LAW 2222 Family Law course outline latest amendment 16 August 2018 doc PDF

Title LAW 2222 Family Law course outline latest amendment 16 August 2018 doc
Course Family Law
Institution International Islamic University Malaysia
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Download LAW 2222 Family Law course outline latest amendment 16 August 2018 doc PDF


INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC Senate endorsement ref.: Senate endorsement date: UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA Version no: Version effective date:

COURSE OUTLINE With Reading List and Rubrics


1. Course Title: Family Law I 2. Course Code: LAW 2222 3. Credit Value: 3 4. MQF Level: 6

5. Affected Batch: Intake 2018/2019 onwards 6. Centre of Studies: Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws 7. Department/Unit: Islamic Law Department 8. Course Synopsis: The course deals with the Family Law related to non-Muslims in Malaysia which is generally based on the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 and several others supplementary statutes. It discusses comprehensively the legal aspects as well as the recent developments affecting family law as applied in Malaysia. The first part of the course encompasses the ancillary matters relating to the law of marriage while the second part deals with the law of divorce and ancillary claims. 9. Course Classification within the Curriculum: Core Course 10. Prerequisite(s) (if any): None 11. Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:



1. Describe the principles of family law involving non Muslims. 2. Indentify relevant laws and principles on family law issues

Bloom’s Taxonomy C 2 2


Soft skills (KI)

Programme Outcomes (PO)

P LL1, CT1


EM1,CS1, CT1,LL1


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3. Analyse the development and changes in law as well as matters that have impact on laws 4. Apply relevant laws in resolving disputes or problems relating to family matters


CS3,CT3, LL1



CT3,CS3, TS1,LL2


12. LO - Instruction Method - Assessment Alignment: Outcomes Teaching-Learning Methods Assessment Methods LO1 Lecture, Tutorial Mid-Semester Test, final examination LO2

Lecture and Tutorial

Written Assignment, group presentation


Lecture and Tutorial

Problem solving through group work and submission of a legal opinion to solve the legal problem


Tutorial, case study

Class discussion, oral presentation

13. Assessment Methods Weightage: Methods Written Assignment Presentation of written assignment Quiz Class activities Mid-Semester Test Final Examination TOTAL

Percentage 10 10 10 10 20 40 100

14. Student Learning Time: 1. Instruction Component

Total Allocated Hours…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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1.1. Teacher-oriented methods Lectures, Tutorials


1.2. Student-oriented methods Written assignments, presentations, class discussions, quiz, consultation


Total Instructor Contact Hours:


2. Independent Learning Component Total Estimated Hours 2.1. Reading and revision Preparations for lectures, tutorials, Consultation 42 2.2. Estimated hours for preparation toward assessments Written Assignment 10 Presentation 3 Class Discussions 2 Quiz 3 Mid-Term Test 4 Final Examination 10 Total Independent learning 74 3. Assessment Outside Instruction Hours Mid-Term Test Final Examination Total Assessment outside instruction hours TOTAL SLT

Total Allocated Hours 1.5 2.5 4 120

15. Course Contents and Related SLT:


Topics 1.0-Historical outline

1 1.1 1.2

!Variety of Laws in Malaysia !Peninsular Malaysia 1.2.1 !Civil Marriage Ordinance, 1956 1.2.2 !Christian Marriage Ordinance, 1956 iii) !Registration of Marriage Ordinance, 1952 (Revised 1970) iv) !Customary Marriages


!Sabah i) !Christian Marriage Ordinance 1919 ii) !Marriage Ordinance 1959 iii) !Customary Marriages


!Sarawak i) !Church and Civil Marriages Ordinance ii) !Marriage Ordinance iii) !Undang-Undang Mahkamah Melayu iv) !Customary Marriages


Task/Reading Compulsory reading Ahmad Ibrahim (1997) Chapter 1 Norliah Ibrahim (2011), pp. 23-36 Recommended Readings 1. Koh Kheng Lian [1966] MLJ 220, (1967) 9 Mal LR 147. 2. !Wong Siong Yang, David [1966] MLJ 220, 9 Cal LR 147. 3. !Lee Siow Mong [1972] 2 MLJ iii. 4. !Ahmad Muhammad Ibrahim, Datuk, [1982] 2 MLJ lxxv. 5. !Leong Wai Kum, [1982] 2 MLJ 147, (1982) 24 Mal LR 335. 6. !Wee Kim Seng, Kennety, (1972) 14 Mal LR 93. 7. !Ahmad Muhammad Ibrahim, Datuk, (1970) 12 Mal LR 257. 8. !Pegg. Leonard, (1971) 5 (2) Law Times 4.…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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Cases Chinese customary law: Re Lee Siew Kow [1952] MLJ 184 Dorothy Yee Yeng Nam v Lee Fah Kooi [1956] MLJ 257 Re Loh Toh Met [1961] MLJ 234


Betrothal; Law of Domicile and its application Betrothal a) The Law in England b) !The Law in Malaysia c)


!Promise of marriage by married person and its exceptions !Legal action for breach of promise – damages


Re Ding Do Ca [1966] 2 MLJ 220 Re Estate of Pang Soo Hoo [1982] 2 MLJ 147 Lam Wai Hwa & Anor v Toh Yee Sum & Ors [1981] 2MLJ 131; [1983] 2 MLJ 302 Yeap Leong Huat v Yeap Leong Soon (1989) 3 MLJ 157 Re Estate of Chong Swee Lin v Kam Soh Keh v Chan Kok Leong & Ors. [1997] 4 MLJ 464 Yew Kin Eng v Thew Beng Soon [1997] 5 MLJ 1 Chong Sin Sen v Janaki a/l Chellamuthu [1997] 5 MLJ 411 Nancy Kual v Ho Tau On [1994] 1 MLJ 545 Hindu customary law: Ramasamy v PP [1938] MLJ 133 Nagapushani v Neseratnam [1970] 2 MLJ 8 Parameswari v Ayadurai (1959) MLJ 195 Mixed marriage: Isaac Penhas v Tan Swee Eng [1953] MLJ 73 Chua Mui Nee v Palaniappa [1967] 1 MLJ 270 Compulsory reading Ahmad Ibrahim, (1997) pp. 97-99 Mimi Kamariah Majid, (1999), pp.31 -39. Norliah Ibrahim (2011), pp.37-46

Recommended Readings 1. 2.

!Jackson, David C, (1963) 5 Mal LR 388. !Dickstein, HL, [1973] 2 MLJ xv.

Cases On consideration: Harvey v Johnston [1948] 6 CB 295 Frost v Knight [1872] LR 7 Exch 111…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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Domicile (a) Domicile of origin, domicile of choice and domicile of dependency (b) Importance of domicile (c) Valid marriage ! i) !lex domicile ii) !lex loci celebration

Promise made by married person: Spiers v Hunt [1908] 1 KB 720 Wilson v Carnley [1908] 1 KB 729 Mary Joseph Arokiansamy v Sundram[1938] MLJ 4 Shaw v Shaw [1954] 2 QB 429 Doris Rodrigues v Balakrishnan [1982] 2 MLJ 77 Nafsiah v Abd. Majid ![1969] 2 MLJ 174 Oh Thevesa v Sia Hok Chia (1992) 1 MLJ 215 Dato’ Abdullah Hishan Hj Mohd Hashim v Sharma Kumari Shukla [1999] 2 CLJ 738

(d) Rules of domicile

The law in Malaysia Relevant provisions under LRA S.3 : Application of the LRA S.26 : Solemnization of marriage abroad S.48 : Extent of power to grant relief S.49: Additional jurisdiction in proceedings by a wife S.75: Legitimacy where nullity decree made S.104:Recognition of marriage contracted abroad S.105:Recognition of marriages contracted in embassies etc. in Malaysia

Promise made upon decree nisi granted: Fender v St John Mildmay [1938] A.C. 1

Promise by a bachelor: Short v Stone [1846] 8 Q.B. 358

Marriage brokage: Khem Singh v Anokh Singh [1933] MLJ 228

Promise of marriage between minor: Rajeswary v Balakrishnan [1958] 3 M.C. 178 Other cases Wong Chuan Wah V Kok Kam Chee [2008] 3 CLJ 510 Nagamah a/p Subramaniam lwn Ponnusamy a/l Rajoo [2008] 6 MLJ 152

Compulsory Reading Mimi Kamariah Majid, (1999), pp.7-30. Norliah Ibrahim (2011), pp 47-53 Recommended Reading Zaleha Kamaruddin, IIUM Law Journal, Vol.1 (No.2) pp 109-123…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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Cases Domicile of origin: Udny v Udny (1969) LR Sc Div 441 at p. 457 I.R.C. v Bullock [1976] 3 AII. E.R. 353 Domicile of choice: -Shaikh Abdul Latif v Shaikh Elias Bux [1915] 1 FMSLR 204 -Joseph Wong Phui Lun v Yeoh Loon Goit [1978] 1 MLJ 236 -Malvin Lee Campbell v Amy anak Sumek [1988] 2 MLJ 338 -Neduncheliyan Balasubramiam v Kohila a/p Shanmugam [1997] 3 MLJ 768 -Re Bhagwan Singh, Deceased, [1964] 1 LNS 164 -Ang Gek Choo v Wong Tiew Yong[1997] 3 MLJ 467 -Long Yan Fei v Pauls Baya [1999] 2 CLJ 860 -Dr. Chan Chin Cheung v Chan Chak Cheung & Anor [2005] 2 CLJ 405

Application of rules of domicile in determining the validity of marriage 1) Dual Domicile test: In Re Maria Hertogh [1951] MLJ 64 : (Singapore) Exception to Dual Domicile test Sottomayor v. De Barros (2) [1879] 5 PD 94 Martin v Umi Kalsum [1963] MLJ 1 2) Intended matrimonial home test Radwan v Radwan (1973) Fam. 35, [1972] 3 AII ER 1026


United Nations Convention; Marriage Requirements; Procedure & Registration of Marriage.


Compulsory Reading Ahmad Ibrahim (1997) pp. 102110 Norliah Ibrahim (2011), pp. 1-4, 55-86

United Nation Convention Recommended Readings i) ii)


! istorical background H !Articles of UN Convention Art i Art ii Art iii To what extent have the articles of UN been complied with?

1. 2.

!Braddell, Roland St John,Sir, [1934] MLJ xlix !Abu Hurairah, Registration of a foreign marriage, (1990) 1 MLN 468.…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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3. 4.

5. 6.

7. Marriage Requirements (A)


Ramankutty, Sukumaran, (1966) 91) Law Times 7. Suresh Kumar, [1993]May/Jun, Singapore Law Gaz 38. Ong Siew Ling, Debbie, (1994) 6 SacLJ 458. !Leong Wai Kum, [1995] SJLS 283– [1983] 1 CLJ 220 JeffreyJessie:,17th November 2005 !


!Age LRA S 10, S 69 (b)


!Consent a) !Parent or guardian LRA - S 12, S 41 (3) b) Parties LRA - S 22 (6), S 37, S 70 (c), S 70 (d).

Cases Age -Inderjit Singh v Jinder Pal [1975] 2 MLJ 259 (Singapore)

!Kindred and affinity LRA - S. 11, S. 69 (c)

Consent of parents & parties -Re CHS [1977] 3 MLJ 152 -Hyde v Hyde (1866) LR 1 P & D 130




!Prior subsisting marriage LRA - S.5, S.6, S.7, S.69 (a), Panel Code S.494 !Respectively male and female LRA S.69 (d)


!Procedures and Formalities of Marriage


!Four ways in which a marriage may be solemnised:!Marriage by certificate L.R.A S.14 - 20, S. 22 (1)(a), S.22(2), S.22(4), S.23, S.23, S.25.



!Marriage by Licence L.R.A. S. 21, S. 22(2), S. 22(1)(a)(b), S.22(4).


!Marriage through religious ceremony L.R.A. S.22(1)(c), S.22(3), S.22(4), S.24.


!Marriage abroad

Prior subsisting marriage -P.P. v Rajappan [1986] 1 MLJ 152 -Pong Teck Yin [1990] 3 CLJ 876

Respectively male and female -Hyde v Hyde(1866) LR 1 P & D 130 -Corbett v Corbett (1920) 2 AII E.R. 33 -Lim Ying v Hiok Kian Min Eric [1992] 1 SLR 184 J-G v Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara [2005] 4 CLJ710 Wong Chiou Yong V Pendaftar Besar/Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara [2005] 1 CLJ 622

Cases: T v O [1994] 4 CLJ 593 Yeoh v Chew [2001] 4 MLJ 373 Tan Sai Hong v Joremi Kimin…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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[1997] 5 CLJ 614 Chong Sin Sen v Janaki a/p Chellamuthu [1997] 5 MLJ 411 Leong Wee Shing v Chai Siew Yin [2000] 1 CLJ 439 Chai Siew Yin v Leong Wee Shing [2004] 1 CLJ 762 (Civil Appeal No: W-02-750-1999) Chai Siew Yin v Leong Wee Shing (Federal Court Civil Appeal No. 02-10 of 2003)

L.R.A. S.26 & s. 104



!Registration L.R.A. S.27, S.31, S.32, S.33, S.34 Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Rules, 1982

Effect of Marriage on Personal Status and Property of Married Women


Compulsory Reading Ahmad Ibrahim , (1997) pp. 117123 Mimi Kamariah Majid, (1999), pp.4449. Norliah Ibrahim (2011), pp.86-89, 232-239

Personal Status -Married Woman Act 1957 (Revised 1990)

Recommended Readings 1. 2.


(b) Property Rights Married Women Act 1957 (Revised 1990)

(c) Maintenance Married Women and Children (Maintenance) Act 1950 Married Women and Children (Enforcement of Maintenance) Act 1968

!Leong Wai Kum, (1987) 29 Mal LR 56. !Ahmad Muhammad Ibrahim, Datuk,(1965) 7 Mal LR 54, 299; (1966) 8 Mal LR 46, 233. !Jackson, David C, (1963) 5 Mal LR 213.

Cases a) !Personal Status Married Woman Act 1957 (Revised 1990) Winchester v Fleming (1957) 3 Akk Er 711 Choi Wai Ying v Chow Wang Chan (1933) MLJ 301 Faridah bt Dato' Talib v Mohd Habibullah (1990) 1 MLJ 74 Mohamed Habibullah v Faridah [1992] 2 MLJ 793; [1993] 1 CLJ 264 Chan Ah Moi v Phan Wai Ann [1995] 3 MLJ 133 Union Insurance M’sia Sdn. Bhd. v ChanYou Young Civil Appeal No.12-26 of 1994 [1995] Mallal’s Digest 447

Yeo Bee Lin v Lee Eng Chee [2004] 1 CLJ 691 Cases Nagapushani v Naseratnam [1970] 2 MLJ 8 Teh Eng Kim v Yew Peng Song…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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(1977) 1 MLJ 234 Lee Cheng Suah v Khoo Oon Jin [1995] 1 MLJ 115

Cases Right to be heard before husband can be imprisoned: Yap Ki Swee v Phua Thiam Lai [1975] 1 MLJ 39 Genuine intention of husband & wife’s refusal to live with the husband S 5(1): Chong Hooi v Teoh Ngi [1958] MLJ 83 Ranjit Singh v Jaswant Kaur [1970] 2 MLJ 225 Marimuthu v Thiruchitambalam [1966] 1 MLJ 203 Disentitlement to receive maintenance: Rajalashmi v Sinniah [1973] 2 MLJ 133 ! Maintenance order subject to change of circumstances: Lee Swee Peng v Koon Kum Keng [1954] MLJ 260 Kulasingam v Rasammah [1981] 2 MLJ 36 Arrears of maintenance Luscomb v Lluscomb(1962) 1 WLR 313 Amrick Lall v Sowbaiavati [1973] 2 MLJ 191 Gangagharan v Sathiabhama [1979] 2 MLJ 77 Ng Kwee Keng v Chia Soon Hin William [1995] 2 SLR 231 Koh Lai Kiow v Low Nam Hui [2005] 7 MLJ 143 Mohd Hanif bin Farikullah v Bushra Chaudri [2001] 5 MLJ 533


Nullity of Marriage (a) !Introduction (b) !Jurisdiction LRA, Ss 67 (c)

!Void LRA Ss 69, Ss 75 (7) 6, 10, 11, 22 (4), 72, 69 (d)


Compulsory Reading Mimi Kamariah Majid (1999) pp.108126 Norliah Ibrahim (2011) pp.91-109

Recommended Readings i)Bigamy - Ss 69 (a)…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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1.Wee Kim Seng, Kenneth, (1971) 13 Mal LR 404. 2.Lee Min Sen, (1959) 2 (2) Me Judice 58. 3.Bartholomew, Geoffrey Wilson, (1961) 3 Mal LR 305. 4.Neoh Sue lynn, [1995] Oct Sing Law Gaz 44.

ii)Age - Ss 69 (b)

iii)Prohibited degrees - Ss 69 (c) iv)Respectively male and female - Ss 69 (d)

Cases Introduction Fowke v Fowke (1938) Ch 774 De Reneville v De Reneville (1984) All ER 56 at p. 60. Jurisdiction LRA, Ss 67 Ng Wee Whye v Wong Sook Heng (1978) 1 MLJ 100 Cheng Sun Chuen v Lee Chee Seng [1983] 2 MLJ 371 Yong Fui Phin v Lim Tow Siew [1996] 3 MLJ 479

Void Bigamy - Ss 69 (a) PP v Rajappan (1986) 1 MLJ 152 Pong Teck Yin [1990] 3 CLJ 876 Age - Ss 69 (b) (Inderjit Singh v Jinder Pal (1975) 2 MLJ 259 (Singapore Respectively male and female - Ss 69 (d) Corbett v Corbett (1920) 2 AII ER 33 (England) Lim Ying v Hiok Kian Ming Eric [1992] 1 SLR 184 6

(d)Voidable Ss. 70(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f),


Cases S70 (a) D v A (1845) 1 Rob Eccl 279 W v W (1967) 1 WLR 1554 Cowen v Cowen (1945) 2 AII ER 886 Baxter v Baxter (1947) 2 AII ER 886 Cackett v Cackett (1950) 1 AII ER 667 L v L (1956) MLJ 145 (Singapore) s 70 (b) Dredge v Dredge [1947] 1 ALL ER 29 Horton v Horton (1947) 2 AII ER 871 Rathee v Shanmugam [1981] 1…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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MLJ 263 Jodla v Jodla (1960) 1 AII ER 625 Kaur v Singh (1972) 1 AII ER 299 Tan Siew Choon v Tan Hai Hoi [1973] 2 MLJ 9 (Singapore) Kwong Sin Hwa v Lau Lee Yen [1993] 2 SCR 259 (Singapore) In The Matter of Re K & M (1993) 1 CLJ 51 Tan Yuen Fong v Pon Wee Lee Jerry (1995) 3 SLR 359. Yong Fui Phin v Lim Tow Siew [1996] 3 MLJ 479 S 70 (c) Moss v Moss [1897] P 263 HvH [1953] 2 ALL ER 1229 Scott v Sebright (1887) 12 PD 21 Buckland v Buckland !(1967) 2 AII ER 300 Szechter v Szechter (1970) 3 AII ER 905 Singh v Singh !(1971) 2 AII ER 828 Mehta v Mehta (1945) 2 AII ER 960 C v C [1942] NZLR 356 Lim Ying v Hiok Kian Ming Eric [1992] 1 SLR 184

e) Effect and Bars to Relief LRA Ss 71, 73, 74, 75 !

S. 70 (d) Bennet v Bennet (1969) 1 AII ER 539 Estate of Park (1953) 2 AII ER 1411 Ss 70 (f) Stocker v Stocker [1966] 1 WLR 190; (1960) 2 All ER

Cases W v W [1952] 1 ALL ER 858 Pettit v Pettit [1963] P 177


Domestic Violence (a) !Definition (b) !Types of Violence (c) !Remedies available: Domestic Violence Act 1994 Married Women Act 1957 (Revised 1990) Law Reform (Marriage and

Compulsory Reading Ahmad Ibrahim, (1997) pp. 372376. Norliah Ibrahim (2011) pp. 111-124


Recommended Readings…ine%20latest%20amendment%2016%20August%202018.doc

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Divorce) Act 1976 Islamic Family Law (Federal Territory) Act 1984 Child Protection Act 1991 Penal Code Criminal Procedure Code CEDAW & CRC

1.Nor Aini bte Abdullah, [1995] 1 MLJ xli. 2.Faridah Hamid, (1994) MLN 27 [Jun]. 3.Nor Aini Abdullah, [1995] 2 MLJ lvii. 4.Tan Cheng Han, (1989) 31 Mal LR 112. 5.Faridah Hamid, (1992) MLN 12 [Oct]. 6.Salbiah Ahmad, (1990) 1 MLJ 312. 7.Ong Siew Ling, Debbie, (1994) 15 Sing LR 193. 8. Yeoh Yang Poh, (1997) XXV. 9. Nasimah Hussin & Ramizah Wan Muhammad, (2008) IIUMLJ 203, at 205. 10. Che Soh, Roslina, (2010), Law Review, 613. ISSN 1985-0891

Cases Faridah Dato’ Talib v Mohd. Habibullah (1990) 1 MLJ 74 Chan Ah Moi v Phang Wai Ann [1995] 3 MLJ 130 Jayakumari v Suriya Narayanan [1996] 4 MLJ 421 Ch’ng Gaik Kiew v Ang Tek Bu @ Ang Teik Boo [1996] 2 AMR 1759 Ngeng Shiat Yen v T’en Jit Hing [2001] 1 CLJ 772 Jennifer Patricia a/p Thomas v Calvin Martin a/l Victor David [2005] 6 MLJ 728 8

Divorce - Historical Outline – Evolution of Divorce Law in England. Differentiate between the concepts of Divorce, Nullity & Judicial Separation

Compulsory Reading Ahmad Ibrahim (1997) pp. 131141 Mimi Kamariah (1999) pp148200. Norliah Ibrahim (2011) pp. 125-185 Recommended Reading Rita Reddy, (Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 29, Number 3, Fall 1995 pp 613-625).

The Law in Malaysia Jurisdiction ! Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Acts – Ss 48, 49 and 67. Cases: Mahon v Mahon [1971] 2 MLJ 266 Ng Wee Whye v Wong Sook Heng [1978] 1 MLJ 1...

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