Law 603 - Course Outline - F2019 PDF

Title Law 603 - Course Outline - F2019
Author Stephanie Shmeeks
Course Bussiness Law
Institution Ryerson University
Pages 5
File Size 242.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 6
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Download Law 603 - Course Outline - F2019 PDF


LAW 603 - 011 Advanced Business Law Fall 2019 Course Outline INSTRUCTOR: Gil Lan


TEL: 416 979-5000, ext. 7531

E-MAIL: [email protected]

OFFICE HOURS: Wednesdays 11 am to 1 pm, Fridays 12 pm to 1:30 pm CLASS TIME AND LOCATION: Wednesdays from 3 pm to 6 pm at TRS 2-166 PRE-REQUISITE: Refer to Ryerson University Course Calendar Course Description This course begins with an examination of the law governing business relationships and forms of business organizations, including the legal requirements for the formation of the corporation and partnership. Special contractual relationships affecting business are studied followed by an examination of the law pertaining to secured transactions and bankruptcy procedures. The course also surveys the law of real property, including the leasehold interest and mortgages. Relevant statutes and selected cases are examined. * Please refer to the official course calendar for prerequisites and anti-requisites. Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, you should understand the selected legal issues commonly involved in business decision-making. The issues studied arise in the following areas of law: real and personal property, secured finance, negotiable instruments, bankruptcy, agency and different forms of business organizations. You should also be able to critically analyze the impact of those laws with respect to the operation of a business in Canada. Required Text and Other Materials Required Text: "Managing the Law: The Legal Aspects of Doing Business" by Mitchell McInnes, Ian R. Kerr, J. Anthony VanDuzer 5th edition. The publisher is Pearson Canada and the text is available in the Ryerson bookstore.


Cautionary note: Please note that all tests and exams in this course are “open book”. “Open book” means during a test or exam you may use hard copies of any printed materials including the class text book and your notes. However, use of any electronic devices (example: notebook computers, tablet computers, mobile phones) is prohibited during tests and exams. If an electronic version of the text book (often referred to as an “E-book” or “E-Text”) is offered by the publisher, students should not rely solely on the electronic version if the publisher does not permit printing of the electronic version. In such a case, students relying solely on the electronic version would not be able to use it during tests and exams since use of electronic devices is prohibited during a test or exam. From time to time, the instructor may supplement the text with other materials. You will be evaluated on these materials as well. In particular, there will be a required supplementary reading. The required supplementary reading will be made available to students on D2L. Course is for academic purposes only This course, including all communications with the instructor, does not constitute legal advice. Information provided by this course and the instructor is for academic purposes only. If you require legal advice to rely upon, you should retain a lawyer. Method of Instruction and Evaluation Course instruction is based primarily on classroom lectures and discussions of assigned readings. The course is designed for students who attend the entire lecture each week. Students who do not attend lectures place themselves at a serious disadvantage if they wish to do well in the course. Recording of lectures by any means (sound, video, picture etc.) without the written permission of the instructor is strictly prohibited. Your final grade is based upon your performance in the following course requirements: Type of Assessment



Test #1 (1.5 hours long, open book)


October 2nd

Test #2 (1.5 hours long, open book)


November 6th

Final Exam 40% (2 hours long, open book) The final exam is cumulative and covers all chapters and materials in the course.


See final exam schedule released by University

100% 2

Tests and final exam question papers are not handed back to the students. However, students may have supervised access to view their tests and exams by making an appointment with the instructor (usually during office hours). While students may make general notes on their performance during such an appointment, they may not copy questions. Any change to this evaluation scheme will be discussed in class prior to implementation. Mid-term tests and final exams will be based on materials covered in lectures, class discussions, textbook, supplementary materials and handouts. All final grades will be available on the web site at (RAMSS) at the end of each term. Communicating with your Instructor D2L will be used for both administrative and course-content purposes. You are responsible for checking your D2L account regularly for course information. Email questions and enquiries from students to the instructor will normally be responded to within 2 business days. There may be a delay in responding to emails over weekends or holidays. Students must use their approved Ryerson email account to communicate with the instructor, and should put their class code and section in the subject line, followed by the reason for their email. No grades will be issued by email. If a student does not receive a reply from the instructor within 2 business days, the student is responsible for following up (e.g., by phoning the instructor and sending a supplementary email) to ensure that the instructor has received the student’s original email. Note that inquiries about the substantive content of the course will be answered either in class or during office hours rather than by email. Any matters that may affect the student’s performance in the course must be raised with the instructor as soon as they are known to the student. The best method of receiving course-related help is to come to class prepared, ask informed and specific questions and, if necessary, seek assistance from your instructor. A student who missed an academic obligation with a justifiable reason must provide documentation, as required under the university’s policy (see reference to “University Policies” below) AND inform the student’s instructor. The student must follow up with the instructor to arrange a make-up test / exam or alternate due date. Failure to follow-up with the instructor may result in the loss of the opportunity to write a make-up test / exam and the student will be assigned a grade of zero for the missed test / exam. Please do not hesitate to approach the instructor with any issue as soon as you perceive it as a problem, so that you can receive assistance as soon as possible, from the instructor or from the many bodies available to you at Ryerson.


Course Content and Weekly Schedule Class



Sep 4


Sep 11


Sep 18

Topic Agency and Other Methods of Carrying on Business Basic Forms of Business Organizations

Required Reading Chapter 20

Legal Rules for Corporate Governance

Chapter 22

Legal Rules for Corporate Governance

Continue Chapter 22 and assigned reading on nonprofit legal entities

Assigned Reading on Nonprofit legal entities

Chapter 21 – brief review only;


Sep 25

Secured Transactions

Chapter 23


Oct 2

Test #1 - covers Chapters 20, 21 (including assigned reading on nonprofit legal entities) & 22

Continue lecture with Chapter 23 and 24 after midterm test


Oct 9

Dealing with Bankruptcy and Insolvency

Chapter 24

Oct 16



Oct 23

Chapter 14


Oct 30

Special Contracts: Negotiable Instruments Real Property: Interests and Leases


Nov 6

Test # 2 - covers chapters 22, 23 and 14

Continue lecture with Chapter 15 introduction


Nov 13

Real Property: Sales and Mortgages

Chapter 16


Nov 20

Personal Property: Bailment and Insurance

Chapter 17


Nov 27

Guest Lecture: Topic to be announced

To be announced

Chapter 15

** Note: the final exam is cumulative and covers (1) all chapters listed in the schedule above; (2) all topics discussed during in-class lecture; and (3) supplementary material, if any, distributed or assigned by the instructor. Adjustments to the course schedule may be necessary during the term at the discretion of the instructor. If so, students will be advised via announcement on D2L.


University Policies Students must be reminded that they are required to adhere to all relevant university policies found in their online course shell in D2L and/or on the following URL: Important Resources Available at Ryerson o The Library provides research workshops and individual assistance. Inquire at the Reference Desk on the second floor of the library, or go to o Student Learning Support offers group-based and individual help with writing, math, study skills and transition support.


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