Labmanual for mba - lab PDF

Title Labmanual for mba - lab
Author Dr.R Suresh
Course Report writing
Institution Anna University
Pages 51
File Size 1.5 MB
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DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIESLAB MANUALFORData Analysis and Business Modeling2019-LAB MANUALSubject Code : BASubject Name : Data Analysis and Business ModelingClass & Branch : MBA (1stYear)Academic Year : 2019 – 2020Semester : 2 ndSemester1: Introduction to SPSS####### Objectives Learn a...




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T OT AL:6 0PERI ODS REQUI REMENTSf o raba t c hof3 0s t ude nt s 1 . Pe r s o n a l Co mp u t e r s–3 0n o s 2 . An yl i c e n s e dSp r e a d s h e e t a n dAn a l y s i ss o f t wa r el i k eMi c r o s o f t Ex c e l , SPSSe t c –3 0u s e rl i c e n s e s TEXTBOOKS

1 .Davi dM. L e v i n ee t a l , “ St a t i s t i c sf o r Ma n a g e r su s i n gMSEx c e l ’ ( 6 t hEd i t i o n ) Pe a r s o n , 2 0 1 0 2 .Davi dR.An d e r s o n ,e ta l ,‘ AnI n t r o d u c t i o nt oMa n a g e me n tSc i e n c e s :Qu a n t i t a t i v ea p p r o a c h e s t oDe c i s i o n Ma k i n g , ( 1 3 t he d i t i o n )So u t h We s t e r nCo l l e g ePu b , 2 0 1 1 .

3 .Wi l l i a mJ . St e v e n s o n , Ce y h u nOz g u r ,‘ I n t r o d u c t i o nt oMa n a g e me n t Sc i e n c ewi t hSp r e a d s h e e t ’ , T a t aMc Gr a w Hi l l , 2 0 0 9 .

4 .WayneL.Winston,MicrosoftExcel2010:DataAnalysis&BusinessModel i n g ,3 r de d i t i o n , Mi c r o s o f tPr e s s , 2 0 1 1 .

5 .Vi k a sGu p t a ,Co md e xBu s i n e s sAc c o u n t i n gwi t hMsEx c e l ,2 0 1 0a n dT a l l yERP9 . 0Co u r s eKi t , Wi l e yI n d i a , 2 0 1 2

6 .Ki r a nPa n d y aa n dSmr i t i Bu l s a r i , SPSSi ns i mp l es t e p s , Dr e a mt e c h , 2 0 1 1 .

1: Introduction to SPSS Obj e c t i v e s  Learn about SPSS  Open SPSS  Review the layout of SPSS  Become familiar with Menus and Icons  Exit SPSS

Wha ti sSPSS? SPSS is a Windows based program that can be used to perform data entry and analysis and to create tables and graphs. SPSS is capable of handling large amounts of data and can perform all of the analyses covered in the text and much more. SPSS is commonly used in the Social Sciences and in the business world, so familiarity with this program should serve you well in the future. SPSS is updated often. This document was written around an earlier version, but the differences should not cause any problems. If you want to go further and learn much more about SPSS, I strongly recommend Andy Field’s book (Field, 2009, Discovering statistics using SPSS). Those of us who have used software for years think that we know it all and don’t pay a lot of attention to new features. I learned a huge amount from Andy’s book.

Ope ni ngSPSS Depending on how the computer you are working on is structured, you can open SPSS in one of two ways.

1. If there is an SPSS shortcut like this double click the left mouse button.

on the desktop, simply put the cursor on it and

2. Click the left mouse button on the button on your screen, then put your cursor on Programs or All Programs and left click the mouse. Select SPSS 17.0 for Windows by clicking the left mouse button. (For a while that started calling the program PASW Statistics 17, but they seem to have given that up as a dumb idea when everyone else calls it SPSS. The version number may change by the time you read this.) Either approach will launch the program.

Use one of these approaches to open SPSS yourself.

You will see a screen that looks like the image on the next page. The dialog box that appears offers choices of running the tutorial, typing in data, running queries, or opening an existing data source. The window behind this is the Data Editor window which is used to display the data from whatever file you are using. You could select any one of the options on the start-up dialog box and click OK, or you could simply hit Cancel. If you hit Cancel, you can either enter new data in the blank Data Editor or you could open an existing file using the File menu bar as explained later. Click Cancel, and we’ll get acquainted with the layout of SPSS.

La y outofSPSS The Data Editor window has two views that can be selected from the lower left hand side of the screen. Data View is where you see the data you are using. Variable View is where you can specify the format of your data when you are creating a file or where you can check the format of a pre-existing file. The data in the Data Editor is saved in a file with the extension .sav.

Menu bar Icons

Start-up dialog box

The other most commonly used SPSS window is the SPSS Viewer window which displays the output from any analyses that have been run and any error messages. Information from the Output Viewer is saved in a file with the extension .spo. Let’s open an output file and look at it.

On the File menu, click Open and select Output. Select appendixoutput.spo from the files that can be found at (At the moment this set of web pages is the most recent version whichever of my books you are using.) Click Ok. The following will appear. The left hand side is an outline of all of the output in the file. The right side is the actual output. To shrink or enlarge either side put your cursor on the line that divides them. When the double headed arrow appears, hold the left mouse button and move the line in either direction. Release the button and the size will be adjusted.

Finally, there is the Syntax window which displays the command language used to run various operations. Typically, you will simply use the dialog boxes to set up commands, and would not see the Syntax window. The Syntax window would be activated if you pasted the commands from the dialog box to it, or if you wrote you own syntax--something we will not focus on here. Syntax files end in the extension .sps.

SPSSMe nusa ndI c ons Now, let’s review the menus and icons.

Review the options listed under each menu on the Menu Bar by clicking them one at a time. Follow along with the below descriptions.

File includes all of the options you typically use in other programs, such as open, save, exit. Notice, that you can open or create new files of multiple types as illustrated to the right.

Edit includes the typical cut, copy, and paste commands, and allows you to specify various options for displaying data and output.

Click on Options, and you will see the dialog box to the left. You can use this to format the data, output, charts, etc. These choices are rather overwhelming, and you can simply take the default options for now. The author of your text (me) was too dumb to even know these

View allows you to select which toolbars you want to show, select font size, add or remove the gridlines that separate each piece of data, and to select whether or not to display your raw data or the data labels.

Data allows you to select several options ranging from displaying data that is sorted by a specific variable to selecting certain cases for subsequent analyses.

Transform includes several options to change current variables. For example, you can change continuous variables to categorical variables, change scores into rank scores, add a constant to variables, etc.

Analyze includes all of the commands to carry out statistical analyses and to calculate descriptive statistics. Much of this book will focus on using commands located in this menu.

Graphs includes the commands to create various types of graphs including box plots, histograms, line graphs, and bar charts.

Utilities allows you to list file information which is a list of all variables, there labels, values, locations in the data file, and type.

Add-ons are programs that can be added to the base SPSS package. You probably do not have access to any of those.

Window can be used to select which window you want to view (i.e., Data Editor, Output Viewer, or Syntax). Since we have a data file and an output file open, let’s try this.

Select Window/Data Editor . Then select Window/SPSS Viewer.

Help has many useful options including a link to the SPSS homepage, a statistics coach, and a syntax guide. Using topics, you can use the index option to type in any key word and get a list of options, or you can view the categories and subcategories available under contents. This is an excellent tool and can be used to troubleshoot most problems.

The Icons directly under the Menu bar provide shortcuts to many common commands that are available in specific menus. Take a moment to review these as well.

Place your cursor over the Icons for a few seconds, and a description of the underlying command will appear. For example, this icon is the shortcut for Save. Review the others yourself.

In the chapters that follow, we will review many specific functions available through these Menus and Icons, but it is important that you take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the layout and options before beginning.

Ex i t i ngSPSS To close SPSS, you can either left click on the close button corner of the screen or select Exit from the File menu.

located on the upper right hand

Choose one of these approaches.

A dialog box like the one below will appear for every open window asking you if you want to save it before exiting. You almost always want to save data files. Output files may be large, so you should ask yourself if you need to save them or if you simply want to print them.

Click No for each dialog box since we do not have any new files or changed files to save.

Ex e r c i s e s 1. Look up “ANOVA” in Help/Help topics. What kind of information did you find?

2. Look up “compare groups for significant differences” in Help/ Statistics Coach. What did you learn?

3. Open appendixd.sav. In the Data Viewer click Grid Lines in the View menu and note what happens.

4. While in the Data Viewer for appendixd.sav, click Font in the View menu and select the font style and size of your choice.

5. Using Edit/Options/General, under Variable View select Display Labels and File. In future this means that SPSS will list the variables in the order they appear in the file using the variable labels rather than variable names. As you are analyzing data in future exercises try to notice whether or not you like this option. If not, change it.

Microsoft Excel 2007 Basics Microsoft Excel 2007 has a completely redesigned user interface. The standard menus along the top have been removed and replaced with a series of toolbars Microsoft calls “The Ribbon.” These tool bars are changed using tabs at the top and try to automatically adjust themselves to the content you are working with. If you select an image it will automatically switch to the picture tools. The new layout seems to offer easier access to most of the features of Excel allowing for more complex documents to be created quicker.

The Office Logo The first thing most people will need to relearn is where to go to open a document, create a new one, save your document and print. Clicking the Office logo at the top left of the screen will provide most of the items formerly found under the file menu including those listed above. Beside the logo you also will find a disk icon to save your document as well as the undo and redo buttons. More buttons can be added to this “Quick Access Toolbar” through the Excel options mentioned in the next section.

As you can see here the Office logo opens up listing your options for new, open etc. and also contains a list of your recent documents for quick opening. Any of the items listed with an arrow beside them will replace the recent documents on the right with the options associated with the menu item. You should also see at the bottom right of this menu a button for exiting Excel and changing Excel’s options.

Save as The save as option will provide you with the most common file formats to save your document in. The common ones are Excel Workbook, Excel Macro-enabled Workbook, Excel Binary Workbook, and Excel 97-2003 Workbook. The last one is the option most people should be using

currently, especially if they wish to share documents with others who do not have the new version of Office.

Print Here you can choose from Print, Quick Print and Print Preview. Print brings up the standard print dialog box, quick print will print one copy without any dialog box coming up and print preview will bring up the print preview screen.

Prepare The prepare menu’s most common options are Properties, Inspect Document, Mark as Final and Run Compatibility Checker. The properties option allows you to setup metadata for the document like Author, Title, keywords, comments and others. Inspect Document will scan the document for any hidden data like comments and annotations, and any hidden collaboration data. This is very useful when making a previously private document public. It will help you find any comments or changes made previously that should not be made public. Mark as Final will mark the document as a final copy and make it read only so changes cannot be made. The last common item, Run Compatibility Checker will scan the document for new features that were used and show you these. This is recommended if you where creating a document in the new file format but now need to convert it back to the Office 2003 format to share with someone who does not have Office 2007.

The Home Tab

The home tab the basic formatting tools found in Excel 2007. You will find seven sections, Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells and Editing. Clicking the down arrow beside any of the icons here will drop down more options for that tool. Each section also contains an arrow in the bottom right corner which will open a window containing the options found in that section.

Clipboard The Clipboard allows you to cut, copy, paste and copy formatting from one place to another.

Font The font section of the ribbon provides a section to handle the basic text formatting. Items such as bold, underline, strikethrough, highlight and font type can be changed here. Some items from this section and some items from the number section are also available by right clicking a cell. This saves having to move your cursor all the way to the top of the screen for some common formatting items.

Alignment The alignment section provides icons to justify, Vertical alignment, indents, text wrap, merge cells and centre text and text orientation.

Number The number section provides the options for formatting numbers. You can choose the type of number, like date, currency, percentage, fraction or general. You can also increase or decrease the number of decimal places shown.

Styles The styles section allows you to quickly change the formatting of a section of cells by choosing one of the predefined styles. You can choose different types of conditional formatting, table formatting or cell styles. These are used to change the visual appearance of a section to quickly show what is being displayed in an area.

Cells This section allows you to insert of delete cells, rows, columns, or sheets. You can also format the height or width of columns and rows, hide or unhide elements, organize or protect cells and sheets. There are a lot of features in this section under the format option.

Editing The editing section gives you options for inserting functions, filling formulas across cells, clearing formatting and formulas, sorting and finding. Again, there is a large number of options in this area. These options are also included in the image to left.

Insert Tab

The insert tab has five sections for inserting most types of objects. The sections are tables, illustrations, charts, links, text and symbols.

Tables The tables section has an option for pivot tables and charts and tables. You can select an area and turn it into a formatted table or pivot table with these options. Once you have created your table there is another tab which becomes available to work with the table design. This tab is shown below.

Ta bl eDe s i gn

Illustrations The Illustrations section allows you to insert pictures, clipart, shapes, and SmartArt. After inserting or selecting a picture you are provided with a new toolbar along the top shown here.

This toolbar gives you the ability to change the brightness, contrast, shape, position, text wrapping and other options for the picture. Clicking off the picture or on one of the other tabs will take you back to the standard toolbars. The Shapes option of the Illustrations section allows you to insert lines, arrows, boxes, basic flowchart shapes and a number of others. The SmartArt option provides features like org charts, flow charts, illustrated lists and processes. The Chart option is similar to Excel 2003 but it offers more options for your charts.

Charts The charts section provides drop down menus to insert different types of column, line, pie, bar, area, scatter and other types of charts. Once you create a chart you will get three additional tabs to work with your chart. They are shown below.

Chart Design Tab

Chart Layout Tab

Chart Format Tab

Links The links section provides options for inserting hyperlinks to your spreadsheet.

Text Options in the text section include text box, header and footer, WordArt and a number of predefined text blocks like a signature line and symbols. There are a lot of option in here to setup on your own or you can use Excel’s predefined options.

Page Layout Tab

The page layout tab has five sections, Themes, Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options, and Arrange.

Themes The themes section provides a quick way to format your document. By choosing a theme you will have a set colour scheme, font combinations, and effects. You can choose one of the provided themes, modify any provided theme or create your own. You can also go online in this section and browse for additional themes. Be aware that changing your theme after creating a document may require you to reformat some items as themes also include some layout options.

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