Landlord AND Tenant - An agent who is required by the principal to enter into a guarantee of the debts PDF

Title Landlord AND Tenant - An agent who is required by the principal to enter into a guarantee of the debts
Course Gender and law
Institution Great Zimbabwe University
Pages 5
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An agent who is required by the principal to enter into a guarantee of the debts to the principal of customers whom he finds for the principal with whom he concludes contracts on behalf of the principal....


LANDLORD AND TENANT Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations 1983 — s 3 — interpretation of “commercial premises” Latimer Manley & Associates (Pvt) Ltd v Laverna Investments (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 200 (HC) — s 22 — date of ejectment — court may allow reasonable time Lincoln Court (Pvt) Ltd v Zimbabwe Distance Correspondence Education College (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 158 (HC) — ejectment of statutory tenant — good and sufficient cause Checkers Motors (Pvt) Ltd v Karoi Farmtech (Pvt) Ltd 1986 (2) ZLR 246 (SC) — renovation to property Moffat Outfitters (Pvt) Ltd v Hoosein & Ors 1986 (2) ZLR 148 (SC) — requirement to use one’s property for oneself Checkers Motors (Pvt) Ltd v Karoi Farmtech (Pvt) Ltd 1986 (2) ZLR 246 (SC) — interests of lessee relevant to date ejectment Lincoln Court (Pvt) Ltd v Zimbabwe Distance Correspondence Education College (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 158 (HC) — no need for notice of termination Lincoln Court (Pvt) Ltd v Zimbabwe Distance Correspondence Education College (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 158 (HC) — requirements of lessee — relevance of Checkers Motors (Pvt) Ltd v Karoi Farmtech (Pvt) Ltd 1986 (2) ZLR 246 (SC) — re-occupation of premises after completion of work — whether entitled to Moffat Outfitters (Pvt) Ltd v Hoosein & Ors 1986 (2) ZLR 148 (SC) — s 22(2) — ejectment of statutory tenant — good and sufficient cause — reconstruction scheme Georgiades & Florey Building (Pvt) Ltd v Borrowdale Butchery (Pvt) Ltd 1985 (2) ZLR 188 (HC) — interests of lessee — relevance of Georgiades & Florey Building (Pvt) Ltd v Borrowdale Butchery (Pvt) Ltd 1985 (2) ZLR 188 (HC) — purpose of protection to statutory tenants Georgiades & Florey Building (Pvt) Ltd v Borrowdale Butchery (Pvt) Ltd 1985 (2) ZLR 188 (HC) — ejectment — grounds on which may be refused Film & Video Trust v Mahovo Entprs (Pvt) Ltd 1993 (2) ZLR 191 (H) — “good and sufficient grounds” for seeking ejectment — what lessor must show Film & Video Trust v Mahovo Entprs (Pvt) Ltd 1993 (2) ZLR 191 (H) — interests of tenant irrelevant Film & Video Trust v Mahovo Entprs (Pvt) Ltd 1993 (2) ZLR 191 (H) — evasion of provisions renders contract illegal Latimer Manley & Associates (Pvt) Ltd v

Laverna Investments (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 200 (HC) — not applicable to the Worker’s Compensation Insurance Fund — part of “the State” Lerros Motors (Pvt) Ltd v Minister of Labour, Manpower Planning & Social Welfare 1990 (1) ZLR 349 (SC) — whether option granted by expired lease is preserved by s 23 Chibanda v Hewlett 1991 (2) ZLR 211 (HC) Conduct and ethics — conflict of interests — former client of legal practitioner involved in litigation against present clients of the same legal practitioner — whether ethical for legal practitioner to act — whether ethical for partner or employee of such legal practitioner to act Pertsillis v Calcaterra & Anor 1999 (1) ZLR 70 (H) Duties — advocate — duties of research and preparation — failure to carry out such duties properly, resulting in unnecessary litigation — special order of costs Doelcam (Pvt) Ltd v Pichanick & Ors 1999 (1) ZLR 390 (H) — conduct of litigation — duty to litigate in most economical way Trador (Pvt) Ltd v Chidzambwa 1999 (1) ZLR 528 (H) Ejectment — court can suspend operation of order Lincoln Court (Pvt) Ltd v Zimbabwe Distance Correspondence Education College (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 158 (HC) — good and sufficient cause — See COMMERCIAL PREMISES (Rent) Fees — deprivation of — legal practitioner incurring unnecessary costs — multiple claims brought separately when should have been consolidated — practitioner deprived of fees except in one action Trador (Pvt) Ltd v Chidzambwa 1999 (1) ZLR 528 (H) Illegal use of premises — agreed use of premises contrary to town planning scheme Latimer Manley & Associates (Pvt) Ltd v Laverna Investments (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 200 (HC) — evasion of rent restriction regulations Latimer Manley & Associates (Pvt) Ltd v Laverna Investments (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 200 (HC) Lease — breach — failure to restore property to lessor for urgent repairs Moffat Outfitters (Pvt) Ltd v Hoosein & Ors 1986 (2) ZLR 148 (SC) — cancellation for underpayment of rent — subsequent acceptance of rent — effect Stracon Development (Pvt) Ltd v Gruer 1990 (1) ZLR 354 (HC) — eviction of lessee — notice to quit given — when landlord entitled to apply for eviction before expiry of period of notice Rooney’s Hire Service (Pvt) Ltd v Flame Lily Panel Beaters and Spray-Painters (Pvt) Ltd 1989 (3) ZLR 322 (HC) — good tenancy deposit paid by tenant — cessation of lease and refund of deposit — whether tenant entitled to any interest earned on the deposit Lens Agencies (Pvt) Ltd v Knight Frank & Rutley & Anor 1996 (1) ZLR 71 (H) Lens Agencies (Pvt) Ltd v Knight Frank & Rutley & Anor 1997 (2) ZLR 167 (S)

— implied — fixing of fair rental for commercial premises by Rent Board — whether tenant lessee under tacit lease or statutory tenant Toff’s Restaurant (Pvt) Ltd v Promaven Properties (Pvt) Ltd 1992 (2) ZLR 164 (S) — non-waiver and non-variation clauses in contract — effect — failure by tenant to observe conditions of lease — persistently paying less than full amount of rent — acceptance by landlord’s agent of lower amount for long period — arrears paid in full when error observed — landlord must elect within reasonable time whether to cancel contract Parkview Properties (Pvt) Ltd v Chimbwanda 1998 (1) ZLR 408 (H) — notice terminating contract of lease — time within which notice must be received — eviction of tenant — “good and sufficient grounds for” — court required to exercise value judgment — dominant purpose not to let to persons other than present tenant — eviction lawful Guthrie Holdings (Pvt) Ltd v Arches (Pvt) Ltd 1989 (1) ZLR 184 (SC) — option to renew See LANDLORD AND TENANT (Renewal of lease) — renewal — option to renew — no specific provision as to rent payable on renewal — whether lessee nevertheless entitled to renew H & J Investments (Pvt) Ltd v Space Age Products (Pvt) Ltd 1987 (1) ZLR 242 (HC) — restoration of property during currency of lease for urgent repairs Moffat Outfitters (Pvt) Ltd v Hoosein & Ors 1986 (2) ZLR 148 (SC) — statutory tenant — eviction of — may not be ordered unless there is certificate from Rent Board — Rent Regulations 1982 — desirability of reviewing the regulations Chibanda v Musumhiri & Anor 1999 (2) ZLR 50 (H) — sub-lease — expiry of main lease — whether sub-lessee may continue in occupation — lien — ius retentionis — whether lessee has such in respect of improvements Omarshah v Karasa 1996 (1) ZLR 584 (H) — termination — fixed term lease — whether landlord may terminate lease because he requires premises for his own use Mungadze v Murambiwa 1997 (2) ZLR 44 (S) — grounds for — failure to observe conditions of lease — persistently paying less than full amount of rent — acceptance by landlord’s agent of lower amount for long period — arrears paid in full when error observed — non-waiver and non-variation clauses in contract — effect — landlord must elect within reasonable time whether to cancel contract Parkview Properties (Pvt) Ltd v Chimbwanda 1998 (1) ZLR 408 (H) — urgent repairs to property — whether justifies termination Moffat Outfitters (Pvt) Ltd v Hoosein & Ors 1986 (2) ZLR 148 (SC) Lessee — duties — restoration of property during currency of lease for urgent repairs Moffat Outfitters (Pvt) Ltd v Hoosein & Ors 1986 (2) ZLR 148 (SC) — rights — lease to buy — whether lessee has locus standi to sue for eviction of occupier without cession of action from registered buyer Pedzisa v Chikonyora 1992 (2) ZLR 445 (S)

Option to renew lease — tacit relocation — renewal thereby of original terms and conditions, but not terms which are so onerous that preclude automatic renewal Chibanda v Hewlett 1991 (2) ZLR 211 (HC) Premises — whether commercial or residential Latimer Manley & Associates (Pvt) Ltd v Laverna Investments (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 200 (HC) Renewal of lease — option — lease giving option to renew at rent to be agreed on — no rights given to lessee and no obligation imposed on landlord — no implied term that only a fair rent could be demanded Film & Video Trust v Mahovo Entprs (Pvt) Ltd 1993 (2) ZLR 191 (H) Rent Regulations 1982 — evasion of provisions renders contract illegal Latimer Manley & Associates (Pvt) Ltd v Laverna Investments (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 200 (HC) — s3 — interpretation of “dwelling” Latimer Manley & Associates (Pvt) Ltd v Laverna Investments (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 200 (HC) Sale of property — lease Barker McCormac (Pvt) Ltd v Government of Kenya 1985 (1) ZLR 18 (HC) Statutory tenant — grounds for eviction — Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations 1983 — s 22 — owner wishing to use premises itself — whether such constitutes good and sufficient grounds for eviction — time in which to vacate Mobil Oil Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd v Chisipite Service Station (Pvt) Ltd 1991 (2) ZLR 82 (SC) See LANDLORD AND TENANT (Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations 1983) Tenant — action for eviction of — oral evidence — necessity of Boka Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd v Joowalay & Anor 1988 (1) ZLR 107 (SC) — ejectment — grounds for — Rent Regulations 1982 — eviction on grounds that premises required for personal residential use by lessors — whether eviction could only take place if Rent Board had first determined that eviction of lessees was fair and reasonable in circumstances Fletcher v Three Edmunds (Pvt) Ltd 1998 (1) ZLR 257 (S) — rights — whether lessee entitled to dispute the title of landlord when landlord seeks eviction of the tenant Robinson v Grimm 1996 (2) ZLR 83 (S) — statutory tenant — grounds — failure to comply with duty as tenant — no duty to vacate to terminate statutory tenancy and allow landlord to recover occupancy HM the Queen in right of Canada v Irvine 1997 (2) ZLR 289 (H) — good and sufficient cause for landlord to require ejectment order — foreign government having bought premises for use as diplomatic premises — Ministerial authority to purchase premises for that purpose previously granted — such good and sufficient cause shown Irvine v HM the Queen in right of Canada 1998 (1) ZLR 328 (S)

— landlord requiring to refurbish building to obtain higher rentals from high profile tenant — not good and sufficient grounds to eject current tenant Delco (Pvt) Ltd v Old Mutual Properties (Pvt) Ltd 1997 (2) ZLR 414 (S) — landlord requiring use for purpose prohibited by law — whether court may order ejectment — foreign government requiring premises for use as diplomatic premises — Ministerial authority to purchase premises for that purpose previously granted — not open to tenant to query Minister’s authority HM the Queen in right of Canada v Irvine 1997 (2) ZLR 289 (H) — statutory tenant ejected from premises consequent upon judgment — judgment subsequently overturned on appeal — whether entitled to be reinstated in occupation Delco (Pvt) Ltd v Old Mutual Properties (Pvt) Ltd & Anor 1998 (2) ZLR 130 (S) — eviction of — Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations 1983 — s 22(2) — lessor to have “good and sufficient” for seeking recovery of premises — meaning of term Boka Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd v Joowalay & Anor 1988 (1) ZLR 107 (SC) — eviction of statutory tenant — good and sufficient grounds therefor — landlord requiring vacant possession to enable sale to take place — possibility that sale only concluded to evict tenant, previous attempts having failed — eviction refused Leafam Investments (Pvt) Ltd v Kupara 1987 (2) ZLR 179 (HC) — rights — tenant having planted crops before leaving land — crops planted after expiry of lease — tenant not entitled to access to tend and harvest crop Bangure v Gweru City Council 1998 (2) ZLR 396 (H) — statutory tenant See LANDLORD AND TENANT (Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations 1983) Termination of lease on tacit relocation Chibanda v Hewlett 1991 (2) ZLR 211 (HC) Termination of monthly tenancy — one month’s notice suffices Lincoln Court (Pvt) Ltd v Zimbabwe Distance Correspondence Education College (Pvt) Ltd 1990 (1) ZLR 158 (HC)...

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