LAW1124 - Torts Study Notes PDF

Title LAW1124 - Torts Study Notes
Author Tiffany Louise Litherland
Course Civil Obligations C (Torts)
Institution University of Southern Queensland
Pages 43
File Size 1.3 MB
File Type PDF
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Consolidated notes and cases of lectures, powerpoints, module notes and compulsory readings. Everything you need for passing the 1124 exam is contained within. ...


USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 1





Elements: Calculus of   Negligence   (if   this   comes   up,   include   the   above   elements   in   answer)

5 5

Defences: Definitions:

5 6



Nervous Shock


Concepts Onus

7 7

Elements Recovery:

8 8

‘Something More’:  Previous Steps   for   NS:

9 9

Modern Developments: Relevant Factors   of   Foreseeability:

9 9

Modern Approach: Rules of   Determination: Statutory Limits on   Claims Cases Intentional Torts: Trespass

9 10 10 10 11

Trespass is Elements:

11 11

Defences to   Intentional   Torts:  Consent:

11 11

Necessity: Self Defence:

12 12

Other Defences: 


Trespass to the Person




Elements (as   per   Trespass   + Element   X): Assault

13 13

Elements (as   per   Trespass   + Element   X): False Imprisonment   (deprivation   of   liberty):

13 14

Elements (All   elements   of   Trespass  +   D is   at   Fault): Statutory:

14 14

Remedies: Comparison Chart

14 15



Trespass to Land




Elements: Must Establish:

16 16



Trespass to Goods/Chattels


Concepts: Trespass to   personal   Property Trespass to   Goods   (Chattels)

17 17 17

Must Establish: 


Remedy/Recovery: Conversion:

18 18

Must Establish:  Detinue:

18 19 USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 1

USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 2 Cases (Trespass to   Land  &   Chattels): 


Remedies for Trespass


Remedies for   Trespass   to Person


Remedies for   Trespass   to Personal   Property   (Goods/Chattels) Damage for   Trespass   to   Personal   Property   (Goods/Chattels)

21 21

Damages for Conversion General Factors   for   Determining   Actual   Loss

21 21

Damages for Detinue Injunction

21 21

Replevin (rarely   used)




Defences for Trespass




Consent Valid Consent

22 22

Consent to Medical   Treatment Consent in   Sports 

22 22

Revocation or Withdrawal of   Consent  Burden of Proof

22 22

Self-defence, Defence   of   Another Defence of   Property

23 23

Provocation (Qld) Queensland Criminal   Code   1899

23 23

Necessity/ Urgent   Situations  Defences Specific   to Trespass   to Personal   Property

23 23

Discipline Power Insanity and   Involuntarism

23 23

Illegality: Ex   turpi   causa   non   oritur   actio Cases

23 23

Economic Loss


Concepts: History:

25 25

Typical Claims   for   Pure   Economic   Loss:  Approaches:

25 26

The Salient   Features   Approach:   Perre. Salient Features:   Subsequent   Features

26 26

Considerations/features which   were   applied   by   the   courts   in   deciding   cases   of   pure   economic   loss. Negligent Provision   of   Services   (Hill   v  Van   Erp   - Tort   9.130   p370)

27 27

Defective Building   Cases/or   ‘transferred   loss’   case  Exclusory Rule:

27 27

Indeterminate Liability   ‘Ripple   effect’   see   Mod   6 p   3-12: Main points: 

27 27

The Caltex   Case  The Perre   Case:

27 28

The Ball   v  Consolidated   Rutile   [1991]   case: Johnson Tiles   v  Esso   Aus   [2003]   case:

28 28

McMullin v ICI   Aust.   Case:  Cases Negligent Misrepresentation/Negligent Statement (Economic Loss)

28 28 30

Concepts: Elements:

30 30

Special Relationship


Barwick Test   - Elements Scope of The Barwick Test:   6 Issues

30 31

Liability to a Third Party: Auditors

31 USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 2

USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 3 Further Factors   Relating   to the   Existence   of  A   Duty   of   Care Statutory Based Actions

31 31

Fraud (Deceit)


Remedies Cases

31 31

Concurrent and Vicarious Liability Concepts: Vicarious Liability

33 33 33

Elements of   Vicarious   Liability


Existence of   a Relationship   of   Employer   and   Employee Tests

33 33

The Control   Test The Organisation   Test 

33 33

The ‘Enterprise   Test’ Multi-facet Test

33 33

Specific Employment   Cases Acting in   the   Course   (Scope)   of   Employment Wrongful Mode The Frolic   Doctrine

33 34 34 34

Prohibition by   Employer The Employer’s   Indemnity   from   the   Employee 

34 34

Direct Liability   for   Harm   Caused   by   Independent   Contractors Non-Delegable Duties

34 34

Multiple Tortfeasors


Joint Concurrent   Liability Concurrent Liability   at   Common   Law

34 35

Legislation: Law   Reform   Act   1995   (Qld) Proportionate Liability

35 35





Definition of   Nuisance:   Public   and   Private


Elements of   Private   Nuisance Private Nuisance   - Title   to   Sue 

36 36

An Interference with  A   Right   Attached   to Land Rights Capable of   Protection Interferences Causing   Material   Damage  Interferences with   Enjoyment 

36 36 36 36

Tests for   Substantial   and   Unreasonable   Interference Damage

37 37

Private Nuisance:   Who   May   be   Found   Liable?  Private Nuisance:   By   Material   Physical   Damage

37 37

Private Nuisance   and   Personal   Injuries Defences Private Nuisance;   Onus   of   Proof Private Nuisance;   Defences Cases Defamation

37 37 37 38 38 39

Definition and   General:


Features of Defamation: Legislative Status   of   Defamation: 

39 39

Elements: Business Defamation  Injurious   Falsehood: 

39 40

Defences in   Defamation: Defence of   Justification   (Truth)   - s25 Defence of   Contextual   Truth - s26

40 40 40 USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 3

USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 4 Defence of   Absolute   Privilege   - s27  Defence for   Publication   of   Public   Documents   - s28(1)

40 41

Defence of   Fair   Report   of   Proceedings   of   Public   Concern   - s29 Defence of   Qualified   Privilege   - s30

41 41

Defence of   Honest   Opinion   - s31 Defence of   Innocent   Dissemination   - s32

41 41

Defence of   Triviality   - s33 Defamation Remedies:  Damages for Non-economic Loss  Reputation Vindication

41 41 42 42 42

Damages for Economic Loss Aggravated Damages

42 42

Mitigation of   Damages  Apologies - s20

42 42

Offer of Amends  A Defence for   the   P’s   Failure   to Accept   the   Offer

42 42



USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 4

USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 5

Negligence Concepts: ❖ Negligent acts   causing   physical   damage   can   be   sued   upon   in   negligence   or trespass if  the   interference   is   direct:    Williams  ilotin (1957). v M ➢ Indirect interference,    whether   by   act   or   omission,   may   be   actionable   in   negligence   but   not   trespass. ❖ A negligence   action   is   only   available   where   the  P   has   actually   suffered   injury,   damage or loss, in the   form   of   a physical  personal injury   (including   illness),   physical   damage   to property,   a recognised   psychiatric   injury   illness   and/or   purely financial loss. ❖ ALSO, if  Disabled   persons   likely   to be   nearby,   even   if  slight,   Negligence   exists:   Glasgow  C  orp  v  T  aylor [1922].  tepney B  orough C  ouncil ❖ Abnormal P: Only when   abnormality   is   known   it  here   a duty   based   on   abnormality:   Paris  v  S  ondon E  lectricity  B  oard [1965] (blind man [1951] (one eyed   man   goggles - held   liable);   Haley v  L   fell   in   hole   -  held   liable).  ➢ In the absence of the knowledge, only recover in injury to a normal person, if reasonably foreseeable: Hegarty v QLD Ambulance [2007]   (P   failed   to alert   employer   of   work   stress   - held   not   liable). ❖ Unborn P: Mother   can   be   held   liable   for   injury   to her   foetus.   Medical   practitioner   can   be   held   liable.  iability A  ct 2  003 ❖ Wrongful Birth: Previously allowed   to   be   held   liable,   now   regulated   by   CLA   s  49A   and   49B   - C  ivil  L (QLD).

Elements: To establish liability   in   negligence   there   are   three   elements   to be   satisfied  : 1. D owed a  d  uty o  f c are to P; a. In all c ases, b  efore D  uty c an a  rise, F  oreseeability o  f i njury i s essential.   req   of   reasonable   foreseeability b. Something other -  “ proximity”, m  ay b  e r equired: D  onoghue . ‘Neighbour Principle’ contains req   of   ‘reasonableness’:   a value   judgement   by   the   court:   Tame . c. Not necessary t he p  recise s equence o  f e  vents b  e r easonably f oreseeable: C  hapman  v  H   will   be  earse ( 1961). It sufficient to establish   that   the   risk   of   injury   was   reasonably   foreseeable. 2. D breached t his duty;  a. Reference to reasonable p  erson i n D  ’s position;  b. Foreseeable, D s hould h  ave o  r o  ught to h  ave k nown a  nd ‘ not f ar-fetched o  r f anciful’: W  yong  S  hire C  ouncil v  S  hirt (1980). c. Under CLA l egislation, b  ut n  ot c ommon l aw, r isk m  ust h  ave b  een ‘ not s ignificant’: D  rinkwater  v  H  owarth [2006]. d. Must be c onclusive, a   r easonable p  erson w  ould h  ave t aken precautions. e. See Calculus o  f N  egligence below f. At Common L  aw ‘ obviousness’ i s one   factor considered in   determining   a reasonable   person   would   have   taken precautions: Vairy v  W   See Defences    yong S  hire C  ouncil (2005). (cf  ( 3) below)(see Definitions  ( Obvious r isk) below)   breached   by   failure   to warn   of   it.   (see   Definitions ( Inherent R g. If the r isk i s ‘ inherent’ ,  duty is only  isk)  below) 3. D’s breach c aused t he i njury to P  w  hich i s n  ot t oo remote. a. Causation - a  q  uestion o  f fact. i. CLA legis: f actual c ausation a  nd s cope o  f l iability. ( does n  ot a  pply to W  orkers C  omp Legis) ii. But For t est, t he b  ut f or t est a  sks w  hether t he p  laintiff w  ould h  ave s uffered n  o i njury w  ithout the  &  M  H S  tramare P  ty L  td (  1991). defendant's breach:   March v  E iii. ‘But for’ c ausation a  t C  ommon L  aw m  ay a  lso e  stablished w  here P   i s i njured w  ithout D  s b  reach, b  ut P  astings L  td  v  W  ardlaw  [1956]. proves Ds   breach   contributed   to worse   injury:   Bonnington  C iv. Ds breach ‘ is n  ecessary to c omplete a   s et o  f c onditions t hat a  re j ointly s ufficient to a  ccount f or the occurrence of   harm',   this   will   satisfy   the   but   for   test   both   at   common   law   and   as   embodied   in   the   CLA legislation: Strong  v  W  oolworths L  td [  2012].  ars  L  td v. Multiple Sufficient C  auses: O  ne o  r m  ore a  cts w  hich s ufficiently c aused P  ’s I njury: P  erformance C v A  braham [1962]. b. Remoteness: Normative c onsideration. S  hould D  b  e h  eld liable? i. An injury w  ill b  e t oo r emote u  nless i t i s o  f a   t ype t hat i s a   f oreseeable c onsequence o  f t he defendant's  ankship  ( UK)  L  td  v breach of duty, even if more extensive   than   could   have   been   foreseen:   Overseas  T   rule).  Miller  S  teamship  P  ty L  td ( The W  agon  M  ound ( No  2  ))  [1967]. (eggshell skull ● ●

While duty a  nd b  reach n  eed o  nly b  e e  stablished i n r elation to the o  riginal i njury, c ausation a  nd r emoteness m  ust be  cLean (1996) satisfied in   relation   to both   the   original   injury   and   any   consequential   losses:   Commonwealth v  M Where all t hese t hree e  lements a  re e  stablished, t he d  efendant w  ill b  e l iable u  nless h  e o  r s he c an e  stablish a   defence.

Calculus of   Negligence   (if   this   comes   up,   include   the   above   elements   in   answer)  Elements (CLA 9(2)): 1. Likelihood of H  arm i f c are n  ot taken; 2. Likely seriousness o  f a  ny harm; 3. The burden o  f t aking precautions; 4. The social u  tility o  f t he a  ctivity i n q  uestion.

And (CLA 10(a)): 5. The burden o  f t aking p  recautions to a  void t he risk which eventuated   and   similar   risks   for   which   the   D may be   responsible:   Wyong S  hire v  S  hirt.

Defences: 1. 2.

If D a  cted i n a  m  anner r ationally a  ccepted a  s c ompetent b  y t heir p  eer p  rofessional -  N  O B  REACH: R  ogers . (see  egligence) below) Definitions ( Medical N If reasonable p  erson w  ould h  ave i gnored t he r isk -  N  o B  REACH: B  olton v  S  tone  [ 1951]. USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 5


USQ LAW1124 Civil Obs C: Torts - Study Notes p 6 Under CLA l egis -  I f ‘ obvious r isk’, s ubject to limited e  xceptions, d  uty i s n  ot b  reached b  y f ailing t o w  arn o  f i t. (see Definitions ( Obvious r isk) below)

Definitions: Risk: Inherent Torts 10.150

CLA s 16 A D i s n  ot l iable i n N  egligence f or h  arm s uffered b  y a  nother p  erson a  s a   r esult o  f m  aterialisation of an inherent   risk.   If   the   risk   is   inherent,   the   duty   can   only   be   breached   by   a failure   to   warn   of   it (CLA Section 16).   This   provision   does   not   appear   in   the   ACT   or   Tasmanian   legislation.

Risk: Obvious Torts 10.150, 10.165

CLA s13(1) Where risk   is   Obvious,   the   D may   not   have   to do   anything   or   at   most   can   give   a warning. If   the   risk is obvious,   then   subject   to limited   exceptions,   the   duty   cannot   be   breached   by   failing   to warn   of it (Sections 13   & 15)   whereas   at   common   law   obviousness   is   one   of   the   number   of factors taken into   account   into   determining   whether   a reasonable   person   would   have   taken precautions:  yong S  hire C  ouncil ( 2005) 223   CLR 422; ❖ ○ Vairy  v  W  offs H  arbour C  ity C  ouncil (2005) 223   CLR   486;  ❖ ○ Mulligan  v  C   CLR   234.  ❖ ○ Thompson  v  W  oolworths ( Qld) P  ty L  td (2005) 221 This provision   does   not   appear   in   the   ACT   or   Victorian   legislation.

Medical Negligence: Bolam  test

In medical negligence cases, courts used to   apply a test known as the Bolam test, which derived  olam  v  F  riern  H  ospital  M  anagement from McNair   J’s   direction   to   the   jury   in   the   English   case,  B  Committee  [1957] 1 WLR 582.   that   the   court   had   to   hold   that   the   defendant   doctor   was   not In effect, the Bolam  t est meant negligent if  some   of   the   expert   witnesses   (‘a   responsible   body’)   said   that   she   or   he   acted properly in   the   circumstances.  arquhar  [1988] 1 Qd R The Bolam  t est had been applied in   Australia   (see,   for   example,   Dwan  v  F   234). However,   in   Rogers and a subsequent significant decision,  N  axakis v  W  estern G  eneral   of   Australia   held   that   Bolam  s hould not   be   applied   in   cases   of   medical Hospital ,  the High Court negligence. That   is   to sa...

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