeline including both short term and long term goals.

Short Term Goals Example Eating all my allocated meals Waking up early to cook breakfast Drinking 2 green teas a day

Long Term Goals Example Dropping 2 dress sizes in 6 months Losing 8lbs in 4 weeks

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Organisation & Tips. Let me start by saying that I don’t expect you to be dropping your whole life in order to do this workout plan. All I’m saying is I hope you try your very best and put in your all into it. When we spoke, you specified to me the days you can work out and the number of times you can work out for. I planned this programme around that information you provided and made it realistic. I don’t expect you to work out for hours and hours and hours, but I do expect you to go to the gym with the motivation to succeed!

Start small, baby steps first Try each workout first before performing the exercise. Make sure your form is right and you feel comfortable doing it. Some exercises are more complicated than others, some you will love, others you will hate, but try them out first.

Look good, sounds crazy but trust me! If you wear a baggy jumper and unflattering leggings you won’t be motivated to workout. Buy something fun, bright, and fitting. Some people don’t like showing skin so buy long sleeved gym tops in your favourite colour.

Music; music is fundamental! Create a list of all the top current hits or even old classics you love. Music gets me pumped and it gives me that extra boost at the gym that I really need.

Be prepared Luckily for you, your workouts are all prepared so you have a step by step guide. Just because this plan is based around certain days and duration it doesn’t mean you can’t mix the exercises up and swap things around, be adventurous.

Bring a friend, family, or partner Why not try the workout plan with a friend or family, experience it together, help each other and kick some butt!

Make time If you have a 2 hour break why not go to your local gym? Utilise the time you have, don’t just sit around wasting your time away. Working out will give you a boost of energy!

HAVE FUN! I can’t stress this enough, working out is not meant to be a chore, it’s meant to be fun and exciting! Stay positive and motivated!

Different Types of Workouts. Strength Training Strength training is the foundation of muscle growth and comprises of four big movements: Deadlift Bench Press Shoulder Press Squats

Deadlift Performing a deadlift, which most people think is purely a back exercise, actually incorporates your back, quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, core and traps. Minus your arms, chest and shoulders a standard deadlift is almost a full body exercise.

Bench Press When conducting the bench press exercise, it’s not only the chest that is being targeted. Bench press (dumbbell press), uses your chest and triceps as the primary muscles and incorporates your shoulders, traps and even parts of your upper back.

Shoulder Press When performing the seated dumbbell shoulder press correctly, this exercise does not only target the shoulders as its primary muscles, but it’s also incorporating your triceps, core and back. These secondary muscles are activated to stabilise the body to enable you to perform the exercise correctly.

Squats A lot us think that squats are only working the legs. Even though the squat predominantly works your quads, hamstrings and glutes, there are upper body muscles used as well. Muscles such as your calves, lower back and your core are all secondary muscles that are activated when performing squats. The reason these are called ‘compound exercises’ are because they incorporate and engage more than one muscle group when performed. Doing these vital exercises will help build your overall strength and will play an important role in your progress with other exercises too.

Weight Training Weight training is an effective way of isolating the muscles you want to target in order to promote growth with that particular muscle group. Weight training is scientifically proven to increase bone density which helps prevent fractures, fat burning and helps you sculpt the body you want. If you’re new to weight training, here are a few tips to get you prepared for walking into the gym for your first session: Stay hydrated – muscles are made up of 75% water. Asking for a spot – if you don’t feel confident performing a particular exercise, then ask someone to assist you with the weight and exercise to prevent any injuries. Control the weight – as a beginner you shouldn’t need momentum to lift a weight. Make sure you’re using a weight that will challenge you, but you still have control over. Posture – good form is very important. If you’re worried about your form don’t be afraid to ask someone or a staff member at the gym; don’t forget these people are there to help you. Start slow – Don’t pre-empt your visit that you become over confident on your first day; don’t rush and prepare yourself mentally and physically before lifting the weight.

Repetitions Different repetitions work the muscle in different ways: Low Reps 6-8 This particular rep range is used to increase muscle density and mass. This is where you are using a heavy weight to engage the muscle twitch fibres. When you are handling a heavy weight your muscle twitch fibres are engaging in the following ways: slow fibre first, then intermediate and then the fast muscle twitch fibres. Moderate Reps 8-12 This is the most popular rep range typically used in the gym. This is because not only are you still able to use a relatively heavy weight, but your time under tension also increases, which means the muscle is under pressure for longer. High Reps 15-20 This can typically be seen as an underestimated rep range due to the above being so beneficial. However, using high rep ranges increases the amount of glycogen the muscle stores which increases fat loss.

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Intensity You can change the intensity when using weights by incorporating super sets, drop sets and pyramids set. This really helps with overcoming a plateau too because your body is not used to this level of training.

Super Sets A super set is effectively two different exercises performed one after the other, with no rest in between. Performing super sets is proven to increase the calories burned during the workout and it’s also great for your cardiovascular strength as this helps with overall body endurance.

Drop Sets A drop set is essentially performing the same exercise twice. However, you start off with a heavier weight to perform the first set then, once you have hit your rep target you immediately lower the weight and perform the same exercise straight away again. The benefits of this is that whilst performing the first set your body recruits certain muscle fibres, and when you then do the second set your body relies on using other muscle fibres which helps with the growth and strength of the muscles.

Pyramid Sets A standard pyramid set is typically carried out performing one exercise with five sets as one round. For example, if you were to perform a cable tricep push down it would look like this:



Set 1



Set 2



Set 3



Set 4



Set 5



All 5 sets are performed immediately after each other with no rest and therefore this is to be looked at as one big set. This type of intensity really benefits your endurance, muscle definition and increases your overall strength.

How much weight should I use? This is one of the most popular questions asked, and the honest answer is only you can know. If you are new to gym then it is beneficial to spend an hour in the gym, going through different exercises that you will be performing in this guide and finding what weight is best for you. The best tool is using the rep ranges as guidance; if the target is 8, but you can perform 10-12 then you can probably go slightly heavier; if you can’t reach 8 then you need to go slightly lighter to reach full repetition target.

Interval Training Interval training is a really effective form of cardio and an alternative to long distance running. It’s the perfect balance between short burst sprints and short rest times and is a perfect method for burning fats. As a personal preference, I do not enjoy long distance running. Knowing that I can burn fat whilst running for a short period of time is perfect. Interval training is typically performed on a treadmill using the following method: Sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds Rest or walk or 30 seconds Repeat

How much cardio should I do? Cardio is an effective type of exercise for fat loss. However, it does not need to be performed every single day for long periods. Not only is this a less effective way of weight loss, but it is also incredibly repetitive which can lead you to no longer enjoying your workouts. As I just mentioned, interval training is the preferred method of cardio. This does not take up your whole workout and it allows you to incorporate weight training into your routine which does not only make them more fun, but incorporating different types of training methods is the most effective way to burn fat and develop muscle. Starting and finishing with cardio is a much more effective way of burning fat and to help promote lean muscle rather than the conventional whole session based cardio workouts.

Knowing your heart rate Tracking your heart rate whilst you workout can be a very useful tool in making sure that the intensity of your workouts are best suited for your goals. Within this workout program, our target is to burn fat; personally, I like to use the Karvonen Formula. This is a mathematical way to monitor your heart rate during your workout. The formula splits your workouts into two separate zones, Minimum Training Heart Rate, and the Maximum Training Heart Rate for your body. Example: If a 21-year-old girl looking to burn fat wants to calculate her ideal heart rate, for an intensity level between 60% - 70%, she would use the following method: With a start resting heart rate of 65 Minimum Training Heart Rate: 220 – 21 (her age) = 199 199 - 65 (Resting HR) = 134 134 - .60 (Minimum Intensity) + 65 = 145 Beats per minute Maximum Training Heart Rate: 220 – 21 (her age) = 199 199 - 65 (Resting HR) = 134 134 - .70 (Minimum Intensity) + 65 = 158 Beats per minute

Training Dictionary. There are so many different ways and types of training. It can get confusing so why not make it simple for you!




Range of Motion in reference to your muscles. Flexibility Movement Joint Movement

As Many Reps As Possible. Use moderate - light weight when performing this type of method.

Used at the end of a workout. Intensity Metabolic Strength




Increasing intensity by overload, volume, frequency or resistance

Personal Best Individuals best performance, or heaviest they can lift


Body Weight Single Leg Dumbbell Kettlebell

Method Superset Tri-Set Dropset Reverse Pyramid

Definition A superset is when one set of an exercise is performed directly after a set of a different exercise without a rest between them. Three different exercises performed one after another, without any rest in between.

Dropsets where you perform an exercise and then drop (reduce) the weight and continue for more reps until you reach failure. In this pyramid, decrease the weight and increase the reps with each set

Active Rest Days. Let me start off by saying that rest days are a must for not only for your body, but mind too. However, this does not mean you quite literally lounge around all day long watching your favourite programme on TV, waiting for the next day to start. Your body is very much like your mind: it needs to be challenged and stimulated every day. There are many things that can be done on rest days to help with your recovery process. The day after a bodybuilder or an athlete competes, they will still go for a walk, light jog or just generally move around and get out of the house. This helps prevent your body and muscles from stiffening up and potentially causing more damage than good. Rest days are not something that need to be taken on a specific day of the week or the weekend for that matter. You need to listen to your body; if you feel like you can achieve a successful workout on a particular day then you get to the gym and give it your all! However, if your body is sore from the previous workout, in need of rest and you haven’t been eating sufficiently all day, then you should listen to it. I always advise two rest days a week: these do not need to be taken consecutively, but broken up to help you organise your week and to aid the recovery process. One of the biggest problems with rest days is that people see them as ‘cheat days’. This is because typically, you don’t think about being fit when resting. A really good tip is to plan your rest day, make sure you have something in place that will help with your flexibility and mobility, for example a foam rolling session or a yoga class. Working out is only a small part of the journey: nutrition is absolutely vital, so remember you still must be eating your regular healthy meals on rest days so have them prepped in advanced. I would advise having a cheat meal on a training day rather than a rest day.

Remember, the worst thing to do on a rest day is nothing.

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Supplement Requirement . Whey Protein Don't be alarmed! Whey Protein is not just for muscle mass and growth. You could have a lean protein, high in fibre and vitamin rich diet and still not see the results you wish. Whey Protein will help you see better results (if made a daily routine) There are different types of whey protein, which reflect a different level of filtering and processing (High processed - Low processed)

Whey Protein Concentrate Minimal Processing (cheap to buy) it is made with a gentle filtration process known as micro and ultrafiltration. (70% protein, remainder carbohydrates and fat) Whey Protein Isolate Highly concentrated (95% protein) Longer filtration times and additional types of processing (micro filtration) This means that it becomes a more protein packed powder. This would be a more beneficial choice for dieters because it is extremely low in carbohydrates and fats. Whey Protein Hydrolysate Most concentrated. This type of protein is produced by putting the whey protein through a process called hydrolysis, which breaks longer whey protein chains into smaller fragments. This protein is easier for the body to utilise.

Whey Protein is not only a powerful muscle builder; it can also support fat loss. The two most important times to consume whey protein are 15-30 minutes before your workouts and within 30 minutes after your workouts.

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