LAB 3 - Resting and Exercise Measurement of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure- TA Joshua PDF

Title LAB 3 - Resting and Exercise Measurement of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure- TA Joshua
Course Physiology of Muscular Activity Lab
Institution University of South Carolina
Pages 6
File Size 190.6 KB
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TA Joshua...


Aashna Patel Lab 3 2/21/2013

Resting and Exercise Measurement of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Introduction Blood pressure and heart rate are two important measurements taken when evaluating a person’s fitness. The pressure our blood exerts against vessel walls is known as Blood Pressure (Mangum, 2013). Blood pressure is written as two numbers, systolic and diastolic. Systolic blood pressure is the maximal aortic pressure following ejection. It is the pressure due to the contraction of the heart (Durstine, 2013, 2). Diastolic blood pressure is the lowest aortic pressure prior to the ventricle ejecting blood into the aorta. It is the pressure due to the relaxation of the heart (Durstine, 2013, 2). Individuals can be classified as normal if their systolic blood pressure is below 120 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure is below 80 mmHg, pre-hypertensive if their systolic blood pressure is between 120 mmHg and 139 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is between 80 mmHg and 89 mmHg, Stage 1 hypertensive if their systolic blood pressure is between 140 mmHg and 159 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is between 90 mmHg and 99 mmHg, and finally Stage 2 hypertensive if their systolic blood pressure is greater than 160 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is greater than 100 mmHg (Mangum, 2013). Blood pressure is affected by exercise, the quantity of blood flow, blood viscosity, the length of the blood vessel, and most importantly the radius of the blood vessel (Mangum, 2013). As exercise intensity increases, blood pressure increases in order to meet the demands for increased blood flow and heart rate also increases due to the high energy expenditure (Durstine, 2013, 2). The purpose of this experiment was to measure resting and exercise heart rate and blood pressure. It was hypothesized that as exercise intensity increased, heart rate and blood pressure increased too.

Aashna Patel Lab 3 2/21/2013

Procedure To begin the experiment, the subject’s resting blood pressure was taken before any exercise was performed. The subject sat upright on a chair with his feet on the floor and his arm supported at heart level. An appropriate sized cuff was aligned with the brachial artery and firmly wrapped around the subject’s upper arm at heart level. Next, the stethoscope bell was placed on the antecubital space over the brachial artery. The valve was tightened and the cuff was quickly inflated to approximately 150 mmHg. Slowly, the pressure was released until the first Korotkoff sound was heard and recorded as the systolic blood pressure. The diastolic blood pressure was recorded as the point before the Korotkoff sounds disappeared. This was repeated one more time for a total of two trials for each subject. Next, the subject’s resting heart rate was taken at the wrist. An individual placed his index and middle fingers together on the thumb side of the subject’s wrist, until a pulse was felt. The number of beats was counted for 10 seconds and then multiplied by 6 to get the final resting heart rate measurement. Next heart rate and blood pressure measurements were taken at rest, while exercising on a treadmill, and while on the cycle ergometer. For this experiment, 2 different subjects were used. One subject stood on the treadmill and his resting heart rate was taken first. Next, his exercise heart rate and blood pressure was measured, just as the resting heart rate and blood pressure was measured earlier, as he walked on the treadmill at a speed of 2.5 hours at 4 different stages of exercise: warm-up, work 1, work 2, and cool-down. The other subject sat on the cycle ergometer and his resting heart rate was taken first. Next, his exercise heart rate and blood pressure was measured, just as the resting heart rate and blood pressure was measured earlier, as

Aashna Patel Lab 3 2/21/2013

he pedaled on the cycle ergometer at 50 RPM at 4 different stages of exercise: warm-up, work 1, work 2, and cool-down. Results Figure 1: Resting heart rate and blood pressure measurements Subject 1: Male, age Heart Systolic 22 Rate BP Trial 1 78 125 Trial 2 72 135 Subject 2: Male, age 21 Trial 1 Trial 2

Heart Rate 78 78

Systolic BP 115 120

Diastolic BP 75 75 Diastolic BP 75 75

Figure 2: Treadmill exercise data Subject demographics: Male, Age 22 STAGE Rest Warm-up Work 1 Work 2 Cool-down

MPH 0.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

GRADE 0% 0% 6% 12% 0%

BLOOD PRESSURE 118/78 126/80 136/80 154/82 134/80

HEART RATE 54 90 102 102 108

Figure 3:

Heart Rate (bpm)

Treadmill Heart Rate 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rest


Work 1

Work 2



There was a significant increase in heart rate over the exercise period.

Aashna Patel Lab 3 2/21/2013

Figure 4:

Blood Pressure (mmHg)

Treadmill Blood Pressure 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rest

Systolic Diastolic


Work 1

Work 2


There was a significant, yet linear increase in systolic blood pressure and a very minimal increase in diastolic blood pressure. Figure 5: Cycle ergometer exercise data Subject demographics: Male, Age 21 STAGE





Rest Warm-up Work 1 Work 2 Cool-down

0 50 50 50 50

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5

130/76 124/76 130/70 136/70 120/72

78 90 90 106 98

Figure 6:

Cycle Ergometer Heart Rate Heart Rate (bpm)

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Rest


Work 1

Work 2



There was a minor increase in heart rate over the exercise period.

Aashna Patel Lab 3 2/21/2013

Figure 7:

Blood Pressure (mmHg)

Cycle Ergometer Blood Pressure 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rest

Systolic Diastolic


Work 1

Work 2


Systolic blood pressure remained relatively steady with a slight drop during the warm-up stage. Diastolic blood pressure decreased relatively significantly. Discussion All experiments went as planned with no significant errors. The data from both the treadmill and cycle ergometer exercise supports our hypothesis that heart rate and blood pressure will increase with exercise intensity. As the subject went from rest to warm-up to the work stages on the treadmill, the heart rate increased significantly from 54 bmp to 90 bmp to 102 bpm, respectively. This result is appropriate because during exercise the heart has to pump more and more blood to the entire body, thus more work is done and heart rate increases. As exercise intensity increases, we should see the systolic blood pressure rise significantly, because it is associated with the contractions of the heart, and the diastolic blood pressure decrease minimally, because it is associated with the relaxation of the heart. Our data from the treadmill exercise projects this perfectly, but the data from the cycle ergometer exercise shows a slight variation in systolic blood pressure. We see a slight drop in systolic blood pressure at the warm-up stage instead of a rise as seen in the treadmill exercise. This could be

Aashna Patel Lab 3 2/21/2013

due to failure to accurately hear the Korotkoff sounds when recording the subject’s blood pressure because of background noise, improper placement of the stethoscope, reaction time of the technician, and rate of inflation or deflation of cuff pressure. Subject 1 had an average resting heart rate of 75 bpm. According to the normative values provided for resting heart rate, he falls in the 15th percentile which is a very poor resting heart rate. Subject 2 had an average resting heart rate of 78 bpm and falls in the 15th percentile also. Subject 1 had an average systolic blood pressure of 130 mmHg and an average diastolic blood pressure of 75 mmHg. According to the normative values provided, he has poor systolic blood pressure but good diastolic blood pressure. He would be classified as pre-hypertensive due to his systolic blood pressure. Subject 2 had an average systolic blood pressure of 118 mmHg and an average diastolic blood pressure of 75 mmHg. He has both good systolic and good diastolic blood pressure and would be classified as normal. During the treadmill exercise, the subject averaged a systolic blood pressure of 134 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of 80 mmHg. According to the normative values, the subject has poor systolic blood pressure and average diastolic blood pressure. During the cycle ergometer exercise, the subject averaged a systolic blood pressure of 128 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of 72 mmHg. According to the normative values, the subject has average systolic blood pressure and excellent diastolic blood pressure. Literature Cited Durstine. 2013. Physiology of Muscular Activity. Columbia, SC; University of South Carolina, 100 p. Mangum, J. 2013. Resting and Exercise Measurement of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure. [Powerpoint slides]....

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