LEAD 510 Leadership Audit PDF

Title LEAD 510 Leadership Audit
Author Leanne Reid
Course Biblical Foundation of Christian Leadership
Institution Liberty University
Pages 11
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Leadership Audit Analysis

Submitted to Dr. Daniel Austin, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of

LEAD-510 Biblical Foundations of Leadership


Leanne Joy Reid September 25, 20020


“Leadership’s popularity as a concept, however, demands that each of us asks some thought-provoking questions: What is a leader and am I one? What is leadership and is that what I bring to my ministry? 1Malphur begins his book with some of the questions immerging leaders should ask as they undertake the leader role. Being a leader is esteemed. A leader should have all the best qualities among the group they lead as they influence those around them. What are these qualities and does this student demonstrate them? These are questions evaluated this week and reflected on in this paper. Is this student in the right setting to use their spiritual gifts? Are they living a life of discipline with credibility and values that allows one’s faith to be true and worthy rather than tarnished and tainted by selfish desires? An even more serious reflection is having the qualities that lead others to the truth and love of Christ Jesus This series of audits and evaluations have shown that this student has leadership qualities and influence on others. Weighing the results and questioning what type of influence, positively or negatively, towards Christ or anyway from Him has been an important part of these evaluations. Continually reviewing and knowing our strengths and weakness, creating a plan to build up oneself, and improve the influence on others is critical in leadership. The results of these evaluations will be utilized to create a follow-up action plan that will be set up to increase and build on strengths while utilizing other skills, experience, and counsel to minimize weakness. Results from each of the following audits will be considered in developing this action plan.


Aubery Malphurs,Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003),9.

The Christian Leader Audit “At the very core of the Christian leader’s life is his or her personal conversion. To be a Christian leader, one must first be a Christian. This is the starting place for all Christian leaders and leadership.” 2 This initial evaluation looks at this core of personal conviction through a series of questions relating to where one places their faith. This student scored a 9 on this audit which revealed strong Christian leader traits. Trusting in Christ and publicly declaring to follow Him is a critical step taken by this student. An area where needed continued growth is to use the Bible as a source of truth. This student believes in the Bible as this source although often is saturated with world sources that can compete with this. The Servant Leader Audit Great leaders are servants of those they serve and biblical leaders even more so, as we are to follow Christ’s example “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.”[Mat.20;28]3 This evaluation looked at the question of whether or not you were a servant in your life. This student scored a 31 which translated to a strong servant. Each area in this evaluation needs to be approached daily in a humble way because one can quickly become selfish and even serve with the wrong motive. Being a servant is a continual effort and not an obtained status. The Credibility Audit This evaluation looked at trusting and having confidence in a leader’s competence and in their ability to lead and communicate according to the group’s convictions. This student does not have a leadership role in a church so evaluated this in their occupational role. A score of 15 revealed having high credibility. A score based on church leadership would be lower primarily because of longevity. The passion and concern for others, good communication skills are present but there is a need to invest continued time to display convictions and to earn

2.Ibid.,14 3. Unless otherwise noted, all biblical passages referenced are in the New International Version ( Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011)

trust. This audit can be tied back to the servant audit, a need to continue faithful service to demonstrate credibility will beneficial. in this comparison between the two audits work in the nursery which could be viewed as menial becomes critical to future leadership. Spiritual Gifts Inventory This inventory helped to evaluate what unique God-given skills an individual may have in regards to leadership. The top spiritual gift that showed up in this student’s inventory were leadership, mercy, helps, and pastor. The top two have emerged on other spiritual gifts tests taken in the past. Understanding these gifts is one of the first steps in identifying the work God has prepared for a leader to complete for work in His Kingdom. “Finally, the purpose of these gifts is to enable leaders to serve God more effectively, not sit on the sidelines and watch the game (1 Peter 4:10).”4 Natural Gifts and Abilities Indicator This inventory walked the rater through the area of interest and vocations that one might enjoy or excel at. This inventory causes reflection on past success and accomplishment where praise was received and achievement felt. This student rated highly on being a teacher, athlete, coach, and actor high on my scale. Some of these are vocations that are not practical to embark on, such as being a professional athlete. Consideration of the skills required for the vocation was taken. An interest in walking along with someone, presenting, demonstrating new ideas and pathways were common traits in each vocation. Achievement of goals and celebrating this were all interests and natural abilities that this student identified as having.


Passion Audit In this audit, the rater examines their desires ambitions, and attractions . This student identified leading and motivating a group through practical applications. The particular group would be younger women needing coaching in an area where the student has experience. Malphur gives an example of the passion Paul had for his ministry “ An example would be Paul’s life mission, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace” [Acts 20:24].” Passion is important to ministry and one's desires, ambitions, and attractions reveal and drive this.

Women’s Character Audit for Ministry “Over the years, leaders have discovered that godly character is critical to effective ministry for Christ. However, no one is perfect, and all of us have our weaknesses and flaws as well as strengths.” 5 This character assessment is to help you determine your character strengths and weaknesses so that you can know where you are strong and where you need to develop and grow. This assessment was humbling as it showed the lowest score of all the audits. The result read to keep working on your character. Malphur also states,” Godly character is the foundation of Christian leadership, the essential qualifying element. Because it earns people’s respect and, most important, produces trust, character is the most crucial factor in all relationships.”.6 Leadership can happen without Godly character but effective Christian leadership cannot. Malphur makes it clear that character is the foundation of Christian leadership and building it is critical in the development and growth of anyone seeking this role. This student views this as the most important assessment and will add the weakness revealed.



Relational Skills Inventory This inventory looks at strengths and weaknesses concerning a person’s relationship skills. This student ranked strong in eight skills and weaker in three. This is an important assessment because individuals that have many high relational skills tend to rely on those areas of strength while leaving the weaker skills to be ignored and unaddressed. This assessment was motivating because it can be used to seek out counsel and support from others that rank higher in areas where this student was weak. Naturally one gravitates to situations where strengths are utilized. This ranking shows where weak skills can allow one to seek others for support and help in leadership. Task Skills Inventory In this inventory, the individual evaluated critical skillsets for leaders. This was an enjoyable assessment because it is something that is frequently reviewed in this student’s workplace. Areas ranked strong included; communicating, creativity, making presentations, and vision development, weaker ranking skills included; organizing, budgeting, use of technology, and time management. The understanding of task strengths is important because it allows a person to place themselves in roles utilizing their strengths. The understanding of one weakness gives the opportunity to seek out individuals who have their strengths in those areas. This allows for collaboration and a way to build others up while being most effective for a greater purpose. Leadership Style Inventory In this inventory, individuals evaluated past and current experiences of leading through a series of questions that determined their style of leadership. Results included styles of director, inspirational, diplomatic, or analytical. Evaluating one weakness as much as one’s strength was encouraged in order to help the person exhibit the most effective leadership. This student’s results show an inspirational diplomatic style. In the practical application of the inventory, this student will address the inspirational trait by continuing to be peopleoriented and utilizing the skill of relating well to others while minimizing the tendency to be at the center of

issues. The diplomatic trait will be addressed by continuing the trait of getting along with others while cautiously addressing the tendency to overstress oneself and not setting appropriate limits. In taking Malphurs’s advice,” Find people who are strong in the areas of your limitations and let them help you.”8,, valuing, and working closely with others who have different leadership styles will be applied. Church Structure This evaluation identified two organizational structures leadership functions in. This audit was eye-opening to this student because the organizational structure that they have been working in long term is community-based and power is widely disseminated. This decentralized structure is considered the most effective in this student current organization. Malphur identifies centralized

structure as another option where leaders head the

organizes and power runs in a top-down system. This evaluation demonstrated the strength of both style and encouraged evaluating particular circumstances for the best approach. “The Scriptures don’t appear to endorse one or the other of these structures but grants churches the freedom to choose the structure that best serves them. Consequently, the structure that a church chooses is situational, depending on its unique, individual circumstances.”9 Leaders Core Values and Church’s Core Values Audit This audit allowed an individual to examine their core values with the core values of their church. This student found that the core values of self and their church were closely aligned. High value for family, prayer encouragement, relationships, and creativity were noted in both value sets. The value of bible knowledge and giving were rated slightly higher as a church core value yet still important to this student's core values. In comparing the organization that this student works in and spends the majority of their time core values difference were much more evident and pronounced. This evaluation cause this student to consider the amount of time spent outside the place where their core values are reflected, church versus current occupation where their core values are not reflected as accurately.

8, Ibid.,198. 9. Ibid.,55.

Pastors Organization Fit Audit The value audit was a perfect segue to this fit audit which evaluated if the leader is a good match for the organization they are serving in. This student completed the audit in two phases one for the church they serving in and one for the organization they are working in. It was no surprise that when related to the church the fit revealed a high score of 13, which reflects a solid fit and good match. The audit when conduct regarding the organization that this student works in reflected a much lower score of a 26, which reveals below-average match and encourages an individual to look deeply at moving. Beginning a prayerful consideration of the result of this student ministry and life fit is the outcome of the audit.

Conclusion In completing the series of audits in Malphur’s book this student was able to review and gain knowledge regarding their strengths and weakness. As a result of this knowledge, a plan was created to build up and strengths and improve weaknesses to have a more effective influence on others. The evaluation revealed strong Christian leadership that has strength in building relationships while exhibiting mercy and helps to others. The ability to lead others through inspirational diplomacy was also revealed. Areas of weakness shown in organizational skills, setting clear limits, and exhibiting Godly character encouraged this student in creating a course of action to improve leadership credibility and skills. Evaluating the values and the setting for leaderships to be exercise was brought forth as an area where continued prayerful evaluation is needed. The first course of action has already been set in motion. A weakness in organization and time management has affected the leadership of this student. Rather than building up than the strength of having good personal relationships this weakness has created stresses and overly tight schedules that take away time which could be spent investing in individuals. Leaders whose strengths are in these areas were sought out and a daily accountability morning check-in has been established. These leaders will share skills and tactics for increasing the area of weakness in this student. This has already been beneficial in building up other leaders with organizational strengths and in giving practical to increase applications the weak skills. This tasks related accountability also has what this student considers a more significant role. The more significant role is that it is also being utilized for deeper sharing and confessing to other believers for increasing accountability that will increase the quality of character and credibility. The second course of action will be initiated and invested in.includes an ongoing prayerful examination of the fit of the organization this student is operating in. This is a timely action as in the next few years life stages for this student will be changing and new opportunities will arise. This student will be actively asking and seeking new ministry opportunities while applying a comparison of my core value with the core value of these opportunities. Before taking these evaluations the core value fit was not a clear tool that was utilized. As

this student moves forward in the next 6 months to a year the core value fit will be applied to new opportunities that arise.


Malphurs, Aubrey, Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership. Grand Rapids: Baker Books,2003.

New International Version, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011....

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