Language and Skills Test 2 A Units 3-4 Vocabulary And Grammar DOC

Title Language and Skills Test 2 A Units 3-4 Vocabulary And Grammar
Author Мустафа Х.
Pages 1
File Size 754.5 KB
File Type DOC
Total Downloads 191
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Name_______________________________________ Class______________________________ Language and Skills Test 2 A Units 3-4 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters. 0 He’s very ____romantic___, always buying me roses. ROMANCE 1 Tom’s very ___...


Name_______________________________________ Class______________________________ Language and Skills Test 2 A Units 3-4 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters. 0 He's very ____romantic___, always buying me roses. ROMANCE 1 Tom's very _______________ of my mood changes and never gets upset. TOLERATE 2 Oh no! I've left my keys behind. I'm so _______________. FORGET 3 Don't be so _______________. Share your sweets with your friends. SELF 4 You should be more _______________ when your girlfriend's got problems. SYMPATHY 5 He's a good boy but a little bit _______________ sometimes. CHEEK 6 Make up your mind! Honestly, you're so _______________. DECIDE / 6 2 Circle the correct answer. 0 The child was kidnapped / stolen / robbed this morning and no one knows where she is. 1 The judge / lawyer / jury defended his client very well and she was set free. 2 It was a very long sentence / trial / court but, in the end, they were found guilty. 3 He mugged / blackmailed / burgled old ladies in the high street and stole their bags. 4 The alibi / jury / witness said he had seen everything that happened. 5 I will not tolerate any racial swearing / bullying / abuse on this programme said the Reality TV show producer. 6 This electronic tagging / service / fine is great. You can see exactly where the person wearing it is. / 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2007 Pearson Longman ELT 1...

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