Lab 1.1 and 1 - lab assignment PDF

Title Lab 1.1 and 1 - lab assignment
Author Raja Ibtihaj Jahangir
Course Intro Kinesiology, P.E.&Rec
Institution Memorial University of Newfoundland
Pages 5
File Size 231.9 KB
File Type PDF
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lab assignment...


Laboratory Activities

Laboratory Activities Amro Zeineldin 201932027 Mon-Tue-Thu 1PM 19 January Name____________________________Section___________________Date______________________

Lab 1.1 Your Wellness Profile Consider how your lifestyle, attitudes, and characteristics relate to each of the nine dimensions of wellness. Fill in your strengths for each dimension (examples of strengths are listed with each dimension). Once you’ve completed your lists, choose what you believe are your five most important strengths and circle them. Physical wellness: To maintain overall physical health and engage in appropriate physical activity (e.g., stamina, strength, flexibility, healthy body composition). I Don t care much about improving it however i walk daily at least 2 hours so this might be good thing. In future i must improve it.

Emotional wellness: To have a positive self-concept, deal constructively with your feelings, and develop positive qualities (e.g., optimism, trust, self-confidence, determination). I Always believe if i work hard everything will go in the right way so this might explain why i am confident and positve man .

Intellectual wellness: To pursue and retain knowledge, think critically about issues, make sound decisions, identify problems, and find solutions (e.g., common sense, creativity, curiosity). Most of the time i tend to help people with their problems specially the strangers. I think my intellectual wellness might be ok and the least one that need to be improved.

Interpersonal/Social wellness: To develop and maintain meaningful relationships with a network of friends and family members, and to contribute to your community (e.g., friendly, good-natured, compassionate, supportive, good listener). I Suffer from starting relationships..but once a i m in any relationship i am a good and friendly person. I think i don t need to improve my interpersonal wellness.

Cultural wellness:To accept, value, and even celebrate personal and cultural differences (e.g., refuse to stereotype based on ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation; create relationships with those who are different from you; maintain and value your own cultural identity). I never ask someone what is your religion or those kind of questions. i only care if he or she is a good person or not only. There might be need to improve this type of wellness also.



Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management

Spiritual wellness: To develop a set of beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning or purpose to one’s life; to develop faith in something beyond oneself (e.g., religious faith, service to others). When it comes to beliefs i don t think about other people because it is my own beliefs so i just care about my self and my beliefs . I Choose the beliefs that i think they are right for me and that suits me. Environmental wellness: To protect yourself from environmental hazards and to minimize the negative impact of your behaviour on the environment (e.g., carpooling, recycling).

Financial wellness: To live within your means and manage your money in a way that gives you peace of mind(e.g., budget planning and saving). Still My family provides me with most of the money i have..but i m seaching for a job and trying to save money for future . I also tend to sell things i don t need so i can get money easily .

Occupational wellness:To gain a measure of happiness and fulfillment through your work (e.g., enjoy what you do, feel valued by your manager, build positive relationships with co-workers, take advantage of opportunities to learn and be challenged). Most of the time i don t enjoy the work unless i feel that i achieved something great that changed something around but if i work without feeling any improvements i might get a little bored. Needs improvment. Next, think about where you fall on the wellness continuum for each of the dimensions of wellness. Indicate your placement for each—physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal/social, cultural, spiritual, environmental, financial, and occupational—by placing Xs on the continuum below.

Low level of wellness

Physical, psychological, emotional symptoms

Change and growth

High level of wellness

Based on both your current lifestyle and your goals for the future, what do you think your placement on the wellness continuum will be in 10 years? What new health behaviours would you have to adopt to achieve your goals? Which of your current behaviours would you need to change to maintain or improve your level of wellness in the future? I need to improve my physical wellness the most. I think about going to the GYM to improve my physical wellness. In the future 10 years i think about improving my physical wellness through doing as much exercises as i can at the gym .


Laboratory Activities

Does the description of wellness given in this chapter encompass everything you believe is part of wellness for you? Write your own definition of wellness, and include any additional dimensions that are important to you. Then rate your level of wellness based on your own definition. Wellness is an active progress of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fullfilling life . Wellness is more than being free from illness , it is a dynamic process of change . I think my health and wellness is good but i am working on being more healthy .

Using Your Results How did you score? Are you satisfied with your current level of wellness—overall and in each dimension? In which dimension(s) would you most like to increase your level of wellness? I am very satisfied with my scores but any way i will improve myself in all the dimensions specially the phyasical dimension.

What should you do next? As you consider possible target behaviours for a behaviour change program, choose things that will maintain or increase your level of wellness in one of the dimensions you listed as an area of concern. Remember to consider health behaviours such as smoking or eating a high-fat diet that may threaten your level of wellness in the future. Below, list several possible target behaviours and the wellness dimensions that they influence. I believe I scored very well and I am satisifed with my current level in the 6 dimension of wellness. Target behaviours: Meeting my financial obligation and trying to be financially stable.

For additional guidance in choosing a target behaviour, complete the lifestyle self-assessment in Lab 1.2.



Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management

Amro Zeineldin 201932027 Mon-Tue-Thu 1PM 19 January Name____________________________Section___________________Date______________________

Lab 1.2 Lifestyle Evaluation How does your current lifestyle compare with the lifestyle recommended for wellness? For each question, choose the answer that best describes your behaviourol; then add up your score for each section. Exercise/Fitness 1. I engage in moderate exercise, such as brisk walking or swimming, for the equivalent of at least 150 minutes per week.

Almost Always







2. I do exercises to develop muscular strength and endurance at least twice a week. 3. I spend some of my leisure time participating in individual, family, or team activities, such as gardening, bowling, or softball.




************* 2




4. I maintain a healthy body weight, avoiding overweight and underweight.





7 Exercise/Fitness Score: _________________ Nutrition 1. I eat a variety of foods each day, including 5 or more servings of fruits and/or vegetables. 2. I limit the amount of saturated and trans fat in my diet.

Almost Always







*************** 3

3. I avoid skipping meals.


4. I limit the amount of salt and added sugars I eat.



0 *************







2 Nutrition Score: _________________

Tobacco Use 1. I avoid smoking cigarettes. 2. I avoid using a pipe or cigars. 3. I avoid spit tobacco. 4. I limit my exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.



4 **************



************* 2 ************** 2

Never 0





1 *************


9 Tobacco Use Score: _________________

Alcohol and Drugs 1. I avoid alcohol, or I drink no more than 1 (women) or 2 (men) drinks aday.

Almost Always 4 **************

2. I avoid using alcohol or other drugs as a way of handling stressful situations or the problems in my life.



3. I am careful not to drink alcohol when taking medications (such as cold or allergy medications) or when pregnant.


4. I read and follow the label directions when using prescribed and overthe-counter drugs.


2 2

Sometimes 1

Never 0







10 Alcohol and Drugs Score: _________________

Emotional Health 1. I enjoy being a student, and I have a job or do other work that I enjoy.

Almost Always 2

Sometimes 1 **********

Never 0

2. I find it easy to relax and express my feelings freely.


1 *************


3. I manage stress well.


1 **********


4. I have close friends, relatives, or others whom I can talk to about personal matters and call on for help when needed.



5. I participate in group activities (such as community or spiritual organizations) or hobbies that I enjoy.







7 Emotional Health Score: _________________


Laboratory Activities


Almost Always

1. I wear a seat belt while riding in a car.


2 *****************

2. I avoid driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

***************** 2

3. I obey traffic rules and the speed limit when driving.

2 *****************

4. I read and follow instructions on the labels of potentially harmful products or substances, such as household cleaners, poisons, and electrical appliances.

1 1

0 0



0 1


************ 2 *********

5. I avoid using a cell phone while driving.




9 Safety Score: _________________

Disease Prevention

Almost Always

1. I know the warning signs of cancer, heart attack, and stroke. 2. I avoid overexposure to the sun and use sunscreen. 3. I get recommended medical screening tests (such as blood pressure and cholesterol checks and Pap tests), immunizations, and booster shots. 4. I practise monthly skin and breast/testicle self-exams. 5. I am not sexually active or I have sex with only one mutually faithful, uninfected partner or I always engage in “safer sex” (using condoms) and I do not share needles to inject drugs.

Sometimes 1 *********** 1 *********

2 2 2


Never 0 0 0

************** 2



0 *********** 1


********** 4 Disease Prevention Score: _________________

Scores of 9 and 10. Excellent! Your answers show that you are aware of the importance of this area to your health. More important, you are putting your knowledge to work for you by practising good health habits. As long as you continue to do so, this area should not pose a serious health risk. Scores of 6 to 8. Your health practices in this area are good, but there is room for improvement. Scores of 3 to 5. Your health risks are showing. Scores of 0 to 2. You may be taking serious and unnecessary risks with your health.

Using Your Results How did you score? In which areas did you score the lowest? Are you satisfied with your scores in each area? In which areas would you most like to improve your scores? Nutrition IS The lowest Alcohol is the highest i m satisfied with all my scores execept nutrition and i will try to improve it

What should you do next? To improve your scores, look closely at any item to which you answered “sometimes” or “never.” Identify and list at least three possible targets for a health behaviour change program. (If you are aware of other risky health behaviours you currently engage in, but which were not covered by this assessment, you may include those in your list.) For each item on your list, identify your current “stage of change” and one strategy you could adopt to move forward. Possible strategies might be obtaining information about the behaviour, completing an analysis of the pros and cons of change, or beginning a written record or your target behaviour. Behaviour



1. ________________________











SOURCE: Adapted from Healthstyle: A Self-Test, developed by the U.S. Public Health Service. The behaviours covered in this test are recommended for most North Americans, but some may not apply to people with certain chronic diseases or disabilities or to pregnant women, who may require special advice from their physician.


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